The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 245 Refining begins!The Silver Dragon King takes the blame!

"Douluo plane!!"

"Douluo plane!!"

"Douluo plane!!"

Except for Ye Lingling, who already knew Qin Mo's plan, everyone present had extremely absurd expressions on their faces, refining the 'Douluo Plane' existing under their feet into soul rings.

How absurd and exaggerated, this is not the existence of soul beasts, origins, divine power, beliefs, etc., but an entire world...
The past three years of practicing the rules have consumed Qin Mo's countless resources. Tang San, Oscar, and Ning Rongrong have not only improved their strength and soul ring age, but also learned many secrets about the divine world, planes, etc. He is not completely ignorant of the concept of the plane world.

It is precisely because of this that they are even more in disbelief.

And the most important thing is, according to the purity of their first eight soul rings, the purity of the 'earth' origin soul ring chosen for the ninth soul ring cannot be too bad.

The 'Douluo Plane' may have extremely powerful 'earth' origin attributes, but it is far inferior in terms of purity. The 'ocean' and 'water' attributes of the ocean that accounts for [-]% of the surface are extremely mixed. .

With how picky their boss Mo is about soul rings, how could he choose this? But looking at the aura on the illusory blue bead in Qin Mo's palm, Dai Mubai, Ning Rongrong, Lin Nuo, Qin Ming and others But he had to admit that Oscar and Tang San's guesses were very likely.

Thinking of this, Dai Mubai, Ning Rongrong, Lin Nuo, Qin Ming and others quickly locked their eyes on Qin Mo, as if they wanted to ask Oscar and Tang San whether their guesses were correct.

Seeing everyone's expressions of disbelief, Qin Mo showed a smile in his eyes, nodded quickly, and said with a smile: "It's the 'Douluo Plane'..."

As soon as these words came out, there was once again a lot of gasping sounds, among which Ma Hongjun even said in a daze: "The plane world can also be refined into a soul ring? Isn't this incredible?"

Oscar was a little confused and said: "Boss Mo, the properties of the 'Douluo Plane' are probably..."

Hearing this, Qin Mo did not speak, but moved his palm slightly, and the hidden 'Qiankun Cauldron' quietly emerged. At the same time, eight halos as big as a bracelet slowly surrounded the 'Qiankun Cauldron'.

Looking at the 'Qiankun Ding' in Qin Mo's palm, Oscar instantly guessed Qin Mo's thoughts. He suddenly showed a look of realization and said in shock: "So that's it, Boss Mo, you didn't just absorb the ninth soul ring, you also The important thing is to use this to completely combine all the attributes of the 'Qiankun Cauldron' to create the real 'Qiankun'. In this way, the 'Douluo Plane' is really the ninth soul ring most suitable for the 'Qiankun Cauldron'... ·”

As Oscar's words fell, the faces of the other beings present also showed signs of realization.

However, Ning Rongrong, who was the successor of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, seemed to have thought of something. There was a trace of hesitation on his face, and he looked at Qin Mo and asked: "Boss Mo, what if you refine the 'Douluo Plane' into a soul ring?" , will it affect the 'Douluo Plane'..."

Although the words had not been finished yet, everyone present knew what Ning Rongrong wanted to say. In an instant, everyone present except Ye Lingling showed a trace of worry in their eyes.

However, this worry was just about the negative impact that Qin Mo would have after refining the 'Douluo Plane' into the ninth soul ring, but he had no intention of stopping it.

Seeing the worried looks on everyone's faces, Qin Mo subconsciously glanced at the cloudless sky, shook his head and said with a smile: "Don't worry, this is a good thing for the 'Douluo Plane', at least not It will be harvested as before...and it will also be of great benefit to cultivation and soul beasts..."

Dai Mubai, Tang San, Ning Rongrong and others who had not experienced the attributes of the eight-level rules three years ago would not have understood the meaning of Qin Mo's words, but at this moment... it was different.

Regarding what Qin Mo said, everyone present had a look of conviction in their eyes without any doubt, especially Xiao Wu who was in the form of a soul beast, and Tang San who had the bloodline of the 'Blue Silver Emperor'. There was a glimmer of light, but compared to Tang San who had some guesses, Xiao Wu was more motivated by his own hunch.

With a heart that can be called a pure child, coupled with the sensitivity of bringing the 'rabbit' martial spirit to its extreme, Qin Mo obviously sensed from Qin Mo's words that it would be of great benefit to the soul beast clan.

