Chapter 213 Just a vassal and a slave
Looking at the figures of the five titled elders of Haotian Sect in the main hall not far away, Qin Mo's eyes quietly lit up with a mysterious light.

Under his gaze, all the materials in front of him seemed to have returned to their essence in Qin Mo's eyes, instantly piercing through everything in the bodies of the five elders, including flesh and blood, muscles and bones, soul power and even martial souls.

In just a moment, Qin Mo completely understood the reason why the five titled elders in front of him were able to break through to the titled Douluo. The magical light in his eyes quickly disappeared, and a look of confusion suddenly flashed across his face.

Compared with a normal soul master who breaks through a titled Douluo in terms of physical strength, mental power, soul power, and martial soul, this is not the case for the five elders of the Haotian Sect in front of him.

In Qin Mo's eyes, the five elders of the Haotian Sect in front of him have indeed reached the level that ordinary titled Douluo should have in terms of martial soul and soul power. Among them, the most powerful Changmei titled elder is not even as good as him in these two aspects. The two brothers Tang Xiao and Tang Hao are different.

But in comparison, there is a huge gap in mental and physical strength. The weakest among them is only at the level of a quasi-titled Douluo, and the most powerful can only reach level 92 and third-level attack system. The level of martial soul soul master.

Among them, the most important life force, the so-called life span, is almost the same as that of ordinary Soul Douluo. You must know that normal soul masters will undergo a transformation when they break through the Titled Douluo.

And the five elders in front of us...


Outside the main hall, facing the gazes of the five elders of the Haotian Sect on Tang Hao, Tang Xiao, as the sect leader, suddenly showed a trace of anger in his eyes, but he felt more powerless in his heart, and at the same time he felt extremely tired.

The five elders in the main hall are all their uncles. It can be said that he and Tang Hao are actually the most respected by them, and they have made countless contributions to the Haotian Sect. In addition, there are five people with the title of Douluo level. The strength was something that even Tang Xiao, as the sect leader, could not fully control.

Even in the past ten years or so, whenever there have been disputes and decisions, Tang Xiao, as the leader of the clan, has basically chosen to give in. However, it is not because Tang Xiao is not strong enough to compete with the elders, it is just out of pure respect...

Feeling the pressure of the five Haotian titles lingering in the surrounding space, Tang Xiao's eyes showed determination for the first time. Today...he was not going to give in anymore.

The soul power in his body quietly began to circulate, and a magnificent and domineering pressure quickly lingered. Unlike Tang Hao's absolute domineering pressure, Tang Xiao's soul power was as grand and calm as a mountain.

But before Tang Xiao could step forward, Tang Hao's thick and powerful arms quietly appeared on his shoulders, quickly suppressing the soul power in Tang Xiao's body. Although the light in his eyes was a little dim, his tone was extremely domineering: "Brother, leave it to me..."

The next moment, an overbearing and terrifying pressure suddenly erupted. Vaguely, there seemed to be a huge black hammer condensing in the sky above Tang Hao, and it fell directly towards the pressure erupted by the five elders like a falling meteor.

Feeling the pressure of soul power erupting from Tang Hao's body, Tang Xiao was slightly startled, and his steps that he originally stepped forward stopped in place.

The soul pressure of the six titled Douluo collided instantly, and the terrifying pressure quickly caused the already extremely stagnant air around them to begin to twist.

Although he was clearly facing the oppression of the five major titled Douluo, Tang Hao, who was alone, did not fall behind at all. Even judging from their faces, it seemed that Tang Hao still had the upper hand.

But this is not surprising. Although Tang Hao's character is criticized, his fighting talent is unparalleled. Even if it is just a simple collision of coercion, not to mention that Tang Hao has also practiced 'Shi' and used it to The field is condensed.

The 'Haotian Domain' plus the 'Killing God Domain', with the power of these two domains, Tang Hao is enough to rank in the top five in the entire continent in terms of coercion alone.

Compared with them, the five elders of Haotian Sect are undoubtedly mediocre. Their pressure seems to be strong and domineering, but in the face of the pressure that broke out from Tang Hao, it was like paper, which was torn apart directly. Kouzi.

It was as if a towering giant hammer directly tore apart the pressure of the five people.

As the pressure was broken, the faces of several elders in the hall, including the titled elder Long Eyebrow, showed an ugly look, although they knew that Tang Hao's strength might be terrifying.But this time Tang Hao brought his wife, children, and the heads of the four major affiliated clans, didn't he want to recognize his ancestors and return to the clan?How dare he resist like this...

The eyes of the slender seventh elder once again ignited the flames of incomparable anger, and the slender but extremely powerful right palm suddenly fell.



The stone table shattered directly under the palm of the seventh elder, and extremely violent curses instantly sounded: "Evil! How dare you resist!!!"

Following the seventh elder's angry curse, the atmosphere in the venue instantly became extremely stagnant, like a powder keg about to explode.

Among them, the title elder with long eyebrows suddenly felt something bad in his heart, but he made no move to stop it. Outside the main hall, Tang Xiao, Tang San, Yang Wudi, Tai Tan and others quickly showed angry expressions on their faces.

The soul power in his body began to fluctuate uncontrollably.

Seeing this, the seventh elder slowly stood up, his extremely cold eyes swept over Tang San and Yang Wudi, and finally stared at Tang Hao, saying: "Why...did I say something wrong?"

"Back then, if you weren't such an evildoer who caused great trouble and walked away, making the previous sect leader so angry, how could our Haotian Sect be like this..."

Looking at Tang Hao's white hair and face that was several times older than Tang Xiao, the seventh elder showed a trace of joy in his eyes, but his tone was extremely sarcastic, saying: "Why... now is the strength Now that you are strong, do you plan to come back and show off your power to us?"

As the seventh elder finished speaking, pain flashed in Tang Hao's eyes, but he did not speak.

However, just because Tang Hao didn't speak, it didn't mean that Yang Wudi, Tai Tan, Bai He, and Niu Gao didn't speak. Seeing the seventh elder's domineering look, all four of them had a trace of ridicule on their faces.

How could they have the nerve to say these words in front of their four major clans? The Haotian Sect's losses back then were indeed not small, but in fact it did not affect its foundation. However, their four major clans of 'strength, agility, control, and destruction' What about the clan...
Yang Wudi stepped forward slightly, and a gloomy and cold voice sounded: "The Seventh Elder is so majestic..."

As Yang Wudi's voice sounded, Tai Tan, Bai He, and Niu Gao all followed closely and quickly took a step forward.

Looking at the actions of Yang Wudi and the four others, before Yang Wudi could finish his words, the seventh elder's eyes instantly showed a hint of sneer, without any care, and his tone was even more condescending as he said: "What can my Haotian Sect's clan do? Now is the time for you to speak."

Not only the seven elders, but also the remaining four elders showed a hint of indifference in their eyes. Apparently, in their view, the four affiliated clans of "Strength, Sensitivity, Po, and Yu" were just vassals and slaves of their Haotian Sect. He should have dedicated everything he had to their Haotian Sect.

Otherwise, the four affiliated clans of 'Strength, Sensitivity, Po, and Yu' would not have been abandoned so easily and simply.

As soon as these words came out, a trace of blood suddenly appeared in the eyes of Yang Wudi and Tai Tan, and extremely cold murderous intent quietly rose. The soul power in their bodies surged instantly, and their martial spirits instantly possessed them.

The four soul Douluo level soul power fluctuations rose rapidly, and the aura of Yang Wudi, the most powerful one, even faintly broke the boundaries of a titled Douluo.

(End of this chapter)

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