The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 252 Torrent of Elemental Rules VS Shura Sword Light

With the arrival of God Shura, the entire void seemed to be plunged into a bloody prison of killing, and terrifying waves of murderous intent raged crazily in the void.

Facing the respect of the gods, God Shura looked extremely cold and just nodded slightly. However, when he sensed the change in the aura of God Rakshasa, he paused slightly.

Then he quickly looked at the huge 'Qiankun Cauldron' in front of him, stretched out his palm slightly, and the powerful Shura divine power and authority exploded instantly, and the terrifying pressure of the god king level arbitrarily abused the void.


The bloody light shone, and the 'Qiankun Cauldron' that had been unable to shake the combat power of many first-level gods such as the Poseidon, the Rakshasa God, the Seven Elemental Gods, etc. was instantly stained with a layer of blood.

'Douluo Plane' - the capital of killing!
The King of Slaughter, who originally hid in the deepest part of the Hell Road due to the pressure of the gods, trembled in vain. The soul power in his body that had reached the limit of a demigod quickly began to become active. His aura quietly rose, and the nine-path divine examination light curtain that originally belonged to Tang Chen instantly It lit up, and the artifact 'Shura Demon Sword' in his hand seemed to be activated, and the blood light kept beating.

Seeing the artifact 'Shura Demonic Sword' that seemed to be activated in his hand, and the nine divine light curtains lighting up in front of him, the King of Slaughter showed great excitement on his face.

As the three-headed dark golden bat king who occupied and devoured everything in Tang Chen, she naturally knew what the nine light curtains in front of her were. However, no matter what method she used, she could not activate or activate them. The same was true after a trace of soul and origin was swallowed up and completely merged with Tang Chen.

Even the artifact in his hand, the 'Shura Demonic Sword', was extremely repulsive to him. He could only use it slightly by relying on his affinity with the Shura Divine Test, and was unable to exert the power that the artifact should have.

But at this moment, the King of Slaughter sensed the response of the Divine Examination Light Screen in front of him and the artifact 'Shura Demon Sword' in his hand.

The pressure of the more than ten gods who had previously suppressed the Douluo plane flashed through his mind, his eyes showed an extremely fiery light, and a crazy laughter sounded: "This is the ninth test of Shura! Am I going to become a god too? ·······”

As the laughter of the King of Slaughter reverberated, the artifact 'Shura Demon Sword' in his palm burst out with a powerful devouring power. The nine Shura Divine Examination Light Screen in front of him quickly turned into a stream of light and merged into the artifact 'Shura'. Within the magic sword'.

Not only the Divine Examination Light Screen, but also the blood, soul power, and spiritual power in the King of Slaughter's body were like a reservoir with the gate opened, pouring crazily towards the artifact 'Shura Demonic Sword'.

The bloody killing field spread instantly.

In just an instant, the blood-colored realm passed directly through the Hell Road and enveloped the entire Slaughter City. The extremely domineering Shura thoughts directly destroyed all life in the Slaughter City except the King of Slaughter, turning them into streaks of bloody light. They swarmed madly towards the artifact 'Shura Demonic Sword'.

The blood pool accumulated for countless thousands of years on the road to hell also turned into nutrients.

Feeling the aura erupting from the divine weapon 'Shura Demon Sword' in his palm, although it was devouring his blood, soul power, and spiritual power, there was no fear in the eyes of the King of Slaughter. Instead, he was extremely excited, because the King of Slaughter You can feel the continuous integration of your blood, soul power, and spiritual power.

The affinity of the artifact 'Shura Demonic Sword' is getting higher and higher, and it even begins to have a vague degree of control. As for the many lives living in the Killing City, as well as the blood pools accumulated in the hell road for countless thousands of years, After being destroyed in the Killing Domain, the King of Killing showed no signs of fluctuation, and even felt a little happy in his heart.

But this is not surprising. Although the current King of Slaughter is humanoid in body and soul, his most original form is still the alien beast, the three-headed Dark Gold Bat King.

But the Slaughter King's excitement quickly turned into panic.

Because the King of Slaughter discovered that the god's "Shura Demonic Sword" in his hand had devoured all the blood light transformed from the life of the Slaughter City and the energy of the blood pool accumulated for countless years on the Hell Road, and it had a great impact on his blood, soul power, and spirit. The devouring speed of power reached an extremely shocking level.

In just an instant, more than half of the qi, blood, mental power, and soul power in the body that had reached the limit of a demigod were swallowed up. The terrifying outpouring of soul power directly caused the nine soul rings on the body to flash wildly, as if they were unable to withstand the artifact, the Shura Demon Sword. 'The swallowing is on the verge of collapse.

