The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 249 What on earth did you do!The Silver Dragon King appears!

The moment he completely erased the rules and restrictions set by the gods in the Douluo plane, the aura on Qin Mo's body suddenly began to surge, and the immense pressure suddenly descended.

Not only Qin Mo, but also Bibi Dong, Qian Renxue and Ye Lingling who were facing each other outside Tiandou City. For those who have inherited the divine position or have extremely deep foundations, the rules and restrictions in the Douluo plane are undoubtedly a constraint. , this kind of restraint will normally be released only after ascending to the Ascension God Realm.

Otherwise, no matter how high the level of the god he inherits is and how strong his background is, the upper limit of his strength in the Douluo plane will eventually be limited. And after Qin Mo erased the rule restrictions set by the gods of the divine realm in the Douluo plane, This bondage will also be completely lifted.

The authority and power of the divine rules inherited by Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue, as long as there are sufficient resources, will grow to the limit of the authority and power of the divine rules in a very short period of time, which is the level of a first-level god. level.

And the most important thing is that the rules and restrictions set by the gods of the God Realm in the Douluo Plane are erased. There is no need to ascend to the God Realm or ascend to the God Realm. You can directly draw the power of the inherited god in the Douluo Plane. .

It is precisely because of this that the moment the rule restrictions were broken, the gods on Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue began to erupt in vain, and the invisible traction power instantly began to turn into a black hole. The power of the angel gods was originally placed in the God Realm. The temple shone in vain, and the sacred and blazing angel shadows condensed and quickly turned into divine light and disappeared into the angel temple.

Outside the Douluo plane, the Rakshasa God, who was originally preparing to jointly attack with other first-level gods to break the 'Qiankun Cauldron', screamed in vain, his face instantly became extremely ugly, and his body originally belonged to the Rakshasa God. The divine power quickly began to dissipate, rushing towards the 'Douluo Plane' not far away.

It is not only the power possessed by the Rakshasa god, but also includes many powers that the Rakshasa god has deprived of using the divine test.

The moment the power dissipated, the originally powerful aura of the Rakshasa God began to decline crazily. The aura that was originally considered the top among first-level gods fell to the middle level in an instant.

Feeling the dissipation of power, the Rakshasa God instantly lost all reason, and the terrifying evil power crazily bombarded the 'Qiankun Cauldron'!
"Damn it! Mine!!! That's my power...Don't take it away! Give it back to me, ahhh..."

Seeing this, Poseidon, the Seven Elemental Gods... and many other first-level gods were also shocked. It was obvious that the Douluo plane in front of them had broken the rules and restrictions set by their gods.

At the same time, a trace of disgust quickly appeared on their faces. With their eyesight, they could naturally see what happened to the Rakshasa God, and they could also clearly sense the power escaping from the Rakshasa God.

They were all existences that had survived for who knows how many years. Naturally, they immediately guessed what the Rakshasa God had done. Although it did not violate the rules of the divine world, the Rakshasa God's actions were undoubtedly eradicating the roots.

However, compared to this, the matter of the 'Douluo Plane' is undoubtedly more important. Without any hesitation, the combat power of more than ten first-level gods including the Poseidon and the Seven Elemental Gods quickly exploded. Strong divine pressure.

More than a dozen vast light sources instantly illuminated the void of the plane, just like more than a dozen bright stars shining. The unparalleled pressure of divine power instantly caused the surrounding void of the plane to burst crazily.

A terrifying attack that could easily destroy the plane world came suddenly.

Facing the terrifying attacks of more than a dozen first-level gods, Qin Mo in the Douluo plane also felt it, but there was no fluctuation in Qin Mo's eyes. If Qin Mo would be in the Douluo plane, 'Before the rules of refining and crushing were restricted, Qin Mo would still have some scruples, but it's a pity...

The unparalleled power of the mind instantly gathered the power of the world of the Douluo Plane. The nine-color inner elixir in the body shone instantly, and the power of all attributes increased by ten times exploded, and the giant Qiankun outside the void of the plane The tripod quickly lit up with extremely bright nine-color divine light.

The nine-color rule divine light shines!

In an instant...

The terrifying attacks unleashed by more than a dozen first-level gods such as the Poseidon, the Seven Elemental Gods, and the Rakshasa God, and even the fragments of space that were shattered and annihilated under the pressure of more than a dozen first-level gods, were all Directly under the nine-color divine light of the 'Qiankun Cauldron', it is like returning to one's origin, instantly transformed into countless most original, most basic and most subtle energies.


