The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 247: Prey using the divine test as bait!


In the void outside the Douluo plane, more than a dozen bright divine lights in the distance carried a dark, deep, and terrifying void tearing storm that swept toward the Douluo plane crazily.

All matter in the path of the void tearing storm was annihilated and expelled. The combat power of more than ten gods was at least level one. As the gods rushed forward with all their strength, the aftermath of the void tearing storm was even enough to easily tear apart some of the weaker ones. The nether plane.

Even if there are no obstacles from other planes along the way, and the distance between planes is extremely far, the aftermath of this void tearing storm is enough to cause huge damage to the nearest lower plane. disaster.

Especially in the lower realm where more than ten first-level gods passed through, the barrier of the plane was instantly completely wiped out by the aftermath of the void tearing storm. Many lives living in the plane were directly affected by this sudden disaster. Most of them were destroyed, and those who survived were barely able to survive.

Normally, if a god causes such an impact, it will definitely violate the rules of the divine world. Even a god as strong as the first level will be punished, and the most important thing is that even the extremely powerful 'Douluo Plane' may not be able to Can withstand this terrifying void destruction storm.

If the 'Douluo Plane' faces this void tearing storm, it is very likely to be completely destroyed by this void storm. Even if it is not destroyed, the vast majority of people living in the 'Douluo Plane', no, I should say Ninety-nine percent of all lives were wiped out.

It will take at least hundreds of thousands of years to recover, even if many gods in the God Realm take action personally.

But at this moment, the five god kings in the god world can no longer care too much. The importance of the Douluo plane is too great, especially since they speculate that this shock is caused by a god with a 'god king' level combat power. The combination of the two caused by the Silver Dragon King can definitely cause immeasurable losses to the God Realm.

Even the five great god kings who are as powerful as them may die because of this, especially God Shura... When it comes to the hatred in the Silver Dragon King's heart, God Shura is definitely at the top of the list.

The God Realm cannot and cannot bear such a big loss, so even if the 'Douluo Plane' is destroyed and rebuilt, it will never be allowed to be controlled by the Silver Dragon King.

This is also a test for the 'Douluo Plane' by these more than ten gods with first-level godly combat power. After all, the five god kings guessed that the person who caused this kind of thing was the legendary 'Silver Dragon King'. A terrifying existence with 'God King' level combat power.

Even though they have more than a dozen first-level gods with combat power, and there are even several powerful gods whose combat power has reached the top of the first-level gods, as well as the seven elemental gods with divine fusion skills, they still dare not have the slightest chance. Not underestimated at all.

Feeling the surging fluctuations of the nine rules lingering in the distant direction of the 'Douluo Plane', the eyes of the more than ten gods with first-level godly combat power shrouded in divine light were filled with solemnity.

In their induction, the fluctuations of the nine major rules lingering in the 'Douluo Plane', except for the fluctuations of the original rules of 'Earth', are at least at the level of at least a first-level god, and the aura is still constant. is skyrocketing.

"Poseidon! Rakshasa! Aren't you still able to sense the situation in the Douluo plane?" The God of Fire, one of the seven elemental gods, frowned. In his induction, the 'fire' lingering in the direction of the 'Douluo plane' Although the fluctuations of the original rules are not as good as his for the time being, they are also getting closer.

Not only the God of Fire, but the other gods among the Seven Elemental Gods also had extremely heavy expressions on their faces. The reason why the God King arranged for them to dispatch the Seven Elemental Gods was to suppress the elemental abilities of the 'Silver Dragon King'.

As a split body of the Dragon God, the Golden Dragon King possesses the powerful body and absolute power of the Dragon God, while the Silver Dragon King possesses the Dragon God's absolute ability to control all elements of all attributes. The Silver Dragon King possesses god-king-level strength. Only the Seven Elemental Gods can suppress the single elemental attribute rules in the world.

But if it continues to increase infinitely at this speed, I am afraid that the Seven Elemental Gods may not be sure to suppress it. And more importantly, compared to the 'Silver Dragon King' before the endless era, the elemental rules controlled by the 'Silver Dragon King' at this moment There have also been great changes.

Hearing this, an extremely ugly look flashed in the eyes of the Rakshasa God. Although his inheritance connection with the Douluo plane was blocked, he also sensed that his divine mind was destroyed, and most importantly, the Rakshasa God The rules of divine status have been successfully passed down. He knows very well what this means.

