The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 248 What?It's not the Silver Dragon King, it's the soul master's martial soul


There seemed to be a cracking sound in the ears of many gods in the God Realm.

The next moment, a trace of panic appeared in the heart of the being whose strength was lower than that of a second-level god, and a terrifying sense of crisis instantly rose.

The sky in the God Realm, which had not changed much even due to the shock, was now a bit more gloomy, as if it might collapse at any time.

However, perhaps in anticipation of this, five bright pillars of rule and authority rose into the sky like pillars of light. Within the pillars, five extremely miraculous super-artifacts exploded, and the voices of the five god-king-level beings in the God Realm echoed instantly.

God King of Life: "The Ancient Tree of Life!"

God King of Destruction: "Scepter of Destruction!"

Kind God King: "Kind heart!"

Evil God King: "Judgment Scale!"

King Shura: "Shura Demonic Sword!"

Either majestic, or indifferent, or gentle... the five voices instantly made many gods in the God Realm feel certain, especially those whose combat power was lower than the second-level gods, and their eyes showed incomparable joy.

And as the five great god kings used all their strength to activate the super-artifact, the god-king-level divine power exploded, and the god world quickly stabilized. Even the previous shocks in the god world completely subsided at this moment.

But the five great god kings of Life, Destruction, Kindness, Evil, and Shura in the God Realm had extremely ugly expressions on their faces, because the price for the stability of the God Realm was their super artifacts as suppression objects.

Although their super artifact will not be destroyed, if the problem of the Douluo plane in the lower realm is not solved, then their super artifact will not be able to escape.

You must know that although the five divine kings of life, destruction, kindness, evil, and Shura in the divine world, even if they do not have super artifacts in their hands, they still have extremely powerful combat power at the level of god kings. Super combat power is not a concept at all, especially within the scope of the God Realm. The power of a super artifact is no worse than that of a God King.

The complete loss of contact in the Douluo plane can be said to have directly eliminated half of the combat power of the five great god kings of life, destruction, kindness, evil, and Shura.

In fact, if their five great god kings could be willing to isolate and pull away the influence of the Douluo plane in the center of the god world, it would not be like this. Even any one of them could easily suppress it, but no matter what...

The only good thing is that the five great god kings are no longer restrained and can free their hands to deal with the "Douluo Plane" in the lower realm.

Feeling the movement in the seal below gradually subsided, the blood-colored eyes of the Shura God revealed extremely terrifying murderous intent. The terrifying and overbearing Shura Domain instantly dyed most of the sky in the God Realm red.

The voice with infinite murderous intent instantly rang in the ears of the other four god kings in the God Realm, and then turned into a line of blood and disappeared into the void of the God Realm.

At this moment, the 'Douluo Plane', no, no, it should be said to be the 'Douluo Plane' shrouded in the 'Qiankun Cauldron'. The combat power of more than ten first-level gods descending from the God Realm is already approaching, and there are still people behind them. There is a void tearing storm that can easily tear apart the plane world.

"Space! I leave it to you!" Poseidon's voice quickly sounded outside the void of the plane.

Hearing this, the God of Space among the Seven Elemental Gods nodded slightly, his eyes instantly lit up with silver divine light, and the extremely powerful divine pressure burst out, and the authority of space quickly saturated the surrounding void.

In an instant, the chaotic and disordered void tearing storm seemed to have awakened its own consciousness in an instant, and quickly began to overlap. The narrow, deep, and terrifying void cracks spread crazily, like an out-of-control dragon that instantly moved towards the 'Qiankun Cauldron'. 'Tear away.

Under the control of the God of Space, the power of the extremely destructive void tearing storm reached the level of a first-level god in an instant. Even if they faced its terrifying power, they would be seriously injured in an instant, and they were already fragile. The void in the lower plane collapsed countless times in an instant.

But even so, there is no optimism in the eyes of more than ten first-level gods, especially the Seven Elemental Gods who most directly control the authority of elemental rules.

The 'Qiankun Cauldron' in front of them is clearly shining with the extremely bright divine light of rules, but as first-level gods, they are unable to perceive the fluctuations of the rules of the 'giant cauldron' in front of them at this moment. It is obvious that the 'giant cauldron' in front of them possesses The power limit of the rules has exceeded their control.

