Chapter 234 Not sure...

At the edge of the mirror-clear 'Lake of Life', two surging soul powers were constantly fluctuating. 'Azure Bull Python' Da Ming and 'Titan Giant Ape' Er Ming were looking at Xiao Wu with a little love in their eyes. The virtual shadow of the soul beast's origin as the 'Soft Bone Rabbit'.

As Xiao Wu continued to absorb the origin of the 10-year-old soft-bone rabbit soul beast before it transformed, the shadow of the 'soft-bone rabbit' that appeared around Xiao Wu also continued to dim.

The light in the eyes of 'Azure Bull Python' Da Ming and 'Titan Giant Ape' Er Ming also continued to dim. In fact, both Da Ming and Er Ming knew that from the moment they chose to transform or not , there is no longer any possibility between them and Xiao Wu.

Unless a soul beast transforms into a human being and becomes a god, its lifespan will only be a few hundred years, even if its cultivation reaches the heavens. And if their soul beasts do not choose to transform into humans after their life span exceeds 10 years, they will not be able to survive the catastrophe. It can still have a life span of 1000 years. If it survives the catastrophe, its life span can be added to another 10 years. What a great change.

And if you become a god, the positions between the two are completely reversed. Whether it is the memory passed down in the bloodline or the words of the irresistible existence, after the endless and long-lasting changes, there is no longer anything in the soul beast. The emergence of a godlike existence is as if the soul beast race has been cursed and abandoned by the world.

If it weren't for the 'Celestial Ox Python' Da Ming and the 'Titan Giant Ape' Er Ming who really cared too much about Xiao Wu, and if they were ordered by some irresistible existence to guard the 'Lake of Life', I'm afraid that they wouldn't have been there in the first place. The moment Wu chooses to transform into a human being is the moment of farewell.

A 10-year-old soul beast that is expected to become a ferocious beast can cultivate or hibernate for hundreds or hundreds of years, or even wake up and the world will change forever.


An undetectable wave of soul power reverberated, and the extremely dim original shadow of the 'Soft Bone Rabbit' on Xiao Wu's body was completely wiped out, completely transformed into the soul ring years absorbed by Xiao Wu's body.

Seeing the completely annihilated shadow of the 'Soft Bone Rabbit', the 'Azure Bull Python' Da Ming and the 'Titan Giant Ape' Er Ming both sighed unconsciously, feeling extremely disappointed in their hearts.

However, the expression on his face was quickly adjusted to avoid being discovered by Xiao Wu who would wake up later.

Compared with the speed at which Tang San absorbed the spirit ring, Xiao Wu, with the help of his own 10-year-old spirit beast origin, was undoubtedly much more relaxed. If it weren't for the fact that the upper limit of what Xiao Wu's body could bear at the moment was right there, with the help of Xiao Wu With his current will, the number of years he can absorb soul beasts is no worse than Tang San's.

Therefore, the speed of soul ring absorption is much faster than Tang San. At this moment, Xiao Wu's soul ring absorption has reached the end. She only needs to completely absorb and refine the soul power in the soul ring, but Tang San has It is still fighting with the remaining soul consciousness of the soul beast, and it will obviously take a long time to fully absorb it.

However, this situation is also the last time. Xiao Wu has completely absorbed and refined all the foundation before the transformation. The absorption of the final eighth and ninth soul rings is completely the same as that of ordinary human soul masters.

At the same time, Qin Mo also felt that the moment Xiao Wu completely absorbed and refined the origin of the 10-year-old soul beast, the violent and bestial nature of the 10-year-old soul beast that was originally deeply rooted in the soul, flesh, and martial spirit, Quickly began to evaporate.

The 'popularity' that originally only needed to be absorbed and close to humans was born on its own at this moment. Although it was still a little weak and immature, it was no different from real humans. At most, within a few days, it was no different from ordinary humans. .

While thinking, Xiao Wu's recognizable excited laughter quickly sounded.

"Hahaha! Da Ming! Er Ming! Sister Xiao Wu, I have finally entered the mature stage..."

I saw Xiao Wu who had finished absorbing the soul rings at some point. He was surrounded by seven extremely dark soul rings. He stood with his arms akimbo in front of the 'Celestial Ox Python' Da Ming and the 'Titan Giant Ape' Er Ming, constantly squawking. With.

Looking at the excited Xiao Wu, the 'Celestial Ox Python' Da Ming and the 'Titan Giant Ape' Er Ming were not disappointed at all. Although the two beasts were disappointed, they were also sincerely happy for Xiao Wu. Xiao Wu had completely matured. After this period, as long as the existence of the person's identity was known before, unless the god comes in person, there will no longer be the risk of the person's identity being seen through, and the security will be greatly increased.

At this moment, dozens of miles away from the 'Lake of Life', ten figures with extremely powerful auras crossed the forest at an extremely fast speed. Except for the occasional pause to determine the direction, there was no hesitation at all. It was obvious that the destination was extremely clear.

