The five elders of the Haotian Sect didn't care at all about Yang Wudi, Bai He and the four major clans of 'Li, Min, Yu, and Po', and even considered them dispensable.

They are just Digital Soul Douluo and four middle-level soul master families, and they are not even in their eyes.

Otherwise, even if the sect is forced to close by Wuhun Palace, relying on the strength of the Titled Douluo level, it will never be possible for the four major clans of 'Strength, Sensitivity, Yu, and Po' to remain untouched for more than ten years.

At this moment, facing the actions of Yang Wudi and Tai Tan, the eyes of the five Changmei Titled Elders, including the Changmei Titled Elder, showed a hint of indifference. They were just vassals and slaves, but they dared to stab their masters. They simply didn’t know what to say. ······

Especially the soul power of the Seventh Elder, who was already extremely angry, exploded instantly, and a Haotian Hammer without any lines quickly condensed.

"Yellow!" "Yellow!" "Purple!" "Purple!" "Black!" "Black!" "Black!" "Black!" "Black!"

Nine brilliant soul rings lingered on the Clear Sky Hammer with extremely violent fluctuations.

In addition to the Chang Mei Titled Elder, the three Titled Douluo-level elders also burst out with coercion. The soul power on their bodies quickly condensed, and their indifferent yet sharp gazes were directed at Yang Wudi and the others.

But before the seventh elder could speak, a Clear Sky Hammer that was much larger than the seventh elder's hand and engraved with many strange patterns quietly blocked the two.

Nine more dazzling soul rings rose rapidly, and the most conspicuous blood-red soul ring's light was even more dazzling, and the extremely domineering and violent pressure instantly pressed on the seventh elder.

"Tang Hao!!!"

Under the overwhelming pressure, the seventh elder was staggered, especially the cold murderous intention contained in the pressure, which directly caused the seventh elder's body to stagnate.

But even so, the fire of anger in the eyes of the seventh elder did not weaken at all, but burned even more intensely.

Seeing this, the Long-Eyebrow Titled Elder finally made a move. The Long-Eyebrow Titled Elder's body flashed slightly and instantly appeared beside the Seventh Elder. His old wrinkled palm quickly pressed on the Seventh Elder's shoulder. He couldn't really let the Seventh Elder. Fight against Tang Hao.

His eyes swept over Tang Hao's body, especially the blood-red soul ring surrounding Tang Hao's body. He froze for a moment, and a complex color flashed in his eyes.

"Okay, Old Seven..."

As the voice of the title elder with long eyebrows sounded, and feeling the power coming from his shoulders, the somewhat angry seventh elder finally calmed down a little. However, looking at the cold eyes of everyone in front of him, he immediately snorted and turned towards his seat. sit down.

After seeing the Seventh Elder calm down, the Long-Eyebrow Titled Elder's eyes slowly focused on Tang Hao, A Yin, and Tang San. As one of the insiders back then, he could guess A Yin even without anyone else's introduction. And Tang San's identity.

Only Tang Hao's family of three could make him pay attention to it. As for Yang Wudi, Tai Tan and other patriarchs of the four major clans of 'Li, Min, Yu and Po', as well as the five Qin Mo people, they completely ignored it.

There was some confusion in his tone, and he said: "Tang Hao... you are not here to recognize your ancestors and return to your clan."

After the scene just now, the title elder Changmei could naturally see that Tang Hao was probably not returning to the sect to recognize his ancestors and return to the sect, but rather...

As the voice of the title elder Changmei sounded, Tang Xiao and the four elders suddenly froze. Among them, the four elders were more frightened and angry, while Tang Xiao was anxious.

He quickly looked at his younger brothers Tang Hao, A Yin and Tang San: "Brother Hao, Third Sister, Xiao San..."

But before Tang Xiao could finish his words, Ah Yin shook his head slightly, and a gentle voice quickly sounded in Tang Xiao's ears: "Brother..."

Although they were separated by more than ten years, Tang Xiao instantly understood what A Yin wanted to say, and a sense of powerlessness instantly appeared in his eyes.

Facing the question from the title elder with long eyebrows, Tang Hao was silent for a moment, and slowly calmed down the rioting soul power in his body. The huge Clear Sky Hammer in his palm gradually disappeared and was taken back into his body.

However, although Tang Hao put away the Clear Sky Hammer spirit, the lingering power has not diminished at all, and even intensified. A slightly hoarse voice sounded: "Recognize the ancestor and return to the clan... I am not qualified... ·····""I just want to ask a few questions...and I hope to tell you the truth..."

Hearing this, the pupils of the title elder Changmei shrank slightly, and the uneasiness lingering in his heart quietly amplified, not only the title elder Changmei, but also the second elder and third elder not far away.

Tang Xiao's pupils were trembling even more. It was obvious that he had some guesses about what happened back then, but there was no evidence.

Only the seventh elder's eyes remained angry.

Ignoring the changes in the expressions of the elders, Tang Hao slowly locked his gaze on the Changmei Titled Elder, and suddenly a strong pressure quietly came upon him. Even though he was the strongest among the elders, the terrifying crisis still caused the elder to The hair on the eyebrow-titled elder's back stood up.

"Whose decision was it back then..." A hoarse voice sounded slowly.

As soon as this question came out, an inexplicable look flashed in the eyes of the four elders in the Haotian Sect except the seventh elder, while Tang Xiao, A Yin and Tang San showed extremely serious expressions on their faces.

In response to Tang Hao's question, the Long Eyebrow Titled Elder moved his lips slightly, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he still didn't say it.

Regarding the reaction of the titled elder with long eyebrows, Tang Xiao's eyes suddenly showed pain. His guess was true...

A trace of sadness flashed across A Yin's eyes, as if he also felt his mother's sadness. Tang San quietly held his mother's palm, looking at the five elders of the Haotian Sect with even colder eyes.

Looking at the silent look of the long-browed title elder, Tang Hao's dim eyes fluctuated violently.

"You, uncle, or...father..."

The hoarse and deep voice resounded in everyone's ears like thunder.

Especially the elders of the Haotian Sect and Tang Xiao. Even the impulsive seventh elder now understood exactly what Tang Hao was asking.

As Tang Hao's voice fell, the pupils of the five elders trembled crazily, and Tang Xiao's face turned extremely pale instantly, and even his brain felt dizzy: "Father...Father...Hao brother ,what are you saying······"

Although the tone was full of disbelief, there was a hint of lack of confidence.

"it's me!"

The voice of the titled elder with long eyebrows sounded slowly.

The decisive answer was not convincing at all. The changes in the eyes of the elders just now said everything.

Qin Mo also knew it clearly. No wonder that after Tang Hao chose to disappear, the leader of the Haotian Sect, who was titled Douluo, was actually angry to death. Rather than being angry to death, it was more to give Qian Daoliu an explanation. Bar.

Judging from the ages of Tang Xiao and Tang Hao, the leader of the Haotian Sect back then was only seventy years old at most. With the vitality of a titled Douluo at this age, even if he had hidden injuries, it would be impossible unless he was seriously injured and dying. Would die is such an understatement.

I'm afraid this is also the reason why Tang Hao was able to escape when he faced Qian Daoliu's pursuit.

Otherwise, with Qian Daoliu's 99th level soul power, semi-god level strength, and a being known as the 'Invincible in the Sky', how could he not be able to hunt down Tang Hao, who had just broken through to the Title Douluo level.

······(end of this chapter)

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