The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 193 The three corners of gold and iron are finally separated!Dragon and Eagle Gathering

Tiandou Empire——Fanos Province!

Under the high-altitude clouds, a huge cat eagle with a wingspan of more than ten meters shuttled like a stream of light, heading towards Notting City with extremely rapid speed.

At the terrifying speed, Notting City, which was originally as fine as a particle, quickly zoomed in. Looking at Notting City in the distance, Flanders showed an inexplicable fluctuation in his eyes.

In just a moment, Flanders landed on the city wall of Notting City. Feeling the incomparable pressure from Flanders, all the guards guarding the city trembled slightly, especially when Flanders was as sharp as an eagle. Under his eyes, he didn't dare to make any move.

Flanders did not pay attention to the guardsmen in Notting City. His eyes quickly scanned the city. In the next moment, his falcon-like eyes locked onto his position, and his wings slightly curved.

"call out!"

In an instant, it shuttled like an arrow and disappeared on the city wall.

After seeing Flanders go away and the terrifying soul power pressure leave, many guards soldiers on the city wall relaxed. The leader of the guards quickly ordered his men to go to the city lord's palace to report.

Outside Notting College, Flanders slowly calmed down his aura. Looking at the Junior Soul Master Academy in front of him, Flanders' eyes were slightly excited and dazed, but more of a joy.

For so many years, Flanders has always known the whereabouts of his sworn brother Yu Xiaogang. He originally thought that Yu Xiaogang would be able to let go of his grudge after sending the disciples he trained to Shrek Academy.

But now Tang San has won the championship of this Soul Master Elite Competition, and has even graduated from Shrek Academy, and his good brother has not appeared. It is obvious that the grudge in his heart is deeper than he expected...
As the sworn brother, Flanders didn't want to disturb him. This was the reason why he had never gone to Notting City in these years. But now it was impossible not to come to Yu Xiaogang. He alone wanted to convince his sworn sister Liu The second dragon is really powerless.

And the most important thing is the martial soul fusion skill 'Golden Holy Dragon' that the three of them possess. With his soul power up to level 83 at the moment, the combined combat power of the three of them will definitely not be inferior to that of Titled Douluo.

In the face of today's ups and downs in the soul master world, only the combat power of the Titled Douluo level can have a certain degree of safety, especially in the face of the existence that wiped out the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family. Even if the combat power of the Titled Douluo level is not The opponent also has the possibility of escaping...
This is why Flender knew that Liu Erlong was at Thunder College at the moment, but still came to Notting City first to look for Yu Xiaogang.

"Xiao Gang..."

Flender's mental power fluctuated rapidly and began to spread towards the interior of Notting College.

But in the next moment, the expression on Flanders' face froze, and his brows instantly furrowed. With Flanders' current mental strength, he was able to envelope the entire Notting College.

As a member of the martial soul fusion skill 'Golden Holy Dragon', even if they haven't seen each other for decades, they can still sense each other's aura in an instant.

But now, in the area covered by mental power, Yu Xiaogang's aura is not felt, and there are not even items or residences with Yu Xiaogang's aura.

After feeling this, Flanders' face suddenly showed an ugly look, and his mental power quickly spread towards the being with the highest soul power level in Notting College. The soul power in his body fluctuated, and his mouth moved slightly, and the invisible soul power fluctuated rapidly towards him. Internal delivery at Notting College.

In the office of the dean of Notting College, the old man, who was over sixty years old and dressed in Chinese clothes, with a soul power fluctuation of about 45 levels, suddenly stiffened, and a trace of panic flashed in his eyes.

Without any hesitation, he quickly summoned his martial spirit, and the white, yellow, yellow, and purple spirit rings quickly lingered around him. He instantly dodged and flew towards the outside of Notting College, causing a commotion in the college.

"Huh? Is that the dean? What happened..."

"Hiss, the dean's speed... is so terrifying, he really deserves to be a Four-ringed Soul Sect..."


Although the dean of Notting College was already old, he was still very fast. In less than 1 minute, the dean of Notting College followed Flanders' spiritual power and rushed outside Notting College.

Looking at Flanders, who seemed to have the aura of the top predator at the end of his mental power, the dean of Notting College showed an extremely frightened and uneasy expression on his face.

Especially when I felt the slightly low-pressure aura from Flanders, I felt even more uneasy.

He quickly stepped in front of Flanders and bowed with great respect. He lowered his head slightly and did not dare to look directly at Flanders. He said in awe: "I have seen senior! I wonder why senior wants to find junior?"

Seeing this, Flanders ignored the panic of the dean of Notting College and quickly asked, with a hint of urgency in his tone: "Are you the dean of Notting College? Let me ask you where Yu Xiaogang is. It’s...”