"No, no, no...stop!"

"Stop it...don't..."


The King of Slaughter swung his arms wildly, trying to drop the artifact 'Shura Demon Sword'. Unfortunately, under the terrifying devouring force, the artifact 'Shura Demon Sword' seemed to be welded to death in the palm of the King of Slaughter.

As if aware of the resistance of the King of Slaughter, the blood-red light on the artifact 'Shura Demon Sword' instantly shined, directly covering the entire body of the King of Slaughter.

In an instant, the blood, mental power, and soul power in the King of Slaughter's body directly turned into substance under the bloody light, and escaped from the King of Slaughter crazily. The nine soul rings on his body also began to collapse directly. The soul rings The power contained in it poured out crazily.

"Do not······"

"It shouldn't be like this..."

Under the bloody light, the figure of the King of Slaughter was extremely twisted and ferocious. His face was full of shock and fear, but the light in his eyes dimmed rapidly.

At the moment when all nine soul rings on his body collapsed, and all the energy, soul power, and mental power in his body were swallowed up, the dim light in the eyes of the Slaughter King lit up for a moment like a flashback, filled with endless fear and hatred. The sound sounded.

"God Shura!!!"

As the words 'Shura God' echoed, the light in the eyes of the Slaughter King was completely dim and gray. The body that had reached the limit of a demigod seemed to have been weathered by endless years, and was directly turned into countless ashes, scattered in the world. between.

The artifact 'Shura Demonic Sword' that swallowed up the King of Slaughter and the City of Slaughter seemed to be controlled by someone, and a fierce and extremely powerful killing sword instantly rose up.


The space was directly cut open by an extremely deep space crack under the fierce force of the killing sword of the artifact 'Shura Demon Sword'.

Immediately, the artifact 'Shura Demonic Sword' instantly turned into a bloody stream of light and disappeared into the space crack.

As the space cracks closed, a cold, indifferent voice sounded quietly.

"Ants dream of reaching the sky and don't overestimate their own capabilities!"

Although the 'Shura Demon Sword' in the hands of the King of Slaughter is not the 'Shura Demon Sword' that has reached the level of a super-artifact in the hand of God King Shura of the God Realm, it is an inherited artifact of God King Shura, one of the five great kings of the God Realm. , but its power is no worse than the artifacts owned by the gods in the divine world.

Even because of the rules and authority of God Shura contained in the Divine Sword, the power that can be unleashed in the hands of God Shura is no less than that of a divine weapon in the hands of a first-level god in the God Realm.

Especially after devouring the energy accumulated in the Killing City for countless years, its power even reached [-]% of the super artifact 'Shura Demon Sword' in a short period of time. Holding it empty in God Shura's palm, the 'Demon Shura Sword' tore through the void, directly penetrated the nine-level divine light of the 'Qiankun Ding', and appeared in God Shura's palm.


The sound of Shura's sword with endless killing intent instantly split the surrounding void into pieces.

God King Shura was as cold as ice, with a domineering expression, and his indifferent eyes looked directly at the 'Qiankun Cauldron' shrouded in the divine light of nine-fold rules.

The extremely cold eyes seemed to be able to penetrate everything. When they saw Qin Mo and others in the Douluo plane within the 'Qiankun Cauldron', the terrifying pressure of the god king suddenly descended.

Outside Heaven Dou City!

Qin Mo, who was trying to expel the Shura divine power from his body for the Silver Dragon King, flashed a glimmer of light in his eyes. He looked up at the sky and the divine power in his body exploded.

An extremely tough divine power barrier was formed directly in the sky, quickly isolating the terrifying pressure of God Shura.

Under the barrier of divine power, the originally formless and terrifying pressure turned directly into a rich and incomparable color of blood, as if the terrifying murderous intention was quietly brewing like an eagle in the sky.

But before the murderous intention that could wither the world could erupt, the extremely powerful divine will in Qin Mo's body instantly erupted, directly erasing the murderous intention.

The tyrannical thoughts in his eyes instantly penetrated the endless void and collided with the Shura God outside the 'Douluo Plane'.


The moment their eyes collided, the void seemed to be detonated, and a terrifying wave of destruction exploded. The void trembled crazily directly under this wave of destruction.

"God Shura!!!"

As if sensing the energy of God Shura, [-]% of the injuries on his body were restored. The huge dragon pupils of the Silver Dragon King, which was just a hair away, instantly burst out with extremely terrifying murderous intent.