The extremely simple and mysterious bronze vibrato suddenly sounded from the void, and the 'Qiankun Cauldron' quickly swallowed up all the energy like a terrifying black hole that swallowed everything.

After swallowing up all the energy, the pressure on the 'Qiankun Cauldron' became visibly stronger, and the lingering nine-color divine light became significantly brighter.

Feeling this, the expressions of more than ten first-level gods such as Poseidon, Seven Elemental Gods, Rakshasa God, etc. changed greatly, especially Rakshasa God. He could feel that the power of Rakshasa God's throne was Constantly being devoured, it is obvious that the inheritor of the god in the 'Douluo Plane' is constantly refining the power that should belong to him.

"how can that be······"

"It didn't even cause any waves..."

"Our attacks were directly annihilated into the most basic energy and turned into the resources of the plane world..."


And within the 'Douluo Plane', after receiving the energy from the attacks of more than ten first-level gods, the upper limit of the 'Douluo Plane' has been obviously widened, and even the entire plane world The size has obviously expanded a bit.

Within the 'Douluo Plane', some of the soul masters and soul beasts who were on the verge of breakthrough made a direct breakthrough.

Outside Tiandou Imperial City!

Bibi Dong, who was facing off, felt the power of the Rakshasa God constantly gathering in her body. She seemed to have thought of something, and her eyes instantly looked to the sky, as if she wanted to see through the void barrier in the plane, with extremely terrifying murderous intent in her eyes. A terrifying scream erupted instantly.


The extremely evil Rakshasa power exploded, and Bibi Dong instantly wanted to tear apart the space and rush towards the plane void barrier.

Bibi Dong's excited look instantly attracted the attention of everyone present, especially Qian Renxue, whose eyes were extremely surprised. She had never seen Bibi Dong look so angry.

But before Bibi Dong could leave, the surrounding time and space suddenly froze, and Qin Mo's extremely calm voice quickly sounded.


The space that could be easily torn apart was strengthened countless times by Qin Mo's thought. Even Bibi Dong, who was constantly transforming, had no ability to resist the terrifying space-time suppression force.

The space fluctuated slightly, and Qin Mo instantly appeared beside Ye Lingling. He looked directly at his old man Qin Dong and said with a smile: "Grandpa, leave this place to me and Lingling." Feeling the unfathomable aura on Qin Mo's body , Qian Renxue's face changed, and she quickly became alert, ignoring Bibi Dong who was restrained, and Qian Renxue who looked fearful and concealed worry.

Qin Mo tapped his fingertips, and the spatial authority quickly gathered. In an instant, an illusory silver mark quickly turned into reality.

"Grandpa, this is the embodiment of all the space-related rules and authority of the Douluo plane. I also put the method of condensing the divine position in it. You can use it to understand..."

Not only in front of Qin Dong, but also in front of Dai Mubai, Tang San, and Ning Rongrong who were all over the Douluo Continent, the rules and authority that best suited them were condensed. However, compared to Qin Dong, Without the method of condensing the divine position, after all, they have the divine light curtain. As long as they reach the limit of what they can bear, they can directly rely on the power of the divine light curtain to condense the divine position.

Before Qin Mo could finish his words, Qin Dong, who had already accumulated to the extreme, quickly entered a state of enlightenment.

Seeing this, Qin Mo's eyes showed no embarrassment at all. Instead, he was extremely happy. The space instantly distorted, teleporting Qin Dong directly to the core area of ​​Shrek's inner courtyard.

After sending his old man to an area where he would not be disturbed, Qin Mo looked at Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue in front of him, with an extremely calm tone in his voice: "Pope, Your Majesty...Long time no see. "

Bibi Dong, who was shackled, had regained her composure. Although there was extremely terrifying murderous intent in her eyes, the fluctuations in her divine power had calmed down.

As Qin Mo's greeting with a slight pause sounded, Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue's eyes showed a trace of fluctuation, especially Qian Renxue's eyes showed surprise, understanding and enlightenment.

Bibi Dong's extremely suppressed voice sounded, with an almost irrepressible murderous intent in her eyes, and said: "Let me ask you, is the Rakshasa God out there!"

