The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 255 The Silver Dragon King’s cruelty! The God of Space has fallen!


The terrifying speed that the Silver Dragon King burst out in an instant did not react until the first-level gods of the seven elements were approaching. As if they were blocking the sky and the sun, the brilliant silver wings were surrounded by the destructive waves of the seven elements, like two extremely powerful swords. , instantly cutting towards the God of Light and the God of Darkness among the Seven Elemental Gods.

The ferocious yet gorgeous claws of the brilliant silver Dragon King, filled with divine glory, also tore towards the nearest Vulcan and Wind Gods.

The dragon king's tail, which was as gorgeous as the whip of God, swept directly towards the other major elemental gods. The huge force directly shattered and collapsed the void along the way.

Although the 'Silver Dragon King' is the half of the dragon god's split body that controls reason, wisdom, elemental rules, and authority, this does not mean that the power of the 'Silver Dragon King''s real dragon king is weak.

You must know that the 'Silver Dragon King' is a dragon, and he is also the supreme dragon king among the dragons. No matter how weak his physical strength is, he is still enough to be among the best among all dragon kings.

In terms of physical strength alone, even the five god-king-level beings in the god world may not be as strong as the Silver Dragon King. This is why the gods in the god world suppress the dragon clan and the soul beast clan so much.

Beast creatures are uniquely blessed to become gods. With the same level of rules and authority, beast gods are often stronger than human gods by virtue of their powerful bodies.

With only the most basic physical attack, he easily reached the level of the top first-level god. Coupled with the seven levels of elemental destruction lingering in it, the power skyrocketed again, and he entered the level of the God King.

The terrifying sense of threat instantly made the eyes of the Seven Elemental Gods reveal an extremely solemn look.

Especially when facing the God of Light, God of Darkness, God of Fire, and God of Wind who were attacking with the wings and claws of the 'Silver Dragon King', a hint of fear flashed in his eyes.

Without any hesitation, he instantly used his trump card, and the divine armor he wore erupted with extremely bright divine brilliance. Countless magical rules and authorities continued to shine like inscriptions, hoping to block the 'Silver Dragon King' This was a blow that reached the level of a god king.

The four colors of extreme light, darkness, blazing, and blue are like pillars of light, soaring into the sky.

At the same time, the thoughts of the first-level gods of the four elements of wind, fire, light, and darkness quickly called for help from the God of Space.


They knew very well that in the face of the 'Silver Dragon King''s attack that reached the level of a God King, if the God's body was hit, even if they used their trump cards to resist and weaken it, there was a great possibility that the God's body would be directly torn apart.

In comparison, it is much better to face the gods of the three elements of water, earth, and space swept by the 'Silver Dragon King' dragon tail. After all, it is much better than the dragon wings and sharp claws attached to the seven elements of the 'Silver Dragon King' that destroy the waves, such as long whips. The dragon's tail seemed to be trying to force the three gods back.

Therefore, at the moment when the first-level gods of the four elements of wind, fire, light, and darkness asked for help, the God of Space directly erupted with bright divine light, and the already extremely chaotic space quickly began to distort and fluctuate.

The body of the first-level god of the four elements of wind, fire, light, and darkness was instantly covered by a layer of mysterious silver light.


The space fluctuates and flickers, directly moving the first-level gods of the four elements of wind, fire, light, and darkness to the distant void.

But before the seven elemental gods could feel relieved after escaping the attack from the Silver Dragon King, the faces of the seven first-level gods instantly showed expressions of incomparable horror, especially the God of Space, whose eyes showed incomparable fear. look.

"Not, the Silver Dragon King's target is you!!!"

The Silver Dragon King seems to just want to separate the Seven Elemental Gods, but in fact the most important target is the God of Space, the most difficult to deal with among the Seven Elemental Gods.

The Tail of the Dragon King, which was not originally a very strong threat, forced the three elemental gods of water, earth, and space back. The God of Space used the power of space to move the first-level gods of the four elements of wind, fire, light, and darkness far away. Behind the void, the moment of sluggish power erupted into an extremely horrifying terrorist threat.

In an instant, the Dragon King's tail, like the whip of God, instantly pierced the void, directly anchoring all the spaces around the God of Space. The huge dragon tail instantly entangled the body of the God of Space, and countless brilliant silver lights shone with brilliance. The dragon scales are like countless blades, tightly imprisoning the body of the God of Space.

Seeing this, the six first-level gods of the elements except the God of Space all gave crazy warnings. As the seven elemental gods possessing magical fusion skills, one can imagine the relationship between the seven gods in the endless era.

