The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 222 Apology Storm!Condensing the 8th soul ring!

Chapter 222 Apology Storm!Condensing the eighth soul ring!
Seven days later!
The originally surging undercurrent in the soul master world once again caused a turmoil under an apology statement, which was not even worse than the impact caused by the destruction of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family.

Because this apology statement was issued by Haotian Sect, which disappeared more than ten years ago and once had the largest sect in the world.

From Soul Saints, Soul Douluo, Titled Douluo, to Soul Lords, Great Soul Masters, and Soul Masters, they are all communicating about this matter. Countless soul masters are speculating on why the Haotian Sect issued this A statement of apology.

Many forces on the mainland, especially top forces such as Tiandou Empire, Xingluo Empire, Qibao Glazed Sect and Wuhun Palace, also quickly began to act, wanting to know what happened.

Especially the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, one of the top three sects, is extremely concerned. After all, the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family was destroyed by the unknown owner of the Clear Sky Hammer spirit, and now it is the Clear Sky Sect that has destroyed its own. His face was completely thrown to the ground and allowed to be trampled on by others.

As the sect leader, Ning Fengzhi showed a solemn look and even directly arranged for a messenger to go to Haotian Sect in order to communicate.

He had a vague feeling that the two had an inexplicable connection, and first it was the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family, one of the three upper sects, and now it is the Haotian sect, so could the next one be...

It is a pity that the messenger arranged by Ning Fengzhi did not arrive at the Haotian Sect, and was directly blocked by the Haotian Sect stationed in the outpost village outside the Haotian Sect. Tang Yuehua in Yuexuan had already issued the apology statement of the Haotian Sect. He had been recalled to the sect before and had no way of understanding it.

As for the four major clans of 'Li, Min, Yu, and Po', as well as the blacksmith association in Gengxin City, I don't know when they united together.

And he kept silent about this matter, even in the face of top powers such as Tiandou Empire, Xingluo Empire, Qibao Glazed Sect and Wuhun Palace, he did not reveal anything.

Although there is no titled Douluo in charge, it is no worse than the lower four sects in the soul master world. Moreover, after many forces' investigations, it was discovered that many members of the four major clans of 'Strength, Sensitivity, Yu, and Po' are actually not the same. Don't know why.

I only know that a few days after their patriarch suddenly disappeared, the Haotian Sect, which had been missing for more than ten years, issued this statement. As for where their patriarch has been and what he has done in the past few days, "Li, Min, Yu, Po 'No one from the four major clans knew anything about it, and even the most direct descendants, including Yang Wudi and his four direct descendants, were not revealed.

However, even if Yang Wudi and Tai Tai did not reveal anything, many major forces on the mainland have also speculated that there must be unknown powerful people behind the four. After all, the performance of the four major clans is too obvious. .

However, it is not so much a cover-up, but rather a necessity. After all, once the Haotian Sect's apology statement is released, even if their four major clans of 'Strength, Sensitivity, Yu, and Po' really know nothing about it, they will definitely attract attention. Countless forces on the mainland are watching.

In addition, Tang Hao's family of three and Qin Mo did not intend to be exposed so early, so after the Haotian Sect's apology statement was released, Yang Wudi and Tai Tan stayed together almost all the time.

With the four major Soul Douluo-level beings joining forces, even if a Titled Douluo with a soul power level as high as 95 takes action personally, they may not be able to keep them all. Especially Bai He, the leader of the 'Agility' clan, whose flying speed is even faster than... Titled Douluo of level 95 and above are terrifying.

In addition, many forces speculated that there was an unknown title-level existence behind the four people, so there was no force to force them.

Of course, the main reason is that nowadays, whether it is Wuhun Palace, Qibao Glazed Sect or the two empires of Tiandou and Xingluo, they all need time and do not want the soul master world to completely lose balance.

Not only Qibao Glazed Sect, but also Wuhun Palace, even Qian Renxue, who was undergoing the divine examination, and Qian Daoliu, who was assisting Qian Renxue in the divine examination, were alarmed.

Pope Bibi Dong of the Wuhun Palace mobilized countless manpower to investigate, and the 'soul hunting' that had been planned for a long time was temporarily stopped.

Regarding the turmoil caused by the soul master world, Qin Mo, Tang San and others, as the instigators, were extremely calm. However, this was not surprising. They had already expected such consequences after they made this decision. .After returning to Shrek Academy, Qin Mo immediately began to retreat, preparing to absorb the eighth soul ring.

As for Tang Chen's Clear Sky Hammer in the Killing City, Qin Mo chose to give up after thinking about it.

But it's not because of fear. Even without the Killing God Realm, Mr. Qin Dong, who has level 98 inner alchemy and has soul power as high as level [-], is sure to suppress the King of Killing in the city of killing.

It's because Qin Mo discovered when he used the world's origin to refine and purify the origins of many Clear Sky Hammers that the more powerful the origins of the Clear Sky Hammer, the more 'impurities' they contained. On the contrary, Tang San's Clear Sky Hammer without any soul ring attached to it was more suitable.

After all, what Qin Mo needs is only the source of 'gold', nothing else.

In the Killing City, the original strength of Tang Chen's martial spirit, the Clear Sky Hammer, might be the best in the mainland, but it was completely worthless to Qin Mo.

After realizing this, Qin Mo instantly decided to use the source of Tang San's Clear Sky Hammer martial spirit as the main source, and use the many sources of Clear Sky Hammer as support to condense the purest and most powerful source of 'gold'.

Haotian Sect!
In the sect's main hall, an atmosphere of depression, sorrow, and decadence was visible to the naked eye.

It has been several days since the Haotian Sect issued an apology to the four major clans of "Strength, Sensitivity, Yu, and Po" in the soul master world. Even if they were within the sect and did not understand it, they could guess that the outside world was because of Their apology caused a stir.

The prestige that Tang Chen, the ancestor of the Haotian Sect, had worked hard for for hundreds of years, was completely lost by them. They could even imagine how many forces in the soul master world would ridicule their Haotian Sect.

Compared with before, the age of the five elders of Haotian Sect is more obvious at this moment, especially the elder with long eyebrows. His body is no longer upright, and a black metal cane appears in his hand. The light was so dim that it was almost invisible, as if it might return to the west at any time.

As for Tang Xiao, the sect leader, although he is not as good as the five elders, there is a bit more decadence in his eyes.

Compared with the other four elders and Tang Xiao, Elder Changmei, who was full of twilight energy at this moment, was much more open-minded. Looking at the silent people, Elder Changmei lightly tapped the metal cane in his hand on the floor.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

There was a dull, heavy knocking sound on the stone ground.

The sound of metal colliding with the stone ground quickly attracted the attention of Tang Xiao and the four elders.

Seeing this, Elder Changmei slowly stood up with the help of his cane. Looking at the dejected Tang Xiao and the four elders, the old, weak but extremely firm voice echoed instantly.


(End of this chapter)

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