Hearing this, the dean of Notting College trembled slightly and subconsciously raised his head to look at Flanders. When he saw Flanders' face and the square glasses, he subconsciously said: "You are..." ··Four-Eyed Owl—Senior Flanders?”

Hearing this, Flanders suddenly felt happy. Normally, it would be absolutely impossible for a border town like Notting City to recognize him, and he might even have never heard of his name.

But the dean of Notting College in front of him could recognize him. It seemed that his brother Yu Xiaogang had told him about him.

"It's me, Xiaogang told you about me? Where are the others? Where have they gone?" Flanders was a little anxious, and the terrifying aura of Contra level was slightly dissipated.In an instant, under the breath of terror, the dean of Notting College subconsciously took a few steps back, and his body bent down unconsciously.

Seeing this, Flanders quickly restrained his aura.

Feeling the disappearance of the breath, the dean of Notting College showed a wry smile. This is a strong person. Even the breath that escapes subconsciously is far beyond what he can bear. The only thing to be thankful for is that this kind of strong person is not Looking for trouble.

Seeing the anxiety on Flanders' face, the dean of Notting College did not dare to hesitate at all, and quickly activated his soul power to take out a letter from the space soul guide on his body.

He quickly said: "Senior Flanders, Xiaogang once told me that you were his sworn brother. He left two months ago. Xiaogang guessed that you would come one day, so he stayed with you. A letter saying that you will understand after reading it.”

Hearing this, a flash of regret suddenly flashed in Flanders's eyes. Two months ago...if he had come two months earlier...
Flanders quickly took the letter and opened it, looking at the words written on it, especially what was written at the end of the letter: Flanders, big brother!I'll leave the second dragon to you...

Flender's body suddenly trembled slightly, and his eyes instantly became bloodshot, and seemed to be vaguely crystal clear.

The hands holding the letter became heavier and heavier, and the letter quickly wrinkled under Flanders' strength. Flanders murmured in an extremely complicated low voice: "Xiao Gang, why is this...why is this... ··”

After finishing speaking, he ignored the dean of Notting College. The huge owl wings quickly extended, soared into the sky and disappeared in front of the dean of Notting College.

The huge wind pressure instantly caused the dean of Notting College to stagger, but there was no dissatisfaction on the dean's face. Looking at the figure retreating high in the sky, his eyes showed great joy.

At this moment, the city lord's palace was in chaos...


Ten days later!
Five Elements Academy—Outside of Thunder Academy!
Flanders, who looked a little tired and looked a little unkempt after days of frantic traveling, slowly fell down.

Compared with more than a year ago when the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family was not destroyed, the Thunder Academy, one of the five element academies, is undoubtedly much sluggish.

Even Flanders could feel that there was a faint aura of lifelessness in Thunder College, and the number of students in the college was obviously much smaller. Normally, as one of the most prestigious Five Elements Colleges on the mainland.

Even if only soul masters with thunder and lightning attributes were included, the number of students in the academy would not be less than a thousand, and the number of teachers in the academy would be at least close to a hundred.

But now it’s not even half...

Flanders adjusted his figure slightly and slowly walked towards the gate of Thunder Academy.

The guard guarding the gate of Thunder Academy suddenly showed an extremely vigilant look in his eyes, and the aura on his body was faintly rising, and his eyes quickly locked on Flanders.

Upon seeing this, Flanders' eyes instantly showed a hint of complexity. With his power, he could naturally understand the reason, so he did not blame him, but calmly took out a greeting card from the space soul guide and handed it over. past.

"The Dean of Shrek Academy, Golden Iron Triangle Flying Horn, and Four-Eyed Owl Flanders pay their respects!"

Hearing this, the guard guarding the gate paused slightly. Looking at Flanders, who was slightly unkempt, most of the vigilance in his eyes disappeared in an instant, and a trace of respect appeared on his face.

As the guards of Thunder College, especially the ones who are still left, they are undoubtedly die-hard loyalists of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family. A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Liu Erlong has the highest soul power level in the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family today. One of the few people will naturally understand.

One of the guards quickly stepped forward, took the greeting card from Flanders' hand, bowed slightly, with a hint of respect on his face, and said: "Dean Flanders, please wait a moment..."

Immediately, the martial soul quickly possessed him, and it turned out to be a thunderbird. Four soul rings rose up, and with a flash of lightning, he quickly flew towards the inside of the academy.

Inside the Thunder Academy, a violent flame rose into the sky, and the violent roar of the dragon echoed instantly.

A fiery red stream of light instantly dyed the sky with a gleam of light, and quickly rushed towards the gate of Thunder Academy.

When he saw the somewhat embarrassed figure outside Thunder Academy, the fiery red stream of light rushed over instantly without any hesitation.

"Big brother!"

······(end of this chapter)

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