Chapter 233 Thunder Rabbit Thousand Star Vine

In the Lake of Life area, the clear lake water reflects the surrounding towering trees. Under the warm sunshine, there is a faint trace of water vapor, but it does not block the view, making the trees on the shore reflect the sunlight on the water. The sky below becomes crystal clear, like a fairyland.

As the mist filled the air, two terrifying behemoths as huge as mountains sat cross-legged on the shore in an extremely calm and peaceful manner. Their eyes no longer had the violence that they had when facing other soul beasts in the Star Forest, but only endless gentleness in their eyes.

Quietly listening to the elf-like figure in front of him constantly telling his experience of entering human life after transforming, he was happy because of it and sad because of it.

As Xiao Wu continued to tell, 'Celestial Ox Python' Da Ming and 'Titan Giant Ape' Er Ming were extremely surprised that Tang San's mother turned out to be the 10-year-old soul beast 'Blue Silver Emperor' in human form.

After all, although they are ordered by an irresistible existence under the 'Lake of Life' to guard the 'Lake of Life' at all times, they are not ignorant of the outside world, especially since there are also massive amounts of energy in the Star Dou Forest. The blue silver grass spirit beast.

Even the Blue Silver King has one. Although the age and intelligence of the Blue Silver King soul beast in the Star Dou Forest are far less than those of the Blue Silver King in the Blue Silver Forest, it is still enough to understand from it. to many things.

As the guardians of the 'Lake of Life', the Azure Bull Python' and the 'Titan Giant Ape' are also the recognized rulers of the Star Dou Forest, so most of the spirit beasts in the Star Dou Forest can be said to be them. people.

And more than ten years ago, because of the sacrifice of the 'Blue Silver Emperor' and the resurrection of the 'Blue Silver Emperor' a few years ago, the changes caused were not small at all, and the two kings as rulers naturally understood it.

It is precisely because of this that the Azure Bull Python' Da Ming and the 'Titan Giant Ape' Er Ming's attitude towards Qin Mo and Tang San became increasingly gentle. However, unlike their simple gratitude to Qin Mo, in addition to their recognition of Tang San's identity, there was also a look in their eyes. A few more points concealing extremely deep envy.

Because from their sister Xiaowu's mouth, ninety-nine percent of the experiences mentioned were related to Tang San. Although they had not transformed into humans, the minds of 10-year-old spirit beasts were not inferior to humans. In addition, no matter what, The Azure Bull Python' and the 'Titan Giant Ape' are both alien species among soul beasts.

He was much more mature than Xiao Wu, so naturally he could clearly feel the difference in their words towards Tang San in front of them. This was something they had longed for for tens of thousands of years but could not get, and at the same time they felt a little regretful in their hearts.

If only one of them could transform with Xiao Wu, wouldn't it...

However, they also know that this is impossible. Not to mention the existence in the 'Lake of Life', if they were to transform into humans, the martial spirits they would possess would definitely be the 'Celestial Ox Python' and the 'Titan Giant Ape'.

It is completely different from Xiao Wu's 'Soft Bone Rabbit' martial spirit. This is a powerful martial spirit that has never been awakened in today's soul master world. It is definitely the most top-notch existence among all martial spirits, plus the soul beast Talent after transformation.

It will definitely attract the attention of countless powerful people. Not to mention anything else, even a random Contra can make them die without a burial place.

Even Tang San and Xiao Wu back then, if it weren't for the fact that the martial arts they possessed were both low-level martial spirits, and the presence of Yu Xiaogang in front of them, they could have resisted most of the forces. Talent is enough to make some small and medium-sized soul master families excited.

Although he is extremely disdainful of Yu Xiaogang's character, character, wisdom... in many aspects, but what I have to say is that as the parent and son of the patriarch of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family, the direct lineage, even if he is... Kicked out of the family, but it is also a big deterrent to small and medium-sized families in the soul master world.

After all, with how domineering the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family is, even the trash they kicked out of the family would never allow other families to bully them, let alone the parent and son of a titled Douluo, which is enough to frighten many in the soul master world. Small to medium sized families.

However, as Yu Xiaogang's status as the parent and son of Yu Yuanzhen, the patriarch of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family, even if he can intimidate the small and medium-sized families in the soul master world, it is not as powerful as the lower four sects and the upper three sects in the soul master world. Not necessarily.