The vast and sea-like terrifying divine power in the body suddenly exploded. The seven elemental rules and powers of water, fire, earth, wind, light, darkness, and space were instantly controlled by the Silver Dragon King, and they exploded with all their strength, directly destroying the last trace of their body. Shura's divine power was extinguished, and a trace of golden dragon blood quietly escaped.

This was the first and last trace of blood that flowed out under Ye Lingling's exaggerated healing ability. Under the holy light that contained endless vitality, all the injuries on the Silver Dragon King's body were restored.

Under the terrifying god-king level pressure, except for Qin Mo and Ye Lingling, everyone present including Bibi Dong, Qian Renxue, Tang San, Zhu Zhuqing and others were forced to take a few steps back.

Not paying attention to the reactions of Bibi Dong, Tang San and others, the Silver Dragon King just nodded slightly towards Qin Mo and Ye Lingling. Then the silver light flashed, and the space authority controlled by the Silver Dragon King exploded and disappeared directly in front of everyone. Obviously This is someone who can't wait to take revenge.

Bibi Dong, Qian Renxue, Tang San, and Oscar were not surprised by the Silver Dragon King's actions. Instead, they looked directly at Qin Mo, as if asking them what they should do.

Upon seeing this, Qin Mo withdrew his gaze from God Shura, his face was extremely calm, and he said: "Let's go and see those gods who have squeezed the lower plane for endless years."

After finishing speaking, Qin Mo's extremely powerful spiritual thoughts burst out, and vast space fluctuations instantly enveloped everyone present.


The space was distorted, and the figures of Qin Mo and others disappeared instantly and appeared outside the void of the Douluo plane.

In the void outside the 'Cosmos Cauldron', a trace of surprise flashed across God Shura's cold, domineering blood-colored eyes. His gaze quickly swept over the 'Cosmos Cauldron', and a trace of understanding flashed in his eyes.

No wonder the Poseidon, the Rakshasa God, the Seven Elemental Gods... more than ten first-level gods can do nothing against this giant cauldron.

But before Shura God could think about it, a torrent of extremely destructive seven-fold elemental rules instantly flooded the gods from the direction of the giant 'Qiankun Cauldron'.

The torrent of elemental rules also carries a violent and vast god-king level pressure, which instantly destroys everything along the way. Among the gods facing this torrent of elemental rules, except for the God of the Sea, the Seven Gods of Elements, and the God of Emotions Except for the resistance from several gods whose combat power had reached the peak of the first-level gods, the Rakshasa God, the God of Death and other gods were directly stagnant in the void.

Originally, the combat power of Rakshasa God was not that high, but Rakshasa God completely lost the power, rules, and authority in Rakshasa God's throne, directly weakening it from the strongest among the first-level gods to Medium level.

If the Rakshasa God hadn't existed for a very long time, and if it hadn't been for the fact that it had devoured so many amazing and talented inheritors, it might not have been able to maintain even the middle level.

The moment he sensed this extremely familiar pressure, the domineering and extremely cold blood-colored eyes of God Shura burst out with endless killing intent. The blood-colored eyes flashed with divine light, and in an instant, they penetrated the torrent of elemental rules, and fell. Arriving at the Silver Dragon King's huge Dragon King true body.

"Silver Dragon King······"

Incomparably powerful pressure suddenly erupted, and the bloody Shura sword light flashed with horrifying murderous intent, as if the entire void of the plane was torn apart. The extremely domineering Shura sword light power of the Shura God intertwined with the vast torrent of elemental rules of the Silver Dragon King. .

In an instant, the sky was filled with elemental divine light and bloody murderous intent, and even the cracks in the void were directly wiped out by the terrifying power.

God Shura is worthy of being the law enforcer of the God Realm. Even though he is not holding the super-artifact-level 'Shura Demonic Sword' in his hand, he still easily smashes the torrent of rules that merged the seven-fold elemental rules erupted by the Silver Dragon King.

However, although the torrent of elemental rules of the Silver Dragon King was shattered, God Shura did not pursue it. Instead, he looked behind the Silver Dragon King.

Not only Shura God, but also the Poseidon God, Rakshasa God, Seven Elemental Gods and many other gods behind him, with extremely surprised looks in their eyes.

In addition to surprise, there was also a hint of inexplicability in the eyes of the seven elemental gods. The seven first-level gods looked at each other for a moment, and then quickly looked away.

The 'Douluo Plane' in the 'Qiankun Cauldron' actually disappeared directly. As the 'Qiankun Cauldron' continued to shrink, it appeared on the palm of a slender hand.

······(end of this chapter)

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