Although it is said that Xiao Wu, who transformed into a soul beast, has completely refined the origin of the soul beast, and there is no trace of the soul beast anymore, even her two younger brothers, 'Celestial Ox Python' Da Ming and 'Titan Giant Ape' Ming, has already transformed into a human form, but this does not mean that she has no compassion for the soul beast clan.

The next moment...

"Boss Mo, what should we do?" Tang San and Xiao Wu's voices quickly sounded.

The rest of the people also looked at Qin Mo, with curiosity, excitement and...expectation in their eyes. This was refining the entire 'Douluo Plane' into a soul ring...

Looking at Dai Mubai, Tang San, Ning Rongrong and others who suddenly became excited, Qin Mo suddenly felt a little funny, but he still said directly: "I need you to go to the eight origin nodes on the mainland, and then activate the rule authority in your body. ·······”

Rather than activating the rules and authority absorbed by Dai Mubai, Tang San, and Ning Rongrong, it is better to say that activating the 'origin of the world' contained in them, the 'Douluo Plane' of this era, Tang San, Oscar, Xiao Wu, Ma Hongjun and others are undoubtedly the darlings of the entire plane world.

And having the Shen Kao Light Behind the Scenes, they have undoubtedly stimulated the world origin contained in themselves to the extreme, greatly increasing the weight ratio of the plane.

The importance of the 'Douluo Plane' for Tang San, Ma Hongjun and others in this era is like having shareholders in a company. Even if the 'Douluo Plane' is completely transformed into Qin Mo's 'dojo', It also plays a decisive role and is undoubtedly the best candidate to serve as the 'anchor'.

Although Qin Mo, who has completely transformed the Douluo Plane into a dojo, can still refine the entire Douluo Plane without the help of Tang San, Ning Rongrong, and Dai Mubai, but it will undoubtedly consume a lot of energy. Lost a lot of time.

What Qin Mo and the 'Douluo Plane' lack most now is time. He must completely refine the 'Douluo Plane' before the gods of the God Realm react, otherwise...
Nowadays, the entire 'Douluo Plane' has been completely transformed into a 'Dojo'. Qin Mo is even qualified to mobilize the power of rules of the entire 'Douluo Plane' at will, but it is completely different from refining the 'Douluo Plane'. the concept of.

If it is just the power of the 'dojo', relying on the foundation of the Douluo plane and the magic of the 'Qiankun Cauldron', even a first-level god in the God Realm or even a god-king-level existence may not be able to get it in person during a home battle. benefits, but this does not mean peace of mind.

After all, the 'Douluo Plane' cannot be moved easily. If the God Kings of the God Realm were to die, they would be willing to pay the price and destroy the 'Douluo Plane' directly from outside the 'Douluo' plane, even if the 'Qiankun Cauldron' 'No matter how miraculous it is, no matter how rich the Douluo Plane's foundation is, it's hard to resist.

Although the 'Douluo Plane' is extremely important to the God Realm, if you are willing to pay the price, with the rules, authority and power possessed by the five great God Kings of the God Realm, you can completely recreate the world.

No matter how special the 'Douluo Plane' is, it is only a lower realm plane after all, not a plane as powerful as the God Realm. As long as it is not destroyed to the point of complete annihilation, it is completely possible to rebuild the plane after paying a huge price. Plastic.

And the most important thing is that Qin Mo doesn't like to react passively. Instead of reacting passively, it is better to directly turn the entire 'Douluo Plane' into soul rings, refine them into the 'Qiankun Cauldron', and turn them into the 'World in the Cauldron' .

By then, the 'Qiankun Cauldron' will be the 'Douluo Plane', and the 'Douluo Plane' will be the 'Qiankun Cauldron'. With the weight of an entire plane, even the God King of the God Realm may not be able to withstand the 'Qiankun Cauldron'. Ding's blow.

Even relying on the power of the 'Dojo', after unfolding the 'Dojo', it can completely bless the soul masters who have become gods in the 'Douluo Plane', and at the same time suppress the invading gods. Then... After hearing Qin Mo's arrangement, Dai Mubai, Tang San, Xiao Wu and others suddenly showed excitement in their eyes, and quickly said: "Boss Mo, let's start quickly, just send us there, I'm a little bit I can’t wait, this is the world of refining planes..."

