In an instant, an extremely terrifying and evil giant spider king phantom appeared in the Rakshasa inheritance space. The ferocious and terrifying sharp teeth bit like crazy, and the evil blue soul-eating soul power took root instantly like spider silk.

On the Rakshasa statue that began to collapse, countless dark, evil, and terrifying powerful divine powers were instantly transformed into resources under the terrifying devouring power of Bibi Dong's Soul-eating Spider Emperor.

Originally based on the specifications of the Douluo plane, after the connection with the divine world was blocked, even the divine power contained in the statues inherited by the third-level gods was far beyond what the soul masters of the Douluo plane could shake.

This is true even for soul masters with soul power levels as high as 99 and demi-god level strength, let alone Rakshasa gods who have reached the first-level god level.

But Bibi Dong happened to be the inheritor of the Rakshasa God, and he was just one step away from passing the Nine Tests of the Rakshasa God. His affinity with the Rakshasa God had reached its limit.

In terms of the affinity of the Rakshasa God's divine power alone, it is not even inferior to the Rakshasa God's spiritual thoughts hidden on the Rakshasa God's statue. In addition, the cultivation, mental power, physical fitness and even the strength of the martial soul have reached below the level of the gods. The top level, as well as the 'soul-eating' ability of the second martial soul 'Soul-Eating Spider King'.

The spiritual thoughts of the Rakshasa God hidden on the statue of Rakshasa were instantly swallowed up together with the divine power of the Rakshasa God on the inherited statue. Of course, the main reason why this trace of the divine thought of the Rakshasa God is almost defenseless is because The connection between the Douluo Plane and the God Realm was suddenly blocked, and it lost the endless support of divine power.

Secondly, due to the rules of the God Realm and the Douluo Plane, the divine thoughts on the inherited statue are just an insignificant ray of divine thoughts from the Rakshasa God.

Originally, if there was the Rakshasa God in the divine world as his backing, the Rakshasa God's divine thoughts hidden on the Rakshasa statue would not be defenseless, and would even be able to fight against the existence that had just become a god.

But nothing...

As Bibi Dong frantically devoured the Rakshasa divine power and the hidden Rakshasa divine thoughts on the Rakshasa statue, the light curtain represented by the Rakshasa Ninth Test, which was originally completely stagnant, suddenly lit up as if the last link had been filled. .

In an instant, an extremely evil and terrifying voice began to echo in Bibi Dong's sea of ​​consciousness, and its voice was vaguely similar to Bibi Dong's.

"The ninth test of the Rakshasa God is completed! The gods of the Rakshasa God are in perfect harmony. The Rakshasa God is coming and the life span of all soul rings has been increased by 5 years!"

As this divine voice that was very similar to Bibi Dong reverberated, an extremely terrifying dark divine light burst out from Bibi Dong's body. In the divine light, two extremely ferocious, terrifying, and extremely ugly phantoms appeared.

Eighteen extremely bright halos transformed crazily under this divine light. Among the nine haloes on the shadow of the first martial spirit, the Death Spider Emperor, the first six soul rings quickly transformed into black, while the seventh and seventh soul rings quickly transformed into black. The color of the eight soul rings quickly turned into blood.

The nine soul rings of the second martial soul, the Soul-eating Spider Emperor, all turned into an extremely terrifying blood color.

The moment the soul ring transformation was completed, the six 10-year-old soul bones on Bibi Dong's body and the external soul bones on her back lit up instantly, and in just a moment, a set of strange divine armor that was filled with incomparable evil, darkness, and depth quickly condensed.

The moment the divine armor was condensed and formed, the transformed spirit of the 'Death Spider Emperor' directly turned into a stream of dark light and merged into the divine armor.

In an instant, countless death-like terrifying lines quickly appeared on the originally evil and dark divine armor.

The soul of the 'Soul-eating Spider King' was also directly transformed into a terrifying demon sickle that seemed to be able to swallow everything.

As if reaching the extreme, the barrier of soul power, body, and mental power that was already on the verge of reaching the top of the Douluo plane suddenly shattered, and an extremely dark and evil divine ring quickly condensed on Bibi Dong's body.

Different from the original work, due to the "cheating" of Shura God and Poseidon, after Tang became a god at level [-], the two martial spirits that were supposed to be completely transformed into the steps to ascend to the gods simply used the "Blue Silver Emperor" martial spirit to carry them. Poseidon.

