The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 251 Help you devour the Golden Dragon King sealed in the God Realm, or kill the Shura God

As Qin Mo's words fell, Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue did not hesitate at all. The divine power in their bodies exploded instantly, and the divine status in their bodies quickly materialized. The rules and authority of the two first-level gods were directly in the Douluo plane world. Two extremely bright regular light pillars were formed.

Feeling that the two first-level gods Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue unreservedly opened up the rules and authority of the gods, Qin Mo's spiritual thoughts moved slightly, and the power of the 'Qiankun Ding' exploded, instantly removing the two first-level gods. The rules and authority have put their own stamp on them.

With the integration of the power of the two first-level gods, the intensity of the 'Douluo Plane' instantly began to increase visibly to the naked eye. Even the energy lingering in the air became much richer, and the intensity of the plane space increased even more. Several times, if we talk about the previous 'Douluo Plane', as long as the strength reaches the demigod level, it can affect and tear apart.

So at this moment, after absorbing and refining two first-level gods, the spatial intensity of the 'Douluo Plane' cannot be shaken except by the existence of a hundred-level god.

And with the integration of Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue's divine rules and authority, Dai Mubai, Tang San, and Lin Nuo, who are at the core of the Douluo Continent's rules, seem to have reached the extreme.

The Shen Kao light curtain in front of him instantly burst out with extremely bright light, and the rules and authority he sensed quickly condensed under the light of the Shen Kao light screen.

Not only Dai Mubai, Tang San, and Lin Nuo, but also two bright regular light pillars rose from the deepest part of the sea and from the center of the core of the Star Forest.

In an instant, more than ten gods descended on the Douluo Plane with great pressure.

Except for Dai Mubai, Lin Nuo, and Tang San who possess the Divine Examination Light Screen, the remaining two gods are from the soul beast clan, and they are also the only two-year-olds in the 'Douluo Plane' in this era. The soul beasts 'Tianmeng Ice Silkworm' and the 'Deep Sea Demonic Whale King' are on the verge of millions of years.

With the coming of the pressure of these more than ten gods, although the intensity of the 'Douluo Plane' has not increased, the stability of the plane world has been greatly transformed.

Feeling the pressure of the gods erupting in the core of the Star Dou Forest, the Silver Dragon King, who had been watching coldly, his eyes turned slightly cold, and his eyes instantly traveled through the void of thousands of miles and appeared in the core area of ​​the Star Dou Forest.


A cold, indifferent snort instantly shook the void, and the terrifying pressure of a god-king level quickly descended, directly crushing the pressure of the gods rising from the core of the Star Forest, and the invisible space quickly turned into a prison, completely imprisoning it.

Vaguely, a slightly mean and frightened cry for mercy seemed to come from the void.

Seeing this, Qin Mo's eyes showed a strange look. He knew without guessing that this was the unlucky egg 'Tianmeng Ice Silkworm' whose origin had been sucked for tens of thousands of years in the original work.

If he had completely restrained his momentum at the moment of becoming a god, he might have escaped from the hands of Ditian and many other ferocious beasts, but it was a pity that he had to sneer like this and was sensed by the Silver Dragon King.

In comparison, the 'Deep Sea Demonic Whale King' in the depths of the sea is much more important. Qin Mo's divine thoughts fluctuated slightly, and the divine thoughts carrying messages instantly crossed time and space and appeared in the depths of the sea. At the same time, the 'Qiankun Ding' was incomparable. The terrifying coercion of the rivalry also flickered.

The next moment, the aura of the gods in the depths of the sea quickly began to burst out towards the location of Qin Mo. Not only the Deep Sea Demon Whale King, but also Dai Mubai, Lin Nuo, and Tang San who were everywhere in the Douluo plane. They started to gather towards Qin Mo.

After suppressing a certain insecure insect, the Silver Dragon King quickly looked at Qin Mo, with a serious look in his eyes for the first time, apparently guessing what Qin Mo wanted to do.

"Human! Your courage..."

Before the Silver Dragon King could finish his words, Qin Mo narrowed his eyes, and a strong pressure suddenly burst out from his body, as if the plane was collapsing. He quickly interrupted the Silver Dragon King's words and said: "My name is Qin ink!"


The atmosphere suddenly became stagnant, and two powerful pressures suddenly collided.

The beautiful face of the Silver Dragon King instantly turned into eternal ice, and his eyes turned directly into dragon pupils, staring at Qin Mo. The terrifying elemental shock instantly cracked the surrounding void.

The Silver Dragon King was extremely powerful at this moment, but Qin Mo was even more powerful than the Silver Dragon King. His slightly narrowed eyes quietly showed a hint of chill, and he looked at him with indifference. Behind him, an extremely mysterious and simple divine cauldron quietly appeared. Flashing.

