Chapter 205 Welcome home······
"Hahaha! Boss Mo, I'm back!!"

Ma Hongjun, who was carrying a pair of golden flaming phoenix wings in mid-air, carrying a blazing-haired young lady who looked to be in his early ten years, burst out like an arrow towards Qin Mo's position at the gate of Shrek Academy.

The golden flaming phoenix wings shook, as if the space was distorted, and a violent sonic boom sounded instantly.

Even with the support of Ma Hongjun's soul power, the huge sonic boom wind pressure still caused the little shot Lu Jiu's hair neatly arranged by Oscar to become extremely messy in an instant.

However, it was obvious from Ma Hongjun's slightly weird smile that this was intentional.

At this moment, the little shot Lu Jiu, who was being carried by Ma Hongjun, had completely given up struggling as he got closer, with a look of despair on his face.

Ma Hongjun's extremely flamboyant appearance instantly attracted the attention of everyone at the gate of Shrek Academy, even though Ma Hongjun had been gone for two years.

But at the not-so-busy Shrek Academy gate, many people still recognized Ma Hongjun's identity, especially the guard standing guard, who had a hint of surprise in his eyes.

However, compared to Ma Hongjun's appearance, the students at the gate of Shrek Academy were more concerned about the 'Boss Mo' in Ma Hongjun's mouth. The only person who could be called so by Ma Hongjun was Qin Mo, the current dean of their Shrek Academy.

In an instant, all the students and even the guards around the Shrek Academy gate cast their gazes in the direction of Ma Hongjun's attack, their eyes full of excitement and...awe.

In the main campus of Shrek Academy, except for the teachers and students from the inner college who have the opportunity to see Dean Qin Mo from time to time, even the teachers from the outer college can only meet once or twice a month.

As for the students from the outer courtyard, they can only have the opportunity to see them during the biannual competition for the inner courtyard's sequence.

It's not that Qin Mo is putting on airs, but he is really busy. After all, there are nearly half a hundred Shrek academies under the main courtyard in Qin Mo's hands. In addition, Qin Mo is very good at space methods, which also leads to the students of the outer courtyard. It is basically impossible to see Qin Mo in the academy.

Although there was no one where Ma Hongjun landed, all the students present and outside the door knew that their dean was extremely good at spatial methods.

Seeing this, Qin Mo felt a little helpless, his mental power quietly fluctuated, and he simply removed the spatial influence on himself and Ye Lingling.

Seeing the appearance of Qin Mo and Ye Lingling, many students at the gate and even the guards showed a hint of admiration in their eyes.

The few people in front of me were forced into the hands of the teams from all the advanced soul master academies and the Wuhun Palace a few years ago, and they won the entire continent's elite soul master competition in a nearly crushing way.

However, although everyone was respectful and excited, they did not come forward to disturb him and just talked in low voices.

Of course, this is also because of the majesty Qin Mo has left in the college in the past two years, and because most of the students during this period are still practicing and studying in the college.

Ma Hongjun, who ducked in front of Qin Mo, casually released Lu Jiu and wanted to hug Qin Mo directly.

But before Ma Hongjun could come into contact with Qin Mo, a weak spatial fluctuation flickered quietly, directly freezing Ma Hongjun in place.

At the same time, an exquisite soul power quickly spread toward Lu Jiu, quickly righting him.

Looking at Lu Jiu with excitement, admiration and a trace of lovelessness on his face, Qin Mo unconsciously showed a smile on his face, especially when he sensed the fiery soul power fluctuations in Lu Jiu's body, and even more flashes of light flashed in his eyes. A look of satisfaction.

Although his soul power level is still less than level [-], his talent alone is enough to rank at the forefront of the current inner court.

With Qin Mo's eyesight, he could naturally see the thoughts of the little guy in front of him. He immediately chuckled and tapped his fingertips, and an extremely mysterious time fluctuation lingered. "You are the little dove that Oscar calls you, right..."

As the words flowed backwards, Lu Jiu's hair quickly returned to its original state.

Lu Jiu seemed to have noticed the change in his hair. A hint of surprise suddenly appeared in his eyes, and he subconsciously touched his hair.

But compared to his hair, Lu Jiu cared more about Qin Mo's praise. His face was slightly flushed, and his eyes were full of excitement.

"Recovered...thank you...thank you, Dean Qin...Qin Mo..." Lu Jiu was a little nervous and excited at the moment and couldn't say anything. Words come.

Since he was accepted as a disciple by Oscar and Ma Hongjun, he often heard the two masters talk about the legend of Qin Mo, as if he had been brainwashed.

Seeing Lu Jiu's stuttering look, Qin Mo's eyes showed a hint of gentleness. He slightly reached out and touched Lu Jiu's hair, but did not mess it up.

"take it easy······"

Before he finished speaking, Ma Hongjun, who was frozen in space beside him, finally broke free. Naturally, what Qin Mo just said could not escape Ma Hongjun's ears, and he did not care at all that he was frozen.

Instead, he laughed with great pride and said: "Hahaha, of course, Boss Mo, Xiao Jiu'er is my most proud disciple..."

As Ma Hongjun finished speaking, several figures not far away quickly appeared in front of Qin Mo.

"Qin Mo..."

"Boss Mo~~~"×3!

"Dean Qin Mo!" ×2!

Looking at Qin Ming, Oscar, Tang San, Lin Nuo and the two little ones appearing in front of him, a smile suddenly appeared on Qin Mo's face.

"Welcome home······"

As soon as these four words came out, everyone including Qin Ming's eyes were moved, especially Xiao Wu who was holding Ye Lingling's arms and not letting go. The eyes of Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing in Dou were also slightly red.

Looking at the students gradually starting to gather around him, Qin Mo showed a trace of gentleness in his eyes and nodded slightly to the students around him. Then a space wave quickly floated across, covering Qin Ming, Oscar and everyone else instantly.


The space was like water ripples, flooding slightly, and everyone disappeared directly at the gate of the college, leaving only six approaching carriages and the gathering students.

As Qin Mo and others disappeared, the students at the gate of the college all showed a trace of regret, especially the students who only had time to see the backs of Qin Mo and others.

But what's more is joy. After all, with the return of Qin Ming and others, as students of Shrek Academy, they will definitely be able to see each other again, especially since the semi-annual 'Inner Court Sequence Battle' will be held soon.

(End of this chapter)

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