The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 189 'Ambrosia' Consciousness

Chapter 189 'Ambrosia' Consciousness

Above the valley of the "Eye of Ice and Fire" sits a small mansion entirely made of stone.

Qin Mo didn't intend to just throw away a simple cave or wooden house like Dugu Bo, so he spent a lot of effort to build a mansion above the valley.

At the highest point of the mansion, Qin Mo, who was watching the night with Ye Lingling, suddenly felt a surge of soul power.


Qin Mo's mental power instantly sensed the direction where the soul power wave was coming from, and the next moment, a look of understanding suddenly appeared on his face.

Ye Lingling, who noticed the fluctuation of Qin Mo's mental power, was slightly startled, and then sensed the surging soul power fluctuation: "Is it the Blue Silver King?"

Qin Mo nodded, with a hint of thoughtfulness in his eyes, and said: "It is it, but I didn't expect that the 'Blue Silver King' did not choose to become a human, but chose to evolve into a 10-year-old soul beast."

Even so, Qin Mo was not too surprised. He immediately smiled at Ye Lingling and said, "Let's go and have a look."

Hearing this, Ye Lingling nodded curiously. She had seen the 10-year-old soul beast before, but she had never seen the real 10-year-old soul beast.


The space fluctuated slightly, and the two people instantly disappeared into the main hall of the mansion.

In the valley of the 'Eye of Ice and Fire', the 'Blue Silver King' has already emerged from the giant cocoon of vines. Compared with the 'Blue Silver Empress' Ah Yin and Tang San's 'Blue Silver Grass' martial spirit, the 'Blue Silver King' 'The form is not much different.

The only difference is that the vines, branches, leaves, and veins of the 'Blue Silver Emperor' are of extremely noble and luxurious gold, while the 'Blue Silver King' is mysterious and shining silver.

At the same time, compared with the extremely rich life breath of 'Blue Silver King', the breath of 'Blue Silver King' is more inclined to the lushness of plants.

At this moment, the 'Blue Silver King' did not take root in the 'Ice and Fire Eyes', but still stayed in the hole left by Qin Mo, with the powerful aura of the 10-year-old soul beast lingering.


The space was instantly distorted, and the figures of Qin Mo and Ye Lingling quietly appeared in front of the 'Blue Silver King'.

Looking at the bright silver color on the completely transformed 'Blue Silver King', Qin Mo's eyes revealed a hint of surprise. Although the original 'Blue Silver King' was known as the 'King', compared with other Blue Silver Grass Soul Beasts .

However, it is just a matter of years, cultivation, and body that is much stronger. In essence, it is just an enlarged version of Blue Silver Grass. But at this moment, the 'Blue Silver King' who has been promoted and transformed into a 10-year-old soul beast actually has a hint of 'King'. ' style.

Especially the mysterious bright silver color. I didn't expect that the ordinary Blue Silver Grass would change like this after reaching 10 years. I'm afraid this is the reason why it is called Blue Silver Grass.

Not only that, Qin Mo could also feel that there was also a crown in the body of 'Blue Silver King' that was very similar to the body of 'Blue Silver Emperor Queen' Ah Yin. However, compared with the crown of 'Blue Silver Emperor Queen', 'Lan Yin Queen' The crown in the origin of Silver King's body is extremely illusory.

Because the 'Blue Silver King' had just transformed into a 10-year-old soul beast, he did not have enough control over his own power. The powerful fluctuations of soul power lingering on his body instantly made Ye Lingling feel slightly uncomfortable.

No matter how weak the 'Blue Silver Grass' race and origin are, as the years continue to increase, especially after breaking through the 10-year limit and becoming a 10-year-old soul beast, the soul power, pressure and breath alone will not be affected at all. Worse than a level 95 titled Douluo.

Of course, it's just the soul pressure and aura, and the real strength is at most just reaching the level of a 92nd or 93rd level titled Douluo, and at most a little stronger than when Dugu Bo first appeared in the original work.

Seeing this, Qin Mo frowned slightly and was about to isolate the pressure of the 'Blue Silver King'.

But the next moment, the mark of 'Begonia Flower' between Ye Lingling's eyebrows flashed, and invisible magical fluctuations floated across it, instantly cutting off the terrifying aura of the 'Blue Silver King''s 10-year-old soul beast.At this time, the 'Blue Silver King' also noticed the auras of Qin Mo and Ye Lingling, and his body, which had grown again after transforming into a 10-year-old soul beast, quickly lowered his head, as if kowtowing: "I have seen the gods!"

Obviously, the 'Blue Silver King' directly regards Qin Mo and Ye Lingling as real gods. The face on the main vine is much more real than before the transformation, and there is a trace of extremely human nature on the face. Respect and flattery.

