Chapter 197 Welcoming the God of Death

A secret room in a dark corner beneath the Pope's Palace.

In the dark secret room, Bibi Dong, who was sitting cross-legged and practicing, suddenly opened his eyes.

At this moment, Bibi Dong no longer had any dignity and elegance as a pope, but instead looked extremely evil and terrifying, like a ghost.

Her eyes were as bright as blood, and her original green jade fingers were now as pale as bones. Above her fingertips, there were five-inch-long nails that were as black as spider legs. They formed an incomparable contrast with Bibi Dong's pale jade fingers. Compared.

There seemed to be vaguely twisted and evil blood marks on the noble and beautiful face, and behind him floated an extremely terrifying and strange phantom, as if it could pull the whole world down into the evil abyss.

Bibi Dong took a deep breath, black and purple light flickered, the evil shadow behind him slowly dissipated, and the black energy gradually merged into Bibi Dong's body.

For a moment, the weird and evil aura on Bibi Dong gradually subsided, her bright blood-like eyes slowly faded, and her five-inch long black nails gradually shrank, and the originally suppressed nobility and elegance began to dissipate, although her face still looked pale at the moment. A little pale, but nothing weird.

Bibi Dong's restored pupils slowly looked to the side of the secret room, as if she could see through the extremely thick stone walls in the secret room and the barriers in the Pope's Palace, and directly see everything happening in the Douluo Palace in the distance.

With Bibi Dong's current strength and perception ability, he could naturally sense the sacred meaning rising in the Douluo Palace in the distance with great clarity.


"What a ridiculous, disgusting power, angel..."

The vicious, cold and horrifying killing intent was wreaking havoc in the dark chamber, and the terrifying pressure of soul power even made the extremely solid chamber tremble slightly.

"Qian Daoliu, you have good intentions, but unfortunately you are wrong. My goal has been achieved long ago, even if it is not swallowed..."

"So what if I have your help, I only have one last step left... Qiandaoliu, in less than ten years, you will live forever, the last step that you desire so much but cannot get..."

An evil, cold and even faintly harsh sound echoed in the dark secret room.

A series of dense air explosions sounded around Bibi Dong's body, and an evil and terrifying black-purple light quietly dispersed. A ray of golden light flashed, and Bibi Dong floated up. The noble and luxurious papal robes enveloped him at some point. Bibi Dong's body.

He has once again transformed into the noble, elegant and decisive His Majesty the Pope.

A wave of soul power quietly stirred up in the dark secret room, and Bibi Dong's figure disappeared instantly.


An extremely dull rumble of boulders sounded, and the door to the dark secret room slowly closed.

In the Pope's Palace, the ears of the two great titled Douluo Ju and Ghost trembled slightly. For a moment, the two great titled Douluo Ju and Ghost both bowed slightly and responded respectfully: "Yes! Your Majesty the Pope!"

Feeling Bibi Dong's retreating aura, the two titled Douluo, Ju and Gui, both breathed a sigh of relief, and then subconsciously looked at the Douluo Hall not far away, with a little helplessness in their eyes.

After a few days!
In a small mountain town within the Tiandou Empire, Bibi Dong, dressed in gorgeous clothes with an indifferent and extremely cold face, slowly descended from the sky.

In the small town, the moment they saw Bibi Dong falling from the sky, many residents with slightly bloodshot eyes and slightly pale faces looked frightened and fled away as fast as they could.

Either heading outside the town, or hiding directly inside the houses in the town...
People living in this town are undoubtedly extremely sensitive to murderous intent. The moment Bibi Dong arrived, the originally lively atmosphere of the entire town suddenly fell silent, and all the livestock knelt down, trembling, and urinated.In addition, Bibi Dong was able to fly and fall from the sky without activating his martial soul. He was obviously an extremely powerful and unscrupulous terrifying existence.

He didn't dare to pry at Bibi Dong's stunning face and proud figure. At the same time, news of the arrival of the Titled Douluo began to spread rapidly towards the entire town.

Feeling the extremely disgusting and bloody smell lingering in the town in front of her, Bibi Dong's eyes quietly flashed with a trace of blood, and invisible fluctuations quietly raged. The surrounding air seemed to have dropped several degrees, and there was a hint of chill. fog.

Looking at the deserted street in front of her, the blood in Bibi Dong's eyes slowly extinguished, as if she was extremely familiar with the environment of this town, and she slowly walked towards the only tavern in the town.

At this moment, the only tavern in the town seemed to have blocked Bibi Dong's aura. The being sitting in the tavern did not escape like the beings in the town, but drank in silence in the bloody cup. Wine, the atmosphere was extremely weird and cold.

"Da!" "Da!" "Da!" "Da!" "Da!" "Da!"

The crisp footsteps slowly approached, instantly attracting the people drinking in the tavern.

Everyone who can appear in this tavern is a villain. Naturally, you can tell that the footsteps are definitely not that of a man. There is a hint of lust in the eyes, and some of the villains even have eagerness to try on their faces. expression.

Only the waiter in the back of the tavern, who was wearing black clothes and had an indifferent face, slightly dull eyes, and a faint look of death, looked at the many villains in the tavern with an extremely mocking look in his eyes.

Sure enough, the next moment, a surging black light with endless evil instantly passed through the tavern, completely covering everything inside. The next moment, the black light dispersed and became invisible, and a murderous aura as terrifying as the abyss of hell suddenly descended.

In an instant, many villains in the tavern who originally looked evil and eager to commit suicide were stunned by this terrifying murderous intention that almost wiped out everything.

The soul power and blood that were originally surging and flowing in the body seemed to be in the core of the extreme north, and were completely frozen and stagnated in an instant.

The evil and chaotic eyes quickly dimmed, and the soul and consciousness seemed to be harvested by a dark, evil and illusory giant scythe, and were wiped out in an instant, even the bartender and waiter were no exception.


The sound of countless wine glasses breaking was heard, and bright red blood splashed on the floor or on the table.

In just an instant, the extremely rich smell of blood filled the entire tavern, and many villains and bartenders completely lost their voices and fell limply to the ground.


The door of the tavern slowly opened, and the rich smell of blood surged rapidly, but before it could get close, it was completely annihilated by an invisible force.

Bibi Dong walked towards the deepest part of the tavern indifferently, not paying any attention to the corpses strewn all over the tavern.

In the deepest part of the tavern, a huge hole had opened in the ground. Looking down at the darkness that seemed to be able to swallow everything, Bibi Dong's figure flickered and disappeared into the cave in an instant.

Under the dark cave, there seemed to be a faint sound.

"Welcome the God of Death..."

(End of this chapter)

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