The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 200 Shrek and Qin Mo’s transformation

Chapter 200 Shrek and Qin Mo’s transformation
Not to mention just the students and teachers from the outer courtyard, Qin Mo didn't pay too much attention to the fact that the sequence students who entered the inner courtyard were attracted. He had no intention of letting Shrek Academy become a shit-stirring existence ten thousand years later like in the original work.

In other words, except for the few inner-students of the Shrek Academy Main Campus who are two civilian soul masters who have not made a decision, the remaining seven major series are all loyal to Tiandou, Xingluo, and Wuhun Palace.

Among these seven major sequences, two are loyal to Tiandou and Xingluo each, and both come from the soul master families of the two empires, while the remaining three are loyal to Wuhun Palace. Although these three are loyal to Wuhun Palace, but also from a commoner background.

However, although the nine major sequences each have their own positions, their relationship in Shrek Academy is not bad. Even if they grow faster due to their soul power, they are still only teenagers after all.

Of course, the most important reason is because the teachers in the inner courtyard such as Qin Mo and Zhao Wuji are very capable and quietly guide them in the dark. How can teenagers who are just over ten years old defeat a group of old and cunning teachers?

On the contrary, because of their respective positions, they did not need the guidance of Qin Mo and Zhao Wuji when practicing and studying, so they naturally began to compete with each other. The competition was even more intense than that of Qin Mo and others, and this also made their The speed of progress has been greatly improved.

In terms of talent alone, the current nine ranks of Shrek's main hospital are similar to those of Lin Nuo and Zhu Zhuqing who have never taken jelly grass. However, under this kind of competition, the rate of improvement is faster than that of Lin Nuo and Zhu Zhuqing before they took jelly grass. , all have to be done quickly.

It is worth mentioning that Flanders brought the somewhat lost Liu Erlong back to the academy a year ago. At the same time, Flanders also directly handed over the position of Dean of Shrek Academy to Qin Mo.

After leaving office, Flanders chose to stay with Liu Erlong the rest of the time, except for occasionally appearing in the inner courtyard to teach the inner courtyard sequence.

And Liu Erlong, who was in despair, didn't seem to resist Flanders' company, as if he had acquiesced to something.

At this moment, in the spirit fighting arena of the inner courtyard, the nine paths, which are slightly immature, but are beginning to show their formidable power, are colliding with each other and annihilating each other. They are the students who have successfully gained a foothold in the inner courtyard of Shrek General Academy in the past two years.

With the successful establishment of dozens of Shrek junior and intermediate soul master academies in the two empires of Tiandou and Xingluo, blood transfusions naturally began for Shrek General Academy. At this moment, the number of soul master students in the entire Shrek Academy General Academy has reached More than two thousand.

There will be even more in the future. Fortunately, the scope of the academy has been expanded and is fully sufficient to accommodate them. As for resources, there are dozens of branches, as well as secret support from Tiandou, Xingluo, and Wuhun Palace, so there is no shortage at all.

In the center of the nine major series of students, Zhao Wuji, whose soul power level has reached level 85, is lying on the recliner extremely comfortably, his eyes are slightly narrowed, and a subtle voice is slowly lingering, as if he is humming something.

Because Flanders was busy with Liu Erlong's affairs in the past two years, Zhao Wuji's soul power level actually surpassed Flanders. In addition, the two years of training made Zhao Wuji's use of gravity soul skills even more superb.

The invisible gravity field can already accurately linger on the nine major sequences in the soul fighting field, and there is no longer a waste of soul power. If Zhao Wuji had such control over the gravity soul skill a few years ago, even Qin Mo Ye never thought of draining his soul power.

Not only Zhao Wuji, but other teachers in the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy have also made great progress, especially Shao Xin, who recently successfully broke through the soul power level to level [-] and became the top food department in the entire continent. Soul master.

Qin Mo, who successfully took over as the dean, also raised his soul power to level [-] in the past two years.However, the soul power level seems to have improved a lot, reaching level five in two years. But in fact, in the past two years, most of Qin Mo's energy has not been put on practice, but on the improvement of the 'dojo'.

Compared with two years ago, after spending countless world sources, the scope controlled by the 'Dojo' has expanded to nearly one-eighth of the entire Douluo Continent. At the same time, Qin Mo also spent a large amount of world sources to control the 'Dojo' Supplemented and improved.

The fifth-level soul power is basically due to the continuous improvement and expansion of the 'Dojo', which makes the 'Qiankun Cauldron' martial soul more 'real' and improves it through feedback.

Compared to his soul power, Qin Mo's physical, mental and soul skills improvements were even more exaggerated.

Compared with the level of soul power limited by the rules of the soul ring, the intensity of physical and mental power directly reached level 96 under the feedback of the 'Qiankun Cauldron' martial soul, crossing the threshold of a super Douluo.

The additional seven domain soul skills are because the 'Qiankun Cauldron' martial soul is more 'real' and completely integrated with the 'Qiankun Cauldron' martial soul. The attributes of the seven domains are directly related to the origin of the 'Qiankun Cauldron' martial soul. Fusion, especially in the state of the martial soul's true body, its power directly breaks the limitations of the soul ring.

Except for the soul ring soul skills, the 'shi' that Qin Mo cultivated has also been perfectly transformed into a 'domain', but the 'cosmic domain' is not like the seven domain soul skills and the domain soul skills on the mainland, or the increase, Either to weaken or control the power.

It is an extremely powerful tolerance, like the tolerance of the real heaven and earth, the universe.

Under the power of the 'Qiankun Domain', the power of Qin Mo's seven domain soul skills no longer suffers from any loss, and can be integrated almost perfectly.

In the past, when Qin Mo activated domain soul skills, it was just a simple superposition, just one plus one. Although the power was greatly improved, it was not actually a perfect integration. After all, the power between domains was not There was some loss, and the power of the explosion barely reached [-]. After the fields with conflicting attributes were superimposed, it was even less than [-].

But under the power of the 'Cosmos Domain', it can almost perfectly integrate the attribute powers of the seven realms of soul skills. Even water and fire with conflicting attributes can be perfectly integrated and transformed, and the power has been incomparably huge. improvement.

Apart from changes in strength, Qin Mo's many skills have also improved a lot. However, compared to other skills, Qin Mo's biggest improvement is undoubtedly his alchemy skill.

It is even possible to use non-immortal herbs to refine elixirs that are as effective as 'immortal grass'. Although the efficacy is only comparable to the weakest form of 'immortal grass', it can truly turn decay into something. Miraculous, truly possessing some of the power of the legendary 'alchemy'.

In addition, Qin Dong, the most important backstage person of Shrek Academy, has also greatly improved his strength. In two years, he not only raised his soul power level to level 98, but most importantly, his inner elixir was pushed to level [-]. At the eighth revolution, the increase in strength reached a terrifying eight times.

Under the gods, there is no rival!
(End of this chapter)

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