Hearing this, Ye Lingling was slightly startled, obviously not used to the title of 'Blue Silver King', while Qin Mo looked at the flattering face on the main vine of 'Blue Silver King', and his extremely 'peaceful' expression. He looked like he was staying in the hole he had left, with a look of interest in his eyes. This was a request...
As a soul beast, even if it is a 10-year-old soul beast, its mind is much simpler than that of a human being. Even before Qin Mo and Ye Lingling could speak, the 'Blue Silver King' directly removed the 'immortal grass' around the 'Ice and Fire Eyes' 'The seedling became conscious and fully stated its purpose.

After hearing what the 'Blue Silver King' said, Qin Mo's eyes suddenly showed a hint of surprise. During this time, he was busy with the resurrection of Tang San's mother and the soul ring matters, but he didn't notice that the 'immortal grass' seedlings had become conscious.

But this is a good thing for Qin Mo. The 'immortal grass' that has developed consciousness and the 'immortal grass' that has not developed consciousness are two different concepts.

In the original work, many of the celestial beings in the 'Eye of Ice and Fire' were born tens of thousands of years later. Consciousness was born, just like the celestial grass 'Lihuo Xingjiaoshu' only took ten thousand years, even if it had ten times the power of the 'Eye of Ice and Fire' Growth efficiency, but the condensed medicinal properties of 'blazing glue' are far beyond ordinary fairy grass, reaching the level of top fairy grass
Although 'Lihuo Xingjiaoshu' is a fairy grass, if it is not consistent with the medicinal properties of the fairy grass 'Octagonal Black Ice Grass', it will not be able to reach the level of top fairy grass, and it will only be at the middle to lower level among many 'fairy grasses' ,

The mental power immediately fluctuated slightly and quickly spread towards the 'immortal grass' seedlings around the 'Ice and Fire Eyes'.

Not only Qin Mo, but also Ye Lingling couldn't help but summoned the 'Nine Heart Begonia' martial spirit and sensed the 'Immortal Grass' seedlings.

As his mental power spread, Qin Mo instantly sensed more than a dozen extremely weak fluctuations of consciousness. Although the three encounters during this period caused many 'immortal grasses' to grow for tens of thousands of years, the strongest among them was only the same as Plant soul beasts less than ten years old are similar, and weak ones only have slight instinctive reactions.

But this is undoubtedly an excellent start. It is extremely difficult for plants to give birth to consciousness in Douluo Continent, especially in terms of spiritual intelligence. Even some plant soul beasts with weak bloodline may not be able to have independent consciousness even if they have cultivated for thousands of years. In terms of consciousness, the intelligence of ordinary plant soul beasts that are thousands of years old is not even as good as the most common thousand-year-old animal soul beasts.

But this is not a problem for Qin Mo. He has many ways to increase the consciousness intensity of these 'immortal grasses'.

But precisely because of this, these 'immortal grass' seedlings really need someone to take care of them. Feeling the ignorant consciousness of many 'immortal grass' people, Ye Lingling subconsciously walked to the front of many 'immortal grass', and asked the 'Nine Heart Begonia' The light spreads and instantly covers all the fairy grass.

Under the radiance of life of 'Nine Heart Begonia' with a hint of divinity, many 'immortal grasses' were shaking slightly, and a little joy quickly appeared in the ignorant consciousness.

Feeling the joy of these 'immortal grasses', Ye Lingling's eyes suddenly showed joy, and the 'Begonia Flower' mark between his eyebrows flickered slightly.

Seeing this, Qin Mo's eyes flashed with a soft color, and then he looked directly at the 'Blue Silver King' and kept examining him. His deep and mysterious eyes seemed to want to completely see through the 'Blue Silver King'.

Under Qin Mo's gaze, the 10-year-old soul beast body of 'Blue Silver King' unconsciously lowered itself a lot, and at the same time, a trace of panic arose in his heart.

He obviously possesses strength comparable to that of a Titled Douluo, but under Qin Mo's gaze, he cannot disobey him at all.

After a long time...

Qin Mo's voice slowly sounded in the sea of ​​​​consciousness of the 'Blue Silver King', and at the same time, a strange brand also appeared on the body of the 'Blue Silver King'.

Then the space fluctuated slightly, and Qin Mo and Ye Lingling disappeared in the valley instantly.

At this moment, the 'Blue Silver King''s attention was completely focused on the moment when the strange mark appeared on his body in the sea of ​​consciousness.

In vain, the environment of the entire valley of the Ice and Fire Eye appeared in the sea of ​​​​the Blue Silver King's consciousness, and the aura of every plant growing in the Ice and Fire Eye was... deeply embedded in the surrounding space and time. of great power.

The much more real face of the 'Blue Silver King' instantly revealed an expression of extreme excitement and awe.

(End of this chapter)

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