Chapter 201 Little Jiuer

Outside the Tiandou Imperial City, several huge carriages engraved with the logo of Shrek Academy were slowly approaching at the two main city gates.

At the city gate, when the guards on guard saw the sign on the carriage, their eyes showed a hint of reverence, and their backs straightened unconsciously.

In the past two years, Shrek Academy has been protected by two empires on the surface, and also protected by Wuhun Palace secretly. It can be said that it has a great reputation throughout the continent.

It even vaguely has the title of the strongest academy, and for those in Tiandou Imperial City, it is definitely a matter of great pride. After all, the main campus of Shrek Academy is within their Tiandou Imperial City.

At the southern city gate, on the largest carriage in the front of the three carriages, three young figures who looked to be in their early ten years looked at the Tiandou Imperial City outside the carriage with a hint of uneasiness and longing. of.

One of the young figures with blazing hair looked at the handsome figure with red hair and a flying expression on the carriage, and said with a hint of sigh in his tone: "Second Master, Second Master, in front of you is the sky you told me about. Douhuang City? It’s so beautiful..."

"Will we be able to see the legendary King of Sequence, Dean Qin Mo next... And also, the master you told me about, will we be able to see the legendary Flying Horn... ···Really been waiting······"

As he spoke, the blazing-haired young figure waved his hands slightly, his eyes seemed to be twinkling with stars, and he was obviously very excited and excited.

As the young figure with blazing hair finished speaking, the two young figures beside him also looked at the main seat of the carriage and several figures on the right side of the carriage.

However, compared with the outgoing and cheerful figure of this blazing-haired young figure, the other two young figures seemed to be a little bit reluctant to let go, but the only little girl among them seemed to have a little weirdness in her eyes.

Seeing his disciple so excited and excited, Ma Hongjun, who looked much more mature than two years ago, showed an extremely exaggerated smile on his handsome face, and laughed with great pride: "Hahaha! No! That’s right, Xiaojiu’er, you’ll see your master, my boss, the legendary Sequence King Qin Mo, and your master, the legendary Flying Horn Flanders, later.”

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to hug his disciple, and rubbed the blazing-haired child's hair vigorously with his palms. Regardless of the blazing-haired child's resistance, he rubbed the originally neat hair of the blazing-haired child into an extremely messy mess.

"Ahhh...Second Master, let me go..." Xiao Jiuer resisted feebly, trying to escape from Ma Hongjun's arms.

It took him a long time to arrange his hair, just to give his master Flanders and Dean Qin Mo a good impression. Unfortunately, it was all ruined by Ma Hongjun.

After all, Ma Hongjun, whose soul power is close to level [-], is not something that a child in his early ten years can resist, even if he is extremely talented.

On the contrary, seeing Xiao Jiu'er's resistance, Ma Hongjun became even more energetic.

"Master, please save me, Second Master is bullying me..." Xiao Jiu'er struggled towards Ma Hongjun, her expression gentle and calm, and her appearance was even much more handsome than Ma Hongjun's after being completely purified by the Phoenix Martial Spirit. Oscar begged for help.

Hearing Xiao Jiu'er's call for help, Oscar showed a smile on his face, moved his fingertips slightly, and an invisible soul power pierced Ma Hongjun's elbow like a needle in an extremely delicate way.

"Hiss! Oscar, you are so deadly." The stinging pain in his elbow instantly made Ma Hongjun tremble. He subconsciously straightened his arms and exclaimed.

The moment he felt the restraints lifted, Xiao Jiu'er, with his messy blazing hair, flashed with fire, disappeared in front of Ma Hongjun, and hid behind Oscar.

He quickly took out a mirror from the space soul guide and looked at his extremely messy hair, with a look of tears on his face.

On the carriage, except for Oscar and Ma Hongjun, Qin Ming, Tang San, and Xiao Wu's eyes instantly lit up when they saw Xiao Jiu'er's movements.

After two years of experience, even Xiao Wu, who is the most talented, has grown a lot, and it is natural to see what this performance represents.

But in an instant, Qin Ming, Tang San, and Xiao Wu showed a hint of pride in their eyes, and they all looked at the other two young figures on the carriage who were watching the excitement. The meaning was self-evident.

As if they felt the gazes of Qin Ming and others, the remaining two figures looked at Xiao Jiu'er with a hint of fighting intent in their eyes.

Looking at Xiao Jiu'er who took out the mirror and wanted to fix his hair, Ma Hongjun seemed to have not had enough, and wanted to attack Xiao Jiu'er: "Hey, Xiao Jiu'er, what are you doing? Don't worry, I have your second master. Here, your master and Boss Mo will definitely like you very much."

As he spoke, he wanted to reach behind Oscar and grab him, but before he could touch Xiaojiuer, Oscar quickly knocked Ma Hongjun's hand off and said angrily: "Okay, Ma Hongjun, please stop bullying Xiaojiuer. Don’t be afraid that Xiao Jiu’er will complain directly to Dean Vlad later, but you won’t be able to reap the benefits by then..."

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of Xiao Jiu'er behind Oscar suddenly lit up. Apparently he understood what Oscar meant, and his smart eyes quickly began to twinkle.

But the smile on Ma Hongjun's face froze for an instant. Apparently he guessed what Oscar meant. For elders, they are always relatives from the next generation, which means...

However, Ma Hongjun was stubborn after all and said: "What am I afraid of? Shouldn't it be you who should be afraid? It's obvious that Xiao Jiu'er's martial spirit is Blazing Dove. If you insist on snatching it away, I'm afraid it's you who will be punished by then. .”

Hearing this, Oscar immediately rolled his eyes. He didn't know why he wanted to rob others. Didn't Ma Hongjun know why?He ignored Ma Hongjun's shouting and ignored it.

Turning to look at Xiao Jiu'er, a smile appeared on his face, and he stroked the top of his head with his palms. Countless soul powers as fine as cold hairs flowed through his palms. In an instant, Xiao Jiu'er's originally extremely messy blazing hair quickly became Neat and restored to its original appearance.

Looking at Xiao Jiu'er in the mirror with her hair restored, the tearless expression on her face quickly disappeared, and she instantly revealed a heartless smile, saying excitedly: "Master! You are so awesome!"

Qin Ming, Tang San, and Xiao Wu on the carriage were slightly startled by his extremely exquisite control of soul power. They didn't expect Oscar's control of soul power to reach such a terrifying level.

Although they were arranged to go to the Star Luo Empire to serve as deans for training, due to the initial establishment of the college and the busy schedule afterwards, they did not get together a few times even though they were both in the Star Luo Empire.

(End of this chapter)

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