As an evil god, he has never thought about truly passing on the divine throne. No, no, it should be said that he wants to get rid of the shackles of the divine throne in the divine world, but he is also unwilling to give up the power of the Rakshasa God.

The trick can be seen from the divine examinations of Tang San and Qian Renxue, who inherited the titles of Poseidon and Angel God in the original work, compared with the Nine Examinations of Poseidon and the Nine Examinations of Angels.

Bibi Dong, who inherited the position of Rakshasa God, had no help except the position of Rakshasa God. There was no soul ring year-long cultivation reward or god-given soul ring for the Divine Examination, even before the Divine Examination was completed. , its own strength is still limited.

Perhaps even completing the ninth test of the Rakshasa Divine Examination to unlock the inheritance of the gods and gods was triggered by the energy accumulated by Bibi Dong over decades of practice.

Otherwise, with Bibi Dong's talent and inheriting a first-level god, how could it be possible that he would have consumed so much more time than Tang San and Qian Renxue, even if the gods they inherited had level 99 demigods? Help is absolutely impossible.

In the original work, as the successor of Poseidon, Tang San encountered danger several times. Poseidon and even Shura God personally came to help him. After inheriting the throne and being killed by Bibi Dong, he even specially invited other gods to resurrect him.

As for Bibi Dong, who inherited the throne of Rakshasa God... In the end, the god's throne was shattered and fell. The apparent winners were Tang San and the Shrek Seven Monsters, but the Rakshasa God in the God Realm But he may not be the driving force, the secret winner.

It is even very possible that the Rakshasa Divine Examination is just a bait laid by the Rakshasa God in many lower realms. He uses the Rakshasa Divine Examination as bait to lure out the talented geniuses in many lower realms. When the Divine Examination fails, he will completely Become His food.

Those who can get the first-level divine test are definitely the most talented beings in each plane. Even if they fail the divine test, their strength can definitely reach the level of a demigod. When the little things add up, even if they are against For a first-level god, it is definitely not a small number.

Bibi Dong's misfortune was most likely driven by the thoughts of the Rakshasa God, who wanted to leave an indelible psychological weakness in Bibi Dong's heart and limit it.

After all, Bibi Dong's talent is so good that even with the countless restrictions imposed by the Rakshasa God Examination, it is very possible for him to inherit the divine throne. However, he wants to make the Rakshasa God give up, but he is reluctant to do so.

Under the rules of the God Realm, the difficulty, rewards, and assessment tasks of a god's divine test are completely controlled by the god himself. However, as long as all tests are completed, even the god himself cannot prevent the succession of the divine throne.

It's a pity that the Rakshasa God in the original work was underestimated by Bibi Dong after all. Even though he had an indelible psychological weakness in his heart, the restrictive Rakshasa God Test still failed to prevent Bibi Dong from becoming a god.

Divine status is both power and restraint for gods in the divine realm. Once a divine status is inherited by a being from the lower realm, due to the intensity of the lower plane space, the rules do not allow the existence of super-limited power. What is inherited is a pure divine status. and the rules and authority of the divine throne.

Only when the creature that inherits the divine throne ascends can the power possessed by the divine throne be obtained from the gods of the previous generation.

For the sake of the power in the divine throne, the Rakshasa God would never allow Bibi Dong to ascend safely, even if the Rakshasa divine throne was shattered for this purpose.

Even this is of great benefit to God Shura. After all, the authority of Rakshasa God also has the authority of 'judgment', and even the authority of Angel God also has the authority of 'judgment'... ···Once the Rakshasa God and the Angel God's thrones are broken, the 'judgment' rules and authority... In the original work, Bibi Dong's Rakshasa God's throne and Qian Renxue's Angel God's throne are broken. It's really too big. Too much of a coincidence.

In comparison, although Poseidon's face was extremely solemn, it was much better than the dead face of Rakshasa God. He shook his head slightly and said: "Can't sense..."

Seeing this, the eyes of the other gods suddenly showed a hint of disappointment, and then they looked at the God of Space among the Seven Elemental Gods: "Space..."

But before they could ask their questions, the God of Space shook his head indifferently and said: "The 'Douluo Plane' is now completely shrouded in rule fluctuations, and the nearby void is extremely unstable. If space is moved, it is very likely that Exiled by the chaotic void, even..."

