The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 184 The seventh soul ring in 7 years!

As Ye Lingling's aura began to recede, Ye Lingling's "Nine Hearts Begonia" martial spirit slowly floated out from the "Qiankun Cauldron". Compared with before, the "Nine Hearts Begonia" seemed to have no change.

But in fact, 'Nine Hearts Begonia' has begun to gradually transform towards a god.

'Nine-Hearted Begonia' glowed with a faint white light, slowly flew back to Ye Lingling's right palm, gradually transformed into light, and integrated into Ye Lingling's body.

Seeing this, Qin Mo moved his right palm slightly, and the martial soul of the 'Qiankun Cauldron' instantly broke through the air and appeared on the palm of his hand. The space inside the cauldron was slightly distorted. The originally empty cauldron seemed to be the fusion of overlapping spaces, and a drop of blue The golden water droplets slowly turned from virtual to solid.

Feeling the vast vitality contained in the blue-gold 'water droplets' and the origin of the Blue Silver Emperor, Qin Mo's mental power fluctuated slightly, and the origin of the world on the attribute panel began to evaporate instantly.

Invisible origin flames rose up in vain from the martial soul of the 'Qiankun Cauldron', and instantly enveloped the blue-gold 'water droplets'.

The original attribute of the seventh soul ring Qin Mo chose for himself is 'wood', and although the original essence contained in this blue-gold 'water drop' is extremely pure, it is not only 'wood' but also the blue silver emperor. 'Life' with powerful attributes.

Even compared to the most basic and common "wood" attribute of plants, the "life" attribute in "water droplets" occupies a dominant position. In other words, the reason why "Blue Silver Emperor" can become an emperor is more because of " life' as the basis.

But precisely because of this, the origin of 'wood', as a secondary attribute, is extremely pure and has not been infiltrated by the power of the 'Blue Silver Emperor'.

This is also the reason why Qin Mo said that the 'wood' attribute belief condensed by the Blue Silver Emperor is more suitable as his seventh soul ring choice than the 'ferocious beast' level plant soul beast in the Star Dou Forest.

The 'vicious beast' level plant soul beast in the Star Dou Forest is undoubtedly much stronger in terms of strength and original strength than the 'Blue Silver Emperor' and Tang San's 'Blue Silver Emperor' martial spirit combined.

However, the purity of the 'wood' attribute in its origin is far less than that of the 'Blue Silver Emperor', and the most important thing is that the 'Blue Silver Emperor' can gather all the Blue Silver Grass spirit beasts on the entire continent because of its special characteristics. Belief.

The origin of the 'Blue Silver Emperor' when gathering faith is completely different from the origin of the 'Blue Silver Emperor' in ordinary times, let alone the 'Blue Silver Emperor' who has broken through 10 years of cultivation and transformed into a human being. This The origin of the stage 'Blue Silver Emperor', coupled with the tempering of the origin of the Qin Mo world, can enhance the nature of the wood attribute of the 'Blue Silver Emperor' to a level comparable to that of a god.

This is also the reason why Qin Mo chose to use the 'wood' attribute in the origin of 'Blue Silver Emperor' as the origin to condense the seventh soul ring.

As the original flame in the 'Qiankun Cauldron' burned, the blue-gold 'water drop' trembled crazily. For a moment, an extremely pure and pure green energy slowly escaped from the 'water drop'.

As the green energy dissipated, the 'water drop' gradually calmed down, and an extremely gentle wave of life quickly erupted.

Seeing this, Qin Mo's mental power fluctuated slightly, and the invisible blockade directly blocked the 'water drop'. At the same time, [-] world origin points disappeared in vain on the attribute panel. The space was distorted, and an extremely crystal clear crystal instantly appeared on Qin Mo's fingertips. beads'.

Feeling the fluctuation of soul power in Ye Lingling's body, he slightly bent his fingertips, and the crystal beads instantly turned into a stream of light and integrated into Ye Lingling's body.

In an instant, Ye Lingling's aura, which had been gradually declining, began to explode again, and the fluctuations of soul power with an extremely rich aura of life lingered instantly.

An extremely bright halo quickly condensed from Ye Lingling's body, and the surging soul power instantly condensed into huge begonia petals, completely wrapping Ye Lingling.

Although the 'life' attribute in the original attribute of 'Blue Silver Emperor' is not what Qin Mo needs, it is very suitable for Ye Lingling's 'Nine Heart Begonia', and it can be used as Ye Lingling's sixth soul ring.

Seeing this, Qin Mo's soul power fluctuated slightly, and he directly placed a one-way space barrier around Ye Lingling to avoid being disturbed by his next movements.

Then he slowly sat down cross-legged, and his mental power began to pull him instantly. The 'Qiankun Cauldron' shook with a bang, and the 'green energy' floating in the cauldron was instantly integrated into Qin Mo's body under the pull of Qin Mo's mental power.


An invisible and mysterious trembling erupted, and an extremely pure cyan halo slowly emerged from Qin Mo's body.