Bibi Dong's two martial souls have all turned into the power of becoming a god. Even because of swallowing the spiritual thoughts of the Rakshasa God, the power gained after becoming a god at level [-] is even more powerful than in the original work.

As the 'divine ring' condensed, Bibi Dong's eyes, shrouded in the dark divine light, opened instantly. She looked at the statue of the Rakshasa God that had shattered into countless pieces, revealing an extremely terrifying and horrifying murderous intention in her eyes.

"Rakshasa God! What a Rakshasa! You deserve to die!"

Bibi Dong's face showed extremely vicious and twisted hatred, and the terrifying Rakshasa divine power burst out instantly, directly annihilating the Rakshasa god statue that was already broken into countless pieces.


The vast and terrifying divine power instantly destroyed this inheritance space. A dark, evil, and terrifying Rakshasa light rose into the sky from the Pope's Palace in Wuhun City, and the pressure of a hundred-level god suddenly descended.

Like a chain reaction, not far from the Pope's Palace, a hot, bright, and sacred angelic light like the sun burst out. The vast pressure of the gods was no worse than Bibi Dong's Rakshasa power.

Even because of attribute restraint, this sacred angelic light faintly suppressed Bibi Dong's Rakshasa divine light.

In an instant, the entire Wuhun City was completely enveloped by this extremely blazing and brilliant 'light' and 'darkness', as if yin and yang were divided.

Under the vast pressure of the two first-level gods, all life in Wuhun City and even the area with a radius of tens of thousands of miles, including ordinary people without soul power, and even titled Douluo with soul power of level [-] or above, have been suppressed. He was kneeling on the ground, his eyes full of fervor like faith.

Among them, the many titled Douluo belonging to Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue in the Wuhun Palace were all extremely excited, especially Golden Crocodile Douluo, whose soul power level reached level 98, looking at Qian Renxue hanging high in the sky. , eyes full of joy.

"Angel God!!!"

Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue, who had already become gods at level [-], paid no attention to the other existences in Wuhun City. Under the divine light, the two vaguely similar faces moved slightly, and their eyes instantly collided.


The moment their eyes collided, there was a faint tremor in the space. For a being at level [-] to become a god, it was extremely easy to shake the space in the Douluo plane, even with just a glance.

It was just a collision of eyes, but both Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue showed fear and complexity on their faces, and they obviously sensed the strength of the other.

Compared with fear, there is more complexity in Qian Renxue's eyes with strong, angry, and sad eyes, but there is a strange trace of undetectable guilt in Bibi Dong's eyes...
Although Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue have both become gods at level [-], and even Bibi Dong is the current Pope, the belief of Wuhun Palace is angel god after all. Even if endless eras have passed, Wuhun Palace and even the entire Douluo Continent will never Most soul masters and civilians still worship and believe in angel gods.

And the most important thing is that compared to the evil and weirdness of the Rakshasa God, the holiness and light of the Angel God are undoubtedly easier for the world to accept.

So the moment Qian Renxue became a hundred-level god and ascended to the sky, many beings in Wuhun City quickly began to turn against him.

It seemed that she had also sensed the change in people's hearts in Wuhun City. Qian Renxue looked at Bibi Dong with a sharp look in her eyes. The wings behind her flapped slightly, and countless feather-like light spots instantly covered the entire Wuhun City.

Countless light points slowly fell and merged into the bodies of all the kneeling residents in Wuhun City. Countless residents only felt their bodies heat up, and their fatigue and pain were all dispelled.Feeling the changes on their bodies, the eyes of the countless residents kneeling on the ground suddenly showed extremely fanatical gazes, praying like crazy like pilgrims, and their extremely pure and firm faith instantly gathered towards Qian Renxue.

"Angel God!!!"

"Angel God!!!"

"Angel God!!!"


Feeling the faith that was constantly gathering in her body, Qian Renxue looked directly at Bibi Dong.

Seeing this, the expression on Bibi Dong's face was extremely dull, as if she didn't care at all about what was happening in front of her.

Even facing Qian Renxue's gaze, he slowly calmed down the pressure on his body, and the dark divine light that originally occupied nearly half of Wuhun City quickly dissipated.

The divine ring, divine armor, and divine sickle on her body also quietly disappeared, replaced by an extremely gorgeous dress. Bibi Dong glanced at Qian Renxue calmly, then slowly turned around and disappeared into the Pope's Palace.


The door to the Papal Palace slammed shut.

