It took several minutes for the aftermath of the self-destruction of the two 10-year-old soul beast kings to be completely eliminated in the Star Dou Forest.

The extremely terrifying self-destruction directly formed a huge pit with a diameter of one kilometer in the core area of ​​the Star Forest. Within the pit, except for Bibi Dong who had activated the ninth soul skill - immortality, all materials Completely obliterated.

At this moment, Bibi Dong, who had returned to his noble posture, was hanging high in the air, with an extremely cold and ugly expression on his face, looking at the huge pit below. The pit was filled with scorched black, without any fluctuations in soul power.


Two streams of light flashed, and the two titles of Ju and Gui dodged to Bibi Dong's body in an extremely embarrassed manner, and instantly knelt down, with a trace of deep fear faintly flashing in their eyes.

Before Ju and Gui, the two titled Douluo, could speak, Bibi Dong's cold eyes with a bit of resentment came quickly, and a voice without any emotion suddenly sounded: "Trash... Not enough for success, but more than enough for failure, unexpectedly I can’t even restrain two dying beasts..."

The moment their eyes came upon them, the bodies of the two titled Douluo, Ju and Gui, trembled uncontrollably for a moment, and the skin on their bodies trembled directly. However, Yue Guan and Gui Mei did not make any excuses.

Although they clearly felt that the "Liang Yi Still Field" they had used had suppressed the self-destruction of the dying Azure Bull Python and Titan Giant Ape, as the casters of martial soul fusion skills, the two of them had no control over the "Two Yi Still Field". 'The perception in ' is absolutely impossible to go wrong, but the result...
As two people who have followed Bibi Dong for decades, they know Bibi Dong very well, and they quickly lowered their bodies in recognition.

At this moment, Bibi Dong looked at Yue Guan and Gui Mei who were kneeling in front of her, and she couldn't help but feel a trace of murderous intent in her eyes. The two 10-year-old soul beasts were so important to her.

If she has the energy of the soul rings of these two soul beasts, it won't take long for her to complete the ultimate leap and become the supreme god on Douluo Continent. By then...

If it weren't for the fact that Ju and Gui were the two most powerful Titled Douluo under her, and also possessed martial soul fusion skills, Bibi Dong would have really wanted to slap them to death at this moment.

After a long time, Bibi Dong slowly withdrew the cold and stern gaze that kept scanning the two titled Douluo, Ju and Ghost, and a cold snort with powerful soul power rang out,


Under the cold snorts, the faces of the two titled Douluo, Ju and Gui, turned pale, and blood quickly flowed from the corners of their mouths. Their already seriously injured and embarrassed bodies were now even more exhausted.

But whether it was Yue Guan or Gui Mei, the moment they heard Bibi Dong's cold snort, their eyes showed the light of the aftermath of the disaster.

"Let's go find Nana..."

A cold and indifferent voice sounded quickly, and then he quickly turned around and left through the air.

Seeing this, Ju and Gui, the two titled Douluo, suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. They wiped the blood from the corners of their mouths twitchingly and looked at each other with happiness in their eyes.

Then they didn't dare to hesitate at all, and quickly followed them through the air. Although they were seriously injured by the self-destruction of the two soul beast kings, their simple driving and flying would not be affected.

After the three people left, an extremely powerful spiritual power spread instantly from the 'Lake of Life' ten kilometers away. The terrifying spiritual power even caused the surrounding space to distort slightly, forming an illusory figure.

This illusory figure first glanced at the direction in which the three titled Douluo Bibi Dong, Ju, and Gui of Wuhun Palace were leaving, and then landed on the charred black pit with a diameter of a kilometer below, with illusory eyes faintly shining with golden light. Flashing.

It seemed that he was observing and sensing something, and his unparalleled mental power brought some spatial fluctuations, cleaning up the charred pit and the surrounding space, especially the area where the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Ape exploded.

For a long time, an extremely deep voice quickly vibrated in the space.

"Is it an illusion..."

After the words fell, the illusory figure that distorted the space quickly disintegrated.

Ten miles away, in the unknown space at the bottom of the 'Lake of Life', several figures with extremely terrifying auras were already awake.

Originally in this unknown space, unless the many ferocious beasts inside personally use their mental power to explore, or unless there is a power that involves and can affect the space and is transmitted into this space, other ferocious beasts except Ditian will not be aware of it at all. No abnormalities from the outside world.