Hearing the indifferent voice of the God of Space, the pupils of many first-level gods present shrank.

Although they are gods in the God Realm, or even the top existence among the gods in the God Realm, this does not mean they are invincible. Especially the stronger they are, the more they know. In the endless void world, there are many things that can threaten them. There are quite a few.


Douluo Plane!

As the 'Qiankun Cauldron' refined the 'Douluo Plane', Dai Mubai, Tang San, and Lin Nuo, as the guides, also received great benefits. The soul power that had just broken through to level 95 was restored again. Start breaking through quickly.

Just as Sword Douluo in the original book said, after a soul master reaches level 95, what he wants to improve more is the understanding of martial souls.

Although Dai Mubai, Tang San, Oscar, and Ma Hongjun are not comprehending the martial spirit at the moment, there is no difference. Compared with the pure martial spirit, their understanding of the rules and authority of the Douluo plane is undoubtedly more comprehensive and powerful. .

And compared to the level of soul power, with the help of Qin Mo's 'Qiankun Cauldron', immersed in the rules and authority of the Douluo plane, transforming all the time, the level of soul power is only secondary.

Even so, in just a moment, the stirring soul power erupted from Dai Mubai, Tang San, Lin Nuo, and Zhu Zhuqing again.

"Level 96!"

"Level 97!"

"Level 99!"

Before Qin Mo's ninth 'earth' origin soul ring was completely condensed and formed, the soul power levels of Dai Mubai, Tang San, Lin Nuo, Ma Hongjun and others had reached their limit.

At the moment when the soul power level reached the limit of level 99, the divine examination light screen condensed by Qin Mo on everyone's bodies instantly lit up. The origin of the world contained in their bodies quickly began to boil. The rules and authority they had comprehended quietly began to condense. Obviously, this was the beginning. Concentrate the divine position.

However, before the condensation of the divine position could begin, Qin Mo's will came quietly as he felt the fluctuations on Dai Mubai, Tang San, Lin Nuo, and Oscar. Under the vast and powerful will, the condensation of the divine position was quickly stopped.

It's not that Qin Mo is preventing Dai Mubai, Tang San, Lin Nuo, and Oscar from becoming gods, but it's because they are still in the state of understanding the rules and authority at this moment. If they gather their god status at this moment, they will definitely take everyone's state of understanding. interrupt.

Before the divine position is condensed, the stronger the soul master understands the rules and authority, the stronger the power of the divine position will be condensed. There is no need to rush.

After Tang San, Xiao Wu, and Dai Mubai stopped condensing their divine positions, Qin Mo quickly looked up at the sky, with an inexplicable look in his eyes. Qin Mo, who had refined most of the 'Douluo Plane', was already able to sense To the dangerous aura approaching crazily in the distant void.

After a little calculation of the approaching speed of the dangerous air in the distance, it would arrive in half a quarter of an hour at most.

Sensing the refining speed of the 'Qiankun Cauldron' on the 'Douluo Plane', Qin Mo's extremely calm voice sounded: "Half an hour or so... It came really fast enough, but in the end it was still too late. a little······"

As Qin Mo's words fell, the ninth color light outside the Douluo Plane became extremely bright, and the incomparable fluctuations of 'Perfection' burst out instantly.

The illusory 'Qiankun Ding' that was originally composed of energy instantly turned into reality, and within the 'Qiankun Ding', the 'Douluo Plane' was completely imaginary and completely disappeared into the void. It was replaced by an incomparably simple, mysterious and vast statue. The mysterious giant cauldron stands in the void.

The barrier that restrained Qin Mo's ninetieth-level soul power level suddenly shattered, and his soul power level quickly began to soar crazily.

"Level 91!!"

"Level 92!!"

"Level 93!!"

"Level [-]!!!"

The soul power level reached level [-] in an instant, and the body, mental power, and soul power began to transform at an extremely exaggerated speed. It easily crossed the boundary between humans and gods. The divine body, soul, and divine power quickly condensed and transformed. It's like there are no boundaries at all.

At the same time, the 'Qiankun Cauldron' completely turned into reality. The core of the God Realm was above the center. The light point representing the 'Douluo Plane' was completely extinguished. The last link between the Douluo Plane and the God Realm Center was Completely annihilated.

······(end of this chapter)

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