The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 229 Star Soul Hunting Competition!

Chapter 229 Star Soul Hunting Competition!

Three days later!
Star Dou Great Forest.

Flanders, Qin Mo, and Zhao Wuji led Dai Mubai, Oscar, Tang San, and Xiao Wu toward the core area of ​​the Star Forest.

With the number of soul rings that Dai Mubai, Oscar, Tang San, and Xiao Wu could bear, only the soul beasts in the core area could satisfy them.

Three days ago, after Dai Mubai successfully broke through to level [-], it seemed to have triggered a chain reaction, or he was aroused. He was also a young man, how could he be willing to fall behind others? Oscar was also stuck in the bottleneck. , Ma Hongjun and others' soul power levels were broken one after another.

However, although everyone's soul power levels are approaching level [-], there is still a certain gap after all. In terms of talent and cultivation speed, there is no doubt that Xiao Wu, who has transformed into a soul beast, Oscar, who is truly innate with full soul power, and Er. Tang San, who awakened the 'Blue Silver Emperor' martial spirit for the first time and possessed the 'Xuan Tian Gong' practice method, was the fastest.

Therefore, he became one of the first to break through to level [-], while Dai Mubai was more due to his training time. Compared with the four of them, Lin Nuo, Zhu Zhuqing, Ning Rongrong, and Ma Hongjun were slightly behind.

They just broke the shackles of level 68 to level 69, rather than breaking through to level seventy like Dai Mubai and Tang San.

However, among them, Lin Nuo and Zhu Zhuqing were hampered by their talents. Although their talents were judged by the outside world, they were definitely geniuses among geniuses, and they worked extremely hard.

But compared with Oscar and Ma Hongjun, they are slightly inferior, especially when everyone's cultivation efforts have been almost the same over the past year.

Even after taking the 'elixir' refined from the fairy grass, which greatly made up for the lack of talent, and even the quality of the martial spirit was improved, compared with Oscar and Ma Hongjun, the quality of the martial spirit was still slightly inferior. One step ahead.

Especially for Zhu Zhuqing, the "Netherworld Spirit Cat" martial spirit inherited by the Netherworld Zhu family is only a high-level martial spirit after all. Even after taking the "elixir", the quality of the martial spirit is only on the edge of reaching the top martial arts spirit.

As for Dai Mubai and others who were originally top-level martial arts spirits, after taking the elixir, although their martial soul qualities were not transformed, they were greatly improved. The quality of their martial souls was completely enough to rank at the top of the top-tier martial arts spirits.

A soul master's training, talent and hard work are one of them, but no matter what level you are at, even if you are a titled Douluo above level 95, martial soul is undoubtedly the most important, especially the training before soul saint.

However, Ning Rongrong and Ma Hongjun were not because of their talent. After all, whether it was the evolved 'Nine Treasures Glazed Tower' or the extremely purified 'Fire Phoenix', the quality of their martial souls was even above everyone else's.

Compared with others who can devote themselves wholeheartedly to practice and experience, as the future sect master of Qibao Glazed Sect, even if Ning Fengzhi is still in office, Ning Rongrong inevitably needs to spare part of his time for study.

Over time, even if Ning Rongrong's talent ranked at the forefront, she would inevitably fall behind half a step.

As for Ma Hongjun, it was all because of his martial soul 'Fire Phoenix'. Although his cultivation speed was no worse than Oscar, Tang San, or even Xiao Wu in the form of a soul beast, he was picky about soul rings and had to spend more. In terms of time, it is inevitable that the soul power level will lag behind slightly.

At noon, as Qin Mo and his party continued to go deeper, the faint aura of the soul beasts lurking around them became stronger and stronger.

Originally, based on the location of Shrek Academy, the most convenient area for soul hunting was not the distant Star Forest, but the Sunset Forest, which was closer to the Tiandou Imperial City.

Although the spirit rings of Dai Mubai, Oscar, and Tang San are much more powerful than outside spirit masters, they are only the seventh level seventy spirit rings after all. Although the size and quality of the spirit beasts of 'Sunset Forest' are higher than The Star Dou Forest is slightly inferior, but it can fully meet the three people's soul hunting needs.

