After half a month!

In the inner courtyard spirit fighting arena, a phoenix scream echoed, and the overwhelming power collided with it.

The two figures retreated instantly. Oscar, who had some blood lingering in his body, waved his right hand slightly in discomfort. Apparently, he had misjudged the power of Ma Hongjun's flames.

However, even though he misjudged the power of Ma Hongjun's flames, it only made Oscar feel a little hot. Compared to Oscar, Ma Hongjun was grinning and shaking his calves.

Of course, this is also because it is just a simple discussion and testing of methods, not a fight.

Both Oscar and Ma Hongjun's strongest methods are inclined towards killing, especially Ma Hongjun. With full firepower, his killing ability is not inferior to that of Qin Mo at the same level. The Phoenix True Fire, which is extremely hot, faces ordinary colleagues. A super soul master will basically die if he touches it.

The two of them slowly calmed down their auras. Oscar looked at Ma Hongjun with some envy and said, "I really envy you attack-type soul masters. Your various abilities are much easier to use than me, a food-type soul master."

Hearing this, Ma Hongjun trembled with his calves and looked at Oscar absurdly: "Oscar, you pervert, do you want to see what you are talking about? I am the one who is at the disadvantage..."

Hearing this, Oscar smiled calmly and said: "That's it for now. In the future, when our soul power reaches level [-] and we have the martial soul avatar, it will probably be the other way around."

Ma Hongjun was a little skeptical about what Oscar said, although it was indeed true, and it was better than other soul masters outside of Shrek Academy.

Although there is a gap in strength among the students trained by Shrek's inner academy at the same level, the gap is actually not that big.

The reason why Oscar is able to possess nearly crushing strength is entirely due to his proficiency in many self-created soul skills and his spiritual will that is far stronger than his peers.

There is a limit to the improvement of spiritual will, especially for practitioners of the soul master system. As the level of soul power increases, this advantage will soon be caught up by Ma Hongjun and others. Even if they are not as strong as him, they can resist it. It's not difficult either.

As for the self-created soul skills, unless Oscar can once again innovate on this self-created soul skill and create a self-created soul skill that is most suitable for him, otherwise as the soul power level continues to increase, they will eventually fall behind in the face of Ma Hongjun.

Especially the spirit avatar of the soul saint level can improve the combat power by more than just a little bit.

However, Ma Hongjun looked at Oscar's calm face and couldn't help but said: "Oscar, why do I feel that you are holding back something bad? I have a feeling that after level [-], I may not be your opponent..." ···”

Hearing this, Oscar's brows jumped slightly, but his face remained calm at all. He quickly changed the subject and said, "It's a blessing that the dean asked for leave for a while, otherwise the dean would have heard this..." "

As soon as these words came out, Ma Hongjun couldn't help but shrink his neck. As Flanders's direct disciple, it wasn't that he was afraid, but it was similar to 'bloodline suppression'. What's more, Flanders' soul power level was already over 80. If Vlad knew that he was so unambitious, he would definitely be punished.

He immediately laughed and said, "I don't know what happened to the dean, so he had to take leave for such a long time. Even if I asked Teacher Zhao and Boss Mo, they wouldn't tell me."

Hearing this, Oscar's eyes flickered slightly. Regarding Ma Hongjun's doubts, Oscar had some guesses, but it was just a guess, and he was just about to respond.A mental wave quickly appeared in the minds of the two people across space.

Feeling this mental fluctuation, Oscar and Ma Hongjun's eyes suddenly lit up: "There is work to do!"

Immediately, the two of them looked at each other and instantly turned into afterimages and disappeared into the Soul Fighting Platform. The destination of the afterimages was the dean's office in the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy.

After working as teachers since graduation, Oscar, Ma Hongjun and others have always been in a state of excitement. After all, this is their first time as teachers, especially Ma Hongjun, who has the Fire Phoenix Spirit and is already more active.

It is a pity that there are no new inner court students in Shrek Academy, and many students from the outer college, although it is not difficult to teach them with their current background, they cannot arouse much interest after all. The gap in talent is too big. Apparently they also wanted to teach real geniuses like Flanders.

However, there was one exception, and that was Xiao Wu. After being retained as a teacher, she became very interested in the many students in the outer courtyard. In less than half a month, the title of 'Sister Xiao Wu' was heard in the outer courtyard.

Fortunately, Tang San was still there to look after her, and even though Xiao Wu seemed to be a bit foolhardy, it was still beneficial to the teaching of the students in the outer courtyard, so Qin Mo did not stop him.

Inner Courtyard—Dean’s Office!

At this moment, in addition to Flanders, teachers from the inner academy such as Zhao Wuji, Shao Xin, Qin Ming, and all graduates of the first inner academy such as Lin Nuo, Tang San, and Ning Rongrong appeared in the office.

Ma Hongjun looked at Qin Mo in his seat with excitement: "Boss Mo, is there any important task that we need to take action on?"

As Ma Hongjun finished speaking, Oscar, Ning Rongrong, Tang San, Xiao Wu and others also had looks of anticipation in their eyes, especially Tang San. His mother's resurrection some time ago made him grateful to Qin Mo. vertex.

As for Zhao Wuji, Shao Xin, Li Yusong and other teachers in the inner courtyard, looking at the performance of Oscar and Ma Hongjun, a smile suddenly appeared on their faces, which was exactly the same as when they were young.

Qin Mo looked at everyone's excited and expectant looks, and showed a hint of amusement. Without showing off, he directly handed over a letter on his desk and said with a smile: "Let's take a look..."

Hearing this, Oscar quickly took the letter, and Tang San, Xiao Wu and the others immediately gathered around him. Looking at the handwriting on the letter, Ma Hongjun was a little surprised and said, "This is Lao Dai's handwriting, it's Lao Dai's letter."

After a moment, after reading the contents of the letter, Oscar and Ma Hongjun showed a hint of excitement on their faces. Xiao Wu was even more excited and said: "It's so interesting that I can be the dean of the Soul Master Academy. Dai Mubai is really terrific······"

Apparently, they only paid attention to the news about the invitation to serve as the dean of Shrek's Intermediate Soul Master Academy in the Star Luo Empire, and did not pay any attention to Dai Mubai's calculations about the Star Luo Empire written at the end of the letter.

The deans of many junior and intermediate soul master academies in the Star Luo Empire are also like the Shrek Academy in the Tiandou Empire. The term of office of the deans is also two years. After two years, they will either rotate or retire to become teachers.

It is obvious that many junior and intermediate soul master academy teams in the Star Luo Empire are almost completed. Although the academy has not yet been completed, it is enough for the Star Luo Empire to start counterattacking against the Tiandou Empire, and they are invited to become academy leaders. Dean is the first step. (End of chapter)

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