Chapter 190 Graduation
One month later!
Tiandou Imperial City—Shrek Academy!

After more than a year, there is no trace of 'Lanba Academy' in the academy.

All the buildings and logos in the academy have been completely changed, and the costumes of the students in the academy have also been completely replaced. Even the students and teachers who originally belonged to the 'Lanba Academy' have now been completely assimilated into Shrek Academy. , and are proud of it.

In addition, in order to welcome the future soul masters from the Tiandou Empire and even the many Shrek intermediate soul master academies in the Star Luo Empire, the academy has also expanded a lot. Compared with the Tiandou Royal Academy located outside Tiandou City, The area is no less impressive.

Fortunately, the area of ​​Tiandou Imperial City is extremely huge. Even if the area of ​​Shrek Academy is expanded several times, it only occupies a small area. In order to win over Shrek Academy, the expansion of the academy did not cost Shrek Academy a single copper coin. It was completely funded and established by the Tiandou Empire.

In addition, the inner courtyard and outer courtyard of the academy are also completely divided, just like Shrek Academy in the Barak Kingdom, located in the most central area of ​​the entire academy.

At this moment, in the main hall of the inner courtyard, all the teachers from the inner courtyard, including Flanders, Zhao Wuji, Qin Ming, etc., including the teachers from the research office, all appeared in the main hall.

Flanders and Zhao Wuji, the two deans of Shrek Academy, stood upright at the front of the hall. Qin Ming, Li Yusong and teachers from many research offices were on both sides, with smiles on their faces.

The clothes on his body are all brand new, and even Zhao Wuji, who is usually a bit unkempt and unkempt, has tidied up his appearance at this moment.

In the center of the hall, except for Dai Mubai, who chose to graduate early because of Emperor Xingluo, all the students in the inner courtyard such as Qin Mo, Ye Lingling, Zhu Zhuqing, and Ma Hongjun were waiting quietly.

Looking at Qin Mo and others, Flanders, Zhao Wuji and all the teachers in the inner courtyard in front of them, their eyes were full of pride and reluctance.
There is only one condition for graduation from the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy, which is that the soul power level exceeds level [-]. At this moment, the soul power levels of Qin Mo and Ye Lingling can be said to have caught up with them.

Even Oscar, Lin Nuo, Ma Hongjun, Ning Rongrong and other inner academy students have successfully obtained the fifth soul ring. With their talents, I am afraid that they will be able to directly surpass them in just a few years.

Thinking of this, Flanders, Zhao Wuji, Shao Xin and other teachers in the inner courtyard couldn't help but wonder whether they were getting old.

Qin Ming, the youngest, had an extremely strong sense of crisis. Before Qin Mo and the others, he was the most talented student in Shrek Academy. If he was surpassed so easily, where would he lose his face? Ah, you must know that he is also a genius with a title...

Originally, based on the training speed of Oscar, Ma Hongjun and others, it would take at least one more year to graduate, but because of the Haotian Sect's secret method of suppressing soul power, this time was directly shortened by half.

The soul power accumulated in a year of training, the moment the suppression was released, the soul power exploded and directly pushed the soul power of Ma Hongjun, Oscar and all the inner courtyard students to level [-], and it still had no side effects. .

At the same time, due to the expansion of Shrek Academy, intelligence collection has become easier. Therefore, even Ma Hongjun, who has the highest requirements for soul rings, successfully hunted a soul beast that suits him in this month. , successfully absorbed the fifth soul ring.

And because they took the 'whale body pills' made from whale gum, and the elixir refined with 'jelly grass' as the main medicine, they laid an extremely solid foundation, allowing Oscar, Lin Nuo and others to absorb the first The life span of the fifth soul ring is frighteningly high, not even any worse than the sixth soul ring of some soul emperors.

Coupled with the soul power accumulated over the past year, Oscar, Ma Hongjun and other inner courtyard students have all completed a triple jump in soul power level after absorbing the soul power, and the lowest soul power level has reached level 53.

Among them, Oscar and Ma Hongjun's soul power levels have reached level 54. However, unlike Oscar's pure background, Ma Hongjun completely benefited from the soul bone he absorbed after the Soul Master Elite Competition.Flanders slowly took out a tray wrapped in rose-red cloth from the space soul guide and handed it into Zhao Wuji's hands.

On top of the tray are nine pale golden badges. The badges are engraved with the logo of Shrek Academy. In addition, countless small lines can be faintly seen, which seem to contain strange power.

This is a 'graduation certificate' unique to students from the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy who have successfully graduated. It was produced by the Research Office after spending a lot of energy and resources. In addition to proving identity, it is also a soul guidance device with powerful defensive capabilities. The defensive ability can withstand the full blow of ordinary soul saints.

Seeing this, all the inner courtyard students including Qin Mo, Oscar, Ye Lingling, Tang San, etc., lined up in a row without any order, and their order was exactly the same as the order of honor in the inner courtyard.

Looking at the actions of Qin Mo and others, Flanders had an unspeakable look in his eyes.

Flanders and Zhao Wuji slowly walked towards Qin Mo, who was in the first sequence, with extremely complicated expressions. Once upon a time, Flanders and Zhao Wuji were just the deans of Pheasant College who did not even have the qualifications to run a school. But now... ·····

Flanders slowly took out the badge from the tray. He was obviously very good at talking, but at this moment he didn't know what to say, and looked at the badge in his hand in a daze.

Flanders knew that once they wore this badge, it would mean they had completely graduated from the academy.

Seeing Flender's movements, the more emotional students such as Ye Lingling, Ning Rongrong and Xiao Wu were all a little moved.

However, Ma Hongjun, who was among them, showed a hint of confusion and murmured in a low voice: "Haven't we all agreed to stay in Shrek Academy after graduation?"

"Even Ning Rongrong, the young master of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, was left behind by you, the dean, not to mention that Boss Mo is the largest shareholder of Shrek Academy. Why are you so sad..."

As Ma Hongjun's words fell, the originally sentimental atmosphere in the hall disappeared instantly, and was replaced by incomparable humor.

Not to mention Flanders, Zhao Wuji, Qin Ming and other teachers in the inner courtyard who are responsible for teaching, even the soul power levels of many teachers in the research office are not low. Especially the martial souls of these teachers are naturally inclined to research and perception. The ability is particularly powerful.

Ma Hongjun's mutterings naturally did not escape the ears of many teachers. In an instant, a flame seemed to rise in Flender's eyes, and the corners of his eyes twitched undetectably.

Qin Mo, Oscar, Lin Nuo, and Tang San all looked at Ma Hongjun with a hint of admiration in their eyes, true warriors...


For a moment, someone finally couldn't hold back his laughter, and then cheerful laughter instantly echoed in the hall, even Flanders, who had been complained about, was no exception.

(End of this chapter)

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