During the confrontation, the two pressures became more and more terrifying. However, compared with Qin Mo, who had an entire 'plane world' and a nine-turn 'inner elixir' with a tenfold increase in all attributes, the Silver Dragon King was still suffering from horrific injuries.

As the shadow of the simple and mysterious divine cauldron behind Qin Mo gradually solidified, the pressure quickly overwhelmed the Silver Dragon King.


The Silver Dragon King couldn't help but snorted softly, his face turned slightly flushed, and a terrifying wave of bloody murderous intent erupted from his body.

Seeing this, Qin Mo did not pursue the victory, but slowly dissipated the shadow of the 'Qiankun Cauldron' behind him. After all, Qin Mo did not want to fight with the Silver Dragon King. What Qin Mo wanted was dominance.

After all, the Silver Dragon King, as a split body of the Dragon God and co-master of the soul beasts, does not have a good impression of humans. In addition, after countless years in the Douluo plane, the conflict between humans and soul beasts has reached its limit.

Even if the source is due to the shackles of the rules set by the gods of the divine world, the contradiction has long been entrenched. Without the suppression and cooperation of many ferocious beasts such as the Silver Dragon King and Ditian, the soul beasts and humans in the 'Douluo Plane' would probably It will take at least countless years of internal consumption.

After refining the 'Douluo Plane', Qin Mo has already regarded all things and lives in the 'Douluo Plane' as his own private property and will never allow internal friction to occur.

But if Qin Mo doesn't show enough strength, even if the Douluo plane is completely refined, with the strength of the Silver Dragon King and the god king level, he is fully capable of taking away many ferocious beasts such as Di Tian.

Of course, the most important thing is the god-king-level combat power of the Silver Dragon King.

When the Silver Dragon King saw this, although he looked at Qin Mo with extremely dangerous eyes and the expression on his face was extremely cold, he quickly began to control the pressure on his body. At the same time, water, fire, earth, wind, light, darkness, space The divine light of the seven-fold elemental rule shone brightly and quickly began to suppress the horrific injuries in the body.

After a moment, the seven-color divine light dissipated, revealing the beautiful figure of the Silver Dragon King, and an extremely cold voice sounded: "I can help you, or I can ask Ditian and the others to cooperate with you, but... you can What to give us?”

Although there are more than ten first-level gods in the outside world, and even God Shura from the God Realm is about to arrive, Silver Dragon King is not worried at all. Although she is not a match for God Shura with her current strength after being seriously injured, if she wants to escape, But it's not difficult either.

Hearing this, the corners of Qin Mo's mouth slightly raised, looking at the indifferent and cold but extremely beautiful face of the Silver Dragon King, he said calmly: "I have the ability to remove the Shura power from you and restore you to your full strength."

As soon as these words came out, Silver Dragon King's pupils shrank slightly, and his eyes quickly locked on Qin Mo's face, as if to confirm the authenticity of what Qin Mo said. However, in the end, he shook his head slightly and said indifferently: "Not enough..."

Seeing this, there was no surprise in Qin Mo's eyes. In other words, Qin Mo had already expected the Silver Dragon King's reaction. Looking at the Silver Dragon King's calm and indifferent face, Qin Mo's eyes quietly showed a deep and terrifying ghostly look. An incomparable voice sounded.

"In addition, I will use my full strength to attack, including but not limited to helping you devour the 'Golden Dragon King' sealed in the God Realm, or... kill the Shura God!"


The terrifying god-king pressure of the Silver Dragon King burst out, his eyes completely turned into dragon pupils, and the seven elements of water, fire, earth, wind, light, darkness, and space around him rioted crazily.

Silver Dragon King's eyes showed a look of extreme horror: "Do you know what you are talking about..."

Even if he is as powerful as the Silver Dragon King, he actually knows that whether it is to devour the 'Golden Dragon King' or to kill the Shura God, it is extremely slim, and can even be said to be completely impossible.

But at this moment... The Silver Dragon King looked at the human beings in front of him, feeling the extremely calm and confident eyes of the human beings in front of him, and his strength that was no weaker than in his heyday, or even stronger. The excitement in his indifferent and cold dragon eyes , Madness rises quietly...

Looking at the crazy and excited eyes flashing in the Silver Dragon King's eyes, Qin Mo nodded slightly and said calmly: "Didn't you already guess what I want to do?"

As soon as these words came out, the Silver Dragon King's eyes suddenly burst out with an extremely terrifying light: "It's really crazy, but... I agree!"

The moment the Silver Dragon King agreed, Qin Mo didn't hesitate, and his spiritual thoughts quickly exploded: "Restore your true body, don't resist..."

After finishing speaking, the nine layers of rules and authority controlled by the 'Qiankun Cauldron' came suddenly, and the vast origin of the Douluo plane directly turned into flames, quickly engulfing the Silver Dragon King.

