Inside the 'Qiankun Cauldron', the eyes of the 'Celestial Ox Python' Da Ming and the 'Titan Giant Ape' Er Ming who had successfully revived were full of excitement, and the surging soul power fluctuations continued to escape and wreak havoc, especially the 'Titan Giant Ape' Er Ming. Ming, directly jumping around in the space within the 'Qiankun Cauldron'.

Feeling the movements of the 'Celestial Ox Python' Da Ming and the 'Titan Giant Ape' Er Ming in the inner space of the 'Qiankun Cauldron', Qin Mo showed a smile in his eyes.


Qin Mo tapped the 'Qiankun Cauldron' with his right palm, and the 'Celestial Ox Python' Da Ming and 'Titan Giant Ape' Er Ming who were excited in the cauldron were quickly dumped out.

At this moment, Da Ming and Er Ming were only half of their original size. Although they were still huge compared to other spirit beasts, the feeling of oppression was undoubtedly reduced a lot.

When the physical body was condensed, before the souls of Da Ming and Er Ming were integrated with the physical body, the aura could reach the level of 7 to 9 years. But now, after being tempered and integrated by the fire of the world's origin catalyzed by Qin Mo, the aura Although it is not as strong as before the self-destruction, it has reached a level close to [-] years old.

Obviously after self-destruction, even if Qin Mo used magical means to reshape his body, his strength would inevitably drop a lot. However, even if they are only at the level of 9 years of cultivation, the Azure Bull Python and Titan Giant Ape are extremely powerful as bloodline The combat power of a powerful soul beast is no less than that of an ordinary 10-year-old soul beast.

Even the domain soul skills alone are enough to defeat most of the 10-year-old soul beasts on the Douluo Continent.

During the space transformation, 'Celestial Ox Python' Da Ming and 'Titan Giant Ape' Er Ming were slightly startled at first, but they instantly felt Qin Mo's aura, and their eyes quickly fell on Qin Mo, their eyes full of gratitude and awe.

Unexpectedly, they were still alive. Although they felt that their strength had been reduced a lot, their strength was nothing compared to being alive.

The moment the self-destruction was successful, Da Ming and Er Ming never thought that they could still be alive. They just kept rejoicing that their soul rings and soul bones after death would not benefit humans.

Originally, both Da Ming and Er Ming felt that they had no hope. In order to prevent the soul rings and soul bones condensed after their death from falling into the hands of humans, especially humans who had enmity with them, they directly activated the last source in their bodies to proceed. Self-destructed.

Unfortunately, he was directly controlled by the power of the martial soul fusion skill 'Two Yields of Stillness' of the two titled Douluo, Wuhundian Ju and Gui.

If it weren't for Qin Mo's secret action in the end, which made them successfully self-destruct, I'm afraid their soul rings and soul bones would have fallen into the hands of Wuhun Palace.

The moment before they successfully self-destructed and lost consciousness, they could very clearly sense the terrifying fluctuations of the original self-destruction in their bodies. The blood, bones, soul power, entire bodies, and even souls in their bodies were constantly wailing and annihilated under the destructive fluctuations of self-destruction. With.

In that case, based on their knowledge and their bloodline inheritance, there was no possibility of survival.

But at this moment... Da Ming and Er Ming, apart from feeling that their own cultivation had weakened a lot, there was nothing abnormal. They even faintly felt that the blood in their bodies seemed to be much purer.

They didn't expect that they could still be alive. Although they felt that their strength had been reduced a lot, strength was nothing compared to being alive. The moment the self-destruction was successful, Da Ming and Er Ming never thought that they could still be alive.

Originally, both Da Ming and Er Ming felt that they had no hope. In order to prevent the soul rings and soul bones condensed after their death from falling into the hands of humans, especially humans who had enmity with them, they directly activated the last source in their bodies to proceed. Self-destructed.

Thinking of this, Da Ming, the Azure Bull Python, and Er Ming, the Titan Ape, quickly lowered their bodies and said respectfully to Qin Mo: "Thank you, Boss Mo, for saving your life."

Looking at the Azure Bull Python and Titan Giant Ape lying low in front of him, Qin Mo casually took back the 'Qiankun Cauldron', looked at Da Ming and Er Ming, shook his head and didn't care, and said with a smile: "After all, you are Xiao Wu’s younger brother, and the reason why I saved you was for another reason.”

Hearing this, the Azure Bull Python Daming and the Titan Giant Ape Er Ming looked at each other. The two soul beast kings had no grudges against Qin Mo's frankness, and instead looked a little happy.

