The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 224 1 year and 3 years!So impetuous! 'God test'

Chapter 224 One year and three years!So impetuous! 'God test'

Looking at the drastically changed attribute panel in front of him, Qin Mo had no surprise in his eyes. In other words, Qin Mo had expected it as early as the moment after absorbing the eighth soul ring and most of the shackles were broken by the 'Qiankun Cauldron'.

Therefore, Qin Mo pays more attention to the changes in his soul power level, body and mental power.

Before absorbing the eighth soul ring, Qin Mo's physical and mental strength had reached level 96. Although he had only entered level 96 for the first time, he had also reached the level of a super Douluo on the mainland.

With this super-limited physical and mental power, the life span of the eighth soul ring is naturally extremely exaggerated, although for Qin Mo, the soul ring at this moment only has the function of constraining the level of soul power.

But this does not mean that when absorbing soul rings, the energy corresponding to the age has no effect.

More than two years ago, the seventh soul ring that Qin Mo absorbed was only 17 years old. But now, two years later, the eighth soul ring's limit has reached nearly 8000 years.

However, perhaps because of the transformation of the 'Qiankun Cauldron' and the gestation of its supernatural origin, a lot of energy was consumed, and the soul power provided in the end only raised Qin Mo's soul power from level 86 to level [-].

On the contrary, the physical and mental strength has been greatly improved, reaching level 98, but Qin Mo can feel that it is not far from level 99.

At the same time, due to the complete transformation of the 'Qiankun Cauldron', the physical and mental strength are still increasing at an extremely obvious speed.

Not only the physical and mental power, but also the soul power is growing at an extremely exaggerated speed because of the 'dojo'.

This was what Qin Mo was focused on. Feeling the speed of improvement in soul power, mental power, and body, Qin Mo's heart fluctuated slightly.

"One year..."

According to Qin Mo's estimation, even if Qin Mo does not practice cultivation, with the current improvement speed, his soul power level will definitely reach level 99 in one year, and his physical and mental power will also reach the limit of level [-]. .

Thinking of this, Qin Mo quickly locked his eyes on the origin of the world on the attribute panel, and frowned instantly.

“1.35 cubic meters·······”

If converted into points, there are millions of points, which can even upgrade a soul ring from scratch to a million-year god-level soul ring. Even if it is divided into ten parts, it is enough to upgrade a titled Douluo. The age of all soul rings has been increased to more than 10 years.

But for Qin Mo, it was nothing more than a drop in the bucket.

Even though the scope of the 'dojo' has expanded to nearly one-eighth of the size of the entire continent at this moment, and the number of world origins is increasing every minute and every second, it is still too slow.

At this rate, even if the scope of the 'dojo' continues to expand and the speed of gathering the origin of the world continues to increase, it will still take at least three years to achieve Qin Mo's goal.

"Three years..."

The light in Qin Mo's eyes flickered slightly, and the surrounding creatures seemed to notice that Qin Mo was thinking, and the entire island in the middle of the lake instantly fell into silence.

For a long time... even the boundless galaxy on the calm lake shifted slightly, and a sigh with a helpless smile slowly sounded, breaking the silence of the island in the middle of the lake.

"Hey... I'm still impatient, but it's only been three years..."

Thinking of this, Qin Mo suddenly shook his head in amusement, and his eyes slowly showed a look of relaxation.

In the original work, even with the help of Qian Daoliu, it took Qian Renxue more than six years to completely pass the Nine Angel Exams and become a god, while Bibi Dong's speed of becoming a god was even slower than that.Nowadays, Bibi Dong may not even have completed the nine soul rings of the second martial soul. He still has enough time.

And the most important thing is that even if Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong become gods, it will not be a problem for Qin Mo. His old man is not far away from level 99 soul power and ninth level inner elixir.

With the peerless soul power of level 99, the tenfold increase in the nine-turn inner alchemy, and the spatial attributes of the 'Mountain and River Cauldron', even when facing a god, he may not be at a disadvantage.

Of course, Qin Mo was only referring to the gods on the Douluo Continent who had inherited the divine throne and had not yet ascended to the God Realm.

After all, the gods achieved by inheriting the divine throne on Douluo Continent are only preliminary gods, and have not been fully integrated with the authority of the god's divine throne.

Even if one inherits the title of a first-level god in the God Realm, the combat power he can exert in Douluo Continent will not reach the level that a first-level god should have. It is just that he has the key to integrate the authority of the god.

Only after entering the God Realm and fully integrating with the authority possessed by the god's throne can the power of a first-level god be fully exerted.

Then Qin Mo seemed to have thought of something, his eyes instantly focused on the 'Qiankun Cauldron' in the void, and a light flashed quickly in his eyes.

"The Divine Test······"

His fingertips slowly rubbed the looming regular lines on the 'Qiankun Cauldron'. With his current ability, it is not difficult to achieve an effect similar to that of a god's assessment.

And the most important thing is that the strength of Oscar, Ma Hongjun, and Tang San is far behind him compared to him. This is not good, and it is not in line with Qin Mo's original plan.

Thinking of this, Qin Mo quickly showed a smile on his face: "Three years is just right..."

After finishing speaking, the 'Qiankun Cauldron' in the void shook in vain, and the power of the 'Dojo' exploded instantly.


Qin Mo's figure quietly appeared in mid-air on the island in the middle of the lake. His eyes quickly swept around the surrounding area. Wherever he looked, the void trembled.

"Gold!" "Red!" "Blue!" "Green!" "Black!"...

Eight kinds of bright lights flickered quietly, and the rules of the entire lake island, man-made lake, and surrounding forest areas were rapidly changed under the power of the 'Qiankun Cauldron' and the 'Dojo'.

Feeling the changes in the rules of the surrounding space, Qin Mo's eyes quickly flashed with satisfaction, and he rubbed his chin slightly, with a smirk on his face: "I think Oscar and Ma Hongjun will like this gift from me..." ·”

"And Dean Flender and Teacher Zhao Wuji can't let them go either..."

The next moment, several spatial fluctuations containing a lot of information quickly flashed in the void and appeared directly in several areas of Shrek's inner courtyard.

As this message flashed, Flanders, Zhao Wuji, Oscar, Xiao Wu and others who were practicing in Shrek's inner courtyard were momentarily stagnant, and then quickly approached the island area in the middle of the lake in the inner courtyard.

Feeling the people gradually approaching, Qin Mo's mouth curled up slightly, and then he seemed to think of something, and the space instantly began to fluctuate: "By the way, there is Lao Dai, such a good thing cannot be without him..."

After speaking, Qin Mo's figure disappeared instantly, but no matter how he looked at it, it felt like he had done something bad and chose to run away.

(End of this chapter)

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