The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 203 Inspection and training is over!secretary?

Chapter 203 Inspection and training is over!secretary?
The northern gate of Tiandou Imperial City!

The same three carriages were slowly heading towards Shrek Academy, but compared to going to the Star Luo Empire to serve as Shrek's intermediate soul master academy for training, Oscar, Tang San and others' carriages needed to carry a lot of items.

Lin Nuo, Ning Rongrong, and Zhu Zhuqing, who were the inspectors of Shrek's junior and intermediate soul master academies in the Tiandou Empire, were undoubtedly riding in a much simpler carriage.

Two years of experience have also made Lin Nuo, Ning Rongrong, and Zhu Zhuqing grow up a lot. Compared with their youth two years ago, Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing, and Lin Nuo are now much more mature.

As the successor of the Qibao Glazed Sect, Ning Rongrong has spent most of the past two years on inspections and training, but he has also not given up on the sect's affairs.

As the top force in the entire continent, although it takes a lot of money to achieve this, it is nothing. Especially the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, the most wealthy force, can only deploy several flying soul masters anytime and anywhere. Just side.

Although the martial arts of Ning Fengzhi and Ning Rongrong have successfully evolved into the Nine Treasure Glazed Pagoda, and Ning Rongrong has even given birth to two younger brothers and a younger sister within the sect, in the past two years, the name of the sect has changed. It is still the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, and it did not change its name to the Nine Treasures Glazed Sect after Ning Rongrong was confirmed as the successor of the sect as in the original work.

It wasn't that he didn't want to, but that he couldn't. The destruction of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family a few years ago completely shattered the deep-seated pride in Ning Fengzhi's heart.

After all, the Qibao Glazed Sect has indeed developed greatly in the hands of Ning Fengzhi. You must know that when Ning Fengzhi took over the position of the leader of the Qibao Glazed Sect, it could be said that there were internal and external troubles.

If he, Ning Fengzhi, had not successfully brought the two super Douluo Sword and Bone to the sect to turn the tide, even the prestige of the three upper sects might not have been preserved, let alone the development of the sect.

Although Ning Fengzhi in the original work was aware of the undercurrents in the soul master world, coupled with the so-called upper three sects with the same energy, and the number one sect in the world that was vaguely praised by the soul master world, he seemed to be vigilant, but because of the inner The hidden pride made Ning Fengzhi not take it too seriously.

But now... The Three Sects, one of the most powerful forces in the soul master world, so what, haven't they been quietly erased.

Their Seven Treasures Glazed Sect may be stronger than the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family in terms of high-end combat power, but in fact the overall strength of the sects is not much different.

If he wants to truly change his name to the Nine Treasure Glazed Sect, at least Ning Fengzhi will break through the soul power level to level [-] and become the first auxiliary-type titled Douluo on the Douluo Continent. In addition, Ning Rongrong's younger brothers, Ning Fengzhi finally changed the name of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect to the Nine Treasures Glazed Sect only after his sister's martial spirit awakened at the age of six and it was truly confirmed that the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda's martial arts could be passed down stably.

After two years of inspection experience and the handling of sect affairs, although the witch character in her heart has not weakened at all, Ning Rongrong still has more intelligence, calmness and majesty in her body, and the light in her eyes has become brighter. Brilliant.

Zhu Zhuqing's original coldness and deathly silence have also eased a lot in the past two years. Although the 'shi' that Zhu Zhuqing cultivates is the Netherworld's potential, the coldness and deathly silence of the Netherworld are just appearances, not the essence.

There was a little gentleness on the originally cold and beautiful face, and the only thing that remained unchanged was probably her efforts. Even on the carriage at this moment, Zhu Zhuqing was still in a semi-cultivation state.

However, the one who has changed the most among the three is undoubtedly Lin Nuo. Compared with two years ago, although Lin Nuo is still socially fearful by nature, his eyes are more confident. His face was originally indifferent because he was afraid of social interaction. He is much gentler, and even has a slight curvature at the corner of his mouth, making him look much more approachable.In the past two years, as the only male among the inspectors, Lin Nuo has had more things to worry about. However, this is not to say that Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong have done less or not done well, but because Lin Nuo compared to Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong. Ning Rongrong is more careful, mature, and steady, and has more time.

Among the inner court members of their generation, apart from Qin Mo, the most mature and intelligent person was undoubtedly Oscar. However, the person next in the ranking was not Dai Mubai, Tang San, Ma Hongjun, etc., but the one who seemed to be the most social. Lin Nuo was scared.

At the same time, Lin Nuo was also the only one in that session who could compare with Zhu Zhuqing in terms of effort.

After all, among the inner courtyard students of Qin Mo's class, only Lin Nuo was admitted from the outer courtyard and entered the inner courtyard by force, and his hard work has already penetrated into his bones.

Since Lin Nuo, Zhu Zhuqing, and Ning Rongrong are patrol envoys and need to constantly travel around the Tiandou Empire, they are not like Oscar and Tang San who went to the Star Luo Empire to serve as the deans of the Shrek Intermediate Soul Master Academy. The time is enough to train students, so there are only three of them on the carriage at the moment.

Ning Rongrong casually processed the last copy of the sect affairs letter sent by his subordinates, and then received it into the space soul guide. Looking at the familiar scenery outside the carriage, there was a hint of expectation in his eyes.

In the past two years, although the three of them were not able to return to Shrek Academy like Oscar and Tang San, due to the nationwide patrol, the opportunities to return to the academy were also very few, and the most important thing was that even if they returned to the academy People are not uniform, especially...
But it’s different now, two years have passed...
Shrek Academy Inner Court Dean's Office!

Qin Mo was processing the documents on the desk leisurely. Not far behind him, Ye Lingling, who was dressed in white and had a painted begonia flower between her eyebrows, with a clear and beautiful face, was holding several Qin people in her hands. Mo had already processed the documents, and his cold and beautiful eyes followed Qin Mo's fingertips.

The atmosphere was comfortable and peaceful, and Qin Mo seemed to be aware of Ye Lingling's gaze. The speed of Qin Mo's fingertips unconsciously increased a little.

For a moment, Qin Mo, who was processing the document, seemed to feel something. The tip of his pen paused for a moment, and then he signed his name at the end of the document.

The next moment, Ye Lingling stepped forward very skillfully, closed the documents in front of Qin Mo, received the documents on his chest, and quietly waited for the next document from Qin Mo.

However, Qin Mo did not open other unprocessed files on the main table as Ye Lingling thought, but looked at himself.

A trace of confusion flashed across Ye Lingling's eyes, and a look of confusion appeared on his face, as if he was asking Qin Mo, what's wrong?
Seeing this, Qin Mo couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly, and his eyes showed an extremely gentle look.

"Lingling, Xiaowu, Zhuqing and the others are back..."

(End of this chapter)

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