
When the faint light in the 'Qiankun Cauldron' spread throughout the entire illusory Douluo plane, the Douluo plane that was originally trembling slightly in the outside world stagnated in vain.

Vaguely, the shadow of a huge cauldron that could wrap up the entire plane space flashed away.

"Time!" "Void!" "Yin!" "Yang!" "Metal!" "Wood!" "Water!" "Fire"

Eight rays of strange and incomparable light suddenly appeared, instantly forming eight miraculous regular barriers outside the Douluo plane.

The moment the eight rule barriers were formed, [-]% of the connection between the entire Douluo plane and the center of the God Realm was instantly cut off, leaving only that tiny trace of connection that was still looming.

In an instant, the light spot that originally symbolized the Douluo plane dimmed in the center of the God Realm.


The God Realm space that had been peaceful for countless epochs began to vibrate in vain. The extremely stable space of the God Realm plane trembled slightly. Countless terrifying space cracks spread instantly, and the length of any space crack was no less than ten thousand miles.

And the space cracks caused by the sudden shock in the God Realm also instantly made countless beings living in the God Realm look fearful, especially some unlucky waiters and servants, who were directly killed in the empty space at this moment. Shred.

Even some weaker third-level gods were seriously injured by this sudden space crack. Even some less fortunate second-level gods were directly exiled outside the realm of gods. Although they only suffered minor injuries, But extremely embarrassed.

Only gods whose strength reached the level of a first-level god were spared. At the same time, they quickly used their own authority and divine power to quickly suppress and repair the cracks in the space.

If it were just a space crack created by the lower plane, it would naturally not be able to have such terrifying power. Even the servants of the gods who had not just ascended with the gods could bear it safely. However, this is the God Realm, and there are many lower planes. Upper Bound. '

Both the space intensity and rule restrictions far exceed those of many lower planes. In the lower plane, as long as the strength reaches the peak of demigods, they can tear apart the space.

In the original work, in the Douluo plane, thousands of years after countless world origins were harvested, as long as the strength reaches a demigod, or even reaches a demigod level in some aspects, it can affect the space.

But in the God Realm, even if the strength reaches the level of a second-level god, it cannot tear apart the space. It may be able to affect the space of the God Realm with a full burst, but it will definitely not be able to tear the space apart.

Although gods who have reached the level of first-level gods and god-kings are powerful enough to tear apart the plane space of the god world, they will never do so. This is an iron rule set by the five god-king level beings in the god world. Absolutely no god is allowed to violate it.

The expressions of many gods who have reached the first level are extremely ugly. Waves of tyrannical divine power are lingering around, suppressing and calming the cracks in space, and incomparably powerful mental powers are communicating wildly.

"what happened······"

"What happened..."

"Damn it! Why does the space of the God Realm suddenly oscillate..."

"His Majesty the Divine King..."


However, for the doubts of many first-level gods, the five god-king-level beings in the God Realm did not answer immediately. However, it was not that they did not want to answer, but that they were entangled. Compared with the first-level gods, the five major gods in the God Realm Wang was undoubtedly the first to notice this abnormality.

Even before the many spatial cracks in the God Realm were created, the five God Kings of the God Realm were aware of the crisis and responded instantly.

Among them, the two god-kings of life and destruction instantly activated their super-artifacts to suppress the most original core area of ​​the god world, while the two god-kings of good and evil were responsible for stabilizing the entire space of the god world.

Four extremely bright and vast divine powers instantly penetrated the space of the God Realm and merged into the center of the God Realm.

As the law enforcer, God King Shura instantly appeared in a suppressed and sealed place in the God Realm to prevent the suppressed beings from taking advantage of this opportunity to escape.

If the existence that is suppressed and sealed accidentally escapes, the disaster caused may not be lower than this space shock in the God Realm.

Now, only some insignificant servants of gods have been killed, and if the beings suppressed below escape, I am afraid that even first-level gods may fall.

Therefore, God Shura, as the law enforcer, chose to go here to suppress the moment he sensed the vibrations in the space of the God Realm.

Just as he thought, although the existence below was suppressed and sealed, he also felt the vibration of the divine world and began to continuously impact the seal. If he had arrived later, he might have been able to escape.