The other first-level gods also sensed an unparalleled sense of oppression from the 'Qiankun Cauldron'. Although they all know the specialness of the 'Douluo Plane', they also know that the intensity of the void in its plane is not very high. , even the weakest among them can be easily destroyed after a certain amount of time.

But at this moment, the more than ten first-level gods, even the most powerful ones among them, all feel a trembling sense of oppression from the 'Qiankun Cauldron', especially the artifacts on their bodies, even more unconsciously. Trembling.


The void tearing storm in the plane void under the control of the God of Space is more fragile than paper, and it is easily torn out countless dark cracks. The energy of the space instantly becomes extremely chaotic, but under the control of the God of Space The space authority and space divine power were all gathered together, turning into a sharp knife that pierced the 'Douluo Plane'.

The eyes and thoughts of the gods were extremely frozen as they watched the void tearing storm controlled by the God of Space crash into the 'Qiankun Cauldron'. In order to prevent the aftermath, the divine costumes and artifacts on their bodies instantly lit up, displaying extremely powerful divine power. A barrier quickly formed.


The terrifying void storm, which could easily tear apart the plane world and seriously injure even the first-level gods, was completely eliminated without causing even a single ripple. There was just an undetectable knock in the void. Click sound.

No, it should be said that before it had time to explode, it was directly transformed into pure and peaceful space energy by the 'Qiankun Cauldron', which was quickly refined and absorbed. The torn void cracks did not even have time to collide, and were destroyed by an invisible vast force. Suppress, pacify.

"how is this possible!!!"

The Poseidon, the Rakshasa God, the Seven Elemental Gods... more than ten first-level gods, etc. all showed extremely shocking looks in their eyes, especially the God of Space, who was the leader of the attack just now. He knows best how powerful the blow he just led is.

Even if its power is placed in the void of the God Realm, it is enough to tear out a huge space crack, but at this moment, it fails to cause even a single ripple.

The next moment, Poseidon looked at the 'Qiankun Cauldron' that completely enveloped the 'Douluo Plane', and seemed to have discovered something. His face showed an extremely shocked expression, and for a moment, even his voice became a little sharp.

"No, that's not right! This wave... is a martial spirit! This cauldron is the martial spirit of a Douluo plane soul master!!!"

Poseidon, the god of the sea, showed an extremely horrified look in his eyes. As a god in the Douluo plane, although he has been a god for a long time, he is no stranger to the rules of the Douluo plane due to the Poseidon test.

Although the 'Qiankun Cauldron' has completely transformed, its foundation is undoubtedly still the martial spirit. Even if there is no trace of the martial spirit, those who are extremely clear about the rules of the Douluo plane can instantly see the anomalies in it.

As Poseidon's words fell, the eyes of many first-level gods present showed a trace of horror.

"What! Martial spirit? How is it possible..." "It's not the Silver Dragon King? It's the martial spirit of the Douluo plane soul master, how is it possible..."

"Poseidon, are you sure???"

Although many first-level gods were not born in the Douluo plane, and even the divine examinations were not held in the Douluo plane, they are not ignorant of the rules of the Douluo plane, and naturally know the so-called martial souls. What on earth is it? But when did the martial spirit have such terrifying power...

Before Poseidon could answer, Rakshasa God's voice quickly sounded: "Poseidon's induction is correct, it is indeed a martial spirit from the Douluo plane..."

The Rakshasa God, who has arranged a divine test in the Douluo plane and even developed a trace of spiritual thoughts, is not as sensitive to the rules of the Douluo plane as the Poseidon, but he can still sense the anomalies of the 'Qiankun Cauldron'.

The confirmation of the existence of the two first-level gods at the top instantly caused all the first-level gods present to become speechless, with disbelief on their faces.

"Martial spirit..."

"How could there be such a powerful spirit..."

Originally, many first-level gods thought that this was an artifact found by the 'Silver Dragon King' to fight against the divine world, but they did not expect that it turned out to be...
However, precisely because of this, the gods present felt a lot more at ease. After all, compared to facing the 'Silver Dragon King' who possesses god-king level combat power, a soul master from the lower plane, even if his 'martial spirit' is powerful, To an unbelievable level, but even if it holds up to the sky, it is only a level one god.

They have the combat power of more than ten first-level gods here.