Looking at Bibi Dong disappearing in front of her, the sharp edge in Qian Renxue's eyes instantly disappeared, replaced by a ray of confusion, looking at the closed door of the Pope's Palace in a daze.

Countless Bibi Dong's reactions appeared in Qian Renxue's mind, but there was no one like this, especially Bibi Dong's extremely plain face...

The moment the vast coercion of the two first-level gods broke out, many top powerhouses on the mainland also felt the coercion of Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong as gods, even the Poseidon Island far away overseas, and even the rest of the world. The same is true for the top beings on the continent.

The moment they sensed the coercion of these two powerful gods, countless top experts, especially the ferocious beast-level beings among the soul beasts, began to hide. Even the Deep Sea Demon Whale King, who had been cultivating for nearly a million years, No exception, he began to swim towards the depths of the ocean.

Although it has been clamoring for revenge on Poseidon for countless years, in fact...

It can be said that in the entire Douluo Plane, except for the 'Silver Dragon King' sleeping in a different space and the King of Beasts, Emperor Tian, ​​there is no existence that understands the power of the gods better than it.

After all, it had truly faced the existence of Poseidon back then.

The originally extremely hidden and weak abnormal space fluctuations in the "Lake of Life" at the core of the Star Forest were completely eliminated. The moment they sensed the coercion of Bibi Dong and the gods Qian Renxue, those who had the authority to this different space The golden-eyed black dragon king 'Emperor' completely blocked the entire alien space in an instant, completely blocking it from the outside Douluo plane.

In the City of Slaughter, the three-headed dark golden bat king, the King of Slaughter, who had just swallowed up Tang Chen's remaining consciousness, only had time to be excited for a moment, but the pressure of two first-level gods instantly destroyed its excitement.

Especially when he sensed the familiar aura of the coercion of one of the gods, the expression on his face was extremely distorted, even with a hint of fear.



At the same time, Qin Mo, who teleported back to Shrek Academy, quickly looked in the direction of Wuhun City, with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

"The speed is faster than I expected, and they actually became gods at the same time. It seems that I helped them." Qin Mo thought to himself.

Not only that, Qin Mo, who had completely infiltrated the Douluo plane into the Douluo plane, also noticed the strange movements of the top ferocious beasts in the entire Douluo plane.

This also includes the changes in the aura of the Slaughter King in the Slaughter City, but compared with Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue's level [-] godhood, many other anomalies are insignificant.

The Asura God's test is different from that of the Rakshasa God and the Angel God, but it is just arranged casually. If the connection between the Douluo Plane and the God Realm is not blocked, it is really possible for the King of Slaughter to reach level [-] soul power in the current situation. , but it's a Qin Mo didn't care much.

The core of the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy - the eighth level training area!
The moment Qin Mo teleported, Qin Dong, who was the most powerful, and Ye Lingling, who was about to become a god, quickly appeared in front of Qin Mo, with a solemn look in their eyes, as if they wanted to say something.

As top experts, they naturally felt the coercion of Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue as gods. Qin Dong and Ye Lingling could even sense it more clearly than other beings.

But before Qin Dong and Ye Lingling could speak, Qin Mo showed a smile on his face and said in an extremely calm tone: "Grandpa, Lingling, don't worry..."

Seeing this, Qin Dong was slightly startled. Looking at the extremely confident light in Qin Mo's eyes, he finally just nodded slightly and disappeared without saying anything else.

With the strength he possesses at the moment, he can naturally sense the threat posed by the pressure of the two gods. Although they are extremely powerful, they are not without the ability to resist.

Ye Langling quickly felt relieved, obviously trusting Qin Mo immensely.

The moment Qin Mo's voice sounded, it also woke up Dai Mubai, Tang San, Qin Ming, and Ning Rongrong who were sitting quietly in various training areas.

Looking at Qin Mo's figure, Dai Mubai, Tang San, Qin Ming, and Ning Rongrong all showed extremely surprised looks in their eyes, and they instantly appeared in front of Qin Mo.

"Boss Mo..."

"Dean Qin Mo..."

Feeling the fiery, longing, and expectant gazes of Dai Mubai, Tang San, Qin Ming, and Ning Rongrong, Qin Mo suddenly showed a smile on his face, nodded quickly, and said with a smile: "I've been waiting for a long time..." ·”

As Qin Mo's words fell, the eyes of Dai Mubai, Tang San, Qin Ming, Ning Rongrong and others suddenly burst out with extremely bright light of excitement.

······(end of this chapter)

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