Chapter 182 Condensation of authority
It seems like there is only a thin layer, but it depends on what container it is in.

At this moment, the size of the 'Qiankun Cauldron' has expanded enough to cover the 'Ice and Fire Eyes'. Even though the tripod is extremely thick, the inner wall is still no worse than the size of the 'Ice and Fire Eyes'.

The terrifying absorption efficiency of the 'Qiankun Cauldron' made the golden ocean in which the 'Ice and Fire Eyes' flashed became much thinner. Even with the continuous gathering of Tang San, Blue Silver King, and Blue Silver Emperor and Queen, the total amount was still increasing. Decreasing.

In addition, because of the endless golden ocean, the medicinal properties of many medicinal herbs and poisonous herbs growing in the 'Ice and Fire Eyes' have been greatly improved, and many immature herbs have also been directly ripened.

Even the many 'immortal grass seedlings' that only grew tender seedlings near the 'Ice and Fire Eyes' have grown much taller and have a bit of the magic of 'immortal grass'.

Originally, the 'Blue Silver Domain' can be said to be the least consuming domain soul skill in the Douluo World. It can even provide a great recovery of soul power in areas such as forests, let alone the 'Ice and Fire Eyes'. In a magical environment.

But at this moment, the soul power in Tang San's body is at a very low level. The consumption of the power of the 'Blue Silver Domain' by the extreme burst is no longer something that the recovery ability of the domain itself can restore, even if it is the 'Xuan Tian Gong' practiced by Tang San. It is extremely restorative, too.

Tang San could even feel a slight swelling and pain in the meridians in his body at this moment.

Even though the 'Xuan Tian Gong' is the most righteous and peaceful Taoist Xuan Gong and has a strong nurturing effect on the meridians, under Tang San's highly complex operation, the damage to the meridians has exceeded the 'Xuan Tian Gong''s ability to nourish the meridians. nourishing effect.

Even so, Tang San did not give up at all. Instead, after seeing the endless golden ocean in the valley of the 'Ice and Fire Eyes' becoming thinner, he directly took out several jelly beans from the '24 Bridges of Bright Moon Night' on his waist. Swallow it directly.

But even after taking the recovery jelly beans, Tang San's persistence didn't extend much longer.

After a while, Tang San turned slightly pale and faced Qin Mo with sweat on his forehead, and tried his best to remind Qin Mo: "Boss Mo, I can't hold on anymore..."

Looking at Tang San's pale face, Qin Mo's eyes fluctuated slightly, and he slapped his right palm, and the invisible space force instantly cut off Tang San's soul power, and slowly sent Tang San aside to rest, smiling: "That's enough! "

As Tang San's soul power was cut off, the 'Blue Silver Domain' collapsed.

After hearing what Qin Mo said, Tang San's eyes immediately relaxed and he laughed, and Xiao Wu instantly appeared next to Tang San, with a look of concern on his face, and said softly: "Third brother, are you okay? "

Hearing Xiao Wu's concerned words, Tang San's eyes showed an extremely soft look, and his pale face seemed to be a little more rosy. He said gently: "Don't worry, Xiao Wu, I'm fine. Just let me rest."

After finishing speaking, Tang San sat down cross-legged and began to activate the 'Xuan Tian Gong' in his body to restore his soul power.

Seeing Tang San's slightly pale face and sweating profusely, a hint of distress suddenly appeared on Xiao Wu's face, and the soul power in her body began to circulate rapidly.

A white light with a faint floral fragrance quickly condensed from Xiao Wu's palm, and a piece of 'photochemical' Begonia petals slowly formed. Under the control of Xiao Wu's mental power, it quickly flew towards Tang San's body.

Seeing this, Ye Lingling frowned slightly. With Ye Lingling's healing skills, he could naturally tell that Tang San only looked embarrassed, but in fact it was just excessive consumption of soul power and excessive soul power operation. With Tang San's recovery power, at most You can fully recover after half a day's rest, and it's just a minor injury at best.

There is no need to use the differentiated form of 'Nine-Hearted Begonia', and besides, this differentiated form of 'Nine-Hearted Begonia' is Ye Lingling's life-saving means prepared for Xiao Wu.

His lips moved slightly, wanting to say something, but seeing that the 'Begonia Petals' had completely integrated into Tang San's body, and Xiao Wu's extremely concerned eyes, he finally just sighed slightly and didn't say anything.Simply condensing the 'Nine-Hearted Begonia's fragment' only consumes some soul power. At worst, Xiao Wu has used it up, so it doesn't matter if he can condense another one for her.

Before Ye Lingling could think too much, Qin Mo's voice quickly sounded.


Ye Lingling's eyes instantly condensed, and the soul power in his body quickly poured into the 'Nine Hearts and Haitang' martial spirit.

In an instant, the peaceful and peaceful martial spirit of 'Nine Hearts Begonia' and the incomparably holy light of life shined, and Ye Lingling's cold voice sounded: "Go!"

The moment the words fell, 'Nine Hearts Begonia' seemed to have its own consciousness, slowly drifting into Qin Mo's 'Qiankun Cauldron' martial spirit.

Qin Mo had informed Ye Lingling of the gift after the flower god's death a long time ago. Qin Mo did not hide the plan this time from Ye Lingling, so Ye Lingling was not surprised at all.

Immediately, Ye Lingling quickly sat cross-legged, her mental power quickly gathered, and an evergreen 'green lotus' quietly emerged from the sea of ​​consciousness.

The reason why it is 'Qinglian' instead of 'Nine-Hearted Begonia' is because at the beginning of his training, Ye Lingling chose the more powerful and mysterious 'Qinglian' in order to get closer to Qin Mo.

As the 'Nine-Hearted Begonia' flew into the 'Qiankun Cauldron', Qin Mo's mental power fluctuated slightly, and the power of the 'Dojo' slowly faded away. The 'Ice and Fire Eyes' like churning flames quickly subsided and returned to calm.

The space fluctuated slightly, and the martial soul of the 'Qiankun Cauldron' disappeared instantly on the 'Ice and Fire Eyes', appeared in front of Qin Mo, and returned to the appropriate size.

The half-human-high 'Qiankun Cauldron' martial spirit was completely occupied by the golden 'water drops' of faith, and a sacred and magical 'Nine-Hearted Begonia' swayed slightly, with golden ripples.

As the 'Green Lotus' in Ye Lingling's sea of ​​consciousness condensed, the 'Nine-Hearted Begonia' in Qin Mo's 'Qiankun Ding' martial spirit flourished, and the blooming petals opened a little again, and the golden vortex slowly spread in the 'Nine-Hearted Begonia'. Begonia' bottom rotation.

Between the eyebrows, the hidden Begonia flower mark seems to have been activated. The originally illusory petals gradually appear real, and a powerful wave of divine power slowly emerges from the Begonia flower mark.

The pieces of flowers and leaves are solidifying as the 'Nine-Hearted Begonia' continues to absorb the 'water drops' of faith in the 'Qiankun Cauldron'.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, an extremely weak authority began to gradually recover as the Begonia Flower mark continued to solidify.

At the same time, the five soul rings on Ye Lingling's body quickly lit up, and the origins in the soul rings quickly condensed in Ye Lingling's sea of ​​consciousness, and then directly integrated into the weak authority.

In an instant, five strange and incomparable patterns quickly appeared on the weak authority. As the patterns condensed, the first five petals solidified by the begonia flower mark at the center of Ye Lingling's eyebrows instantly lit up with a beautiful and gorgeous light.

Seeing the changes in the mark of the begonia flower between Ye Langling's brows, Qin Mo's eyes were focused and he explored it very carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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