Chapter 228

Different from before, this time Dai Mubai's national quintessence was not stopped by himself, but was blocked by Oscar who had already planned it.

Dodge, hug shoulders, turn around, cover your mouth!
The four movements were extremely smooth and smooth, as if they had been practiced countless times. Oscar even had the energy to transmit his soul power: "Old Dai, you don't want to..."

Hearing Oscar's voice in his ears, Dai Mubai's expression froze for an instant, and he looked at Oscar with eyes that seemed to say: Oscar, are you a devil...

Dai Mubai's voice and their movements also quickly attracted the attention of Zhu Zhuyu and Xiao Wu from outside the training area.

Seeing that his fiancé's body was trembling even though they were holding each other's arms, Zhu Zhuyu's eyes quickly showed a hint of confusion.

But before Zhu Zhuyu could ask, his thoughts were instantly diverted by Ning Rongrong, Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing.

In the Zhiyang training area, Dai Mubai also noticed the familiar gaze. His body froze slightly, and he immediately looked at Oscar and Ma Hongjun with gritted teeth. A low voice quickly sounded: "Oscar, Ma Hongjun..." ····, you cheated on me······"

Hearing this, seeing the change in the expression on Dai Mubai's face, Oscar, Tang San, Ma Hongjun, and even Lin Nuo and Qin Ming all revealed extremely cheerful looks in their eyes.

They had experienced Qin Mo's happiness a few days ago...

At the same time, the cheerful smile that was forced to change on the face was also changed quickly, which was a bit unbearable. The severe pain made everyone's face begin to tremble.


Suddenly, the sound of gasping could be heard everywhere.

Hearing this voice, Dai Mubai, Oscar, Lin Nuo, Qin Ming and others in the training area immediately looked at each other and couldn't help but start laughing.


The hearty laughter quickly echoed around the island area in the middle of the lake.

The laughter of Dai Mubai, Oscar and others also quickly attracted Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuyu and Zhu Zhuqing who were chatting not far away.

In addition to Zhu Zhuyu's face, which was a little confused and puzzled, Xiao Wu and the others also had a hint of smile in their eyes.


one year later······
The core of Shrek Academy's inner courtyard - the eight training areas on Lake Center Island!

Eight figures shrouded in powerful power were located in various areas. Among them, Ma Hongjun, who originally possessed the Fire Phoenix Spirit, was not in the flame training area at this moment, but appeared in the water training area.

The area where Oscar, Lin Nuo, Qin Ming, and Tang San were located was also completely different from a year ago.

The reason for this is that the eight training areas built by Qin Mo with the 'Qiankun Cauldron', 'Dojo' and 'World Origin' are not just a single training environment, but a comprehensive training environment.

At the same time, the main directions of tempering in each experience area are different. For example, the flame experience area is mainly focused on tempering martial souls, supplemented by soul power, mental power, and physical fitness.

Each of the eight levels of experience training area provides a soul ring with a maximum duration of 1 years of cultivation. In other words, if one has completely passed the eight levels of experience, it can provide 8 years of cultivation for all soul rings.And during this year, except for the strongest Qin Ming, who passed the third level of training and was going through the fourth level of training, the rest of Tang San, Oscar and others were still at the third level of training.

But even so, the colors of the constantly beating soul rings on Tang San, Oscar, Ma Hongjun and others have all transformed into extremely deep black. The first and second soul rings with the lowest age are also approaching 3 years. The soul ring with the longest age even approaches the 10-year mark.

As dramatic as the years of soul ring cultivation, there is also a huge change in soul power level. Qin Ming, the strongest among them, has a soul power level that is close to the eighty-level Soul Douluo level.

Not only Qin Ming, but also Oscar, Tang San, Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing and others, the soul power fluctuations lingering on their bodies are approaching level [-] at this moment.

A strange wave of soul power erupted from Dai Mubai in the 'Golden Experience Area'.

The bottleneck of soul power that was originally stuck at level 69 suddenly shattered, the surging soul power aura quickly exploded, and the soul power level officially broke through to level [-].

The powerful soul power broke through the fluctuations and quickly awakened Qin Ming, Tang San, Ning Rongrong and others who were practicing, feeling the aura erupting from Dai Mubai's body.

A hint of pressure suddenly rose in Qin Ming's eyes, while a hint of unwillingness to admit defeat rose in the eyes of Oscar, Ma Hongjun, and Tang San.

In response to the unwillingness to admit defeat in the eyes of Oscar, Ma Hongjun, and Tang San, Dai Mubai quickly showed a hint of pride in his eyes, and even showed a somewhat unbeatable expression on his face, as if he was provoking.

Seeing this, Oscar, Ma Hongjun, and Tang San's eyes instantly twitched, they quickly turned away and ignored it, and concentrated on their cultivation state.

After a year, although they have not fully adapted to the pain in this training area, they are not as painful as they were when they first started tempering a year ago.

Seeing Oscar and the others who turned away to ignore him and entered the cultivation state, Dai Mubai's eyes suddenly showed a hint of boredom, but in an instant, his face quickly turned to excitement, and his soul power level broke through to level [-].

Without any hesitation, Dai Mubai quickly turned into a stream of light and burst out of the training area, obviously preparing to set off to hunt for souls.

Feeling Dai Mubai's aura quickly move away, Oscar, Tang San, Ma Hongjun and others who were originally in a state of cultivation opened their eyes again and looked at each other with a hint of urgency in their eyes.

Shrek Academy - Office of the Inner Academy Dean!

Qin Mo, who was originally dealing with matters and issuing documents, suddenly paused. With Qin Mo's current strength, Dai Mubai had already noticed the moment he broke through. His eyes moved slightly and he looked in the direction of the training ground in the inner courtyard. His lips moved slightly. , the space quickly began to fluctuate.

In the distance, in the inner court training field, Zhao Wuji, who was lying comfortably on a recliner, providing a gravity field for this inner court sequence, suddenly started to shake.

Compared to a year ago, he was obviously fatter, oh no, much thicker. His body instantly jumped up, and he muttered in an unnoticeable way, "Good guy, Xiaobai turned out to be one step faster." '

Immediately, a hint of excitement quickly appeared in Zhao Wuji's eyes, and he looked at the inner courtyard trainees who were practicing and said a word.

"Today's practice ends first..."

After finishing speaking, he disappeared directly into the training ground, leaving only many inner courtyard sequence students looking at each other.

(End of this chapter)

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