Seeing that Dai Mubai, Tang San, Ning Rongrong and others looked impatient, Qin Mo's face suddenly showed a trace of speechlessness. Why did he feel that Dai Mubai, Tang San, Ning Rongrong and others were more important than him, the real master? in a hurry.

But without saying anything else, the 'Qiankun Cauldron' in his palm shook slightly, and the void trembled, instantly covering Dai Mubai, Tang San, Ning Rongrong and others in front of them.


The space fluctuated and flickered, and the figures of Dai Mubai, Tang San, Ning Rongrong and others instantly disappeared in front of Qin Mo and Ye Lingling.

With the power Qin Mo possessed at this time, although his soul power level was limited to level [-] and he only had eight soul rings, his spatial ability was no worse than Qin Dong, who was at the limit of a demigod.

Dai Mubai, Tang San, and Ning Rongrong were directly sent to the eight core origin nodes on Douluo Continent. Among them, Lin Nuo and Qin Ming were teleported to one origin node by Qin Mo. .

After all, compared to Dai Mubai, Tang San, and Ning Rongrong who became gods in the original works, even if Lin Nuo and Qin Ming condensed the Divine Examination Light Screen, their own plane weight ratio is still different.

Feeling the world's origin fluctuations starting from various origin nodes in Douluo Continent, Qin Mo quickly looked at Ye Lingling beside him, with a hint of softness in his eyes.

"Lingling, I'll ask you and grandpa to stop Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue for a moment..."

Hearing this, Ye Lingling nodded slightly, with a smile on his cold and beautiful face: "Well! Grandpa and I will never let others disturb you..."

As he spoke, the space trembled in vain, and Qin Dong's old but extremely powerful voice quickly sounded: "They are coming..."

In the next moment, the extremely hot and sacred aura of light and the extremely dark and sinister aura of evil divine power flooded towards the Tiandou Imperial City like a tsunami.

But before the aura of light and evil divine power could be submerged, an invisible and tough space barrier came down instantly. There was obviously no fluctuation of divine power, but it prevented the two auras containing divine power from making any progress.


"how is this possible!!!"

Two incredible voices echoed quickly.

Before Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue could react, an extremely holy light of life shone instantly, and the pure and incomparable divine power of life quickly turned into an extremely huge 'Nine-Hearted Begonia', absorbing the divine breath of Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue. suppress.

If Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue came to the God Realm and fully inherited the power of the first-level gods, Ye Lingling would naturally not be able to suppress it, but it is a pity...

Spirit world!

Under the suppression of the five great god kings and many beings with first-level divine power, the shocks in the divine world began to gradually subside.

In front of the core center of the God Realm, the phantoms of the five divine king-level beings of Life, Destruction, Goodness, Evil, and Shura looked at the light spot representing the Douluo plane above the God Realm Center with great solemnity.

Feeling the light spot looming, seeming to be absent, as if the connection could be broken at any time, the face was extremely ugly.

Especially when he sensed the fluctuations of the eight-fold rule of time, space, yin, yang, metal, wood, water, and fire contained in the remaining weak connection, his eyes showed an extremely cold murderous intention.

"Silver Dragon King!"

"It turns out it was you who did it..."

"Isn't it good to live? I have to seek death..."


Although the power fluctuations of these eight levels of rules are different from those controlled by the 'Silver Dragon King' countless years ago, the only existence that can possess so many attributes is the 'Silver Dragon King' who was split as a dragon god.

However, although the five great god kings of life, destruction, kindness, evil, and Shura are extremely angry, they cannot take action personally because they need to suppress the shock in the god world.

Although the turbulence in the God Realm seems to be gradually subduing, this is because of their divine power and authority to suppress it. It will take at least several days for it to completely calm down.

According to the speed of time in the God Realm, a few days in the God Realm can take several years in the lower realm...
Fortunately, the turbulence in the God Realm at this time has calmed down a lot. Although the five great God Kings cannot extract their divine power and authority, many first-level gods in the God Realm, as well as those second-level gods with the combat power of first-level gods, can be liberated.

"The Seven Elemental Gods, Poseidon, Rakshasa God, Killer God, Emotions..."

Five powerful fluctuations of divine power quickly cut through the void and appeared in front of many gods with first-level godly combat power in the God Realm.

The next moment, the voices of many gods with first-level godly combat power echoed throughout the God Realm.

"Follow the decree of the god king!"

······(end of this chapter)

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