The teachers of the Soul Hunting Department of the Inner Academy also recommended more soul beasts living in the 'Sunset Forest', but Qin Mo rejected it because the quality of the soul beasts in the 'Star Dou Forest' was higher. , and you can have more choices.

But the actual reason is... Qin Mo glanced at Xiao Wu who was in the center of the team, with a slightly anxious and expectant look in his eyes.

Although Flanders, Zhao Wuji, and many teachers from the Soul Hunting Department were a little surprised by Qin Mo's decision, they didn't care. After all, for Qin Mo, whose space ability had already taken shape, Star Dou Forest 'Distance was never an issue.

And just as Qin Mo said, the quality of the soul beasts in the Star Dou Forest is indeed higher, which can give Dai Mubai, Oscar, Tang San, and Xiao Wu more choices.Among the group of people advancing, Xiao Wu seemed to have noticed something, and quickly glanced at Qin Mo with an extremely subtle look, as if to remind him of something.

Feeling the eyes on him, Qin Mo's eyes moved slightly, he nodded to Xiao Wu imperceptibly, and looked around, as if he was sensing something.

For a moment, Qin Mo looked at Flanders and Zhao Wuji, and quickly said: "Dean Flanders, Teacher Zhao, I will deal with the soul rings of Tang San and Xiao Wu, and I will leave the soul rings of Lao Dai and Oscar to you. ”

Although Flanders has retired from the post of dean and completely handed over the college to Qin Mo, Qin Mo, Dai Mubai and others still call Flanders the same name, and they still call him ' Dean'.

Hearing this, Flanders glanced at Qin Mo, Tang San, and Xiao Wu subconsciously. There was a slight fluctuation, and he was obviously aware of it, but he didn't say anything more, but nodded directly and agreed. Come down.

Not only Flanders, but also Dai Mubai and Oscar were different. Even Zao Wuji, who had always shown himself to be a reckless man, was also the same, but there was no reaction.

Zhao Wuji showed a hint of interest towards Qin Mo and said, "Boy Mo, do you want to see who among us can help them complete the soul hunt first?"

Seeing Zhao Wuji's interested expression, Qin Mo's eyes suddenly flashed with a hint of joking, and said, "Okay, Teacher Zhao, what's the bet?"

Hearing this, Zhao Wuji suddenly became interested. Even his round, oh no, 'stronger' body unconsciously straightened a lot, and his eyes showed a glimmer of excitement, saying: "If I If you win, how about you let me choose three bottles of wine from your Qin family's collection?"

Hearing this, Qin Mo's brows moved slightly. Looking at Zhao Wuji who began to swallow his saliva unconsciously, a hint of amusement suddenly appeared in his eyes. What a good guy, he actually set his sights on his treasure.

However, Qin Mo didn't pay too much attention, but nodded quickly and said with a smile: "Teacher Zhao, if you lose, then in the next six months, except for assisting in the inner courtyard sequence training, you will have to go to practice for the rest of the time. How about regional practice?"

After hearing what Qin Mo said, the expression on Zhao Wuji's face suddenly froze. He seemed to be thinking of the pain of practicing in the training area, but then he thought of the Qin family's treasures, and a trace of determination quickly appeared in his eyes. He had only lost half a year. It's a pain in the butt, and it also has great benefits. If he wins, he can also get three jars of fine wine, so he won't lose any money.

Zhao Wuji immediately nodded fiercely and said: "Deal!"

At the same time, the eyes looking at Flanders revealed a hint of flattery, while the look Flanders gave Zhao Wuji back was extremely teasing.

Zhao Wuji understood instantly, a hint of distress appeared on his face, and he made a little gesture with his hands.


Seeing the change in Zhao Wuji's gestures, the amusement in Flanders' eyes did not diminish at all, and he shook his head slightly.

Seeing this, Zhao Wuji immediately gritted his teeth, but thinking of the consequences, he finally changed his gesture.


Flanders nodded with satisfaction.

After seeing Flanders nodding, Zao Wuji breathed a sigh of relief, and then quickly looked at Dai Mubai and Oscar, with a hint of ruthlessness in his eyes, as if to say: "You two, please don't hold us back." ah······'

(End of this chapter)

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