The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 250 Bibi Dong: Help me!Ren Xue: OK!

Looking at the silver dragon king's shining scales, Qin Mo couldn't help but have a flash of admiration in his eyes. Even though he was not very interested in the dragon clan in the Douluo plane, he had to say that the true body of the silver dragon king was definitely worthy of mention. Beautiful.

Compared with Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong who were wary of the Silver Dragon King, Qin Mo, who had enough confidence and strength, was very relaxed. He even had a smile on his face and replied with a smile: "I will take the entire Douluo throne." The noodles are refined..."

The extremely calm voice sounded like a thunder in the ears of the Silver Dragon King, Bibi Dong, and Qian Renxue, especially the Silver Dragon King. His huge dragon pupils shrank crazily, and his figure flashed in front of Qin Mo.

Compared to Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue, who only had a partial understanding of it, Silver Dragon King, one of the split bodies of the Dragon God, knew very well what Qin Mo meant by refining the Douluo plane.

In fact, as the Silver Dragon King who controls the dragon god's elemental power, he once thought of refining the 'Douluo Plane' in order to get rid of the rules of the God Realm.

It's a pity that the seven elemental rules and powers that I control - water, fire, earth, wind, light, darkness, and space - are a little less comprehensive than the 'Douluo Plane', and are not enough to refine the 'Douluo Plane'. Transformation, coupled with the extremely serious injuries on his body, as well as the threats and prying eyes of the gods in the divine world, there is no extra strength at all.

The huge dragon king's true form directly set off huge wind pressure and appeared in front of Qin Mo instantly. The terrifying god-king level pressure made the surrounding void tremble.

"you sure?"

The Silver Dragon King's voice was full of surprise, and his tightened dragon eyes were filled with incomparable surprise.

The sudden flash of the Silver Dragon King instantly made Ye Lingling beside Qin Mo nervous. However, this was not because of fear or fear, but because of the simple difference in life levels. Ye Lingling, who had just become a god, had only just transformed his body and soul. .

Even with the tenfold increase in all attributes of the ninth-turn 'inner elixir', there is undoubtedly still a huge gap when facing the Silver Dragon King who has reached the god-king level in all aspects.

Feeling the tension of Ye Lingling beside him, Qin Mo frowned slightly and quickly held Ye Lingling's palm to isolate the life pressure of the Silver Dragon King. As for Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue, it was not so easy.

Although both of them began to absorb the power of the Rakshasa God and the Angel God, after all, the time was still short. Even if their strength continued to expand rapidly, they were still overwhelmed by the pressure of the god-king-level existence. He was instantly suppressed and unable to move.

However, although they were suppressed and unable to move, they would not cause any harm to Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue.

Not paying attention to the conditions of Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue, Qin Mo calmly looked at the Silver Dragon King who flashed in front of him. The huge Dragon King's true form and the God-King level pressure were like a breeze blowing on his face, and he said indifferently: "Silver Dragon King." Dragon King, I think you should be able to sense it with your strength..."

Hearing this, looking at Qin Mo's unceremonious look, the Silver Dragon King's eyes showed no trace of offended anger, but instead showed a hint of thoughtfulness.

Of course, the main reason is because the Silver Dragon King senses a threat in Qin Mo. After all, as a split body of the Dragon God and the co-master of the soul beast, the Silver Dragon King has never had a good impression of humans.

Even if she knew that Qin Mo had erased the rules and restrictions on the Douluo plane soul beasts, as long as the threat Qin Mo gave her was even weaker, Qin Mo would not be facing the scrutiny of the Silver Dragon King, but the fangs. .

The next moment, incomparably bright seven-color divine light burst out from the eyes of the Silver Dragon King, and the incomparable miraculous eyes seemed to penetrate the void of the plane and see all the rules of the Douluo plane.

Although the rules in the 'Douluo Plane' were originally comprehensive, they were spread throughout the entire Douluo Plane. However, at this moment, in the Dragon Eye of the Silver Dragon King, many rules and powers of the 'Douluo Plane' were condensed into An extremely simple divine tripod.

There are also nine dazzling rules and authorities lingering on the divine cauldron, endlessly and endlessly.

As the Silver Dragon King who controls the dragon god's elemental rules and authority, he quickly realized the moment he sensed the nine rules and authorities lingering on the divine cauldron, especially the time rule and authority.

