The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 221 The best choice for the 8th soul ring

Chapter 221 The best choice for the eighth soul ring
Three days later!
The people in the village that acted as the outpost outside the Haotian Sect all had extremely complicated looks in their eyes, looking at Qin Mo and his group who were gradually moving away not far away.

Compared with a few days ago, Yang Wudi, Bai He, and Niu Gao were like Titans, looking at Tang San with a hint of hidden respect and loyalty in their eyes.

Qin Dong, Qin Mo and his grandson were more in awe and gratitude. Of course they knew why the Haotian Sect was able to surrender this time, especially in the past few days, Yang Wudi and the four of them had been Tang Hao and Tang San learned what a 'demigod' was.

As for Tang Hao and A Yin, the obscure but lingering gloom on their faces has completely dissipated, and the extremely obscure estrangement between the couple when they get along has also completely dissipated.

Especially Tang Hao, who has only been there for three days. Although his eyes are still dim, his face is still full of obvious ravines, and his hair is gray, he feels as if he is more than ten years younger.

As for Tang San, his face showed a look of relaxation that he had not seen for a long time. Ever since his mother was resurrected, extremely heavy pressure had been suppressing him. If it weren't for Xiao Wu and Tang Hao and A Yin by his side, he wouldn't have been able to In addition, with Qin Dong and Qin Mo behind Shrek Academy as the strongest backers, I am afraid that he has already started to be extreme and go to extremes like in the original work.

"Boss Mo! Thank you..." Tang San's tone was filled with immense gratitude.

Hearing this, Qin Mo patted Tang San's shoulder lightly and said with a smile: "Thank you, there's no need. I'm just waiting for you to be my ox and my horse. Shrek Academy currently has nearly a hundred juniors under its command. , the middle school, it just needs your efforts...and the most important thing is that I have gained nothing this time."

Hearing the understatement in Qin Mo's tone, Tang San felt even more grateful and nodded quickly without any hesitation.

Yang Wudi and Tai Tan, who heard the conversation between the two, had no expressions on their faces at all.

Their four major clans of 'strength, agility, imperialism, and destruction' have already gathered under Tang San. The combination of the four major clans and the existence of Tang Hao, the titled Douluo, although they are still not up to the level of the upper three sects, It is much stronger than the lower four sects in the soul master world.

But even so, the four of them had no idea of ​​letting Tang San stand on his own. In other words, compared to other soul master families in the soul master world, the four major clans of 'Strength, Dexterity, Yu, and Po' didn't have much ambition. The four of them were content as the family inheritance continued.

In the original work, the reason why they chose to join the Tang Clan was more because they were about to lose their lives and had to unite. Even without Tang San's appearance, their four major clans of 'strength, agility, imperialism, and destruction' would still be affected by the outside world. Join forces under pressure.

Of course, the four major clans of 'Strength, Agility, Yu, and Po' have not allowed Tang San to stand on his own. The main reason is that there is an invincible 'demigod' standing behind Shrek Academy.

In these three days, even though Qin Mo was only acting as Tang San's backstage, he also gained a lot. In other words, his visit to Haotian Sect this time just solved the problem of his eighth soul ring.

With the existence of the first few special soul rings, Qin Mo did not intend to make do with the choice of his eighth soul ring, and even started to choose it as early as two years ago.

One of the options is to collect various rare metals that exist on the entire continent, and then use the 'Qiankun Ding' and the origin of the world to refine and fuse the purest 'gold' origin.

For this reason, in the past two years, through the forces of the Tiandou Empire and the Qibao Glazed Sect, a lot of financial and material resources were spent searching for rare metals on the mainland.

Tang San was even arranged to go to Gengxin City. In addition to the Shrek Intermediate Soul Master Academy, one of the tasks was to help him collect all kinds of rare and precious metals. After all, as the protagonist of the original work, plus what Tang San had learned in his previous life The knowledge learned is far beyond what ordinary existence can compare with.In fact, this is indeed the case, although the amount of rare metals Tang San collected for him in the past two years was far less than that of the Tiandou Empire and the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, not even one percent.

But its quality is much higher, but it is a pity that after tens of thousands of different metals have been tempered by the origin of the world and the 'Qiankun Ding', the origin of 'gold' obtained is much lower than the previous ones. This soul ring is essentially inferior after all.

Although the quality alone is much better than the first three soul rings Qin Mo absorbed from the soul beasts, in comparison with the remaining soul rings, Qin Mo did not absorb them after all, and regarded them as alternatives. .

The most important thing is that although Qin Mo's martial soul 'Qiankun Cauldron' has many attributes, its essence is ultimately a metal creation. Therefore, in Qin Mo's view, the choice of the golden soul ring must be very important, unless There is really no better choice, otherwise Qin Mo doesn't want to make do with it.

Originally, Qin Mo thought that he might have to stay at level [-] soul power for a long time, but he didn't expect that he would get an unexpected surprise in the Haotian Sect, and it was also thanks to Tang San's reminder.

Tang San has searched for a lot of rare metals for Qin Mo in the past two years. In addition, he has seen Qin Mo condense the seventh soul ring with his own eyes. Naturally, he knows what Qin Mo thinks about the eighth soul ring. At the same time, he has also seen Qin Mo during this period. Qin Mo was not satisfied with the choice of the eighth soul ring.

Since Qin Mo was able to condense the seventh soul ring with his and his mother's 'Blue Silver Emperor', could the same be true for the eighth soul ring?

In this era of Douluo Continent, when it comes to the strength, quality and purity of the 'metal'-like weapon spirits, the 'Haotian Hammer', the spirit inherited by the Haotian Sect, is definitely ranked first.

Tang San, who was extremely grateful to Qin Mo, looked for Qin Mo the moment he thought of this idea, and even summoned his Clear Sky Hammer for Qin Mo to study.

After hearing Tang San's thoughts, Qin Mo's mind suddenly dawned, especially after absorbing a trace of the origin contained in Tang San's Clear Sky Hammer spirit without affecting Tang San, his eyes were filled with confusion. He showed a look of extreme surprise.

The origin of the 'gold' obtained after the trace of the origin of the 'Haotian Hammer' has been tempered and purified by the origin of the world and the 'Qiankun Cauldron' is no worse than the origin of the 'gold' tempered by countless rare metals, especially It’s the spirituality contained in it.

At this moment, there are hundreds of Clear Sky Hammer soul masters in the Clear Sky Sect, and there are even seven titled Clear Sky Hammers among them. Not to mention that Qin Mo also knows that although Tang Chen in the Killing City Because of the parasitism of the three-headed dark gold bat king, he failed in the last step of the divine test, but the strength of his martial spirit was definitely the strongest in the mainland.

After realizing this, Qin Mo did not choose to let his old man threaten him, but spent a certain price to exchange with Haotian Sect.

At this moment, hundreds of golden light spots were floating in the Qiankun Cauldron martial spirit in Qin Mo's body.

As for why the eighth soul ring chose the 'gold' attribute instead of the 'earth' attribute, it is because Qin Mo has already made plans for the origin of the 'earth' soul ring, and the most suitable position is only the ninth soul ring· ·····

(End of this chapter)

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