This is also the reason why only Di Tian reacted to the roars of Da Ming and Er Ming, and the other ferocious beasts were unaware of it. However, even if other ferocious beasts were aware of it, Di Tian would never allow other ferocious beasts to take action.

However, the self-destruction power of the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape is barely qualified to shake the space. This fluctuation will naturally wake up many ferocious beasts that are absorbing the origin of the 'Tianmeng Ice Silkworm'.

"Ditian, what happened..."

A brutal giant bear that was as big as a mountain, covered with a layer of dense, thick dark golden hair and knotted muscles, with its arms hanging down to its knees, roared, with a little impatience in its eyes, and its dark golden eyes were full of energy. It's a fierce light.

Not only this giant bear, but also the eyes of many ferocious beasts beside it were a little angry, but compared to the violent giant bear, the eyes of other ferocious beasts were more curious.

Hearing this, Ditian's golden eyes wavered slightly, and there was a hint of hesitation in his deep voice: "The two little guys guarding outside...are dead."

As soon as these words came out, all the ferocious beasts, including the extremely violent giant bear, were shocked. Compared with the 10-year-old soul beasts living in the Star Dou Forest outside, the ferocious beasts in this space are not only It is more powerful in terms of age and strength, and its wisdom far exceeds the others.

The eyes of many ferocious beasts were instantly locked on Di Tian.

Seeing this, Ditian's deep voice sounded again: "The successor of Rakshasa God is about to ascend to the throne..."

As soon as these words came out, a flash of realization flashed in the eyes of many ferocious beasts. They were different from the group of soul beasts in the outside world who knew nothing about the God Realm. The faces of many ferocious beasts showed extremely solemn expressions.

On the outskirts of the Star Forest, several figures burst out towards the outside world at an extremely exaggerated speed, pulling out several afterimages in the jungle.

Even on the outskirts of the Star Dou Great Forest, the terrifying fluctuations of the Azure Bull Python and Titan Giant Ape's self-destruction were noticed. The vast and explosive soul power fluctuations made countless soul beasts living in the Star Dou Great Forest go crazy. Escape.

A terrifying beast tide began to brew.

Flanders and Zhao Wuji, who sensed this terrifying soul power fluctuation, directly activated their martial soul avatars to escape.

Xiao Wu, who was unconscious and being carried by Tang San on his back, was shaken in vain at the moment when the 'Celestial Bull Python' Da Ming and the 'Titan Giant Ape' Er Ming blew themselves up. Countless tears flowed uncontrollably, and Tang San was instantly killed. The clothes on my shoulders were soaked.

Tang San also showed a hint of panic in his eyes, especially after feeling the gradual moisture on his shoulders. His eyes kept scanning in the direction of the waves, and he kept whispering in his heart.

"With Boss Mo here, nothing will happen to Daming and Erming..."

"Boss Mo won't really let anything happen to them..." An invisible spatial fluctuation flickered quietly.


The people who were fleeing disappeared instantly.

Hundreds of kilometers away from the Star Forest, in the Balak Kingdom, outside Soto City, the original address of Shrek's Advanced Soul Master Academy is now outside the gate of Shrek's Intermediate Soul Master Academy.

The space was slightly distorted, and seven figures including Qin Mo, Flanders, and Zhao Wuji quickly condensed. Flanders and the others, who had not yet reacted to the teleportation in space, sprinted forward.

Fortunately, several of them had very good control over their power, so they stopped instantly when they noticed changes in the surrounding environment.

However, the stirring soul power still caused the surrounding environment to fluctuate violently.

As this violent fluctuation occurred, several auras instantly rose up in the Shrek Intermediate Soul Master Academy not far away, and approached Qin Mo and the others at an extremely fast speed.

After reacting, Flanders and others immediately looked at Qin Mo, and the tension in their eyes quickly disappeared. However, looking at the gate of Shrek Academy not far away, everyone's faces suddenly showed surprise, but it soon turned into surprise. , with a little nostalgia on his face.

Obviously, they all thought about why Qin Mo chose to take them to teleport here. First, it was because this was the Shrek Academy closest to the Star Dou Forest in the Tiandou Empire.

The second reason is that due to the self-destruction of the two soul beast kings, the chaotic beast tide in the Star Dou Forest cannot be calmed down in a short time, at least in the past few days.

"Who... hmm? Dean Qin Mo? Dean Flanders? Why is it you???"

In just ten seconds, a teacher appeared from the Shrek Intermediate Soul Master Academy. He reacted extremely quickly. Looking at Qin Mo and others in front of him, as well as the extremely vigilant academy teachers, his eyes suddenly showed a look of great surprise. .

