The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 244 'Creating a God'! Choose the soul ring with the original attribute of 'ea

Feeling the aura of ever-changing rules and authority on Ye Langling's body, Qin Mo's mental power continued to adjust, the 'Qiankun Cauldron' flashed slightly, and the power in the eight-level rule training area continued to be transformed. Dai Mubai and Tang San floated in front of them. The ten illusory light curtains continue to solidify.

In the past three years, the world source consumed by this eight-level rule training field alone has exceeded tens of millions.

If he just wanted to speed up his growth and improve his strength, Qin Mo could completely arrange for Tang San and Ning Rongrong to go to sea and go to Poseidon Island to harvest Poseidon's wool.

With Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun, and Tang San's current talents, the assessment levels they can get are definitely better than those in the original work, and it saves time, effort, and worry. There is no need to expend effort and resources to build an eight-level Rules training area.

But Qin Mo's purpose was not just to speed up the growth of Tang San and Zhu Zhuqing and increase their strength. In other words, this aspect was only a small aspect, but more for the purpose of 'creating gods' at this moment.

In the past three years, Ma Hongjun, Lin Nuo, Tang San and others have continued to practice in this eight-level rule training area, making their own strength constantly tempered by the rules, making their affinity for the rules continue to increase, just like gods. The gods in the test have average affinity.

In other words, this is the 'divine test' Qin Mo prepared for Dai Mubai, Lin Nuo, and Tang San.

And when Qin Mo completely covered the entire Douluo plane with the 'dojo', pulling and showing the rules and authority of the Douluo plane in front of Tang San, Dai Mubai, and Ma Hongjun, they already had a very high affinity for the rules. They naturally pull the rules and authority that are most in line with them in an instant.

Of course, if this is the case, it is not enough to be called a 'god-creator'. After all, Qin Mo still doesn't know how the rules and authority are turned into gods and gods, even if he draws the rules, authority, and soul power level that are most suitable for him. After breaking through to level [-], even if you have the power of rules and authority, it is only comparable to an ordinary level [-] divine servant without a god in the God Realm, and is far inferior to even a third-level god.

Beings who also control the rules and authority have completely different concepts from condensing a god's position to not condensing a god's position. The minimum existence with a god's position is a third-level god, and without a god's position, the strongest is no more than a god's attendant.

After all, although Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun and others are extremely talented, they are still far behind in reaching the standard of becoming a god. Especially among them, Zhu Zhuqing, whose innate soul power level is only level seven, even after taking the fairy grass, his qualifications are still low. But it only reached the level of ordinary innate soul power.

In the original work, even the world origin of the Douluo plane is rich enough to give birth to ten gods, but if it were not for the movement of God Shura and God of Poseidon, for the sake of a god king and a first-level god, Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun, etc. It is impossible for a human being to become a god.

Among the Shrek Seven Monsters in the original work, in terms of qualifications and talents, apart from Tang San, only Oscar has reached the standard of becoming a god, and the rest...

If the source of the world is forcibly consumed to condense the divine status for Dai Mubai, Lin Nuo, and Zhu Zhuqing, the amount of source of the world consumed will definitely be a number that makes Qin Mo feel distressed. It is undoubtedly a huge waste.

After all, not all soul masters are like Ye Lingling, who received a legacy from a god. Even if it is just a legacy from a god that has been almost completely wiped out, its remaining original rules and authority are still at the god level. As long as they are inspired , with enough strength, you can naturally grow into a real god.

And the most important thing is that most of the world origins in Qin Mo are used to expand the 'dojo'. In the past three years, the world origins that have maintained the eight-fold rule training area in the inner courtyard have been forcibly squeezed out. There is no redundant world origins at all. Gather the gods for them.

Fortunately, Qin Mo still had Ye Lingling. With Ye Lingling's Ten Examinations of Divine Ascension and the transformed divine aura as a template, he easily condensed the Divine Examination Light Screen for everyone.

It's just that it's different from the ordinary divine test of gods. There is no divine test mission on the divine test light curtain condensed in this tricky way. Its function is only to mobilize the soul after the soul master's soul power breaks through to level [-]. The origin of the world contained in the master itself condenses the rules and authority possessed by the soul master into a god.

The level of personality that can ultimately achieve the initial divine position depends entirely on talent, the strength of the rules and authority, and the amount of world origin contained in the soul master itself.

