Feeling the aura of gods emanating from Qin Mo and Bibi Dong, Qian Renxue, Tang San, Oscar and others behind Qin Mo, all the gods in the God Realm showed a hint of horror in their eyes, especially as the five great God Kings in the God Realm. God Shura, one of the law enforcers, instantly flickered his eyes on Qin Mo and Qian Renxue, with a look of fear in his eyes.

"How...how is it possible..."

"But the lower realm..."

Several of the first-level gods who ascended from the lower realm and ascended to the divine realm had an inexplicable feeling in their hearts. Especially the Poseidon who ascended from the Douluo plane seemed to have thought of something, and the light in his eyes dimmed slightly.

You must know that shallow water cannot raise a true dragon. As a first-level god who forcibly carved a path to immortality from the lower plane and became the top existence of the God Realm, he is undoubtedly a 'true dragon' in each lower plane.

In addition to the rules of the God Realm, the most important reason why many gods in the God Realm who have become gods themselves or ascended by inheriting the divine throne choose to ascend to the God Realm is that the resources of the lower plane world can no longer allow them to ascend. Become stronger.

Even if the god cabinet and authority condensed by oneself are extremely powerful, and even reach the potential of a first-level god or even greater, after it grows to the limit that the lower plane can bear, there is no possibility of becoming stronger.

This limit depends on the strength of the lower plane, but even for the 'Douluo Plane', one of the most powerful lower planes in origin, its upper limit is only comparable to that of a third-level god.

Before Qin Mo appeared, after his strength reached the limit of the lower plane world, there were only two ways to become stronger again.

[-]: Choose to ascend to the God Realm, because the power of the God Realm is enough for them to become stronger again. In addition, the rules and authority they condense and control after becoming gods are very consistent with the rules and authority of the God Realm.

Therefore, the vast majority of those who become gods in the lower plane world will choose this path, but once they choose this path, it means that they will be restricted. , infinitely more powerful than the lower realm, but its essence is ultimately based on many planes of the lower realm.

Two: The choice is to strip off the divine status, leave the divine world and go to the unknown plane to wander in the void. However, only those who have become gods and condensed the divine status are eligible to choose this path, and it is a choice that can only be made before ascending to the divine realm. .

Once a being who has become a god and condensed his status as a god ascends to the divine realm, he will be bound by the rules of the divine realm. Although he can rely on the powerful rules and authority of the divine realm to grow and become stronger quickly, he will undoubtedly be bound by the divine realm.

And the most important thing is that due to the power of the gods in the divine world, once a self-becoming god in the lower plane chooses this path and goes to the unknown plane to wander in the void, then it will be necessary to peel off the godhood that it has condensed.

The gods of the God Realm, including the five god-king-level beings, will not allow self-gods to take away the rules and authority of the gods. After all, the stability of the God Realm is inseparable from these.

Moreover, if the gods of the God Realm want to be free, they also need to find a successor to the divine throne. This rule must be obeyed even by the five great God Kings of the God Realm.

In addition, the unknown plane void outside the God Realm is extremely dangerous, and even beings as powerful as the five god-kings in the God Realm may die.

Under numerous restrictions, very few 'true dragons' who have become gods in the lower realm choose to take this path. However, precisely because of this, those who choose to take this path are undoubtedly the most talented. The top beings include the Angel God who founded the Spirit Hall countless years ago.

However, it is unknown whether the Angel God chose to take this path on his own or because of other reasons.

After all, the rules and authorities such as sun, holiness, judgment, purification, etc. contained in the Godhead condensed by the Angel God are undoubtedly the most top-notch rules and authorities.

If you choose to stay in the God Realm, with its rules and authority, it is entirely possible to grow into the sixth god-king-level existence in the God Realm.

Perhaps in the original work, Wuhun Temple has not had a qualified successor to the angelic throne for countless years. Finally, Qian Renxue appeared. When he inherited the divine throne, he was plotted by Poseidon. In the end, even the divine throne was crushed. This is the reason. , after all... it is a crime to possess a jade.

You must know the existence of seraphs who can awaken god-level martial souls. No matter how poor their talent is, the level of innate soul power will never be lower than level nine. Since the birth of Wuhun Palace, for countless years, the innate souls produced by thousands of families have There are definitely not a few possessors of Seraphim martial souls with full soul power.