For big forces like the Upper Three Sects and Lower Four Sects, the talent of innate soul power is definitely a valuable existence. After all, there are not many existences with innate soul power that have appeared in the past hundred years. Even as a member of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, Ning Rongrong, the successor of the sect master, had only close to full soul power when he awakened his martial soul.

Therefore, even if the spirit is weak, it is still fully qualified to enter the core for training. As a big power, what they lack is never resources, but talented geniuses, let alone Tang San and Xiao Wu at that time. A 'wild' genius with the mark of power.

The resources consumed to cultivate a soul master genius may not be small, but for their large power, it is just a drop in the bucket.

But it happens that Yu Xiaogang also has a powerful ex-girlfriend. Even if the two have broken up for decades or even not seen each other for decades, who can guarantee that there will be no lingering feelings. Maybe those small forces don't know what happened back then. But for big forces like them, it is no secret.

Do you really think that Yu Xiaogang was expelled by the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family because he released the so-called 'Ten Core Competencies of Martial Arts' in the soul master world, shaking the dominance of the upper echelon of the soul master world?How is it possible... If it was really shaken, the structure of the soul master world would have changed a few decades later.

In this world of Douluo where "power belongs to oneself" and where the ascending channel has extremely huge shackles, it is simply not something that a little knowledge can break.

And with the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family's background and domineering level, it would not be like this at all. If it weren't for the oppression of Wuhun Palace, the uncrowned king in the soul master world...


After listening to Xiao Wu's experiences in the human world for more than ten years, the eyes of 'Azure Bull Python' Da Ming and Titan Giant Ape Er Ming both showed a hint of yearning.

Although the lifespan of human beings is extremely short, and even the most powerful beings only have a fraction of their lifespan, the human world is countless times more exciting than the sameness in the Star Forest.

Just from what Xiao Wu said, the experience of more than ten years was much more exciting than the thousands of years they spent in the Star Forest.

But soon, the longing in the eyes of the two giant beasts quickly disappeared, and their eyes subconsciously looked towards the 'Lake of Life', replaced by a trace of helplessness.Looking at Xiao Wu and Tang San who were extremely close to each other, Da Ming's eyes as big as a millstone dimmed slightly, his coiled body slowly stretched, and his huge head with a diameter of four meters faced the obviously disappointed Titan next to him. The giant ape nodded slightly, and a deep and deep voice quickly sounded.

"Er Ming, capture the 6-year-old Thunder Spirit Rabbit and the 8000-year-old Thousand Star Vine. Their soul rings are just right for Sister Xiaowu...and Tang San."

Hearing this, the staggering Titan ape who was pinned by the Azure Bull Python also quickly reacted and quickly began to contain his disappointment. At the same time, in order to avoid being discovered by Xiao Wu, he quickly stood up and nodded, but did not speak. After speaking, a strange domain power erupted, a violent explosion sounded, and the huge figure of the Titan Ape disappeared in an instant.

Although they are both soul beasts, in fact, unless they are of the same race, have special bloodline, or have reached 10 years of cultivation, they are nothing in the eyes of Da Ming and Er Ming, and sometimes they are just food.

This is true not only for the Da Ming and the Er Ming, but also for [-]% of the mainland, including the many ferocious beasts hidden in the 'Lake of Life'. Therefore, neither the Da Ming nor the Er Ming have the slightest concern about this. care.

Looking at the somewhat embarrassed Er Ming, the Azure Bull Python Daming sighed slightly in his heart, while a trace of apology flashed in Tang San's eyes, but he had no regrets.

Only Xiao Wu, who still had a careless smile on her face, didn't know why: "What's wrong with Er Ming? Why does it feel weird..."

Hearing this, Azure Bull Python Daming and Tang San both showed a hint of helplessness in their eyes, but at the same time they were also a little lucky in their hearts. Fortunately for Xiao Wu's simplicity, Azure Bull Python Daming smiled slightly and said, "Maybe Er Ming is thinking about this." Let’s choose some soul beast for Sister Xiaowu.”

Hearing this, Xiao Wu suddenly put her hands on her hips in excitement and laughed: "Hahaha, Da Ming, sister Xiao Wu is so amazing, she can absorb so much of the essence before level seventy."

Seeing Xiao Wu's arrogant look, both Daming and Tang San had a hint of smile in their eyes, but the degree of Xiao Wu's absorption of the soul beast's origin was indeed beyond the Azure Bull Python Daming's expectations.

If a normal 10-year-old soul beast, even one with extremely powerful bloodline, chooses to transform, if you want to completely absorb the origin of the 10-year-old soul beast before transforming, you need to reach at least the [-]th level of Soul Saint. Really reaching maturity.

