Chapter 204 Mirror
Outside Shrek Academy!

The space fluctuated slightly, and two eye-catching figures quietly emerged.

At this time, most of the students in the inner and outer courtyards of Shrek Academy were in class and practicing, so there were not many students at the gate of Shrek Academy except for the guards.

Coupled with the influence of Qin Mo's mental power, the appearance of the two did not attract much attention.

Compared with two years ago, Ye Lingling has not changed much except that the mark of the crabapple flower between her eyebrows has become more obvious. In two years, although Ye Lingling's soul power level is not as exaggerated as Qin Mo's improvement, the soul power level is not as exaggerated as Qin Mo's. The power level has also reached level 68.

As time passed, Ye Lingling also sensed the approaching auras of Oscar and Lin Nuo, and a smile instantly appeared on her cold and beautiful face.

The next moment, three fragrant winds blew by, and the three beautiful figures of Ning Rongrong, Xiao Wu, and Zhu Zhuqing flashed in an instant, appearing in front of Ye Lingling, and directly snatched Ye Lingling away from Qin Mo, especially Xiao Wu, and even more. He directly hugged Ye Lingling, Ning Rongrong, and Zhu Zhuqing tightly.

"Wow! Sister Lingling! Rongrong! Zhuqing! I miss you so much..." Xiao Wu shouted excitedly.

The faces of Ye Lingling, Zhu Zhuqing, and Ning Rongrong who were being hugged also showed a little excitement, especially Ye Lingling, looking at the three people who had become much more mature in front of them, there was a trace of pity and pampering in their eyes.

Qin Mo didn't care that Ye Lingling was snatched away from him by Xiao Wu and the others. Instead, he watched the interaction between the four of them with a gentle expression on his face and did not disturb him.

Then Qin Mo seemed to sense something, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he quickly looked at the six carriages that had gathered not far away.

Sensing the breath on the carriage, a smile suddenly rose in my heart, and I actually did this to him.

The next moment, several extremely powerful forces instantly locked Qin Mo completely.

Compared with two years ago, Oscar, Ma Hongjun, and Lin Nuo are now able to completely lock in their power without affecting other entities.

And not only Oscar and Tang San, but also Qin Ming joined in the fun, obviously wanting to see how far the extremely evil Qin Mo had grown in the past two years.

In an instant, under the power of Qin Ming, Oscar, Ma Hongjun, Lin Nuo, and Tang San, Qin Mo's surroundings began to twist in vain.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, the Roaring Moon Wolf, the Nirvana Fire Phoenix, the Deep Sea Xuan Ming, the Hunyuan Tianzhu, and the towering green leaves seemed to be sweeping toward him crazily.

Seeing this, the corners of Qin Mo's mouth raised slightly, and a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes, as if the power that could encompass all things in the world quietly emerged.


In an instant, the originally chaotic and twisted air around him began to fluctuate in an extremely strange trajectory, and a mysterious cauldron that seemed both invisible and tangible condensed.

At the moment when the magical cauldron condensed, not far away, the five Oscars gathered quietly on the same carriage, only feeling that the power they had exploded was in vain.

It was as if a drop of ink dropped into the ocean. It did not disappear, but was completely included and assimilated. The extremely weird and weird feeling instantly made Oscar and Tang San extremely uncomfortable, as if they were unable to use their strength.


Ju took a cold breath, and the uncomfortable and weird feeling instantly made Oscar and the others quickly put away their momentum, and a look of reverence suddenly appeared on their faces, especially Qin Ming, who was even more respectful. Partly wry smile and helpless.Although he had known that with the talents of Qin Mo, Oscar and others, he would one day be surpassed, the moment that actually arrived still made Qin Ming feel a little sour.

However, although he was a little helpless, Qin Ming felt more relieved, so the bitter smile on his face flashed away and quickly turned into composure.

On the carriage, the three little ones watched the expression changes on their teacher's face, with curiosity on their faces. Lu Jiu, the most active and outgoing among them, quickly looked at his senior master and second master.

"First Master, Second Master, what's wrong with you? And Senior Sister and the others..."

Not only Lu Jiu, but Han Jun and Lin Xiaolu, although they didn't ask, they looked at their master with curious faces, obviously they were also curious.

Looking at the curious expressions of their disciples, Oscar, Qin Ming, and Tang San looked at each other on the carriage, with a hint of weirdness on their faces. Could it be that the five of them had just joined forces to unleash their power, but they were not able to defeat Qin Mo? Suppression?This is obviously a bit hard to say.

But soon, Ma Hongjun rolled his eyes and laughed loudly: "Hahaha, we are saying hello. The Dean Qin Mo and Sister Lingling you are expecting are already waiting for us at the entrance of the college. The three of you Senior Sister is already one step ahead of us."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of Lu Jiu, Han Jun, and Lin Xiaolu suddenly showed expressions of anticipation and anxiety.


Lu Jiu quickly picked up his small mirror to see if his hair was messy. Lin Xiaolu couldn't help but take out the dressing mirror from the space soul guide. With Tang San and Xiao Wu as teachers, Lin Xiaolu naturally She was also dressed up like a smaller Xiao Wu, with a scorpion tail that reached her waist and swayed slightly under Lin Xiaolu's movements.

Seeing the movements of Lu Jiu and Lin Xiaolu, Han Jun's calm expression, which was very similar to Qin Ming's, changed for the first time. A trace of anxiety quietly appeared in his eyes, and his eyes kept flickering on the mirror in the hands of Lu Jiu and Lin Xiaolu.

Seeing the beautiful appearance of his disciple, Ma Hongjun suddenly showed a smirk on his face, and a bright golden fire light flashed.

The next moment, a young and anxious voice quickly went away.

"Ah...Second Master!!! Let me go, my hair...Master,,, save me!!"

On the carriage, the figures of Ma Hongjun and Lu Jiu disappeared completely at some point. Their disappearance naturally attracted the attention of everyone else, and a mirror quickly fell.

Only a young figure looked at the rapidly falling mirror, with a glimmer of light in his eyes.

Before the mirror could fall, a slightly immature but slender hand quietly appeared under the mirror and caught the mirror firmly.

After catching the mirror, Han Jun subconsciously glanced at everyone on the carriage. When he found that no one from Qin Ming and others noticed his movements, he let out a sigh of relief on his face.

The next moment, he quickly picked up the mirror and took a look. Looking at his own appearance in the mirror, he felt a little relaxed in his eyes, and then he placed the mirror nonchalantly on the spot where Lu Jiu was sitting just now.

Of course, Han Jun's actions could not be hidden from Qin Ming and others on the carriage. In other words, their reactions were much faster than Han Jun's. They all noticed Han Jun's actions and took them back. The only thing The only one who didn't know was Lin Xiaolu, who was of the same age.

At this moment, although Qin Ming and Tang San looked away from the carriage, there was a hint of smile on their faces.

(End of this chapter)

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