The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 232 Brother?younger brother?Love rival?

Chapter 232 Brother?younger brother?Love rival?

Originally he only had some guesses about Xiao Wu's identity, but after seeing Xiao Wu getting close to the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Ape, Tang San also completely confirmed Xiao Wu's true identity.

Looking at Xiao Wu, who was laughing excitedly on the Titan Ape's shoulder, a smile suddenly appeared on Tang San's face: "Unexpected, but also reasonable..."

In the world of soul masters, soul beasts like the soft-bone rabbit are undoubtedly the lowest existence among all soul beasts. Their personalities are extremely timid, alert, and even cunning, which are the so-called cunning rabbits.

But the Xiao Wu in front of her was the complete opposite. She didn't have the timidity, agility, or cunningness of the soft-bone rabbit soul beast at all. Instead, she was extremely bold and reckless.

But when Tang San looked at the two giant mountain-like beasts doting on Xiao Wu, he also understood in his heart why Xiao Wu had such a personality.

With the protection and pampering of two 10-year-old forest overlords, no matter how weak the 'Soft Bone Rabbit' is, it is still at the top of the Starry Forest.

Seeing the undisguised doting in the eyes of the two giant beasts, Tang San felt inexplicably strange, and an undetectable voice sounded: "Da Ming, Er Ming, are these their names?"

Qin Mo, who was observing the 'Lake of Life' on the side, unconsciously raised the corners of his mouth slightly when he heard what Tang San said.

His eyes quickly glanced at Da Ming and Er Ming, and then looked at Tang San, his eyes a little confused, and his heart a little funny. After all, the Titan Ape and the Azure Bull Python are still Tang San's love rivals... ·
As if aware of Qin Mo's eyes next to him, Tang San showed a trace of doubt on his face and looked at Qin Mo: "Boss Mo, what's wrong?"

Hearing this, Qin Mo quickly closed the corners of his mouth, shook his head slightly and said, "It's nothing."

Then he set his sights on the 'Lake of Life' again.

Seeing this, Tang San's mouth twitched slightly, obviously not believing what Qin Mo said, but he didn't say much.

After a while, the divine light in Qin Mo's eyes slowly dimmed, and a thoughtful look appeared in his eyes. After the investigation just now, Qin Mo only discovered a weak and almost invisible abnormal spatial fluctuation in the center of the lake bottom.

It was so weak that even if it wasn't because of the escape of life breath, Qin Mo couldn't even notice it.

With Qin Mo's spatial attainments at this time, he can naturally understand what this means. Obviously there is another layer of space at the bottom of the lake.

The source of the terrifying life force in the 'Lake of Life' is the hidden space.

"Tianmeng Ice Silkworm?" Qin Mo whispered in his heart.

Qin Mo didn't pay too much attention to Tianmeng Ice Silkworm, a nearly million-year-old soul beast, and this time he just wanted to confirm his suspicions and didn't want to confront the ferocious beast hidden inside. Since he was exploring Forget it if you don’t come out.

Not far away, Xiao Wu, who finally began to calm down, and the two giant beasts quickly looked at Qin Mo and Tang San.

Seeing the gentle smile on Tang San's face, Xiao Wu showed a rare hint of shyness, quickly jumped off the Titan Ape, and introduced to the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Ape: "Da Ming, Er Ming, this is Tang Dynasty. Three, he is the brother I recognized in the human world."

Before the Azure Bull Python and Titan Giant Ape could respond, Xiao Wu proudly puffed out his chest, quickly pointed to the Azure Bull Python in the lake and the Titan Giant Ape beside him, and introduced to Tang San: " It's called Da Ming, it's called Er Ming! They are all my younger brothers." At this moment, Xiao Wu looked at Da Ming, Er Ming, and Tang San with stars twinkling in their eyes, and her face was full of expectation.

With Xiao Wu's introduction, there was an inexplicable embarrassment between Da Ming, Er Ming and Tang San. Da Ming, Er Ming, a 10-year-old soul beast, and those who were less than twenty years old, even two Tang San, whose combined age is less than a fraction of the age of Da Ming and Er Ming...
At the same time, Da Ming, Er Ming and Tang San also felt each other's strange attitude towards Xiao Wu, and there was a trace of instinctive hostility in their eyes, but they did not show it at all in front of Xiao Wu.

Seeing the expectant look on Xiao Wu's face, Tang San, although a little embarrassed, took the lead to say hello to the Azure Bull Python and Titan Giant Ape: "Hello..."

As Tang San's voice fell, the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Ape also replied awkwardly: "Hello..."

Xiao Wu, who was always careless, did not notice the awkward atmosphere between the three. Instead, after seeing the three greeting each other, a look of satisfaction quickly appeared on her face.

Qin Mo, who was completely ignored by the side, suddenly said helplessly: "Xiao Wu, you silly rabbit, have you forgotten something..."

As Qin Mo's voice sounded, the awkward atmosphere at this moment was immediately broken. At the same time, when Qin Mo called Xiao Wu a silly rabbit, a trace of anger suddenly rose in the eyes of the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape.

Feeling the anger rising from her two younger brothers, Xiao Wu's face suddenly showed a trace of eagerness, she quickly stopped her, and quickly introduced to Da Ming and Er Ming: "Da Ming, Er Ming, this is 'Boss Mo' Qin Mo. If it hadn’t been..."

Very quickly, Xiao Wu told Qin Mo about the help he had given her. Xiao Wu could be said to be extremely grateful to Qin Mo.

After listening to what Xiao Wu said, the anger in the eyes of the two giant beasts, the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape, completely disappeared, replaced by fear and happiness. Fortunately, their sister Xiao Wu met Qin Mo first, and It’s not other existence, otherwise...

The faces of the two giant beasts looked at Qin Mo with extremely human expressions of gratitude. Among them, the titan giant ape Erming turned around and took the gift originally prepared for Xiao Wu, a plant full of fruits. The fruit tree was delivered to Qin Mo.

He didn't even have the slightest concern about his age. Although there was some reluctance in his eyes, he still said to Qin Mo angrily: "Boss Mo, please eat..."

The Azure Bull Python Daming also lowered his head towards Qin Mo.

Seeing this, Qin Mo smiled and without any courtesy, directly picked a fruit from the fruit tree and said: "Thank you, Er Ming, one fruit is enough."

Hearing this, the giant Titan Ape Erming's huge eyes lit up instantly, and a smile quickly appeared on his dark face, saying: "Is it true..."

Before Er Ming could finish his words, an extremely thick snake tail quickly broke through the lake and landed on the head of the titan ape Er Ming. A helpless low voice sounded: "You idiot..."

Er Ming, who was staggered by a tail whip, didn't show any concern on his face. He just touched the back of his head out of habit. Apparently he was used to it. He laughed innocently and then handed the fruit tree in his hand to Xiao Wu and said: "Sister Xiao Wu, eat..."

Seeing this, Daming immediately gave Qin Mo an apologetic look.

In response, Qin Mo just shrugged and didn't care.

(End of this chapter)

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