The moment Qin Mo showed his strength after appearing, Bibi Dong guessed a lot with his wisdom. At the same time, the gathering power of the Rakshasa God also made Bibi Dong realize a lot.

A complete divine throne, especially one that ascends to and ascends to the divine realm, not only contains rules, authority, and power, but also includes many rules of the divine realm and the knowledge left behind by the gods of past generations.

Facing Bibi Dong's inquiry, besides Qin Mo, Qian Renxue and Ye Lingling's eyes instantly showed a hint of confusion.

But before Qin Mo could answer, a sacred and blazing angelic light crossed the space in vain, appeared in front of Qian Renxue, and quickly condensed towards Qian Renxue's body.

The abnormal fluctuations on Qian Renxue's body instantly attracted the attention of everyone present. A trace of worry appeared in Bibi Dong's eyes for a moment, but it quickly disappeared. It was obvious that she understood what happened to Qian Renxue in an instant.

And with the gathering of the power of the Angel God, Qian Renxue's divine power fluctuations are also constantly increasing. At the same time, there is a little enlightenment in the golden eyes, and she obviously understands what Bibi Dong said about the Rakshasa God. What means.

However, Qian Renxue did not understand why Bibi Dong had such terrifying murderous intentions towards the previous Rakshasa God.

Looking at the confused Ye Lingling in his eyes, Qin Mo's spiritual thoughts fluctuated slightly, and he quickly informed the whole matter through his spiritual thoughts.

At the same time, the void scene outside the Douluo Plane was instantly projected in front of him, and he said to Bibi Dong calmly: "I know what you want to do, but now there are more than ten gods outside the Douluo Plane. Super god..."

Looking at the empty scene projected by Qin Mo, especially the figures of more than ten first-level gods and the giant 'Qiankun Cauldron' that enveloped the entire 'Douluo Plane', Bibi Dong's face instantly became extremely ugly.

Not only Bibi Dong, but also Qian Renxue's face was extremely ugly.

"What on earth did you do..."

Originally, Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue just thought that Qin Mo had just become the master of the 'Douluo Plane', but they didn't expect...

But before Qin Mo could answer, a strange spatial fluctuation instantly distorted the space, a terrifying aura like an abyss and a prison suddenly descended, and a cold, indifferent, and ruthless voice echoed instantly.

"Human, I also want to know what you did..."

As this voice sounded, a huge dragon-shaped beast instantly appeared from the twisted space.

The moment the huge dragon-shaped beast appeared, Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue instantly felt an extremely terrifying pressure, and a look of solemnity quickly appeared on their faces.

The two people's eyes quickly focused on the silvery body in front of them, densely covered with hexagonal silver scales. Each scale reflected a strange light, with unparalleled powerful pressure, possessing the ability to make all living things Everyone must kneel down and worship the terrifying figure of coercion.

In comparison, Qin Mo and Ye Lingling were much calmer. However, compared with Qin Mo's indifference, Ye Lingling trusted Qin Mo more and even had the intention to observe the strange brilliance of the Silver Dragon King. A shining silver body.

Qin Mo raised his head slightly and looked into the eyes of the huge dragon-shaped beast in front of him, and his tone was extremely calm: "Silver Dragon King!"

As the words 'Silver Dragon King' rang out, Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue's faces suddenly changed. They had already begun to absorb the power of the god, so they naturally knew the meaning of 'Silver Dragon King'.

That is the enemy of the gods in the divine world, a god-king level existence.

The Silver Dragon King flashed a look of surprise. You must know that although she was still suffering from extremely terrifying injuries at this moment, she still had a god-king level combat power, and her pressure was at the level of a real god-king.

Originally, with the Silver Dragon King's injuries, it was absolutely impossible for him to wake up in this era, whether it was recovering from his injuries or avoiding the eyes of the five great kings of the God Realm. However, she sensed the huge changes in the rules of the 'Douluo Plane' .

The gods of the divine world have laid down plans for the soul beast clan in the 'Douluo Plane' such as: 10-year soul beast thunder catastrophe, soul masters need to absorb soul beast soul rings to break through after reaching the tenth level, and soul rings will appear after the death of soul beasts. Soul bones... and many other shackles of rules were completely erased, and even the induction of the center of the God Realm was completely blocked.

And the source is clearly a human with an extremely young life in front of him.

······(end of this chapter)

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