The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 223: Weapon!Big changes to the properties panel!

Chapter 223: Weapon!Big changes to the properties panel!
The night sky is endless!

In the core area of ​​the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy, the endless galaxy is reflected on the lake. The stars are shining brightly and are particularly eye-catching. The starlight is reflected in the center, lingering with an inexplicable power.

Ripples suddenly began to appear in the lake reflected by the endless starlight, and the glittering river of stars quickly blurred. The surrounding space seemed to be suppressed by an invisible force, and quickly began to condense and spread, as if it was starting to separate from this world and become a whole.

You can even vaguely see the space condensing, and the space at the edge of the spread is being swallowed and torn apart. An inexplicable sense of panic instantly begins to spread from the core lake of Shrek Academy.

First, there were countless swimming fish living in this lake, and then there were the ordinary animals and insects that inhabited the surrounding forests. The countless birds and beasts that inhabited it, but strangely they did not start to escape under this panic.

Instead, as if they had given up all resistance, they all lay prostrate on the spot, their bodies constantly trembling. The fish in the man-made lake also stopped swimming and slowly floated up with the water waves, as if they were quietly waiting for death. .

The terrifying feeling of 'death silence' quietly rose.

Fortunately, the source of this panic seemed to have noticed something abnormal, and an extremely gentle and calm wave of mental power quickly passed by, smoothing out the spreading and devouring space ripples.

As the space ripples were smoothed out, many living beings affected by the panic quickly began to recover. Countless swimming fish instantly regained their vitality, countless water splashes arose on the lake surface, and the surrounding forests also regained their vitality in an instant.

It was as if nothing had happened just now.

Inside the island in the middle of the lake, Qin Mo, who was surrounded by eight strange soul rings, felt the 'dead silence' around him slowly dissipate. Qin Mo's eyes revealed a hint of joy. Fortunately, this was in the core area of ​​Shrek Academy's inner courtyard. Apart from him, There were no other people outside, just some ordinary animals.

Otherwise, the horror just now is enough to leave endless shadows in people's hearts.

Slowly withdrawing his soothing mental power, Qin Mo quickly looked at the eighth 'red gold' color soul ring that was constantly beating on his body, with a hint of excitement in his eyes.

Just as he thought, the soul ring condensed from the origin of 'gold' did have an unimaginable transformation for his martial soul 'Qiankun Ding'.

Especially since the 'Qiankun Cauldron' became the core of the 'dojo', the 'reality' that began to be born, after absorbing the soul ring condensed from the origin of 'gold', seems to have been supplemented with vital energy. One ring in general.

At this moment, there is only a little bit of martial soul aura contained in the 'Qiankun Cauldron' floating in the space, and it is only a little short of being able to be completely transformed into a real 'weapon'.

However, Qin Mo could feel that the shackles that seemed to be missing were as unbreakable as a natural chasm, as if he was facing the oppression of the entire world.

That is the core and most important rule shackles of the Douluo Continent, and it is also the restraint set by the gods of the divine world on the continent's soul masters and soul beasts. The sudden spatial fluctuation just now was just the subconscious shaking of the 'Qiankun Cauldron' That’s all.

In addition, Qin Mo can also feel that an unpredictable and strange origin in the 'Qiankun Cauldron' is beginning to breed. Countless mysterious and regular textures begin to slowly appear on the body of the 'Qiankun Cauldron', faintly flickering. There seems to be nothing.

At the same time, with the transformation of the 'Qiankun Cauldron', it seemed that its restrictions had been broken. The weight of the 'Qiankun Cauldron' was no longer affected by the soul ring, but was completely controlled by Qin Mo's strength.

The origins of the soul skills possessed by the eight soul rings are also smelted by the 'Qiankun Cauldron', as if they have been completely refined into their own origins. Activating the soul skills is no longer a matter of stimulating the soul power and stimulating the soul rings. It can be done with a single thought. trigger.

The upper limit of power has also been completely broken. Due to the particularity of the domain soul skills, the magic of the 'Qiankun Cauldron' and Qin Mo himself, although the power of the original soul ring far exceeds that of soul rings and soul skills of the same age, it still exists after all. upper limit.

The soul skill power provided by a 10-year-old soul ring, even with the many increases that Qin Mo possesses, can only reach the level of the soul skill of a 10-year-old soul ring.

But at this moment, with the transformation of the 'Qiankun Cauldron', the power of the soul skills is as strong as the weight of the 'Qiankun Cauldron'. Among them, the seventh soul skill 'Martial Soul True Body', which is the most important to ordinary soul masters, is completely different from the ' The fusion of the Qiankun Ding turned into the instinct of the Qiankun Ding. After the soul ring condensed from the origin of 'gold' is absorbed, even if the core rule of Douluo Continent is not the 'soul ring', which hinders the 'Qiankun Cauldron' from becoming a real 'weapon', I'm afraid...

Because of this, what Qin Mo wanted to do when he was still weak was to change the color of his soul ring. Now, Qin Mo can do it with just a thought. And it is not a simulation like ten thousand years later, but a complete change. , after all, the soul ring's origin has been completely integrated and refined by the 'Qiankun Cauldron'.

For Qin Mo at this moment, the role of the 'soul ring' is only to break the bottleneck of cultivation. It can even be said to have become a constraint for Qin Mo.

However, this kind of restriction is not necessarily a bad thing for Qin Mo and the 'World Cauldron' today. After all, in Qin Mo's expectation, the original attributes required by his 'Cosmic Cauldron' have not yet been completed.

If it were to completely break the shackles of Douluo Continent's rules at this moment and turn it into a real 'weapon', it would be a loss for Qin Mo.

Even after the original attributes of the 'Cosmos Cauldron' were completely perfected, Qin Mo would not break the rules of Douluo Continent immediately. After all, Qin Mo wanted more than just transforming the 'Cosmic Cauldron'.

Only by thoroughly practicing the 'Coal Condensation Technique' and completely refining the properties of the nine soul rings absorbed by the 'Qiankun Cauldron' can they be completely integrated with the 'Qiankun Cauldron', just like the legendary 'weapon of destiny' generally.

By then, even if Qin Mo doesn't take the initiative to break the rules, the rules will naturally be broken.

Feeling the mysterious patterns that looked like rules flashing on the 'Qiankun Cauldron', Qin Mo's eyes flickered, and the attribute panel quickly appeared.

【Name: Qin Mo】

[Martial Spirit: Qiankun Ding (the weapon of destiny is undergoing transformation)]

[Soul Power: LV86]

[Physique: LV98]

[Spiritual Power: LV98]


[Original attributes: time, space, yin, yang, metal, wood, water, fire]

[Fields: Universe realm, time realm, space realm, Zhiyang realm...]

[Equipment: Space Soul Guidance Device (500 cubic meters)]

[Dojo: Lima Plain, Shuofeng Plain...]

[Origin of the world: 1.35 squares↑]

[Plane opened: Douluo Continent]

(End of this chapter)

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