Under the powerful soul pressure of the two titled Douluo, Ju and Ghost, many soul beasts around them were forced to flee continuously. Without any hindrance, Wuhundian and his party kept getting closer to the 'Lake of Life'.

At the same time, at another location on the edge of the core area of ​​the Star Dou Forest, a golden tiger-shaped soul beast that was more than [-] years old had its limbs and spine broken by huge force, and was thrown in front of Dai Mubai by Zhao Wuji. At the same time, in order to prevent the soul beast from resisting and committing suicide, an extremely heavy gravity suppressed the golden tiger-shaped soul beast.

Although Flender, Zhao Wuji and other teachers did not spend all the time in the training area like Dai Mubai and the others, they had at least passed one level of training. After all, the allure of the all-black ten thousand-year soul ring was not as powerful. So easy to resist.

Although it only increased the life span of all soul rings to 1 years, it was undoubtedly a great transformation for Flanders and Zhao Wuji's first four soul rings.

Although the soul power of the two of them is still at the eighty-level Contra level at the moment, with their super-limited soul rings and Shrek Academy's unique soul skills, their combat power is not weaker than some soul power levels of different levels. Titled Douluo above level 93.

The 7-year-old soul beast couldn't bear even a single encounter in front of Zhao Wuji, and completely lost its ability to resist.

Looking at the tiger-shaped soul beast lying on the ground, as well as Zhao Wuji who still had some unfinished thoughts, Dai Mubai and Oscar showed a hint of helplessness in their eyes, saying: "Teacher Zhao, didn't you say that we should solve it ourselves..." ··”

Hearing this, Zhao Wuji finally reacted, with a hint of guilt on his face. Looking at the soul beast thrown at Dai Mubai's feet, a trace of contempt flashed in his eyes, and he thought to himself: Damn it, why are you so unbeatable... ·

However, something seemed to have occurred to him in a flash, and a confident expression quickly appeared on his face, and he said roguely: "When did I say I left it to you? Is there any evidence? Don't forget, I am making a bet with Mr. Mo..." ·”

After finishing his words, Zhao Wuji immediately felt three disdainful eyes falling on him, but Zhao Wuji's copper bell-like eyes quickly stared back.

"Xiao Bai, if I don't absorb your soul ring quickly, I will die soon..."

"Xiao Ao, what, do you want to practice with me, Lao Zhao..."

"Flanders, don't forget, you have a share of the bet..."

As these three sentences fell, Flanders, Dai Mubai, and Oscar's eyes quickly converged, and they were speechless in their hearts. At the same time, they also felt a little emotional. Zao Wuki was still the same Zao Wuki, shamelessly messing around.

Seeing this, Zhao Wuji felt no shame but pride, and even had a victorious smile on his face.

At this point, Dai Mubai didn't pay too much attention. He quickly moved his eyes to the dying golden tiger at his feet, but his eyes were no less ferocious. A trace of indifference flashed in his eyes. His right hand was in the form of a claw, and a ray of blood flickered.


The tiger's claws were like an extremely sharp spear, and the extremely hard skull was instantly penetrated, directly sinking into the head of the tiger-shaped soul beast.

The tiger-shaped soul beast only had time to feel a terrifying and severe pain, and then it became extremely dizzy. Its ferocious eyes quickly dimmed, and its tense beast body completely relaxed.

The next moment, the soul power throughout the body began to gather rapidly, and an extremely dark soul ring quickly began to condense on the body of the tiger-shaped soul beast.

But before Dai Mubai could begin to absorb the soul ring, Flanders, who was originally content, suddenly changed his expression, and quickly looked towards the dense jungle on one side with a ferocious gaze like an eagle.Not only Flanders, but also Zhao Wuji quickly stepped in front of Dai Mubai and Oscar, and powerful soul power aura suddenly rose.

"Who is it! Come out!!"

As Vlad's voice sounded, Dai Mubai and Oscar reacted instantly. The martial soul instantly possessed them, and six soul rings suddenly rose up.

The strange thing is that the color of the soul ring is no different from before taking the trial, but this is not surprising, or it can be said that he has been prepared for it. After Qin Mo completed the construction of the eight training areas, he automatically covered up the color of the soul ring. Soul-creating skills came into being.

After all, Oscar and Ma Hongjun, unlike Qin Mo, have sufficient strength and confidence.


There was a sound of trees rubbing against each other, and the figures of the Demon Bear Elder of Wuhun Palace, three members of the Golden Generation, and several cardinals slowly stepped out.

Feeling the title aura on Elder Demon Bear's body, Flanders and Zhao Wuji became more alert in their eyes, and the aura of soul power lingering on their bodies became more intense.

Yan looked at Dai Mubai and Oscar's extremely profound faces and exclaimed, "Is it you?"

Not only Yan, but also Xie Yue and Hu Liena were extremely surprised. Seeing the six soul rings beating on their bodies and the floating soul power fluctuations that were exactly the same as those on Hu Liena, a hint of frustration quietly rose in their hearts. .