Seeing this, Qin Mo's eyes fluctuated slightly, and he glanced at the two soul beast kings, and asked thoughtfully: "Da Ming, Er Ming, are your current actual cultivation levels 10 years or... ··Can you feel the threat of the soul beast’s thousand-year catastrophe?”

Upon hearing Qin Mo's inquiry, the eyes of Azure Bull Python Da Ming and Titan Giant Ape Er Ming moved slightly. They instantly guessed the meaning of Qin Mo's words and quickly began to sense their own situation.

For a moment, Da Ming, who had stronger mental power, and slightly stronger origin and strength than Er Ming, showed a strange color in his eyes, and slowly said: "My actual years of cultivation now are more than 9000 years, but I am still going on. The rapid improvement is much faster than that of the past. The threat of natural disaster... is gone, and I feel that after the age of cultivation is restored to 10 years, I can make choices again... "

After Da Ming's words fell, Er Ming also completely sensed it and nodded in the same way. Except that his age and cultivation level were a thousand years lower than Da Ming's, there was no other difference between him and Da Ming.

As Da Ming and Er Ming finished speaking, Qin Mo's face suddenly showed an expression as expected. Most of the years of cultivation of the soul beast depend on the origin of the physical body.

Looking at the expression on Qin Mo's face, Da Ming and Er Ming looked at each other, with a vague guess in their eyes. Da Ming said thoughtfully: "Boss Mo, you want us to choose to transform when our cultivation reaches 10 years." ?”

Hearing this, Qin Mo's eyes suddenly showed a trace of satisfaction, and he nodded and said: "Yes, but whether you choose to transform or not depends entirely on you. I will not repay the favor."

In Qin Mo's eyes, although the azure bull python and titan ape with strong bloodline have extremely good potential, even if they are cultivated with enough resources, they will never be worse than the many ferocious beasts hidden in the 'Lake of Life'.

But it is a pity that the growth rate of soul beasts is too slow compared to humans. Compared with the cultivation time of soul beasts, which can take thousands, ten thousand or even 10 years, humans with powerful talents can catch up in just a few decades.

And if Da Ming and Er Ming choose to transform, with the powerful blood of the Azure Bull Python and Titan Ape, they can grow up in a very short time and become extremely good assistants to their subordinates.

Of course, if Da Ming and Er Ming were unwilling, Qin Mo would not have any objections. After all, once a soul beast chooses to become a human, if it cannot become a god, it means giving up a life span of one hundred thousand or even hundreds of thousands of years.

However, before Da Ming and Er Ming could respond, an extremely exaggerated pink stream of light instantly broke through the door of the other courtyard and quickly appeared in front of Qin Mo, Da Ming, and Er Ming, followed by a helpless man with a wry smile on his face. Tang San.Feeling the extremely familiar auras of Da Ming and Er Ming, Xiao Wu's face was full of fear, and her voice had a hint of crying.

"Da Ming, Er Ming, I just dreamed that you were forced to self-destruct by Bibi Dong of Wuhun Palace... Fortunately... Fortunately, it was just a dream... "

As soon as these words came out, a hint of complexity flashed in the eyes of Da Ming and Er Ming. Looking at Xiao Wu whose face was full of fear, Da Ming and Er Ming quickly began to comfort her.

"Sister Xiao Wu, don't be afraid. Look, aren't we okay?" As he spoke, Er Ming quickly opened his hands and spun around, without a single scratch on his body.

Seeing this, most of the fear on Xiao Wu's face disappeared. However, no matter how careless Xiao Wu was, she still felt that Da Ming and Er Ming's bodies had shrunk significantly, and the soul power fluctuations on their bodies were also much weaker than before.

His eyes quickly focused on Da Ming and Er Ming, and his hands kept stroking Da Ming's scales and Er Ming's fur. He said with worry in his tone: "Da Ming, Er Ming, your bodies still have cultivation, why... ·····Did that hateful woman do something to you..."

As soon as these words came out, Tang San's attention was instantly attracted. His eyes quickly swept over Da Ming and Er Ming, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes. As the owner of the 'Blue Silver Emperor' martial spirit, there is no doubt that he has the ability to sense life. It is extremely powerful.

In his induction, the life auras of Da Ming and Er Ming in front of him were still not something he, a Soul Saint whose soul power had just broken through level [-], could withstand, but it was better than the nearly invincible aura before. Many, at least with his current strength, he is no match for the two, but it is not difficult to escape if he wants to.

