The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 246 Qiankun Refining World!Inner elixir!

Although Qin Mo was very confident in the strength of his old man and Ye Lingling, after feeling the almost evenly matched collision outside Tiandou City, his eyes still showed a hint of relaxation subconsciously.

After all, both the Rakshasa God inherited by Bibi Dong and the Angel God inherited by Qian Renxue have divine authority as high as a first-level god, and are even the most powerful among first-level gods.

The rules and authority possessed by the divine throne are far more powerful and comprehensive than those of Qin Dong, who has not yet ascended to the gods, and Ye Lingling, who has inherited the authority of the Flower God. Even if they have not yet ascended to the divine realm, they have completely inherited the power of the rules and authority of the divine throne.

Fortunately, both Qin Dong and Ye Lingling have practiced the alchemy method to the extreme. Under the ten-fold increase in all attributes of the nine-turn "inner elixir", even if Ye Lingling's authority to ascend to the gods is not as good as that of Rakshasa and Angel, the power he unleashes can still be achieved. The ability is no less impressive.

Although Qin Dong has not yet become a god, his strength has reached the limit of a demigod. Coupled with the ten-fold increase in all attributes of the 'Inner Alchemy' at the ninth level, his martial soul, body, and mental strength are no better than the ordinary level [-]. The only difference between becoming a god and becoming a god is that the quality of the soul power in the body is not as good as the divine power of the god.

Coupled with the spatial attributes possessed by the 'Mountain and River Cauldron', if it were not for the fact that the divine thrones inherited by Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue were first-level gods with extremely powerful rules and authority, they would have been replaced by the other second-level gods. , I'm afraid they will all be beaten directly by Qin Dong.

In fact, although the origin of the world contained in Qin Dong is not much, his weight in the Douluo plane is much lower than that of many inner teachers of Shrek Academy.

But if you want to ascend to the gods, the difficulty is much easier than that of Dai Mubai, Tang San, and Xiao Wu. Even the world source consumed by forcibly condensing the divine position is more than that of Tang San, Xiao Wu, and Ma Hongjun. A lot less, after all, Qin Dong's background is too strong.

The increase in the 'Inner Alchemy' in the ninth rank has reached an extremely exaggerated level in every aspect, so as early as Qin Dong pushed the 'Inner Alchemy' to the ninth rank, Qin Mo had discussed it with his old man. One thing about God.

However, in the end, Qin Dong did not choose to forcibly condense the divine status to become a god, but chose a path similar to that of the Angel God of Wuhun Temple and the Poseidon of Poseidon Island.

Compared with the uncertainty of inheriting the divine position, and using the origin of the world to forcibly condense the divine position, self-becoming a god is undoubtedly more powerful and more suitable for oneself. Just like the angel god and the sea god, neither of them are born gods, but He became a god through self-cultivation, but his strength is top-notch even among first-level gods.

Judging from the confrontation at this moment, it is obvious that Qin Dong has come a long way on this path. Although the martial spirit of the 'Shanhe Cauldron' has not completely transformed into a divine weapon, its spatial attributes have not yet transformed into space. Although he had no authority, he was able to temporarily withstand the attacks of Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue.

In addition, Ye Lingling, a god who was extremely good at recovery, firmly blocked Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue from the Tiandou Imperial City.

The reason why Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue went to Tiandou Imperial City hand in hand was not only curious about Ye Lingling's transformation into a god, but also out of uncertainty.

Especially when thinking about the changes in the final test of their respective divine examinations, compared with other forces, their Spirit Hall is not completely ignorant about becoming gods and the divine world.

Both of them knew that once a soul master became a god, he could sense the existence of the divine world very clearly, and that the time he could stay in the lower realm after becoming a god was also limited. With their godly status, they could only Stay in the Douluo plane for a hundred years.

But since the divine test was abnormal and they became gods at level [-], they had no sense of the divine world and no awareness of the restrictions. This situation is absolutely abnormal.

But now, after seeing the obstruction of Qin Dong and Ye Lingling, as well as the inexplicable pressure lingering in the Tiandou Imperial City in the distance, Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue have confirmed their thoughts.

Looking at the eight whirlpools of bright light spots that lit up on the illusive dark blue bead inside the 'Qiankun Cauldron', Qin Mo's eyes condensed, and his mental power suddenly exploded, and the power of the 'dojo' was instantly activated to the extreme.


The 'Qiankun Cauldron', which is the core of the 'Dojo', suddenly began to vibrate.

The eight dazzling soul rings that lingered quietly turned into countless mysterious and strange inscriptions, connecting towards the illusory Douluo plane in the 'Qiankun Cauldron'.