Only the God of Poseidon and the God of Rakshasa, who knew the rules of the Douluo plane very well, did not relax at all. Instead, they became more solemn. Especially the God of Poseidon, who himself became a god in the Douluo plane and knew very well the 'martial spirit' of the Douluo plane. It is so powerful, especially his own artifact 'Poseidon Trident', which is the martial spirit he awakened in the Douluo plane.


At this moment, in the Douluo plane, he felt a sudden surge of pure space energy in the 'Qiankun Cauldron', and Qin Mo looked at the sky with extremely calm eyes.

The mental power fluctuated slightly, and the extra pure space energy in the 'Qiankun Cauldron' quickly turned into countless light points, integrated into the refined 'Douluo Plane', and turned into the foundation of the plane world.

Qin Mo, who had completely transformed, did not go directly to the void plane, but began to modify the rules and authority of the Douluo plane through the 'Qiankun Cauldron'.

After completely refining the 'Douluo Plane', Qin Mo already has absolute control over the 'Douluo Plane', but if he faces the gods of the God Realm directly, the 'Douluo Plane' is restricted by the rules and authority of the God Realm. , there will eventually be limitations.

What Qin Mo has to do now is to erase all the restrictions in the rules and authority of the 'Douluo Plane'.

His spiritual thoughts moved slightly, and in an instant, all the rules and authorities of the entire Douluo plane appeared in front of Qin Mo's eyes.

In addition to the rules and authorities of the ordinary plane world, there are also several rules lingering with five levels of divine light, like chains, firmly rooted in the rules and authorities of the Douluo plane.

Obviously, this is the restriction set by the God Kings of the God Realm for the Douluo Plane. This restriction is not only in the Douluo Plane, but also in the many lower planes controlled by the God Realm. It also exists.

It's just that compared to other lower realm planes, the rules and restrictions of the 'Douluo Plane' are particularly powerful and complicated.

Looking at the chain of rules with five levels of divine power lingering in front of him, Qin Mo's eyes showed a trace of fluctuation. In fact, as early as when Qin Mo evolved the 'Dojo', Qin Mo sensed the 'Douluo' through the power of the 'Dojo' The plane's rules are abnormal.

But at that time, Qin Mo was not allowed to touch him in terms of strength or many other aspects.

But's different.

A smile suddenly appeared on Qin Mo's face, and the rules and authority of the 'Douluo Plane' that were originally calm before his eyes quietly began to light up, and the nine rules controlled by the 'Qiankun Cauldron' instantly revived.

The vast and incomparable power instantly enveloped the several regular chains lingering with the light of five levels of divine power.


Qin Mo's eyes burst out with a divine light, and the chain of rules that lingered with the light of five levels of divine power instantly shattered.

The next moment...

Countless lives living in the entire 'Douluo Plane', including civilians, nobles, soul masters and even soul beasts, had several cracking sounds in their hearts, and at the same time, a feeling of incomparable relief surged out.

Especially those beings who are already extremely powerful are extremely clear about this feeling.

On the bottom of the endless deep sea, the body of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King, whose two heads are huge and constantly diving, is stagnant in vain.


The incomparably joyful whale cry echoed instantly, and the terrifying soul power exploded, instantly blasting a huge hole in the deep sea bottom.

In the arctic ice field, several extremely powerful auras of ferocious beasts rose up instantly. One of them had a cold, indifferent aura, extremely noble and beautiful, like a snowy plum, outstanding, proud of the snow and frost, the figure who created the world looked at it blankly. Sky: "The rules... have been changed..."

Outside Tiandou Imperial City, Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue, who were facing Qin Dong and Ye Lingling, had extremely horrified looks in their eyes. They had already ascended to the gods, but they could clearly sense the Douluo plane. Rules, authority.

"What did you do!!!"

In the different space of the 'Lake of Life' at the core of the Star Forest, many ferocious beasts that were absorbing the origin of the 'Tianmeng Ice Silkworm' were completely stagnant. Apparently they were also aware of the changes in the rules of the Douluo plane. Although they This space is completely isolated from the Douluo plane, but it is actually an auxiliary space of the Douluo plane. The rules and authority in it are no different from those in the Douluo plane.

An inexplicable aura quietly revived, and the whole space began to tremble in vain.

"Di Tian!"

······(end of this chapter)

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