Feeling the breath of the two soul beast kings, Tang San seemed to have thought of something. The scene when his mother was resurrected quickly appeared in his mind. Then he thought of the terrifying destructive waves in the Star Dou Forest, and a look of realization quickly appeared in his eyes. I'm afraid Da Ming and Er Ming really self-destructed, but were rescued by their boss Mo...
Facing Xiao Wu's inquiry, Da Ming and Er Ming looked at each other, a smile quickly appeared on their faces, and said: "Sister Xiao Wu, thanks to Boss Mo, Er Ming and I are a blessing in disguise this time. Wait for our cultivation." After restoring to 10 years, you can choose again."

Daming and Erming knew Xiao Wu's character very well, and at the same time, this was also a response to Qin Mo's inquiry just now.

As soon as their words came out, Xiao Wu's attention was quickly diverted. The fear and worry on his face disappeared instantly, replaced by extremely excited. He even jumped up and said excitedly: "Really ?"

He quickly looked at Qin Mo, his red eyes flashing quickly, as if he was consulting Qin Mo.

Seeing this, Qin Mo suddenly felt a little funny. He nodded and confirmed what Daming and Er Ming said. At the same time, he felt a little emotional in his heart. He was indeed a silly rabbit, and his attention was diverted so easily. But Qin Mo also knew that, The reason why this happened was entirely because Xiao Wu had complete trust in Da Ming and Er Ming.

And compared to the torture she suffered in the original work, Xiao Wu is undoubtedly very well protected now, so she still retains her original innocent heart.

Seeing Qin Mo nod, Xiao Wu's face suddenly showed an uncontrollable excited smile: "Hahaha, that's great..."

At the same time, as if he thought of something, his red eyes quickly looked at Da Ming and Er Ming, with a slightly anxious tone in his voice, and said: "Da Ming, Er Ming, when will your cultivation be restored to 10 years? You won't have to go to school again." Ten thousand years..."

Hearing Xiao Wu's words, Qin Mo, Tang San, and even Daming and Er Ming all had a hint of surprise in their eyes. They didn't expect that Xiao Wu, who had always been heartless and relied solely on recklessness, would react so quickly this time, and even more so. I thought of the most critical point.

Seemingly aware of the gazes of Qin Mo and Daming, the expression on Xiao Wu's face froze slightly, a look of displeasure quickly flashed across her blood-red eyes, and the sound of teeth clashing and rubbing quickly sounded.

However, Xiao Wu still had some awe and reverence for Qin Mo, so she did not attack Qin Mo. As for Tang San, Da Ming, and Er Ming...

"Tang San! Da Ming! Er Ming! What are you looking at..." Xiao Wu's gnashing voice quickly echoed in the other courtyard, and there was even a little bit of embarrassment in Xiao Wu's red eyes. Understand their eyes.

The moment they heard the sound of teeth grinding, Tang San, Da Ming, and Er Ming trembled for an instant. Seeing Xiao Wu's slightly flushed face, a hint of something bad suddenly appeared in his eyes. Daming hurriedly said: "Sister Xiao Wu, in this way With the current recovery speed of Er Ming and I, it will take at most a little more than a year to restore our cultivation level to the level of 10 years. At that time, Er Ming and I can choose to transform."

As he spoke, Daming kept looking towards Qin Mo for help. With his wisdom, he could naturally see Xiao Wu's awe and reverence for Qin Mo.

Not only Da Ming, but also Er Ming and Tang San on the side.

Facing Da Ming, Er Ming and Tang San's pleas for help, Qin Mo's face instantly showed a smile. The moment they saw Qin Mo's smile, Da Ming, Er Ming and Tang San suddenly felt uneasy in their hearts.

The next moment, Qin Mo's voice quickly sounded: "Xiao Wu, I'm a little tired. I'm going to rest first. I'll leave this place to you. Have fun..."

Hearing this, the expressions on the faces of Tang San, Daming, and Er Ming suddenly became extremely exciting, and they looked at Qin Mo with incomparable disbelief.

However, before the three of them could react, the space fluctuated slightly, and Qin Mo's figure quickly disappeared from the other courtyard.

As Xiao Wu watched the space fluctuations where Qin Mo was just now smoothing out, a very well-behaved and gentle smile appeared on her face, and she said softly: "Okay, Boss Mo..."

The obviously gentle and well-behaved voice instantly made Tang San, Da Ming, and Er Ming tremble in their hearts.

"Third brother, Da Ming, Er Ming! Do you still remember my self-created soul skills?"

"Explosive killing... Eight stages of fall!!!"

······(end of this chapter)

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