Outside the Douluo plane, the eight-layer rule barrier lit up instantly, and the incomparably vast rule fluctuations burst out quickly, quickly condensing into an incomparably huge magical cauldron, and the eight-layer incomparable bright magical light quickly illuminated the void.

The inscription on the tripod is completely consistent with Qin Mo's 'Qiankun tripod'.

The next moment, a voice like the whisper of an ancient god sounded in vain in the void outside the 'Douluo Plane'.

"Qian! Kun! Lian! Jie!"

Obviously there is no medium for sound transmission in the void outside the Douluo plane, but these four voices that were like the whispers of ancient gods reverberated in the void instantly and spread at an immeasurable speed.

In the endless void outside the lower plane closest to the Douluo Plane, the powerful beings in more than a dozen bright and extremely vast divine lights seemed to have noticed the anomalies in the 'Douluo Plane', and started in vain. Accelerating, the terrifying speed even directly tore out cracks in the void of the plane, without taking into account the impact of the vibration of the void on the adjacent planes.

Originally, if the connection between the Douluo plane and the center of the God Realm was not blocked, it would be extremely easy for the real body to descend as long as it was allowed. In other words, any lower plane that is connected to the center of the God Realm could descend instantly. .

But at this moment, the connection between the Douluo Plane and the center of the God Realm is cut off. The gods of the God Realm cannot directly descend to the Douluo Plane. They can only choose to descend to the plane world closest to the 'Douluo Plane'.

At this moment, Dai Mubai, Tang San, and Ma Hongjun, who were among the eight original rule nodes on the mainland, instantly sensed the fluctuations in the rules of the entire plane.

His consciousness was shaken in vain, as if he was in a sea of ​​rules and authority. All the rules and authorities of the entire Douluo plane were displayed in front of everyone.

Feeling the fluctuations of the rules, the eyes of Dai Mubai, Tang San, Ning Rongrong and others suddenly showed a look of desire. They gathered behind the scenes of the Divine Examination. Naturally they knew how beneficial rules and authority were to those who became gods.

But because they were the pullers of the original rule node at this moment, they were afraid of disturbing the cultivation of their own boss Mo, so they suppressed their desire and did not comprehend it.

In the middle of the island in the middle of the lake in the inner courtyard, Qin Mo, who was standing in the air, seemed to have sensed the movements of Tang San, Dai Mubai, and Ning Rongrong, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

Then his mouth moved slightly, and the voice instantly appeared across space in the ears of Tang San, Dai Mubai, and Ma Hongjun. "Don't worry, it won't have any impact on me, but don't be greedy. Not all rules and authorities are suitable for you..."

The moment they heard Qin Mo's voice, the eyes of Oscar, Dai Mubai, Lin Nuo and others suddenly lit up. Since they would not disturb their boss Mo, they would not be polite. Their consciousness suddenly condensed and they were quickly immersed in the rules, In the ocean of authority.

To Qin Mo, Tang San's actions were just a sideshow, his eyes were completely fixed on the 'Qiankun Cauldron'.

The illusory 'Douluo Plane' inside the cauldron began to transform towards reality as the rule inscriptions formed by the eight soul rings were integrated into it. However, in the void outside, the 'Douluo Plane' shrouded by the illusory 'Qiankun Cauldron' was Constant illusion.

As the endless plane rules and authority were integrated into the 'Qiankun Cauldron' along the rule inscriptions transformed by the eight soul rings, the light of the rule inscriptions transformed by the eight soul rings became even brighter, obviously undergoing a huge transformation.

Normally speaking, the Douluo Plane, as a plane world, has undoubtedly extremely complicated and huge rules, attributes, and authorities. However, Qin Mo's 'Qiankun Cauldron' currently possesses eight kinds of rules and attributes. 'With its power, it can encompass and evolve almost all the rules, attributes, and authorities of the 'Douluo Plane'.

As the 'Qiankun Cauldron' continues to be refined, the huge and complicated rules, attributes, and powers of the 'Douluo Plane' are consistent with the eight attribute rules of the 'Qiankun Cauldron'. The eight attribute rules it possesses are integrated.

The huge and complex attributes, rules, and authority of the 'Douluo Plane' are fused and absorbed by the eight-fold rules of time, space, yin, yang, metal, wood, water, and fire possessed by the 'Qiankun Ding'. The rules and attributes are undoubtedly the only ones left that are the extremely pure, powerful, and vast origin of the rules of 'earth'.