Initially, they thought that someone strong was coming to the academy to cause trouble, but they didn't expect that it would be Flanders and his party.

Although the original Shrek Advanced Soul Master Academy moved the academy to Tiandou City, some teachers from the outer academy chose to stay here, and the one in front of me was one of them.

Looking at the familiar figure in front of him, Embarrassment flashed in Flanders's eyes, but he reacted in an instant, quickly patted him on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "The reaction speed is good..."

After hearing Flender's praise, the slightly dazed college teacher suddenly showed a hint of embarrassment on his face: "Dean Flender is too complimentary. This is my job."

Then he seemed to think of something, and the college teacher quickly called everyone to move towards the interior of the college.

While the two were communicating, Tang San, who was carrying Xiao Wu on his back, quietly appeared next to Qin Mo, with an anxious look in his eyes, and his soul power fluctuated slightly: "Boss Mo, Da Ming, Er Ming and the others..." "

Hearing this, Qin Mo showed a smile on his face and responded: "Don't worry, they are not dead."

Looking at Xiao Wu, who was still full of tears on Tang San's back even though he was unconscious, Qin Mo's eyes flickered slightly, the space fluctuated slightly, and two strange auras quietly escaped.

As these two breaths dissipated, tears continued to flow from the corners of the unconscious eyes. Xiao Wu, whose face was full of grief, seemed to feel something. The tears that were flowing stopped instantly, and the grief on his face quickly dissipated.

Tang San, who also felt these two auras, also showed a hint of relief in his eyes, and his heart dropped quickly. As the owner of the 'Blue Silver Emperor' martial spirit, he was extremely sensitive to the vitality, so he could naturally sense it. The surging vitality contained in these two breaths.

Although it seemed much weaker than what he had sensed before, it was not life-threatening. Sensing this situation, Tang San looked at Qin Mo with extremely grateful eyes: "Boss Mo, thank you."

Hearing this, Qin Mo immediately shook his head slightly and said nothing more.


On the mountain behind the college, in a separate courtyard, the divine light of the 'Qiankun Cauldron' flashed slightly, and countless miraculous patterns emerged. Inside the cauldron, two drops contained nearly one-third of the original blood of the Azure Bull Python and Titan Giant Ape. Trembling constantly.

It seemed that the two soul beasts, the azure bull python and the titan ape, could still be vaguely seen sleeping on the two blood vessels.

Seeing this, Qin Mo's thoughts moved slightly, the 'Qiankun Cauldron' trembled slightly, the power of the 'Dojo' came suddenly, and countless invisible world origins were quickly integrated into the two drops of blood.

In an instant...

The two drops of blood quickly began to expand, and the shadows of the azure bull python and the titan ape sleeping in them expanded rapidly. The blood seemed to have its own thoughts, and quickly flashed at the heart of the two soul beasts, and began to appear like a heart. beat.

"Hoo!" "Hoo!"

Two invisible beast roars echoed in vain, the 'Qiankun Cauldron' trembled slightly, and countless regular patterns on the body of the cauldron quickly lit up.

In an instant, the blurry heart shadow quietly condensed, as if there were invisible meridians and blood vessels in the void. Blood quickly rushed out from the blurry heart, spreading along the invisible meridians and blood vessels to the whole bodies of the two soul beast shadows.

As the blood flowed, countless flesh and blood meridians, blood vessels, muscles, bones, internal organs, internal organs, fur, and scales began to evolve rapidly. In just a moment, the bodies of the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape Soul Beast appeared in the 'Qiankun Cauldron'.

It's just that compared to the previous Azure Bull Python and Titan Giant Ape, the size is obviously much smaller, and the aura is only comparable to that of a 7-[-]-year-old soul beast.

Seeing this, Qin Mo moved his fingers slightly, and the origin of the world in the 'Qiankun Cauldron' quietly turned into invisible fire, quickly wrapping the bodies of the azure bull python and the titan ape, and the terrifying mental power suddenly rioted, and he let out a low drink.


In an instant, the illusory figures of the azure bull python and the titan ape merged with their bodies under Qin Mo's low drink.

The invisible fire of the origin of the world continues to temper the bodies and souls of the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Ape, quickly eliminating the weak to almost invisible obstacles between the two.

For a moment, the eyes of the green bull python and the titan ape in the 'Qiankun Cauldron' lit up in vain, and fierce beast roars erupted, all of which were filled with excitement.

······(end of this chapter)

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