At the same time, the five god-king-level beings also found the cause of this disaster in a very short period of time. After all, as the person in charge of the center of the God Realm, how could he not find that the light spot representing the Douluo plane was almost extinguished? .

After realizing this, all the five god-king-level beings showed extremely ugly expressions on their faces. Even the God-King of Life, who had the gentlest temperament, showed uncontrollable anger on his face at this moment, let alone the other god-kings. level exists.

"Damn it, something happened in the Douluo plane..."

"The remnants of the Dragon God are still... Shura. Don't you have a legacy in the Douluo plane?"

Hearing this, God Shura, who was suppressing the 'Golden Dragon King', showed an extremely ugly expression on his face. Terrifying murderous intent lingered crazily, and an extremely cold voice suddenly sounded: "I don't know, the inheritance induction is isolated..." ·”

As early as the moment he noticed the abnormality in the space of the God Realm, God Shura sensed that he had completely lost contact with the divine assessment arranged by the Douluo Plane.

At this moment, if God Shura hadn't been worried about affecting the space of the God Realm and the seal under his feet, he would have been tempted to explode.

After hearing God Shura's response, the faces of the four great God Kings of Life, Destruction, Kindness, and Evil all showed a hint of disbelief, although they all knew that the inheritance laid out by God Shura in the Douluo plane was just laid out casually.

But that was also arranged by a god-king-level being. Even if it was just casually arranged, its rules and authority were so powerful that even a first-level god would find it difficult to interfere or block it.

"how is this possible!"

"Asura, are you sure??" Hearing the questions from the other four god kings, the expression on Lord Asura's face became even more ugly.

Compared with many other lower realm planes, the Douluo plane is undoubtedly extremely special, especially for the stability of the God Realm.

If the connection between many other lower planes and the center of the God Realm is broken, or even the entire plane space is destroyed, it will not have any obvious impact on the God Realm space, but it will only be side details.

As long as too many are destroyed at once, it will not have much impact on the God Realm.

But the Douluo plane is different. If many other lower plane spaces are equivalent to the branches that maintain the big tree of the God Realm, then the Douluo Plane is the most important root of the God Realm.

Even if it hadn't been for the emergence of the God Realm in the beginning, the Douluo Plane would have grown into an existence that was not inferior to the God Realm, even after being harvested by the God Realm from the origin of the world of endless eras.

The Douluo Plane of this era in the original work still had enough foundation to support one God King, three first-level gods, and six second-level gods.

Even if these deities are born through the inheritance of gods, if the world origin of the Douluo plane itself is not enough, it is impossible to think of becoming a god.

When the source of the world in the lower plane space is sufficient, for the gods in the divine world, it does not matter if they pass on their divine status. It is just to give face to the new Shura God, not to mention that after inheriting the divine status, they will not Aren’t you also free?······
But if the world origin in the lower plane space is not enough to support the gods, then if you want the successor to become a god, the gods themselves must pay the price.

The stronger the deity you inherit, the greater the price you have to pay.

Perhaps this price does not matter to some extremely ancient gods that have never been passed down, or to some gods with extremely rich heritage, but for some gods with not rich heritage...
In the original work, Ma Hongjun failed to take the first-level god Vulcan assessment, which may not be without this reason. At that time, the countless world sources accumulated in the Douluo plane were no longer enough to support another first-level god.

In other words, if Ma Hongjun successfully inherits the first-level god status of the God of Fire, then all the Shrek Seven Devils may not be able to ascend to the level of god.

Compared with many other lower plane spaces, most plane spaces do not even have inheritance places for third-level gods.

Not to mention that the Douluo plane in the original work even had most of the world's origin harvested. In just ten thousand years of the lower plane space, it once again accumulated enough world origin to give birth to gods.

Not only the Shura God, but also the Poseidon and Rakshasa Gods who have inheritances in the Douluo plane space also feel that they are completely isolated from the induction of inheritance.

Although the Poseidon and the Rakshasa God are far less powerful than the Shura God in terms of individual strength, their arrangement in the Douluo plane makes the connection between them. The Shura God is originally much stronger. Among them, the Poseidon relies on immeasurable faith, while the Rakshasa God is Relying on the Rakshasa spiritual thoughts in the Rakshasa inheritance.