So this is also the reason why Qin Mo did not force Flanders, Zhao Wuji and other inner courtyard teachers to undergo training. After all, compared to Dai Mubai, Tang San, Zhu Zhuqing and the others, Flanders, Zhao Wuji, Li Yusong and other inner courtyard teachers Neither their talents nor the origin of the world they contain can reach the level of becoming third-level gods, and they cannot condense the status of gods at all.

Even among them, Lin Nuo and Qin Ming, if they had not won the continental soul master elite competition championship before, the world origin contained in them may not be enough to condense the god status.

Of course, if it were just to simply gather the rules and authority of the Douluo plane, and spend the origin of the world to condense the divine position, we would have been able to do this a long time ago, even when the scope of the 'dojo' expanded to one-third of the entire continent. You can do it.

However, in order to prevent the world origin of the Douluo Plane from being harvested like in the original work, the Douluo Plane was completely covered and impregnated in the Douluo Plane, and the connection with the God Realm was isolated before the creation was carried out. god'.

Of course, if the Douluo plane has not yet been cut off from the center of the God Realm, once a soul master becomes a god in the Douluo plane, whether he inherits the divine position or becomes a god himself, he will definitely be transferred to the God Realm in an instant. mark.

Even the successors of the God King level can only stay in the lower world for a hundred years, and then they can 'ascend' to the God Realm with a massive amount of world origin.

After the connection between the Douluo plane and the center of the God Realm was blocked, it was impossible to place the imprint of the God Realm on the soul master, even for those who inherited the divine throne.

However, this is only temporary. If the barrier outside the Douluo plane is broken and the connection with the center of the God Realm is restored, then the mark of the God Realm Center will still fall on the being who becomes a god, whether he becomes a god or inherits the godship. .

So in order to prevent this, Qin Mo directly used the rules and authority of the Douluo plane affected by the power of the 'dojo', and stamped them all with the mark of the 'Qiankun Cauldron' at the core of the dojo.

In this way, even if the connection between the Douluo plane and the center of the God Realm is restored, the existence of the god cannot be restricted. Similarly, once the soul master who becomes a god chooses to leave the Douluo plane and ascend to the God Realm, then the god itself will have The rules and authority and the origin of the world will be completely deprived of it by the 'Qiankun Ding'.

But the upper and lower limits of the power that the same person can have after becoming a god are completely linked to the Douluo plane. The stronger the Douluo plane, the stronger the gods, and vice versa. They are interdependent, and the more gods are born in the Douluo plane. , completely able to rival or even surpass the God Realm.

As the ten rays of light in front of Tang San, Lin Nuo, and Zhu Zhuqing were completely condensed, the ninth spirit rings on their bodies were also completely condensed. Since their ninth spirit rings were condensed from their own core origins, The lifespan of the soul ring has reached the limit of what it can bear.

At the same time, it also has the ability to grow like Tang San's fifth soul ring, and its growth limit far exceeds Tang San's fifth soul ring.

The moment the ninth soul ring condensed and formed into the body, the ninety-level bottleneck that restrained Dai Mubai, Tang San, Lin Nuo, Xiao Wu and others suddenly shattered, and the accumulated soul power exploded instantly.

The surging soul power fluctuations broke out instantly, and the surging soul power pressure came suddenly, causing the entire area of ​​​​the island in the center of the lake to rapidly turmoil, and everyone's soul power levels began to surge.

"Level 91..."

"Level 92..."

"Level 93······"······
"Level 95..."

Everyone's soul power levels have all broken through five levels in a row, but this is normal. After all, everyone has experienced the same amount of experience. Even Tang San, Oscar, and Xiao Wu, who are the fastest cultivators, have accumulated soul power levels of At the level of banning, the gap is not big.

Even Qin Ming, whose soul power level was far superior to everyone else, has only reached the peak level of level 95 and has not yet entered the level of level 96 super Douluo.

However, Tang San, Lin Nuo, Zhu Zhuqing, and Dai Mubai did not pay attention to their own changes after the breakthrough was completed. Instead, they looked at the ten light curtains that appeared in front of them with great excitement. Their eyes were full of blazing heat. Even the Eight Layer Rules The training area disappeared and was not found.

With Ye Lingling's pearls in front of them, they naturally knew the meaning of the light curtain floating in front of them.

Seeing this, Qin Mo, although he had already told them about the restrictions, still repeated again: "Lao Dai, Tang San... I still have to remind you, if you still have to wait until you become a god at level [-], There are choices...”

