Chapter 198 Hu Liena: Witch!warn!
The city of killing—the inner city!
In a bloody building at the top, the King of Slaughter sitting on the bloody throne, and Bibi Dongju, who was dressed in fine clothes and holding a scepter, looked down with indifference, at the center of the inner city of the Killing Capital. A special conical building.

There seemed to be vaguely two extremely ferocious, evil and strange auras colliding and annihilating, and the terrifying auras filled the air and collided.

Below, in the bloody killing field, nine extremely turbid, lustful, and greedy eyes fell on a figure in the corner who was dressed in black, with a slim figure, a cold and indifferent face, and a short blade like a sickle in his hand.

As a cold voice fell, the nine figures rushed directly towards the figure holding the dagger without any hesitation.

The fire of greed and desire in his eyes seemed to completely submerge and burn the figure.

Feeling the extremely disgusting smell coming from the whistling wind, Hu Liena's eyes showed an extremely disgusting look, and the cold murderous aura that could not be resisted thousands of miles away instantly escaped.

The dark short blade like a sickle in his hand was quietly clenched, his eyes quickly lit up with a misty light, and terrifying mental fluctuations suddenly erupted.

"Chi!" "Chi!" "Chi!" "Chi!" "Chi!" "Chi!"

Under this terrifying spiritual power, the nine evil figures were controlled in an instant, and the body that rushed towards Hu Liena began to deviate without knowing when.

They actually began to fight each other, their eyes even full of enthusiasm and joy, and their mouths kept roaring like wild beasts.



The extremely violent killing methods were performed crazily in front of Hu Liena's eyes, with blood, flesh, and broken bones flying everywhere.

In just a moment, half of the arena was stained, and only the area around Hu Liena was still extremely clean.

Seeing the extremely bloody killing methods in front of her, Hu Liena's eyes showed a hint of disgust.

In less than a stick of incense, there were only two people left with the breath of life in the bloody killing field. Hu Liena looked at the figure not far away with only one hand and one foot left, limp and trembling in a pool of blood, with no trace of emotion in her eyes. The light flickered, and an extremely strange fox-shaped shadow seemed to be vaguely visible behind Hu Liena.

This is a soul skill created by Hu Liena in reference to the unknown power possessed by Qin Mo and others in the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy during the year she was punished to Death Canyon. Although it is far less powerful than the power, it is still powerful. It can greatly increase its mental ability.

As the phantom appeared behind Hu Liena, the trembling figure that collapsed on the ground was shaken in vain. The eyes with countless bloodshot eyes instantly lost all light, and crawled toward Hu Liena in an extremely twisted manner.

Seeing this, Hu Liena tightened her grip on the jet-black evil dagger in her hand, and her eyes showed an extremely indifferent look.



A faint but heart-stopping whistling sound came, like the sound of breaking cloth.

The crawling, twisted figure's only remaining arm held its neck tightly, and blood foam continued to spurt from its mouth.


"Ho ho ho!"

There was a sound like air leakage, and the twisted figure could only make a slight struggling sound. After a few seconds, the breath of life quietly disappeared.As the last registrant died, an invisible wave erupted from the bloody killing field in vain. Nine turbid murderous auras were quietly deprived of by this wave, a small part of which surged directly towards Hu Liena, and Most of them disappeared quietly and disappeared without a trace.

As the murderous aura surged, the pitch-black evil dagger in Hu Liena's hand trembled slightly, quickly swallowing up the extremely turbid murderous aura.

Vaguely, there seemed to be an invisible airflow surging above the pitch-black dagger, as if purified and filtered. A cold, pure murderous aura slowly fed back, blending into Hu Liena's newly formed murderous aura.

Feeling the changes on her body, Hu Liena held the jet-black evil dagger given by Bibi Dong tighter, with a hint of emotion flashing in her eyes.

Ignoring the broken limbs in the bloody killing field, he slowly walked towards the outside of the bloody killing field.

Seeing the bizarre battle in this bloody killing field, the many beings watching fell silent for a moment, with fear in their eyes.

This is not the first time for this kind of weird battle. The strongest people who appeared in the first two times were only soul emperors, but the soul power level of the strongest person this time was as high as more than 80 levels, that is, the one who persisted until the end. exist.

Although all soul skills are sealed in the killing city, the stronger the soul power level, the stronger its physical strength, mental power and other attributes. There are existences with soul power levels as high as more than 80 levels. In terms of physical quality and mental strength alone, In all aspects of force, he is definitely the highest-level existence in the entire Killing City.

As beings who had been baptized in the sea of ​​​​blood in the mountain of corpses, they could naturally see that this was a spiritual method, but even so, the death was still extremely simple and strange, and even the spiritual power of an existence with a soul power level as high as over 80 was lost. Can't compete with it...


Quietly, an inexplicable title quietly sounded on the viewing platform of the bloody killing field.

At the top, following Hu Liena's victory, a trace of satisfaction and gentleness flashed in Bibi Dong's eyes.

At the same time, the mental power suddenly rioted, and the originally stalemate aura instantly strengthened, suddenly pressing against the King of Slaughter sitting on the bloody throne.

In an instant, the aura surrounding the King of Slaughter suddenly fell to the disadvantage, and was completely suppressed by Bibi Dong's aura. Feeling Bibi Dong's ineffective aura, the King of Slaughter showed a hint of scarlet murderous intent in his eyes, and was about to explode. Suddenly there was an extremely weak and strange fluctuation in the body.

The spreading murderous aura stagnated in vain, and some fluctuations quietly appeared in the dark red eyes, but it completely dissipated in an instant.


The bloody throne under the King of Slaughter made a shattering sound in vain, and countless cracks quickly spread throughout the throne.


A cold snort instantly sounded from the King of Slaughter. He clenched his right palm unconsciously, directly crushing the bloody throne with cracks under him. The blood-colored light in his eyes quietly lit up, and it seemed that a ferocious and terrifying vertical figure could still be seen vaguely. Hitomi quietly emerged.

He wanted to compete with Bibi Dong again, but at this moment, Bibi Dong's figure had already disappeared.

In an instant, the face of the King of Slaughter became extremely ugly, his cold vertical pupils shrank crazily, an extremely horrifying pale aura suddenly spread, and the cold and biting killing intent instantly enveloped the entire high platform.

Feeling the cold and horrifying murderous aura, many waiters and guards in the high platform knelt on the ground, their eyes full of fear and their bodies trembling crazily.


(End of this chapter)

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