With the action of the five god kings and many first-level gods, the shocks and space cracks in the god world quickly began to disappear and stabilized. Although the Douluo plane light spots in the center of the god world were almost dim, there was still some slight connection after all.

Moreover, the foundation that was taken from countless lower realms during the endless era of the God Realm is not false. The immeasurable origin quickly spread from the center of the God Realm under the control of the five god kings, and quickly began to repair the plane space of the God Realm. .


At the moment when the Douluo plane space was isolated, Qin Mo felt an extremely terrifying feeling in his heart, as if it was an apocalyptic crisis. However, Qin Mo's face did not waver at all, and there was even a faint trace of it. smile.

Qin Mo had already anticipated this terrifying sense of crisis, or he had anticipated this day as early as the moment Qin Mo created the 'dojo'.

Looking at the 'Qiankun Cauldron' martial spirit in front of him like a 'Cauldron of the World', Qin Mo quickly looked to the sky, his eyes full of excitement: "I have finally waited for this day, you are one step late... ·”

As the words fell, the 'Qiankun Cauldron' and Qin Mo's figures instantly disappeared into the void.

At the same time, Poseidon Island, Wuhun Temple, and the City of Slaughter, the inheritance places of the three major gods, all noticed abnormalities.

Especially on Poseidon Island, which is most closely connected with Poseidon. The Poseidon statue in the Poseidon Temple on the island was instantly extinguished. At the same time, Bo Saixi, who was the great worshiper of Poseidon, also felt that the restraints on his body were completely gone in an instant. .

After noticing this situation, Bo Saixi's eyes showed a look of shock for an instant, but in an instant she felt that the restraints on her body had completely disappeared, and a complex look quickly appeared on her face. She looked at the Poseidon statue for the first time. Struggled.

The Slaughter King, who was enjoying the killing in the Slaughter City, was instantly shocked. The three dark gold bat kings who forcibly occupied Tang Chen's body instantly sensed that the Shura power outside Tang Chen's soul suddenly began to collapse.

It can be said that the three-headed dark golden bat kings who have occupied Tang Chen's body have always wanted to devour Tang Chen's soul and complete the Shura Divine Test on Tang Chen's behalf. However, due to Tang Chen's will and Shura who passed the Eight Shura Tests, Divine protection has never been able to achieve what he wanted, so he can only suppress it by force.

And now...

The King of Slaughter's eyes instantly showed an extremely excited and greedy look, and the terrifying soul power fluctuations instantly erupted and quickly disappeared in place.

For a moment, a desperate scream seemed to ring in the ears of the guards and waiters commanded by the Slaughter King. Then, the Slaughter King's extremely excited and exaggerated laughter burst out.

As for the Angel God Test passed down by Wuhun Palace, it is unknown that it was least affected because of the disappearance of the first generation of Angel God. Qian Renxue, who was taking the last test, even felt that the difficulty of the last test had been reduced a lot in vain.

On the contrary, Bibi Dong, who was in the inheritance space of the Rakshasa God not far away, had completed all the soul rings of the second martial soul in the past two years and had also reached the final step of the divine examination.

It was even a little faster than Qian Renxue's progress, but at this moment, Bibi Dong's face didn't look happy at all, and instead looked extremely ugly.

Because Bibi Dong found that her ninth test, which was almost completed, was completely stuck.

After feeling this, Bibi Dong's eyes instantly showed an extremely vicious, terrifying, and sinister look. Especially after realizing that the inheritance test of the Angel God not far away was not affected at all, the expression on his face was even more horrifying. A terrifying scream erupted.

Under the terrifying soul power, Bibi Dong discovered that the originally unshakable inheritance statue in front of her began to crack in vain.

In an instant, Bibi Dong seemed to have thought of something. She quickly looked at the Rakshasa power escaping from the broken inheritance statue. The soul-eating spider emperor possessed him instantly, and an extremely terrifying, violent, and ghastly sound quickly sounded.

"If you don't give it to me, then I will take it myself..."

······(end of this chapter)

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