Chapter 185 Two Soul Skills
Qin Mo slowly calmed down his aura and looked at the data of the seventh soul ring condensed from the origin of 'wood' on the attribute panel, with a look of great satisfaction in his eyes.

I don't know if it's because the soul ring's age is not added later but absorbed directly, or because of the special nature of the seventh soul ring in the soul master system.

This 17-year-old seventh soul ring no longer has only one soul skill like the previous soul rings that were condensed using the original source. Instead, it possesses both a martial soul avatar and a domain soul skill.

Originally, Qin Mo thought that the soul skill he used to use the seventh soul ring condensed from the origin of 'wood' was either the soul master system, the exclusive soul skill of the soul saint level, 'Qiankun Cauldron True Body', or it was the field that Qin Mo expected. Soul skill 'Wood Domain'.

But now it gave Qin Mo a surprise. Although there is no difference between the martial spirit 'Qiankun Cauldron' and the fusion of the origin of 'Wood', whether it is one soul skill or two soul skills, it does not affect the fusion of the origin of 'Wood'. The path Qin Mo took.

The simultaneous appearance of the 'Qiankun Cauldron True Body' and the 'Wood Realm' is a huge improvement for Qin Mo's current combat power.

The seventh soul ring in the soul master system is undoubtedly the most special. After all soul masters obtain the seventh soul ring, regardless of the soul ring attribute or age, the soul skills they obtain are the true form of the martial soul.

The combat effectiveness also began to increase almost to a cliff-like exaggeration due to the martial soul avatar.

But in Qin Mo's view, the reason why the soul master's seventh soul ring is so special is entirely because the soul master's body, spirit, soul power, and the martial soul itself have reached a certain limit, and have begun to gradually awaken and blend. On the road to starting to control martial arts.

After a soul master's soul power level reaches level [-], the soul master's mental power and body begin to have the conditions to carry the true power of the martial soul. As for the soul power, it is the energy to maintain the power of the martial soul.

With the nourishment of the seven soul rings, the martial soul gradually awakens and transforms. Just like a human adult, the martial soul is awakened in the soul master's body at the age of six. Every time the soul power level increases by ten levels, you can get a soul. The nourishment of the beast soul ring.

After the soul power reaches the seventieth level, after being nourished by seven soul rings, the martial soul's origin has completely grown, and it begins to have the possibility of merging with the soul master, and gradually possesses truly magical power.

The two achieve and grow each other.

Before a soul master obtains the seventh soul ring 'Martial Soul True Body', the soul master pays more attention to the power and effect of the soul ring and soul skills absorbed by the martial soul, basically focusing on soul skills.

But this was not the case after Soul Saint. He began to embark on the true path of cultivation, and the focus began to shift towards the martial spirit itself.

This is especially true for the last two major levels of soul master training, Soul Douluo and Titled Douluo levels. Unless they have some special and powerful soul skills, they will be given up.

After all, the power of a casual strike from a soul master of this level is no less powerful than a thousand-year or even ten-thousand-year soul skill.

Of course, this does not mean that soul skills are useless, but that compared to the martial soul itself, the martial soul itself is more important, which determines the upper limit of what a soul master can achieve.

Except for amplified soul skills and nearly regular soul skills, the last two levels of soul masters have absorbed soul skills with high longevity or even 10-year soul rings. The power they erupt is far from ordinary Soul Douluo and Titled Douluo. Luo's understanding can be achieved.

The martial soul originally originated from the soul master himself and is a part of the soul master. Therefore, the more powerful the soul master is, the more profound his understanding and control of his martial soul will be. Especially after reaching the level of Titled Douluo, the understanding of the martial soul will be more profound. The stronger it is, the higher the upper limit it can reach.In the entire Douluo Continent, there is only one person, Tang Chen, who has truly relied on his own understanding of the martial soul to surpass the power limit of the soul skill itself. His understanding of his own martial soul has reached the limit of being a human being. Because of this, Only by himself can he reach level 99 soul power without any inheritance from the gods.

He even defeated Qian Daoliu, who had completed the Eight Angels and Gods Examination of his generation, had an extremely luxurious soul ring life, and had also reached level 99 in soul power.

The understanding of the 'Haotian Hammer' martial spirit has reached its limit. This level has not been reached even by the Shrek Seven Monsters who became gods in the original work.

However, it is not that difficult for Qin Mo to reach this state. As early as when the 'dojo' was condensed, Qin Mo's control of the 'Qiankun Cauldron' martial spirit had reached its peak.

As for the realization, Qin Mo made the decision as early as the awakening of the martial spirit, and planned and put in countless efforts for it. It was no longer limited by the simple martial spirit.

Coupled with the emergence of the 'Elixir Condensing Technique', just wait for Qin Mo to raise his soul power level to level [-] and gather all the original attribute soul rings in the 'Qiankun Cauldron' plan into one, then... ·



As Qin Mo's breath converged, slight and incomparable cracking sounds could be heard in the valley of the 'Ice and Fire Eyes'.

The moment the sound sounded, it quickly attracted everyone's attention, especially Tang Hao and Tang San and his son. They instantly turned their heads to look at the giant blue-gold cocoon on one side, with extremely excited and expectant looks in their eyes.

Xiao Wu and Ye Lingling also had extremely curious expressions on their faces, but Ye Lingling was curious because she had never seen a 10-year-old soul beast transform, while Xiao Wu was curious about the transformation of a 10-year-old plant soul beast. Is there any difference between the 10-year-old animal soul and the beast's transformation?

As the sound of cracking sounded, countless actinic cracks spread rapidly on the giant cocoon made of blue-gold vines.

The extremely rich breath of life rushed towards the face, and the sulfur breath that had been lingering in the air for countless thousands of years in the entire 'Ice and Fire Eyes' valley was suppressed. At the same time, a vibrant wave of soul power slowly rose.

Feeling this vibrant soul power fluctuation, Tang San subconsciously opened his right hand, the same blue-gold light flashed, the 'Blue Silver Emperor' martial spirit instantly condensed, his eyes were slightly dazed, and he shouted in a low voice: "Mom... ·····”

Not far away, the face composed of countless vines on the body of the Blue Silver King was even more excited. Blue tears flowed down the vines and fell to the ground.

Tang Hao was also constantly trembling, and the edges of his eyes were slightly red. It had been more than ten years, more than ten years, and he finally felt the gentle fluctuation of soul power again. He kept murmuring in his mouth, It seemed to be saying something, but the sound was extremely subtle.

Although Tang Hao was completely controlled by the 'Yin Yang Soul Control Pill', this reaction was from Tang Hao's heart and soul.

(End of this chapter)

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