It can be said that this message has been completely integrated into the inheritance of all soul beasts on the continent, but it will be broken by Xiao Wu.

However, after listening to Xiao Wu's story, he understood the reason.

The 'whale body pills' refined from whale gum, coupled with the 'elixir' refined from fairy grass, greatly increased the upper limit of Xiao Wu's body, allowing her to absorb more when condensing the soul ring. The origin of the soul beast.

As of now, the seventy-level seventh spirit ring, the spirit beast origin contained in Xiao Wu's body is less than 2 years old.

For outside soul masters, the 2-year-old seventh soul ring is not bad, but for those of them who are graduates of the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy, it is too weak.

Especially for Xiao Wu, the fifth soul ring alone took nearly 3 years to condense, and the sixth soul ring directly consumed half of the 10-year-old soul beast origin.

Now with Xiao Wu's physical strength, the seventh soul ring can fully withstand a 7-year-old soul ring. The reason why the Titan Giant Ape Erming did not let Erming directly capture the 7-year-old soul beast is because when Xiao Wu absorbed the soul ring, The remaining soul beast origin in Wu's body can be fully integrated into it. While increasing the life of the soul ring, it can also greatly weaken the influence of the soul beast's remnant soul. A 6-year-old soul beast is just right.

As for Tang San, although he has half of the 'Blue Silver Emperor' bloodline in his body, he is still a human being, and there is no soul beast origin like Xiao Wu in his body to absorb. Although a 8000-year-old soul beast is not what Tang San can It was the limit of what he could bear, but Thousand Star Vine was the most suitable soul beast in the Star Dou Forest for his 'Blue Silver Emperor' martial spirit.

Although the seventh soul ring absorbed by the soul master, no matter what soul beast it comes from, the soul skills given are the true form of the martial soul, but the degree of compatibility between the absorbed soul beast and the martial soul will also be affected. Seventy-eight thousand years To Tang San, the Thousand Star Vine Spirit Beast was no worse than the spirit rings produced by other 8000 or even 9 year old plant spirit beasts.

And the most important thing is that their Shrek Academy now has a training area that can increase the life of the soul ring. The missing soul ring life can be made up from the training area, so the compatibility between the soul beast soul ring and the martial spirit itself is even more important. .

Even if it weren't for the fact that his second martial soul was related to whether he could quickly increase his soul power level after being banned and maximize the advantages of his second martial soul, Tang San would have wanted to fill up the Clear Sky Hammer's soul rings right now.

After all, the temptation of increasing the life span of the soul rings was too great. With his current physique and the training area of ​​Shrek Academy, he could completely increase the life span of all the soul rings of the Clear Sky Hammer to more than 10 years.

However, Tang San also knew that absorbing soul rings in advance might increase the soul power level very quickly in the early stage, quickly reaching the Title Douluo realm, even reaching level 95, but this would undoubtedly be a disadvantage to his talent. waste.

And if after cultivating the 'Blue Silver Emperor' martial soul to level 97, and then absorbing the nine soul rings of the second martial soul, the soul power possessed by the nine high-end soul rings will have a chance to increase the soul power level to Level 98 or even level [-] Super Douluo.

A quarter of an hour later, a strong sense of shock quickly spread from a distance towards the 'Lake of Life'. The terrifying aura coupled with the huge movement immediately caused many surrounding soul beasts to flee crazily.

Looking along the shock, I saw a small mountain-like Titan ape carrying a rabbit-shaped soul beast with thunderous light in its left hand, and its right hand was dragging a tree that was hundreds of meters long and had thousands of vines. plant soul beast.

Both soul beasts were dying. The Thunder Rabbit Soul Beast was fine, with only one scar on its body, but the Thousand Star Vine Soul Beast had countless huge fist prints and footprints on its body. If it weren't for the life source of the plant soul beast itself, It is much richer than the animal soul beast, and it has long fallen to the fist of the Titan ape.

Looking at the many fist prints and footprints on the Thousand Star Vine Soul Beast, Xiao Wu seemed to be aroused to violence, and her eyes showed extremely excited eyes. After all, before she transformed, she often traveled with the Titan Giant Ape in Star Dou. Rampant in the forest.

As a 'love rival', Tang San couldn't help but swallow. With his current strength, I'm afraid he wouldn't even be able to withstand a punch from the Titan Giant Ape...
(End of this chapter)

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