The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 225 The gradually deteriorating inheritance system

Chapter 225 The gradually deteriorating inheritance system

In a few days!
In the Star Luo Empire Palace, there are no other officials or nobles in the main hall. Even the Queen of the Star Luo Empire of this generation and Davis's wife Zhu Zhuyun did not appear. The waiters and the guarding soldiers were also completely dismissed. , now only Emperor Xingluo and Davis and his son were left.

On the throne of the main hall, Emperor Xingluo, who already had an old aura on his body, looked at the space ripples that gradually subsided in the main hall, and his face showed a look of relaxation that was extremely rare in the past few years.

Not far away from the spatial ripples, a figure very similar in stature and appearance to Dai Mubai watched with an extremely complicated expression as the spatial ripples gradually subsided.

It wasn't until the spatial ripples were completely smoothed that Davis withdrew his gaze and slowly raised his head to look at the figure sitting on the throne at the highest point of the hall. Instead of calling him by the previous name, he changed his name to something more intimate. , with an extremely complicated tone, said: "Father! Have you already guessed Mubai's thoughts?"

"That's why Zhu Yuncai and I..."

Although he had not finished speaking, how could Emperor Xingluo on the throne not know what Davis was thinking? At this moment, Emperor Xingluo's face lacked the imperial majesty of the past. Instead, he stood up slowly like an ordinary old man. Walked down from the supreme position of Xingluo.

The eyes that used to be majestic were full of indifference. He walked to Davis and sat down slowly. He looked at Davis and said calmly: "As early as when Mubai returned to Xingluo alone and came to the main hall to bully all the officials, I looked at him. It came out of his mind.”

Facing his father's calmness, Davis's eyes kept fluctuating, showing shame, anger, unwillingness, and helplessness, but he finally calmed down.

Seeing this, Emperor Xingluo's eyes flashed with subtle satisfaction for a moment. In the past two years, not only Dai Mubai has made progress, but Davis has also grown a lot.

At this moment, Emperor Xingluo does not look like the emperor of the empire, but more like an old father who teaches his unimproved son: "Weiss, you know? I was really looking forward to that day..." I am looking forward to it, I have a premonition that the law that has been like fate for countless generations of my Dai family may be broken."

"It's just that the empire's rules hinder Mubai and even my Dai family from being able to bear it, so..."

Before Emperor Xingluo finished speaking, Davis slowly raised his head and looked at his father, whose face was already a little treacherous, with a bit of bitterness and envy in his tone.

"So...Father, in order to give Mubai enough time to grow and experience, you have made all the royal family, nobles, officials, families in the entire empire, and even...the position of the crown prince, be regarded as Got the whetstone..."

Emperor Xingluo calmly looked at Davis who was staring at him, pointed at the Supreme Emperor's throne not far away, and said in a calm tone with a bit of cruelty: "Yes, and no, they can be experienced. A whetstone can also be a step to the throne of God.”

"All choices are up to him, and now it is obvious that Mubai has chosen the former, which is also... the choice I most expect to see."

Davis looked at the throne pointed by his father. For the first time, he no longer had the desire for the supreme throne in his heart. Instead, he was extremely silent.

Seeing Davis' silent look, Emperor Xingluo's eyes flashed with anticipation.

for a long time······
A slight exhalation sounded, and the expression on Davis's face was completely calm, and there was even a slight curve in the corner of his mouth: "I should thank Mubai..."

Upon hearing this, Emperor Xingluo instantly showed a smile on his face, and his hearty laughter quickly echoed in the hall, arousing great curiosity from many waiters and guards outside the hall. ······
The Dai family possesses the top martial soul 'White Tiger'. In terms of talent alone, it is definitely no worse than the top three sects in the soul master world. Even as the top beast martial soul possessing the only inheritable martial soul fusion skill 'Netherworld White Tiger' .

In addition, it is supported by the Xingluo Empire, one of the only two empires in the entire Douluo Continent, and has a deeper background than many soul master families in the soul master world.

Even if the Haotian Sect hadn't produced a semi-god-level 'Tang Chen', the Xingluo Dai family would only be inferior to the thousands of families in the Spirit Hall. The Electric Tyrannosaurus family is even more powerful, and may even threaten the thousands of families in Wuhun Palace.

Even when the ancestors established the Star Dou Empire, they relied on their own absolute strength.

But now...
Although they obviously have the top beast martial souls and are supported by the entire empire, the entire Dai family cannot even produce a titled Douluo. The title fighting power still needs to be jointly performed with the Netherworld Zhu family to use the martial soul fusion skill 'Netherworld'. White Tiger'.

How ridiculous...
Moreover, the Xingluo Emperors of the past generations can be said to be very good in terms of talent alone, and they also have the martial soul fusion skill 'Netherworld White Tiger'.

You must know that soul masters with martial soul fusion skills can achieve considerable growth when they practice together. Coupled with the resource support of the Star Luo Empire, the difficulty of achieving a title is definitely much lower than that of ordinary soul master families.

But even with such favorable conditions, the Dai family could not produce a few titled Douluo. Initially, when the Star Luo Empire was founded, it was fine, but with the passage of generations, Contra became the limit of the Dai family.

The reason is precisely because of the inheritance system of the Xingluo royal family. No, it should be said that it is an inheritance system that gradually deteriorates with the replacement of emperors, royal families, officials, and nobles from generation to generation.

The inheritance system of the Star Luo Empire when it was first founded was not so bloody and cruel.

As an emperor, there are too many government affairs and affairs that need to be handled every day. One of the reasons for this is that the time for practice after succession is greatly limited.

But more generations of royal families, officials, nobles, and even some of the Star Luo emperors have long lost their ambition to be aggressive externally, and have turned more internally, wanting to gain greater and more rights.

And a royal family with Ling Ran's talent and even the ability to cultivate titled Douluo every generation was obviously not what they wanted to see. Even some of the Star Luo Emperors were worried about their own thrones.

Not only the forces within the Star Luo Empire but also many forces on the mainland are not allowed to interfere. The threat is too great.

Therefore, under the influence and interference of generations, the inheritance system of the Star Luo Empire began to gradually deteriorate. Until now, only the martial soul fusion skill 'Netherworld White Tiger' can explode title-level combat power.

Even so, it did not satisfy the increasingly entrenched officials, nobles, and families. Tens of thousands of years later, the Dai family lost the supreme throne, which may not be without this reason.

(End of this chapter)

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