Especially Hu Liena, the light in her eyes instantly dimmed a lot: How is it possible... that even they have reached this level? Then...

As Yan's exclamation sounded, Flanders and the others also saw clearly the faces of everyone in the Wuhun Palace group. The moment they felt the auras of the three golden generation people, especially the floating soul power fluctuations on Hu Liena's body, they also It feels incredible.

They know very well why they have such a level of soul power.

However, he did not show it on his face. Instead, he showed a hint of respect and bowed slightly to the Demon Bear Elder of Wuhun Palace: "I have seen the Demon Bear crown, Your Highness the Saint..."

As a titled elder under Bibi Dong, although Demon Bear's reputation is not as good as the two major titles of Ju and Ghost, he is still well-known in the soul master world. At least most of the forces in the soul master world know his information.

Hu Liena is also famous as the saint of Wuhun Palace.

Feeling the terrifying aura lingering on Flanders and Zhao Wuji, as well as the sense of crisis rising in his heart, the Demon Bear Elder's pupils shrank in an instant.

His eyes quickly glanced at Dai Mubai and Oscar, whose soul power was still a little empty, as well as the dead soul beast behind them, and a hint of haze quietly appeared in his eyes.

With his eyesight, he could naturally see the fluctuations in the soul power of Dai Mubai and Oscar at this moment, as well as the specific age of the death soul beast, which was extremely incredible in his heart.

Soul Saint...7-year-old soul beast...

It has only been a few years... In the last Soul Master Competition, the two soul masters in front of me were just Soul Kings, but now...
However, after feeling the increasingly terrifying and dangerous aura of Flanders and Zhao Wuji, as well as the three golden generation people behind them, and the current relationship between Wuhun Palace and Shrek Academy, it is not bad.

After all, Elder Demon Bear did not make any strange move. Instead, a smile quickly appeared on his face, with a hint of admiration in his tone, and he said: "It's been a long time since I last saw the two deans. I asked who it was. It turns out they are from Shrek Academy." What a great student..."

"Elder Demon Bear is so polite..."

Although they did not feel any malice from the Wuhundian group, Flanders and the others did not dare to take it lightly. Even though the two of them were confident that they would not lose to the Demon Bear Elders in front of them, there were still several Contra-level people among them. Bishop, so he still responded extremely politely, his vigilance not diminished at all.

The Elder Demon Bear and his party were naturally aware of the vigilance of the four Flanders. Although several Contra-level bishops behind them were a little ready to make a move, after seeing that the Elder Demon Bear showed no signs of taking action, they did not react too much. move.

"I wonder if the two deans have ever encountered the seven-tailed phantom fox nearby?"

"Seven-tailed phantom fox?" Flanders and Zhao Wuji looked at each other, then quickly pointed to the southeast and said: "When we were hunting the blood-toothed golden tiger, we felt a strong mental power fluctuation in that direction. Specifically, We don’t know what kind of spirit beast it is.”

Hearing this, Elder Demon Bear's eyes suddenly lit up, and he quickly looked at a Contra-level bishop beside him.

Seeing this, the Contra-level bishop immediately summoned his martial spirit, and invisible fluctuations spread rapidly. For a moment, the Contra-level bishop's eyes suddenly showed a hint of joy, and he quickly nodded to the Demon Bear Elder.


Elder Demon Bear's face instantly lit up with joy, and he subconsciously looked at Hu Liena, as if seeking her opinion.

Sensing Elder Demon Bear's gaze, Hu Liena reacted instantly, a decent smile quickly appeared on her face, she thanked Flanders and the other four, and said with a smile: "Thank you two deans, if you are free, please come to Wuhun The city is a guest.”

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Flanders and others to respond, he quickly led the Wuhundian group and left in the southeast direction, apparently intending to pursue the seven-tailed phantom fox spirit beast.

After quietly watching Wuhundian and his entourage leave, Flanders and Zhao Wuji slowly relaxed. After this battle, several of them lost interest in playing around. Flanders quietly stepped forward and climbed to a high place to carry out the battle. alert.

Zhao Wuji patted Dai Mubai on the shoulder and said, "Start absorbing the soul ring."

In the southeast, among the group of Wuhundian who were rushing toward us, a slightly cold voice of doubt sounded: "Your Majesty, why didn't we just..."

Although he has not finished speaking, everyone present knows what his words mean. At the same time, this is also the doubt in the hearts of everyone present. In their opinion, with their current strength, they have a chance to defeat several people from Shrek Academy. People stayed, especially the two monsters who had just reached Soul Saint.

The talents displayed by Dai Mubai and Oscar are really terrifying. If it were the future...

But before the elder Demon Bear could respond, Hu Liena's extremely cold voice quickly sounded: "I'm not sure...their abnormal."

As Hu Liena's answer sounded, the eyes of everyone present except Elder Demon Bear were suddenly shocked. They knew very well how strong the perception ability of the Saint of their Wuhun Hall was, especially when they saw Elder Demon Bear silent and acquiescing. With such an appearance, a hint of horror arose in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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