Chapter 196 The Nine Angels

High up in the palace, 'Xue Qinghe' felt the blowing breeze and the cool night. Looking at the palace door gradually closing in the distance, an inexplicable smile appeared on his face, and a hint of relaxation flashed in his eyes.

Not far behind him, Ghost Leopard Douluo slowly appeared. Feeling the disappearing aura outside the palace gate, his eyes showed a solemn look and he reminded: "Miss, he is even more dangerous..."

Hearing this, 'Xue Qinghe''s face was extremely calm, and he even stretched out relaxedly. His voice was a little lazy and he said, "I feel it too."

Hearing this, Ghost Leopard Douluo's eyes suddenly showed a strange look. Just when he was about to say something, the voice of 'Xue Qinghe' sounded again.

"Grandpa Ghost Leopard, do you think it is possible for Qin Mo to become a god?" An inexplicable look flashed in Xue Qinghe's eyes.

Hearing this, Ghost Leopard Douluo paused for a moment and shook his head without thinking. Even their great worshipers were just attendants of gods, let alone an existence whose innate soul power was no more than eight levels.

Perhaps relying on talent, it is not difficult to achieve a title, or even become a super strong person in the title, but the gods...
Ghost Leopard Douluo's eyes suddenly showed a look of realization. Since it is impossible to become a god, what does it matter to their Spirit Hall? He immediately responded: "Miss, you are wise."

After relaxing for a while, 'Xue Qinghe' regained his noble appearance. Looking at Ghost Leopard Douluo behind him, 'Xue Qinghe' showed a smile on his face and said: "Grandpa Ghost Leopard, get ready, we will set off tomorrow. Go back to Wuhun City, I miss grandpa..."

Hearing this, Ghost Leopard Douluo hesitated slightly. He had just sent a message to inform the great worshiper to return to Wuhun City in seven days, but now...
Ghost Leopard Douluo looked at the smile on his young lady's face, and the corner of his mouth suddenly twitched slightly. He subconsciously glanced at the closed palace door, then nodded and said: "Okay, young lady..." "

Now that the young lady has made a decision, he just has to obey, and if he can return to Wuhun City a few days earlier, I think the great priest will be even happier.


One month later!
Star Luo Empire—Xing Luo Imperial City—Xing Luo Prince’s Mansion!

Three huge carriages were gradually approaching, supported by many Star Luo Empire guards.

In front of the gate of the Prince's Mansion, Dai Mubai, who was dressed in rich clothes and with an extremely powerful and domineering aura, looked at the approaching troika. His eyes showed great joy, and then a smirk appeared on his face, intending to say hello. .

Immediately, his mental power fluctuated slightly, and a divine tiger tearing apart the heaven and earth suddenly condensed in the sea of ​​consciousness.


The extremely domineering King Tiger instantly moved towards the three carriages with overwhelming force.

On the carriage, Qin Ming, who had the highest level of soul power, was the first to sense Dai Mubai's power. A smile appeared on his face, and his mental power exploded rapidly, but it was not the power to resist Dai Mubai.

Instead, it covered and protected all the beings on the carriage except Oscar, Ma Hongjun, Tang San, and Xiao Wu, especially the horses on the carriage.

The moment Qin Ming reacted, the auras of Tang San, Xiao Wu, and Oscar, who were most sensitive to the environment, froze for an instant, apparently sensing a threat.

But in an instant, the three of them sensed the aura contained in the threat, and their eyes suddenly showed a look of joy, especially Xiao Wu, who had a trace of warlike look on his face. His mental power fluctuated instantly, and he exploded without any hesitation. own power.

As Xiao Wu exploded, Tang San and Oscar followed closely behind, and the intense power of life and the immovable power of Hunyuan exploded.




Four extremely powerful forces collided instantly, directly causing Ma Hongjun, who had the worst perception ability, to suffer a heavy loss.

"What the hell...huh? It's Lao Dai..." Ma Hongjun looked at Oscar, Tang San and Xiao Wu in great depression: "Damn it! You didn't even remind me... "

But the next moment, the depression on Ma Hongjun's face instantly turned into excitement: "I'm coming too!" The extremely hot power rose instantly, and a faint and noble phoenix cry sounded from Ma Hongjun's body.



The invisible power collided again, just like when they were practicing. The terrifying power of the wanton attack instantly caused the surrounding air to begin to twist slightly.

In front of the Prince's Mansion, he felt the power erupting from the three carriages, and a hint of surprise suddenly appeared in his eyes. Originally, when he returned to Xingluo after graduation, with the advantage of the five rings, he was the strongest in terms of power except Qin Mo. By.

It had only been a year, but Oscar, Ma Hongjun, Tang San, and Xiao Wu were only a little less powerful than him. Apparently their soul power levels had already broken through to level [-]. Although Oscar and the others were training at a terrifying speed, It won't take one year to raise the soul power level to level [-].

Dai Mubai's eyes suddenly showed a trace of depression, he seemed to have graduated early...
However, this trace of depression was quickly wiped away by Dai Mubai, and his eyes revealed an extremely fierce fighting spirit. Although he graduated early and failed to get opportunities, he had not gained nothing this year.

Originally I wanted to hide it, but now it seems that I will definitely not be able to suppress Oscar and the others without an explosion, but I can't embarrass myself in front of them.

His mental power fluctuated suddenly, and the royal seal on the forehead of the divine tiger that tore apart the heaven and earth in the sea of ​​consciousness lit up in vain, and a king's power that seemed to be superior to all living things suddenly merged with the tiger's power.


The vainly increased power instantly made Oscar and others stagnant, and the power on his body was suppressed for a moment under the king's power.

Feeling this power, Oscar and Tang San suddenly showed a hint of dissatisfaction in their eyes, and they were about to fight back.

Dai Mubai's power disappeared in vain, directly causing the four Oscars to suffer a heavy loss.

Before they could react, Dai Mubai's voice quickly sounded: "Hahaha! Teacher Qin Ming, Oscar, Ma Hongjun, Tang San, Xiao Wu, welcome to the Star Luo Empire..."

Wuhun Palace - Douluo Palace.

In the Douluo Hall, there stood a huge statue that was ten meters high, covered in golden body, with six wings and holding a huge golden sword in its hand.

In front of the statue, in the center of the entire Douluo Hall, Qian Renxue knelt on the ground with great piety, her long wavy hair hanging down behind her, hanging to the ground, and her hands in a strange posture in front of her chest, like six figures. Wings Angel's outspread wings.

Her delicate face was full of reverence, her eyes were closed, and there was always a faint halo covering her body.

Golden light surged and quickly illuminated the entire Douluo Palace. A figure filled with divine brilliance slowly condensed in front of Qian Renxue.

"Child! Open your eyes."

Qian Daoliu raised his hand and pointed, and the long sword in the hand of the ten-meter-high seraph statue erupted with incomparably bright golden light. The sacred golden flame fell from the sky and instantly enveloped Qian Renxue's body completely. .

The golden flames flowed, Qian Renxue's body slowly floated under the sacred golden light, and the endless golden flames quietly condensed.

Nine pieces of golden light curtains lingering with an incomparable sacred aura quietly emerged.

Looking at the condensation of these nine light curtains, Qian Daoliu's eyes showed extremely enthusiastic and respectful gazes.

"Nine exams! Nine exams for angels..., the nine exams for angels that our family has been waiting for for countless generations has finally appeared."

(End of this chapter)

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