There are not many beings who even surpass the innate full soul power. In addition, the degree of compatibility of one's own martial soul with the angel god's throne means that the difficulty of inheriting the god's throne is inherently much lower than that of other gods.

In the original work, there are Poseidon and Rakshasa Gods who are both first-level gods, and even Shura God, who is a god-king level god. Although the successors chosen by Bibi Dong and Tang San are twin martial souls.

However, the geniuses produced by thousands of families in the Wuhun Palace for countless years may not be as talented as the two, but they will never be too far behind. According to the inheritance rules of the Sea God and Rakshasa God, even if the Wuhun itself is not as good as the Angel God, If the degree of compatibility reaches level [-] at most, then you will be eligible to inherit the divine throne, but what will happen...
  It wasn't until Qian Renxue, whose innate soul power reached level [-], appeared that the ninth test for the rank of Angel God came...
  You must know that the angel god is only a first-level deity. When the inheritors have an extremely high degree of innate compatibility, the standards of the divine test are actually even more exaggerated than the god-king-level god "Shura God" in the divine world. No tricks...
  At this moment, in front of the gods, even Qin Ming and Lin Nuo, who were the weakest among them, were far beyond the limits of third-level gods. The most terrifying thing among them was the figure with the divine cauldron floating in the hand.

The vast aura lingering on the body is not weaker than the two god-king-level entities in the field, the 'Silver Dragon King' and the 'Shura God'. In terms of pressure alone, it is even more terrifying than the Silver Dragon King and the Shura God. The vast aura even makes The divine bodies, souls and even divine powers of many first-level gods present were slightly stagnant.

With the eyesight of Poseidon and several of the first-level gods who ascended from the lower plane to the God Realm, although he did not know the details of how Qin Mo became so powerful, he had some understanding of it, and he could not suppress a trace of admiration and regret in his heart. .

But even so, Poseidon and several of the first-level gods who ascended from the lower realm did not move. Although they were shocked by the strength of Qin Mo and others, the God Realm is too powerful, not to mention the people sitting in the God Realm. The four great god kings of life, destruction, kindness, and evil, as well as more than ten first-level god battle powers that have not been dispatched.

Just the many first-level gods they have descended on at this moment are completely enough to crush them, even if there are two god-king-level combatants on the opposite side, it will still be the same...
  Although the God-level Silver Dragon King controls the rules and authority of the seven elements of water, fire, earth, wind, light, darkness, and space, the Seven Elemental Gods on their side of the God Realm are not weak in controlling these seven elements. Even the individual element rule authority is even stronger.

In addition, the seven elemental gods also possess divine fusion skills, which can fully reach the god-king level of combat power. Perhaps the seven first-level elemental gods combined cannot defeat the Silver Dragon King, but it is not difficult to hold the Silver Dragon King back.

Qin Mo, who has at least a god-king level of combat power, also has God Shura, one of the five great god kings in the god world, to deal with him.

Although the remaining Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue have reached the first level of god fighting power, they have not completely inherited the power of the god. Although the two of them have imprinted the rules and authority of the god on the Douluo plane, this is just a simple imprint. The brand of 'Qiankun Ding' has not been deprived of the power in the god's throne.

Even because the rules and authority of the divine position are imprinted on the Douluo plane, with the blessing of the 'Douluo plane', the absorption and refining of the powers of the Angel God and Rakshasa God are much faster. However, even with the speed of absorbing and refining the power of gods, Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue can only reach the combat power of first-level gods. Poseidon and Rakshasa who have lost their status but are extremely familiar with the rules of Rakshasa God God can suppress it easily.

The remaining Tang San, Oscar, Dai Mubai and others, with the fighting power of many remaining first-level gods such as the God of Death, the God of Emotions, etc., will be able to crush them easily. By then... ···

Looking at the combat power of many first-level gods in the void in the distance, Oscar, Ma Hongjun, Tang San and others behind Qin Mo all showed extremely solemn expressions in their eyes.

Divine thoughts fluctuated quietly.

"Boss Mo, they are much stronger than us..."

"Yes, Boss Mo, even the weakest god on the other side gives us an extremely terrifying threat. I'm afraid we may not even be able to hold him back..."

Although there was immense worry in their spiritual thoughts, there was no fear in the eyes of Oscar, Ma Hongjun, and Tang San.