At the same time, a guess instantly appeared in his mind. If the Dragon God had controlled these nine types of rule authority, or even if he had one more time rule authority among the rule authorities, would it be...
A complex color instantly appeared in the Silver Dragon King's huge dragon eyes, and then the seven-color divine light shone instantly. The Silver Dragon King's huge body quickly shrank and changed under the divine light, transforming into an exquisite figure, with silver hair reaching his knees, and a face A stunningly beautiful, cold figure as powerful as hell.

With the changes in the Silver Dragon King, even the most beautiful ones like Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue have to admit that they are slightly inferior. However, it is not that there is a difference in appearance. After all, in terms of appearance alone, after reaching a certain level, there is actually no difference. There won't be much of a difference, but it's because of the temperament of the Silver Dragon King.

And as the Silver Dragon King turned into a human form, the extremely powerful god-king pressure quietly dissipated, and Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue, who were suppressed and unable to move, were quickly released. However, the two gods did not speak, but were stunned. In place.

Although they knew that it was extremely easy to transform into a human form with the strength of the Silver Dragon King, after all, except Qin Mo, no one could have imagined that the Silver Dragon King could be so beautiful after transforming into a human form.

Not paying attention to the absence of Qin Mo and others, the Silver Dragon King's indifferent voice slowly sounded: "What is his name?"

As the Silver Dragon King's voice sounded, Qin Mo's eyes quickly returned to calmness and he replied: "Qiankun Ding! My martial spirit..."

Hearing this, the Silver Dragon King's cold eyes were slightly absent-minded, and he whispered in his heart: "Qiankun... Martial spirit... I see..."

For a moment, the Silver Dragon King glanced at the sky, his eyes filled with indifference.

As a god-king-level powerhouse with seven elemental rules of water, fire, earth, wind, light, darkness, and space, although he is not as comprehensive as Qin Mo's nine elemental rules, he can still see through the barrier of the 'Qiankun Cauldron' and see There are more than ten first-level gods in the void of the plane.

Even though there are more than ten first-level gods outside the 'Qiankun Cauldron', and even the Silver Dragon King is still suffering from extremely terrifying injuries, there is no fluctuation in his eyes. It is obvious that in the eyes of the Silver Dragon King, the 'Douluo Plane' The dozen or so first-level gods besides him are nothing.

However, there was still a hint of solemnity in the eyes of God Shura who was approaching quickly. In her current situation, she was not a match for God Shura. However, looking at Qin Mo, who looked extremely calm in front of her, she had some concerns in her heart. ·····
The void in the external plane seems to have sensed the undisguised gaze of the Silver Dragon King. Surrounded by the divine light, the first-level gods such as Poseidon, Rakshasa God, and the Seven Elemental Gods...all felt a chill in their hearts.

The terrifying threat of a god-king level instantly silenced many gods, and they quickly gathered together. The divine power and artifacts on their bodies were activated to the extreme without hesitation.

And the figure lingering in the void of the plane that was constantly being torn apart in the distance also sensed the breath of the Silver Dragon King. The blood-colored light shrouded in the body became more and more terrifying, and the speed accelerated in vain. At the same time, there was an extremely cold and terrifying figure. , the sound of terrifying murderous intent instantly echoed in the boundless void. "Silver Dragon really is your handiwork..."

Although the God of Poseidon, the God of Rakshasa, the Seven Gods of Elements, etc., more than a dozen first-level gods have already reported everything that happened in the Douluo plane to the God Realm through the connection between the authority of the gods and the core of the God Realm. The five great god kings.

But God Shura never thought that he was just a pure soul master. There was definitely something caused by the Silver Dragon King, and the aura of the Silver Dragon King at this moment was the ironclad proof.

The conversation between Qin Mo and the Silver Dragon King quickly woke up Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue. Looking at the more than ten first-level gods outside the 'Qiankun Ding' in the illusory scene in front of Qin Mo, his eyes showed an extremely solemn look and said: "Qin Mo, what exactly do you want to do? Why have you attracted so many first-level gods..."

Compared with the Silver Dragon King and Bibi Dong who inherited the throne of Rakshasa God, although the Angel Gods are both first-level gods, after all, the first generation of Angel Gods did not stay in the God Realm, but only retained the power of the Angel God's throne. In the God Realm, we don’t know much about the Silver Dragon King and Bibi Dong who inherited the throne of Rakshasa God.


Before Qian Renxue could finish her words, a hint of sneer appeared on the Silver Dragon King's cold and indifferent face.