Under Qin Mo's spiritual thoughts, the Silver Dragon King quickly recovered from his human form to the huge Dragon King's true body. The nine-fold rules, authority, and the flames from the vast origin of the Douluo Plane were quickly integrated into the Silver Dragon King's Dragon King true body.

The dazzling nine-color original rule fire seemed to have its own life. It quickly found the scar of the Silver Dragon King and flowed towards the scar instantly.

In just an instant, they quickly gathered on the back of the Silver Dragon King. Under the cover of the dense silver dragon scales, there was a bloody sword mark that could be seen deep in the bone. The terrifying Shura intention was like a tarsal bone, imprinted on the Silver Dragon King. On top of the Dragon King's true body.

The extremely terrifying Shura murderous intention crazily infiltrated the Silver Dragon King's flesh and blood. If the Silver Dragon King's own strength had not reached the level of a god king, his vitality was rich enough, and his divine power was powerful enough, he would most likely have stepped into the realm of ice and fire. The ice in Yi's eyes, the footsteps of the Fire Dragon King.

After countless years of cultivation, it was only able to eliminate one-third of it. If the Silver Dragon King relied solely on his own strength, it would take at least tens of thousands of years, and it would even be very likely to leave serious sequelae.

But as Qin Mo's nine-color original rule divine fire spread, the terrifying Shura sword marks like tarsal bones began to disappear instantly.

In just a moment, most of the terrifying Shura sword marks that were visible to the bone were erased. As the Shura sword marks were eliminated, the Dragon King's divine blood, which contained rich fluctuations in divine power, began to flow out.

However, before the blood dripped, Ye Lingling beside Qin Mo activated his divine power with great tacit understanding. The sacred 'Nine-Hearted Begonia', which had turned into a divine weapon, quickly enveloped the Silver Dragon King, and the intense life fluctuations began quickly. treat.

Originally, with the Silver Dragon King's god-level strength, ordinary treatment methods below the level of a second-level god would not have much effect at all, and might not even be as strong as the Silver Dragon King's own self-healing ability.

But the current 'Jiuxin Haitang' is different. Under the ten-fold increase in all attributes of the 'Inner Alchemy' at the ninth level, Ye Lingling, who is below the same level in terms of healing ability, will definitely not be worse than the God of Life God King in the God Realm. Plus the blessing of the entire Douluo plane.

Even though Ye Lingling had just become a god, his healing ability was no less than that of a first-level god in the God Realm. The moment the blood flowed out of the scar on the Silver Dragon King's back, it was quickly stopped and restored.

Feeling the murderous intent of Shura's sword marks that was constantly being expelled from his body, as well as his injuries that were constantly recovering, the Silver Dragon King's huge dragon eyes showed an extremely cheerful look.

The divine power and authority that had been limited due to the need to suppress the injuries on his body were constantly being liberated, and the aura on his body began to expand continuously.

If the Silver Dragon King in its heyday had not had a super artifact that suited him, his physical combat power alone might not be worse than the five great god kings in the god world.

During the treatment room, Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue's divine status rules and authority had been completely marked with the 'Qiankun Ding', and completely turned into the foundation of the 'Qiankun Ding'.

Dai Mubai, Lin Nuo, Tang San, and Oscar, who had successfully ascended to the gods, also quietly appeared behind Qin Mo.

In addition, there is another person dressed in black who has an extremely strong figure and a strange scar on one of his eyes. The aura on his body is not inferior to that of Tang San, Oscar, Lin Nuo and others who have already ascended to the gods. , even a figure that is far superior in terms of the level of divine power alone, waiting quietly, with a trace of respect on his face.


Outside the 'Douluo Plane', more than a dozen first-level gods such as Poseidon, Rakshasa God, and the Seven Elemental Gods have attacked countless times, and most of the vast divine power in their bodies has been consumed. Under the power of the gods, the Void has permanently become a forbidden zone of destruction.

But even so, the huge nine-color divine cauldron in front of him did not fluctuate at all, and it failed to leave even a trace. On the contrary, even the seven gods of the elements jointly performed a magical skill that reached the level of a god king. None of the fusion techniques caused damage.

Looking at the huge nine-color divine cauldron in front of them, a sense of powerlessness quickly rose in the hearts of more than a dozen first-level gods including the God of Poseidon, the God of Rakshasa, the Seven Gods of Elements...

He even had some doubts about whether his first-level god's strength was fake. He couldn't even destroy a mere lower plane.

When the gods were discouraged, an extremely terrifying, domineering, and horrifying wave of murderous intent instantly shocked the hearts of the more than ten first-level gods present.

His eyes quickly looked towards the blood filled void in the distance, with a look of respect on his face.

"I've met God King Shura!"

······(end of this chapter)

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