With the help of the rules and restrictions set by the gods of the God Realm for the Douluo Plane, the 'Qiankun Cauldron' suddenly began to vibrate, and the power of the 'Dojo' was rapidly derived. The pure, powerful, and extremely vast power in the 'Douluo Plane' The origin of earth's rules quickly began to condense into an illusory earth-yellow halo under the power of the 'Plane Rules Limitation', the 'World Cauldron', and the 'Dojo'.

As this earth-yellow illusory halo began to condense, the huge Qiankun Cauldron shining with eight-color divine light outside the 'Douluo Plane' quietly began to derive a ninth-color light. It looks a little weak, but it is extremely tough.

Vaguely, a wave of 'perfection' rose quietly above the huge Qiankun Cauldron.

As the ninth ray of light emerged, far above the center of the God Realm, the already extremely dim and looming light spot on the Douluo Plane seemed to be extinguished at any time.

The expressions of the five god kings of life, destruction, kindness, and evil who maintained the stability of the god world instantly became extremely ugly.

"not good······"


The shock in the God Realm that had been gradually subdued erupted again. Fortunately, this shock was not as exaggerated as the first shock. The divine power and authority of the five god kings exploded quickly, urging the center of the God Realm to quickly suppress this shock, and at the same time increase the power of the gods. The power of the world center wants to strengthen the connection with the Douluo plane.

At the same time, he quickly used the rules and authority of the God King to cross the space to urge the many gods with first-level divine combat power who were going to the Douluo plane.

Hearing the urging of the five great god kings, the dozen or so divine lights in the void of the plane that were already fast enough to tear the void became even brighter, and the terrifying fluctuations of divine power exploded, directly setting off a small void tearing storm. .

At this moment, Qin Mo completely fell into a strange and incomparable state, just like the mythical 'enlightenment'. At the same time, the power in his body began to move in an extremely mysterious trajectory, and its trajectory was strikingly similar to the 'Elixir Condensation Method' Very similar.

As if sensing Qin Mo's state, the 'Qiankun Cauldron', which was like a regular artifact, quietly began to disappear and merged into Qin Mo's body.

At the dantian, the 'Qiankun Cauldron' trembled slightly, and the nine incomparable miraculous rule inscriptions instantly turned into blazing flames. Qin Mo's mental power, blood, and soul power suddenly condensed, and operated and transformed in an extremely mysterious way. .

In just a moment, an illusory inner alchemy shadow engraved with the inscriptions of nine magical rules was quietly born. The moment the inner alchemy shadow was born, the nine-color divine flames ignited in the 'Qiankun Cauldron' exploded.

Under the nine-color blazing flame, the illusory 'inner elixir' shadow in the dantian quickly began to solidify, and Qin Mo's aura quickly began to expand.

Although the soul power level has not yet broken through because the ninth soul ring has not yet been condensed and formed, and is limited by the restrictions set by the gods of the God Realm on the Douluo plane, its quality has begun to change rapidly.

Not only that, the physical and mental strength, which had already reached the limit of the Douluo plane, also began to increase crazily. If Qin Mo had not already increased the intensity of the surrounding space, it would have been easily torn apart with a single thought.

The terrifying aura instantly froze the bodies of Bibi Dong, Qian Renxue, Ye Lingling, and Qin Dong who were facing each other outside Tiandou Imperial City.

Especially Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue, there was obviously no trace of divine power in this aura, but it directly caused them to feel a little uncontrollable panic.

Fortunately, this aura can only be sensed by beings with a certain level of strength, and it did not affect the residents of Tiandou Imperial City.

Although Qin Dong and Ye Lingling were sluggish, their eyes showed great joy. As practitioners of the alchemy method, they could naturally sense that it was the aura of the 'inner elixir'.

Unlike Qin Dong and Ye Lingling, when practicing the alchemy method, they were limited by their background and could not transform the 'inner elixir' to the extreme at one time. They were stuck at the 'sixth turn' and 'seventh turn', and needed subsequent practice to promote the 'inner elixir'. 's transformation.

Although Qin Mo's soul power level is stuck at level [-], his background is extremely powerful. Whether it is mental power, Qi and blood strength, martial soul origin, and rule attributes, they have all reached the limit. Even with the entire fighting The rules of the Luo Plane increased, and as soon as the 'Inner Alchemy' began to condense, it reached the limit of nine revolutions.

At the moment when the nine-turn 'inner elixir' was condensed and formed, all attributes were increased by ten times, and the refining speed of the 'Douluo Plane' was doubled in vain. Outside the plane, the ninth-color dim divine light was born on the giant Qiankun Cauldron. It quickly started to shine brightly.

······(end of this chapter)

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