Chapter 211 Tang Xiao
Haotian Sect!
At the main entrance, when two young men in gray clothes saw Tang Ming approaching with Qin Mo and others, a flash of surprise suddenly flashed in their eyes. The small mountain village outside Haotian Sect was not only for connecting with the outside world, but also for Most of them serve as warnings.

At the very least, a tribesman with a soul power level of at least eighty is required to be in charge. He is absolutely not allowed to leave without permission unless there is something important. The two of them quickly scanned Qin Mo and the others.

As the new generation of the Haotian Sect, the two gray-clothed young men obviously did not know Bai He and Tai Tan, but they were somewhat familiar with Tang Hao's face. Although his face was slightly older, it was somewhat similar to their sect master. .

He immediately bowed to Tang Ming and saluted, but the young man on the left stepped forward and smiled at Tang Ming: "Uncle Ming, why are you back? Are they?"

Hearing this, Tang Ming did not respond immediately. Instead, he directly touched his right hand and summoned the Clear Sky Hammer spirit. Eight bright spirit rings quickly rose from Tang Ming's feet.

Seeing the soul rings surrounding Tang Ming's body and the Clear Sky Hammer martial spirit, as well as the domineering soul power that belonged to the Clear Sky Hammer lingering around Tang Ming's body, the two young men suddenly showed a hint of relaxation in their eyes and quickly moved away. , said: "Uncle Ming, please forgive me!"

Hearing this, Tang Ming didn't pay attention. Instead, he showed a smile, patted the young man in front of him, and said with a smile: "Thank you for your hard work..."

After finishing speaking, he led Qin Mo and Tang San directly towards the interior of the sect.

If only third or fourth generation disciples want to bring people into the sect, they still need to go through general approval, but Tang Ming does not need to. As a Soul Douluo with a soul power level of over 80, one of the few in the Haotian Sect. As long as their identities are verified, sealed seeds are fully qualified to bring people into the sect.

Entering the gate, you will first see a large and bright courtyard, followed by tall stone buildings. The buildings of Haotian Sect do not have a luxurious feel at all, but they are not simple at all. The biggest feature of the whole is its heaviness.

Entering the main building of the sect, which is the castle-like location, you pass through the wide hall and climb to the second floor from the inner staircase. On the way, you see many Haotian sect disciples, all dressed in gray. When you see Tang When Ming appeared, everyone was stunned but then gave a slight bow.

At the same time, they looked at Qin Mo and the others behind Tang Ming, with curiosity on their faces. Especially when they looked at Tang Hao's face, which was very similar to his own sect master, surprise flashed in his eyes.

In particular, some of the elders froze on the spot, with excitement, disgust, or excitement in their eyes. They had obviously guessed Tang Hao's identity, but they did not step forward to disturb him. He quickly left towards various parts of the sect, obviously reporting to the elders of Haotian Sect.

Neither Tang Ming nor Tang Hao paid the slightest attention to the reactions of the many Haotian Sect disciples, or they had expected it. Tang Ming's face changed slightly and he led Qin Mo and his party to the innermost room on the second floor of the castle. In front of an arch.

His eyes paused on Qin Mo, Tang San, and A Yin. Just as he was about to say something, Tang Hao's slightly hoarse voice slowly sounded: "Brother...I'm back... ···”

The moment the words fell, a vast and domineering soul power wave instantly erupted from the arch in front of him.


The arch suddenly opened, and a body over two meters tall, with a sturdy back and short gray hair, and a body that was seventy or eighty percent similar to Tang Hao, instantly flashed through the arch and appeared in front of everyone.

The remaining overbearing soul power pressure instantly caused Tang San, A Yin, and even Yang Wudi, whose soul power level reached over 80, to stagnate slightly. "Brother Hao, are you finally willing..." A rich voice filled with excitement, anxiety, and joy quickly rang out from his mouth.

But before Tang Xiao could finish what he said, Tang Xiao instantly noticed the people around Tang Hao. Especially when he saw the faces of A Yin and Tang San, his pupils shrank crazily, trembled, and even My heart seemed to have stopped for a moment.

There seemed to be an uproar in his mind. Ah Yin, his third sister, hadn't it been more than ten years ago... His tone was extremely excited, even a little trembling, and his eyes quickly looked at Tang Hao: "Brother Hao, the third sister Sister, she is not..."

Seemingly knowing what Tang Hao wanted to say, Tang Hao was also extremely flustered. His eyes glanced at Tang Ming, and then he nodded inconspicuously.

Although they were separated from Tang Hao for more than ten years, the tacit understanding between them as brothers has not diminished at all. He instantly understood what Tang Hao meant, and Tang Xiao's eyes quickly showed a look of great joy and joy.

He even couldn't help but burst out laughing: "Hahaha! Okay! Okay! Okay! Great..."

Hearing Tang Xiao's hearty laughter, Tang Hao's eyes flashed with a hint of shame, while A Yin's eyes quickly flashed with a glint of light. Tang San, who had heard the stories between his parents and uncle, also felt a hint of shame in his heart. warmth.

Even Yang Wudi and Bai He, who were extremely cold and even hateful towards the Haotian Sect, had a soft look in their eyes. It can be said that both Tang Hao and Tang Xiao were the ones they had grown up with, and they were the ones who had grown up in the Haotian Sect. There are very few people who are not serious about rejection.

Even Qin Mo couldn't help but sigh slightly in his heart. If Tang Xiao had not quit easily, and A Yin had not chosen Tang Hao, the ending of the story might have been completely different.

Tang Xiao may not be as good as Tang Hao in terms of talent in martial arts and what the Haotian Sect considers to be domineering, and may even be a little indecisive, but when it comes to important matters, his responsibility and ability are far superior to Tang Hao's.

It's a pity that everyone in the Haotian Sect, including Tang Xiao himself, is still addicted to the domineering and pride of his ancestor Tang Chen...

After a little calming down his turbulent mood, Tang Xiao quickly looked at Tang Ming, his face straightened, and he ordered extremely seriously: "Tang Ming, go and inform the elders that the sect meeting will start in half an hour!"

Hearing this, Tang Ming showed a hint of respect in his eyes, nodded quickly, and said, "Yes! Sect Master!"

After finishing speaking, he quickly bowed to brothers Tang Xiao and Tang Hao, and then left quickly.

After seeing Tang Ming leave, Tang Xiao couldn't help but take a few deep breaths, his eyes swept over Tang San, Qin Mo and Yang Wudi, but he didn't stop too much on Qin Mo and looked at Yang Wudi. , Bai He and the others had a flash of guilt in their eyes.

But only when he looked at Tang San, he couldn't help but say: "Brother Hao, Third Sister, he is..."

(End of this chapter)

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