The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 212: The Trouble with Account Banning

Chapter 212: The Trouble with Account Banning
Before Tang Hao and A Yin could speak, Tang San quickly stepped forward, bowed deeply to Tang Xiao, and shouted with great respect: "Uncle!"

As Tang San finished speaking, Tang Xiao couldn't help but reveal a smile on his face and said, "Okay, good boy!"

At this moment, Ah Yin also bowed slightly to Tang Xiao: "Brother!"

Hearing A Yin's gentle and familiar voice, Tang Xiao couldn't help but tremble again for a moment. Fortunately, as the leader of the Haotian Sect, he finally suppressed his emotions and said with a hint of joy in his tone: "Three Sister...just be okay if it's alright! Just be alright if it's alright..."

After a while, Tang Xiao finally calmed down all his emotions, looked at Yang Wudi and Bai He, with a trace of shame on his face, and said: "Uncle Yang...Uncle Bai..."

But before Tang Xiao could finish his words, Yang Wudi's slightly gloomy and cold voice quickly sounded: "Are you going to talk outside this door?"

Hearing this, feeling the coldness on Yang Wudi and Tai Tan, Tang Xiao showed a wry smile, losing all of his domineering attitude in front of Tang Ming, and quickly welcomed everyone into the room.


The second generation of the sect and the first generation elders of the sect live in the Haotian Sect castle. The third and fourth generation disciples all live in the stone houses built behind the castle.

Therefore, even before Tang Ming informed all the elders, many elders knew about Tang Hao's return with the heads of the four affiliated sects, and even the identities of A Yin and Tang San were speculated.

After learning the news, three of the five titled elders could not help but reveal a trace of greed in their eyes. However, when they thought of the results found in the ruins of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family two years ago, the greed in their eyes was quickly suppressed.

Among them, the long-browed titled elder with the highest soul power level and the deepest thoughts seemed to be unmoved, while the seventh elder, who had the most explosive temper, instantly showed a look of fury.

The violent, domineering, and fiery soul power exploded instantly, the fire flickered, the huge Clear Sky Hammer quickly appeared, and the nine soul rings flashed: "Okay, great! A sect evil man actually dares to come back with a bastard..." ···”

After finishing speaking, he wanted to rush directly to where Tang Xiao was.

However, as soon as the seventh elder stepped out of the door, a far more powerful aura approached instantly, and an old but vigorous palm quietly pressed the seventh elder's shoulder: "Seventh Elder, shut up..." ··”

Not only the Changmei title elder, but also the other three title elders appeared outside the seventh elder's door.

Seeing this, although the anger in the eyes of the seventh elder was blazing, he did not act arbitrarily. He just shouted excitedly: "Second brother..."

Hearing this, the long-browed and white-haired titled elder shook his head slightly, and the other three elders also spoke to persuade: "Old Seven, don't be impulsive..."

The long-browed and white-haired titled elder originally ranked second among his peers in the Haotian Sect. However, due to what happened more than ten years ago, both the sect master and the great elder died. He is now the oldest and oldest member of the Haotian Sect. The presence.

Faced with the obstruction of several elders, the seventh elder, even though he was very unwilling, still suppressed his anger and slowly restrained the rioting soul power and the Clear Sky Hammer.

Seeing that the Seventh Elder had restrained his soul power, the fluctuations of the soul power in the bodies of the four elders also quietly restrained themselves. Seeing this, the Long-Eyebrow Titled Elder nodded slightly and said calmly: "Let's go to the main hall..." ·”

Not far away, after watching the five elders walking towards the main hall, Tang Ming's eyes relaxed slightly.After receiving Tang Xiao's order, Tang Ming immediately chose to go to the Changmei Titled Elder to inform him. As a senior member of the Haotian Sect and one of the witnesses of the incident that year, although he did not know the most critical reason .

But he was also very clear about the grievances and grudges between the elders and Tang Hao, especially the fiery-tempered seventh elder who lost his son because of Tang Hao. The only ones who could suppress him were the sect master and the title elder Changmei.

In other words, the major elders in the Haotian Sect basically followed the lead of the titled Elder Long Eyebrow. Fortunately, the Elder Long Eyebrow was extremely supportive of Tang Xiao, and in the past ten years, if it hadn’t been for the Title Elder Long Eyebrow, he had stood by Tang Xiao extremely firmly. If Xiao Fang takes charge, I am afraid that the Haotian Sect will already be in chaos.

This was also the reason why Tang Ming immediately chose to notify Changmei's title of elder. However, as Tang Xiao became increasingly powerful, he also felt that he was too big to lose.

After half an hour!
There was no one within a thousand meters outside the Haotian Sect's main hall. Five vast, explosive, and domineering soul power pressures were lingering, obviously intending to give Tang Hao and the others a disincentive, even the long-browed title elder was no exception.

The door of the main hall is not closed, but open. At a glance, you can see the five elders in the main hall with their eyes closed.

Feeling the terrifying pressure lingering in the hall, Tang San, Yang Wudi, and Bai He all showed cold anger in their eyes.

Looking at the five elders who were still arrogant inside the gate, Qin Mo's eyes flashed with a hint of sneer, and at the same time he was also a little curious.

Judging from the appearance alone, the five elders in front of them are definitely not less than eighty years old, especially the oldest named elder with long eyebrows. Even if it is pushed forward more than ten years, I am afraid that his age is at least close to 80 years old.

And more than ten years ago, when the Haotian Sect was not forced to close the sect by Qian Daoliu, it seemed that only Tang Hao's father was a Titled Douluo, and Tang Xiao had just broken through to the Titled Douluo around the time of his father's death. As for the other titled Douluo of the Haotian Sect, it was Tang Hao who disappeared.

It was what was called a double Douluo in the soul master world 20 years ago.

This also means that the five elders of the Haotian Sect in front of them did not break through to the Titled Douluo more than ten years ago, but they all broke through in the past ten years.

But even if a soul master has the protection of soul power, after he reaches the age of eighty, his energy, blood, body, and mental strength are no longer at their peak, but have begun to gradually decline, and the probability of breaking through the title is greatly reduced.

There is not even a chance, and there is basically no hope of being banned.

Just like Qin Dong back then, if it weren't for Qin Mo's help, his soul power level reaching level 89 would have been the limit, let alone breaking through to Title Douluo.

As for whether it might be something left by Tang Chen, this possibility is not high. If Tang Chen had left something behind, Haotian Sect would have used it long ago. How could it be forced into the same situation.

The 20 years of forbearance and repair in the original work, the so-called knowing shame and then being brave is a joke. The title level of the soul master system cannot be broken by the so-called knowing shame and then being brave.

Otherwise, within the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family, which possesses the highest level of martial arts and belongs to the same three sects, why is only the patriarch Yu Yuanzhen a titled Douluo? Are the other elders and senior officials unaware of the family's crisis?
They are both one of the top three sects. Even if the demigod Tang Chen appeared in the Haotian Sect, the gap in background between the sects will never be too big.

(End of this chapter)

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