In contrast, Bibi Dong's deep purple eyes were staring at a figure among the gods that was haunted by endless evil and evil thoughts. Her eyes were filled with extremely horrifying murderous intent. The same evil figure opposite her The same is true.

Qian Renxue, on the other hand, looked at the gods opposite her indifferently, wondering what she was thinking about.

Before Qin Mo's spiritual thoughts could respond to Oscar, Ma Hongjun and the others, the voices of Bibi Dong, Qian Renxue and the Silver Dragon King suddenly rang in his ears.

"As you promised, I want the Rakshasa God to die..."

"Qin Mo, help Bibi Dong..."

"Humans, use all your strength to keep God Shura behind. This is the best opportunity. If Shura dies, we will not owe each other anything. By then, Ditian and I will fully cooperate with you..."

Bibi Dong's voice was filled with extremely crazy, horrifying murderous intent and hysteria. It could be felt from her extremely crazy thoughts that if Qin Mo dared to lie to her, Bibi Dong would definitely not mind fighting Qin Moyu to the death.

But Qian Renxue's voice was slightly dazed.

Compared with Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue, the Silver Dragon King was extremely calm. It was more of a reminder than a request. It was obvious that the Silver Dragon King knew very well that with Qin Mo's current situation, it was absolutely impossible to fight with God. world coexistence.

At the same time, God Shura raised the magic sword in his hand and pointed it directly at Qin Mo, with an extremely oppressive look in his eyes, while the first-level gods such as Poseidon, Rakshasa God, and the Seven Elemental Gods also showed no signs of expression. He hesitantly burst out his own pressure, and the terrifying divine power instantly made the void of the plane completely stagnant.

The cold and indifferent voice of God Shura echoed: "Human, do you know that you have violated the iron law of the divine world! If you are caught without mercy, there is still a glimmer of hope..."

As Shura God's words fell, the terrifying coercion of the peak god-king level instantly caused everyone except Qin Mo and the Silver Dragon King to stagnate. The rules and authority of God King Shura's killing, trial, etc. were unleashed on everyone unscrupulously. suppress.

In terms of the power of rules and authority alone, except for Qin Mo who controlled the entire Douluo plane, everyone present, including the Silver Dragon King, was slightly inferior.

Facing the pressure of the gods, before Qin Mo could speak, the Silver Dragon King not far away sneered in vain, and responded quickly with a cold and violent voice.

"God Shura, you are still so hypocritical. The iron law of the divine world is ridiculous..."

In response to the Silver Dragon King's sneer, God Shura glanced at the Silver Dragon King with indifference, and said in a voice without any fluctuation: "How can the lamentations of losers understand our greatness..."


Faced with the arrogance of God Shura, the divine power of the Silver Dragon King instantly began to riot crazily. The seven elements of water, fire, earth, wind, light, darkness, and space directly turned into a brilliant and destructive divine light, directed towards God Shura. Bomb away.

Seeing this, Qin Mo lost interest in communicating with God Shura. The 'Qiankun Cauldron' in his palm instantly lit up with bright divine light. The divine power in his body exploded, and the 'dojo' that was as big as the 'Douluo Plane' quickly descended.

In an instant, the rules of the 'Dojo' quickly enveloped everyone. The terrifying rules and authority restrictions instantly enveloped many gods in the God Realm. The terrifying rules and authority restrictions directly suppressed half of the combat power of many first-level gods. Half of them The combat power of the first-level gods dropped directly to the level of the second-level gods. Even God Shura, one of the five divine kings who enforce the law in the divine world, was suppressed by nearly [-]% of his strength.

On the contrary, Bibi Dong, Qian Renxue, Tang San, and Oscar instantly received at least double the blessings. Even Qin Ming and Lin Nuo, who were originally able to reach the third level of god fighting power, were directly improved. At the peak level of a third-level god, although they are still no match for a second-level god, the two of them can still block a second-level god together.

If the 'Douluo Plane' had only a hint of instinct, it might not be able to suppress even a first-level god, but in Qin Mo's hands, it exploded with power that could suppress even the Shura God.

Feeling the suppression on his body, God Shura's eyes revealed an extremely terrifying murderous intent, and a biting and domineering blood instantly descended.

"act recklessly!"

······(end of this chapter)

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