"What does a first-level god mean? The Shura God of the God Realm is also on the move. It will take at most half a stick of incense to arrive..."

As soon as the Silver Dragon King said these words, Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue were immediately shocked. They had already begun to inherit the divine throne and naturally knew what kind of existence Shura God was in the divine world. They were the five great divine kings who stood at the top of countless gods in the divine realm. A law enforcer in the divine realm.

But Qin Mo's face didn't show the slightest fluctuation. Seeing this, the Silver Dragon King's eyes flickered slightly and he looked at Qin Mo deeply.

Compared to Qian Renxue, Bibi Dong, whose eyes were filled with endless hatred and murderous intent, adjusted in an instant. Her deep purple eyes stared at Qin Mo, and a voice with endless hatred and murderous intent quickly sounded. : "I don't care what you want to do, as long as you promise to leave Rakshasa to me, I will agree to whatever you want me to do!"

With Bibi Dong's wisdom, although he didn't know exactly what Qin Mo wanted to do, he could guess that it was definitely related to the gods of the divine world, and it would at least require the fighting power of her, Qian Renxue, and the Silver Dragon King.

Feeling the almost hysterical hatred and killing intent in Bibi Dong, Qian Renxue beside her was slightly startled and subconsciously said: "You..."

But before Qian Renxue could finish her words, Bibi Dong's deep purple eyes instantly looked at Qian Renxue. The endless silence and hatred in her eyes instantly made Qian Renxue freeze on the spot, and a trembling voice slowly sounded: " help me·······"

Bibi Dong's trembling voice instantly made Qian Renxue tremble in her heart. Seeing the deathly silence and hatred in her biological mother's eyes, all the past in her mind was suppressed. She nodded subconsciously and said: "Okay... ···”

Seeing this, Qin Mo's eyes flashed with a trace of pity. After completely refining the 'Douluo Plane', he could not predict the future, but he wanted to know what was happening in the past and now. Relaxed and naturally understood what happened to Bibi Dong.

The plane world has witnessed everything.

The Silver Dragon King also looked slightly sideways at the hatred and killing intent that erupted on Bibi Dong. Although he didn't know exactly what happened to Bibi Dong, as a god-king-level existence, even if he still had extremely terrifying injuries, But he also instantly sensed an abnormality in the divine energy that was constantly gathering on Bibi Dong.

A hint of disdain instantly appeared in his indifferent eyes, obviously seeing the dirty deeds of the previous generation of Rakshasa gods.

However, although Qin Mo felt a little pity for Bibi Dong's past, his expression did not change at all, and he directly said: "I want your god's throne!"

Since Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue became gods a step earlier than when Qin Mo refined the Douluo Plane, the rules and authority controlled by Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue after becoming gods transcended the Douluo Plane. Face' control.

In other words, within the Douluo plane, the rules and authority of the Rakshasa God and the Angel God that Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue can use are no weaker than Qin Mo.

Although this does not affect Qin Mo's ability to control the 'Douluo Plane', or even have much impact on the power of the 'Douluo Plane', this is always an uncontrollable factor.

And the most important thing is that when Qin Mo refined the Douluo plane, he also isolated the fluctuations in the center of the God Realm, allowing Bibi Dong's Rakshasa God's position of rules and authority and Qian Renxue's Angel God's position of authority and power to return. , the power possessed by the two first-level gods is definitely a great help to the lower plane of 'Douluo Plane'.

As Qin Mo's words fell, before Bibi Dong, whose eyes were full of hatred and murderous intent, could agree, Qian Renxue's eyes flickered on Bibi Dong for a moment, and then she nodded directly, extremely calmly. Agreeing, it was as if what Qin Mo was talking about was not their divine status, but something extremely ordinary.


The moment the voice sounded, Bibi Dong's extremely dead and hateful dark purple eyes began to tremble in vain. There was a faint flash of business, and a slightly trembling voice sounded: "Thank you..."

Hearing this, Qian Renxue's golden eyes trembled for a moment. This was the first time in nearly 30 years that she heard these two words from her mother.

A trace of awkwardness quietly appeared on her beautiful face, and she pretended to be calm and said: "No, you are the Pope of my Spirit Hall after all."

Then, as if he was afraid that Bibi Dong would see his emotions, he quickly looked at Qin Mo and asked, "What should we do?"

Hearing this, Qin Mo took a deep look at Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue and said, "Just imprint the rules and authority of the divine throne on the world."

······(end of this chapter)

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