But before Qin Mo could finish speaking, Dai Mubai, Tang San, Ma Hongjun and others directly interrupted Qin Mo's words. In the past three years, Qin Mo had not only let Dai Mubai, Tang San, Ning Rongrong and others People went through the experience, and at the same time, he also told everyone the truth about the God Realm and the Douluo Plane.

"I know, I know, Boss Mo! You've told us many times that we don't want to ascend to some divine realm..."

"That's right, that's right..."

"Boss Mo, didn't you say you still want our help after we reach the ninth ring? Let's start quickly..."


Seeing the looks in the eyes of Tang San, Lin Nuo, Dai Mubai and others, Qin Mo hesitated slightly, with a faint smile on his face, nodded, and said with a smile: "Okay, it's my fault, I won't say it anymore. "

Seeing this, Dai Mubai, Tang San, Ma Hongjun, and even the girls Ning Rongrong all had expressions on their faces that it was right.

Then Oscar quickly asked Qin Mo: "Boss Mo, you said before that you want us to help after we reach level [-]. What should we do?"

As soon as these words came out, they immediately attracted the attention of everyone present.

Hearing this, Qin Mo moved his right palm slightly, and the 'Qiankun Cauldron' that was originally hanging high in the sky instantly appeared in Qin Mo's palm, and at the same time, eight bright soul rings also slowly appeared.

Before Qin Mo could answer, looking at the eight soul rings on Qin Mo's body, especially the last five soul rings of different colors but extremely miraculous, Tang San, who had had several experiences, seemed to have thought of something, and his eyes suddenly revealed With a hint of guessing, Tang San blurted out in an instant: "Boss Mo, do you want us to help condense the ninth spirit ring?"

As Tang San finished speaking, a glimmer of light suddenly appeared in the eyes of everyone present, all looking at the last five soul rings of different colors on Qin Mo.

Seeing this, Qin Mo immediately laughed. Qin Mo had no intention of hiding the matter of soul rings condensing, so among everyone present, except for Tang San and Xiao Wu, no one else had ever seen Qin Mo condense souls with their own eyes. The scene of the ring, but I also heard Tang San and Xiao Wu brag about it.

He nodded immediately and said with a smile: "Not bad."

Seeing Qin Mo nod, Ma Hongjun suddenly showed an excited smile on his face and said: "Boss Mo, what should we do?"

Not only Ma Hongjun, but also Dai Mubai, Lin Nuo, Zhu Zhuqing and others on the side also showed eagerness to try.

Hearing this, Qin Mo's mental power fluctuated slightly, and the eight bright soul rings surrounding his body began to tremble in vain. In the next moment, they turned into eight streams of light and merged into the 'Qiankun Cauldron'.

"You should all know that my 'Qiankun Cauldron' martial spirit already possesses the eight original attributes of time, space, yin, yang, metal, wood, water and fire. It only needs the last original attribute 'earth' to be able to completely Complete.”

As Qin Mo's words sounded, a hint of confusion suddenly appeared in the eyes of Dai Mubai, Lin Nuo, Ning Rongrong and others. Ma Hongjun even said directly: "Boss Mo, we don't have the last original attribute 'earth' either." Ah, how can we help? Er Ming’s attributes are somewhat similar... Oops!"

Before Ma Hongjun could finish speaking, Xiao Wu whipped her leg and staggered Ma Hongjun: "Shut up, you..."

Seeing Xiao Wu, Tang San, and even Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong showing traces of evil on their faces, Ma Hongjun immediately shrank his neck and revealed a hint of sarcasm.

Qin Mo also glanced at Ma Hongjun angrily, and then his mental power fluctuated slightly. The 'Qiankun Cauldron' in his palm became transparent, and a dark blue illusory ball quietly appeared in front of everyone.

"This is the original attribute of the 'earth' I chose..."

Looking at the dark blue ball in Qin Mo's palm, everyone present had a flash of confusion in their eyes at first, but they vaguely sensed a strange fluctuation from the dark blue ball, like the world.

The next moment, Oscar and Tang San, who were the smartest and quickest to react, seemed to have guessed something, and their eyes suddenly revealed extremely horrified looks.

He looked at the dark blue ball in Qin Mo's palm with some stuttering and said: "Mo...Boss Mo, this...this is us...we..." Douluo plane???"


······(end of this chapter)

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