As the halo flickered, many medicinal materials and poisonous weeds were planted throughout the 'Ice and Fire Eyes', including 'immortal grass', and even the 'Blue Silver Empress' who had turned into a giant cocoon and was in the process of transformation, and whose cultivation years reached 99 The 'Blue Silver King' of [-] was shocked.

Many medicinal herbs, poisonous weeds, and even 'immortal grass' began to grow crazily again as if they were on steroids.

Even the original aura of the 'Blue Silver Emperor' who is in the process of transforming into a giant cocoon and the 'Blue Silver King' whose cultivation years have reached the limit of ten thousand years have been greatly improved, especially the aura of the 'Blue Silver King' whose cultivation years have begun to continue. It is beginning to approach the 10-year chasm.

Compared with the soul rings condensed from the power of the two dragon kings and the Rakshasa God Zhiyin, this pure and extremely pure 'wood' soul ring is incomparably gentler, even gentler than the water attribute soul ring. many.

The moment the soul ring condensed, Qin Mo seemed to be completely in an extremely comfortable environment, with countless gentle and incomparable energies constantly nourishing Qin Mo's mental strength and body.

In just a moment, Qin Mo's mental power and physical strength, which had reached the limit of level 89, directly broke through the limit, and began to continue to increase as the age of the soul ring continued to increase.

The cyan light gradually became brighter, and the soul power fluctuations became stronger and stronger. Because Qin Mo's physical and mental power had reached an extremely powerful level at this moment, the soul ring's life span was increasing at an extremely exaggerated rate.

"5000 years!"

"1 years!" "5000 years!"

In just half an hour, the soul power fluctuations and pressure of the cyan soul ring surrounding Qin Mo reached the limit of less than 10 years.

Compared with the difficulty of absorbing the sixth soul ring, which took two full hours to increase the life of the soul ring to 9 years, Qin Mo was extremely calm at this moment and did not even feel too much pressure. Obviously, the limit was far away. It doesn't stop there.


There seemed to be a faint breaking sound in Qin Mo's ears.

Instantly... cyan light bloomed, and the fluctuations and coercion of the soul power contained in the soul ring instantly broke through the boundaries.

"10 years!"

The age of the soul ring instantly exceeded 10 years, and a completely different powerful aura suddenly descended. That was the power of a true 10-year-old soul ring.

Not only that, after breaking the limit of 10 years, the age of the soul ring seemed to have no limit, and it was still expanding at an extremely rapid rate, but the growth rate was much slower than when it was below 10 years.

"Twelve thousand years!"

"One hundred and three thousand and five hundred years!"

"17 years!"

Another half an hour passed. Even if the soul ring with the 'wood' attribute as its origin was gentle, the soul power energy contained in the soul ring that was nearly 20 years old had reached what Qin Mo's body could carry at this moment. limit.

Qin Mo could clearly sense the tremendous pressure brought by the vast soul power contained in the 'Mu' soul ring. Such vast energy had reached the limit of Qin Mo's body's ability to absorb and withstand it.

Feeling that his body had reached its limit, Qin Mo stopped increasing the age of his soul ring.


The 'Qiankun Cauldron' began to vibrate in vain. The cyan soul ring took shape instantly, and instantly enveloped the 'Qiankun Cauldron'. Incomparably powerful soul pressure raged from Qin Mo's body in an instant.

Like a big explosion in the world, incomparably vast soul power erupted from Qin Mo's body in an instant. The seventy-level bottleneck that imprisoned the soul power cultivation was shattered like a torrent under the impact of this immense soul power.

The soul power level began to explode rapidly, and the surging soul power pressure instantly flooded the valley in the 'Ice and Fire Eyes'.

In the valley of the 'Eye of Ice and Fire', Tang San, Xiao Wu, and Ye Lingling, who had absorbed the sixth spirit ring, were instantly forced back several steps by the pressure of Qin Mo's spirit power.

Seeing this, Tang Hao instantly appeared in front of everyone, spread out his palms and directly laid out a soul power barrier to block Qin Mo's soul power pressure.

Qin Mo, who was in a breakthrough state, didn't know the actions of the outside world, and the bottleneck of his soul power level was broken one after another.

"Level 71!"

"Level 72!"

"Level 75!"

The 17-year-old soul ring, coupled with the soul power accumulated from the previous half month of cultivation, actually directly raised Qin Mo's soul power level to level 8000, even if it was just the first level.

After breaking the level 75 soul power bottleneck, the vast soul power in Qin Mo's body was finally completely exhausted, and his aura began to gradually calm down.

After gradually calming down his aura, an extremely solid light burst out from Qin Mo's eyes uncontrollably.

"Red!" "Red!" "Red!" "Dark black!" "Blazing red!" "Clear blue!" "Indigo!"

Seven brilliant and extremely gorgeous soul rings are constantly surrounding and beating, and the towering and cold aura is overwhelming the valley. At this moment, Qin Mo is like a god coming!

······(end of this chapter)

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