The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 202 3 little ones!Tang San is obsessed with the mantle!

Chapter 202 Three little ones!Tang San is obsessed with the mantle!

Originally, although Qin Ming, Tang San, and Oscar resigned at the same time, because they were located in different provinces of the Star Luo Empire, according to distance, they should be closest to Tiandou Imperial City, and Tang San, Tang San, and others who were in Gengxin City were Xiao Wu and the other two were the fastest.

Qin Ming was second, and Oscar and Ma Hongjun were last.

However, they set off together when they went to the Star Luo Empire, and the same was true when they returned. After discussing through letters, Oscar and Ma Hongjun, who were farthest away, were the first to set off, followed by Qin and Ming, while Tang San and Xiao Wu were the last to set off. .

Finally, they successfully gathered at the border of Tiandou Empire.

As for the three little ones following them, they were the most talented geniuses in their respective provincial academies, and they were specially intended to take them back to show off to Qin Mo, Flanders, and Zhao Wuji.

Among them, the little genius led by Oscar and Ma Hongjun is named Lu Jiu, and his martial spirit is: Blazing Jiu.

Although the quality of the martial spirit is not as good as Ma Hongjun's Fire Phoenix Spirit, it still stands at the top of the advanced martial arts. Moreover, when the soul power is first awakened, the innate soul power is as high as level nine, which is no worse than when Ma Hongjun's martial spirit was awakened.

Moreover, under the joint training of Oscar and Ma Hongjun, at the age of ten, his soul power level was close to level [-].

As for the remaining two young figures, the only girl among them is Lin Xiaolu, who is the same age as Lu Jiu. She was trained by Tang San and Xiao Wu. Her martial spirit is a mutated martial spirit shadow needle, and her innate spirit power is the same. It is as high as level nine, and the soul power level is not inferior to Lu Jiu at all.

He also inherited Tang San's obsession with the Tang Sect and chose to inherit the mantle. All the hidden weapon techniques, pharmacology and toxicology, and hidden weapon casting in the Tang Sect except Xuantian Kung were handed over to Lin Xiaolu without reservation.

As for not teaching Xuantian Kung, it wasn't because he didn't want to, but because Tang San wasn't sure whether soul power training would conflict with it, so he didn't let Lin Xiaolu practice it.

He planned to wait until he returned to Shrek Academy to ask Qin Mo and the teachers at the Research Office to conduct research and confirm that there would be no conflict in the practice before teaching it to Lin Xiaolu.

Perhaps because Lin Xiaolu's martial spirit belongs to the category of hidden weapons, he basically understood everything Tang San taught him, even faster than when Tang San first practiced. You must know that Tang San had practiced for two lifetimes. Experience was still no match for Lin Xiaolu's training speed, especially in hidden weapon techniques.

Compared with Tang San's obsession with the Tang Sect in the original work, Tang San today is undoubtedly more open-minded, especially the emphasis on the Tang Sect Xuantian Treasure Record. As for the so-called teachings and experiences in the general outline of the Tang Sect Xuantian Treasure Record After receiving the education in the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy and his two-year career as the dean, he had already fully understood it and discarded it like worn out shoes.

The reason why many of the so-called self-created soul skills in the Xuantian Treasure Record of the Tang Sect were not taken out before was simply because there were similar soul skills in Shrek Academy, and the effects were no better than those recorded in the Xuantian Treasure Record of the Tang Sect. Difference.

Especially the most important "power" and "alchemy" in the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy and many other powerful skills, even the most mysterious Xuantian Technique in the Tang Sect Xuantian Treasure Record is far inferior.

As for hidden weapons and hidden weapon techniques, this is especially true, especially after knowing the identities of Qin Mo and the inheritors of Ye Lingling deity, only the top ones have much effect, and the ones at the bottom...
But precisely because of this, in the past two years, in addition to practicing and cultivating successors, Tang San put more time and energy into alchemy and the top-ranked hidden weapon casting.

In other words, the original purpose of his trip to Gengxin City, besides training, was the two most important, but Lin Xiaolu was more of an unexpected surprise.With the metal resources in Gengxin City and the support of Dai Mubai, Qin Mo successfully understood the basic alchemy that he had left in the library, and even created three Angry Buddha Tang Lotuses on the hidden weapon.

The reason why the Buddha's Fury Tang Lotus was made instead of the Peacock Feather and the Heavy Rain Pear Blossom Needle was because of the killing range. Whether it was the Heavy Rain Pear Blossom Needle, which ranked second among Tang Sect's hidden weapons, or the Peacock Feather, which ranked third, in terms of single target damage The power may not be worse than Buddha's Furious Tanglian, but in terms of range killing ability...

Tang San was confident that the power of the Buddha's Furious Tang Lotus he created would definitely not be worse than Titled Douluo's full blow, and its range would far exceed Titled Douluo's.

The last young figure who exudes the same calm temperament as Qin Ming is the disciple that Qin Ming accepted, named Han Jun, martial spirit: Yan Hu, innate soul power is also at level nine, age is 11 years old, and he is a third-year-old. The only three-ring soul master among people.

When they first met, if it weren't for the fact that Han Jun and Qin Ming's looks were not similar at all, and their martial spirits were also different, Oscar, Ma Hongjun, Tang San, and Xiao Wu would all have some doubts about whether there was any relationship between the two. After all, The identical temperament is really too confusing.

The emperor of the Star Luo Empire originally wanted to use Dai Mubai's relationship with Qin Ming and others to induce them to stay in the Star Luo Empire with many benefits. After all, after the two-year term of the dean was over, in addition to stepping down, There are also rotation options.

There are still seven Shrek intermediate soul master academies in their Star Luo Empire.

After all, Tang San, Xiao Wu, Oscar, Ma Hongjun, and Qin Ming all have the potential to be banned, and it can be said that they will definitely become banned in the future.

Coupled with their relationship with Crown Prince Dai Mubai, if they can stay in the Star Luo Empire, maybe more than ten or twenty years later, the Star Luo Empire will have at least six major national titles.

Unfortunately, Qin Ming and Oscar didn't pay any attention to the Star Luo Emperor's sugar-coated bullets. They even abducted three extremely talented young geniuses and directly chose to return to Shrek Academy.

Dai Mubai didn't care at all about Oscar's choice. As a brother, how could he not understand Oscar and the others? There was even a hint of envy in his eyes.

It's a pity that he is bound to the position of the prince of the empire. Before he has the strength to determine everything, freedom is a luxury.

And the most important thing is that his father has indeed begun to grow old. Although he is not as weak as Emperor Xueye who died two years ago, his energy has indeed declined a lot, especially after he returned to the empire and was canonized as the prince.

Perhaps within a few years, the position of Star Luo Emperor would be passed to him. In the past two years, Dai Mubai also took over many affairs in the Star Luo Empire.

At the same time, in order to stabilize the Netherworld Duke's Palace and to make the transfer of power smoother, Emperor Xingluo directly selected a noblewoman from the Netherworld Duke's Palace and gave her a wedding ceremony. The meaning of this is self-evident.

(End of this chapter)

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