


Tang Hao's right hand holding the Clear Sky Hammer had veins popping out in vain, and the dull sound of joint collisions quickly sounded. The terrifying power surrounding his body began to become even more chaotic, and the surrounding air was even twisted and twisted.

The terrifying pressure instantly made the five elders in the Clear Sky Sect tremble in their hearts, especially the long-browed titled elder who was closest and facing Tang Hao. He even felt the Clear Sky Hammer martial spirit in his body begin to tremble a little.

Feeling the power erupting from Tang Hao's body, although the title elder with long eyebrows was unconsciously frightened, his heart was filled with emotion and helplessness.

The power that Tang Hao unleashed in front of him did not live up to the expectations of many members of the Haotian Sect, and even his domineering level was no worse than that of Tang Chen's ancestors back then.

It’s just a pity that the xinxing is really... If so...
The long-browed title elder's eyes subconsciously glanced at Tang Xiao who was beside Tang Hao, with a trace of emotion in his eyes. If Tang Hao could have Tang Xiao's tenacity...their Haotian Sect's plan back then... ·

Looking at the two brothers with very similar faces, the title elder Changmei was rarely distracted for a moment.

However, the four titled elders behind him did not lose their concentration. Instead, they summoned the 'Haotian Hammer' in an instant and quickly moved to the side of the long-browed titled elder.

Although the eyes of the seventh elder were different, especially the eyes of the seventh elder were bitter, they still burst out with pressure immediately and quickly resisted Tang Hao's power.

If we look at the truth of what happened back then, there was actually nothing wrong with anything. There was only one truly innocent and pitiful person, and that was Tang San's mother A Yin. She was so plotted that she couldn't even find peace after being sacrificed. .

But from the standpoint of the human race, although Tang San's mother was innocent and pitiful, she was not wrong.

Of course, there may be an unlucky one, Qian Xunji, and the rest are just implicated. One careless move led to the loss of everything, and they had too high a view of Tang Hao.

As several elders approached, the long-browed titled elder quickly woke up from his absent-minded state. He raised his slightly old and wrinkled right hand slightly, slightly suppressing the soul power of the four people. At the same time, several soul powers quietly used some other method. The way of the elders fluctuated slightly.

The moment they felt this strange fluctuation of soul power, a flash of fear and anger flashed in the eyes of the elders, but it was quickly completely wiped out by the reminder of the soul power of the titled elder Long Eyebrow. Apparently, they all understood what the titled elder Chang Eyebrow meant. Calculation.

After reminding several old brothers, the title elder Changmei raised his eyebrows slightly, and then looked at Yang Wudi and Taitan, whose soul power was stirring and their expressions were extremely angry. With a little carelessness in his tone, he wrote lightly: " They are also the ones I chose to give up..."


As soon as these words came out, the soul power of Yang Wudi and Tai Tan began to riot, and the rhythmic soul rings on their bodies shone even brighter, as if they might trigger an explosion of soul skills at any time.

Facing the shock and anger of Yang Wudi and Tai Tan, the elders all looked calm and didn't care at all.

The gaze of the title elder Changmei slowly swept over Tang Hao, Tang San, and A Yin's family. With an extremely calm voice, he finally locked on Tang Hao and said, "Do you have any other questions? ·····"silence······
As the words of the title elder Changmei fell, there was an incomparable silence in the place. The faces of everyone present except Qin Mo were either cold, angry, cold, or dead, all of which were extremely ugly.

Qin Mo, on the other hand, took a deep look at the titled elder with long eyebrows and felt slightly in his heart. He was truly worthy of being the oldest and most senior titled elder in the Haotian Sect. He was really scheming. Although this plan was caused by Qin Mo. A few accidents became obvious, but the final result was a naked conspiracy without much impact.

I am afraid that Chang Mei's title elder had already expected it when Tang Hao showed up at Haotian Sect with A Yin, Tang San and the heads of the four affiliated clans.

The joint pressure of the five elders in the main hall appeared to be a disincentive to Tang Hao, but I am afraid that it was actually the Changmei title elder who was determining Tang Hao's ultimate goal.

If Tang Hao's purpose was to bring his family and the four major clans back to the sect, recognize his ancestors and offer incense to the old sect master, then naturally this calculation would not be necessary, but if it was not for the purpose of recognizing his ancestors and returning to the sect, then... ···

Originally, with Tang Hao's reckless thoughts, even as an eyewitness or even one of the protagonists, he would never have guessed the real truth. But he didn't expect that Tang Hao actually asked something he didn't expect. question.

The first question was not unexpected, and it could even be said that it was completely within the calculation of the Changmei Titled Elder, but the second question...

The unexpected question directly disrupted the mood of the titled elder Changmei, causing it to be exposed, but fortunately, the final result would not have any impact.

After all, the Haotian Sect is the Haotian Sect of the Clear Sky Hammer, and what is imprinted in the blood, soul, and consciousness will not be changed.

Whether it was Tang Xiao, Tang Yuehua, the many second- and third-generation disciples in the Haotian Sect, or even the previous generation of sect masters who were currently in the ancestral hall, it was like countless pairs of big hands reaching out to Tang Hao.

The price is just his life.

It's worth using him, a being who has exhausted his potential, has no possibility of further progress, and has a short lifespan, to exchange for a Tang Hao whose potential is comparable to his ancestor Tang Chen... It's worth it.

Just like the fathers of Tang Xiao and Tang Hao back then, the patriarch of the Haotian Sect, a titled Douluo whose upper limit of potential was not very high, in exchange for Qian Daoliu's face, cost the lives of hundreds of people in the Haotian Sect, including Tang. Hao and Tang Xiao, two banned accounts with great potential, are worth it if they can survive.

At this moment, the title elder Changmei felt extremely calm, even much calmer than when he was the calmest in the past hundred years. He was even in the mood to think about why Tang Hao could think of such a profound reason.

His extremely calm eyes slowly swept over the people in front of him, and finally slowly fell on Qin Mo. Compared with the heads of the four major clans such as Tang Hao, Tang San, A Yin, and Yang Wudi, the emotions on Qin Mo's face It's just too bland.

And the most important thing is that the aura and face of Qin Mo are not similar to Tang Hao and others. Unlike Tang San, although the aura and face are different from others, they are very similar to A Yin, which can be seen at a glance its identity.

Obviously he is not a descendant of their Haotian Sect or the four major clans.

His identity is unclear, but he can appear with Tang Hao and others, and his status is even vaguely above the heads of the four major clans...
A look of surprise suddenly flashed in the eyes of the long-browed titled elder.

······(end of this chapter)

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