Even if there is only a little over [-]% of the divine power left in the body, the six first-level elemental gods of fire, earth, wind, water, light, and darkness burst out crazily without any mercy. The six elemental streams burst out with an incomparable speed, and quickly moved toward The Silver Dragon King approaches.

At the terrifying speed, six extremely long and dark cracks were torn directly into the void of the plane.

At the same time, six extremely bright terrifying elements shot down towards the 'Silver Dragon King' instantly with power, hoping to interfere with the 'Silver Dragon King'.

In addition, the God of Space, who was entangled and imprisoned by the tail of the 'Silver Dragon King', was also struggling and resisting crazily. Dull and terrifying explosions continued to be heard in the void, and there was even a faint sound of breaking.

The divine power in the body exploded crazily, and the space rules and authority of the god's position were also extremely violent, trying to break free from the shackles of the Silver Dragon King.

The crazy struggle also directly rattled the Dragon King's tail wrapped around the God of Space. The countless dense silver scales on the dragon's tail continued to break, and faintly golden dragon blood escaped.

The divine armor on the God of Space was struggling crazily, and was directly cut off by the scales on the tail of the Silver Dragon King, and countless hunting souls were cut off, and there was a faint whine.

If it were outside the 'dojo', with the power that the God of Space was erupting at this moment, even if the 'Silver Dragon King' had the power of a god-king, it might not be able to restrain the God of Space.

But no matter what, this is under Qin Mo's 'dojo'. The rules and authority controlled by the God of Space... have been suppressed by half in all directions, and there is no possibility of breaking free.

Moreover, the Seven Gods Alliance, which was the only one with a chance to break this shackles, was forced to retreat far into the void due to the Silver Dragon King's calculations, with no time to rescue them.

Feeling the stinging pain from his tail and the imminent attack of the six elemental rules, the 'Silver Dragon King''s cold, violent, and incomparable dragon eyes revealed a sarcastic look.

She didn't care at all about the attacks from the six first-level elemental gods of fire, earth, wind, water, light, and darkness, even though the bombardment of these six elemental rules was enough to break her scales and injure her.

In the heart of the 'Silver Dragon King', the god of space who controls the rules and authority of space is a greater threat than the fusion of divine skills of the Seven Elemental Gods that can unleash god-king-level combat power.

No, no, it shouldn’t be said to be a threat, it should be said to be a level of trouble. After all, although the divine skill fusion skills of the Seven Elemental Gods can burst out god-king level combat power, the consumption of divine power is also very terrifying, so it can only be regarded as a helpless situation. s method.

But if the God of Space is not dealt with first, even if the God of Space is suppressed by Qin Mo's 'Dojo' and is weaker than her, he can still rely on the rules and authority of space to hold her back with the other six elemental gods.

It wouldn't matter if it were normal, but at this moment, he has the only opportunity to kill Shura God. The 'Silver Dragon King' will never allow himself to be delayed, even if he pays some price for it.

The next moment, the slender and beautiful dragon king's real body of the 'Silver Dragon King' trembled in vain, and the tail that bound and entangled the God of Space quickly appeared in front of the Silver Dragon King's head.

The giant dragon king's head, which is huge yet still has a sense of beauty, is slightly raised. The cold, violent dragon eyes with endless ruthlessness instantly lock the restrained and entangled God of Space.

"Chi!" "Chi!" "Chi!" "Chi!" "Chi!" "Chi!" "Chi!"

"Green!" "Red!" "Blue!" "Yellow!" "White!" "Black!" "Silver!"

The seven elemental rules and authorities of wind, fire, water, earth, light, darkness, and space in the void seemed to be completely activated. The divine light of the seven elemental rules instantly gathered in the mouth of the 'Silver Dragon King'. At the moment when the divine light of the seven-fold elemental rule gathered together, every inch of the crazily struggling God of Space, his divine power, and even his divine thoughts felt the aura of extremely desperate death. His pupils trembled crazily, and his face turned pale instantly.

Even as a god, the fear of death is no weaker than that of ordinary creatures living in the void of the lower plane. Even because of the near-eternal life of the god himself, the god's heart is even more afraid of death.

"Do not······"

"don't want······"

"Let me go, spare my life..."


The God of Space’s mind frantically begged for mercy from the ‘Silver Dragon King’.

For the first time, the eyes of the six first-level elemental gods of fire, earth, wind, water, light, and darkness, which were approaching crazily, showed extremely panic.

"Silver Dragon King! Stop..."



At the same time, the divine power in the body is burning crazily. If they want to increase their speed, as long as they get close to a certain level, they can activate the divine fusion skill again.

Not only the six first-level elemental gods of fire, earth, wind, water, light, and darkness, but also God Shura who was fighting crazily with Qin Mo in the core battlefield, was also unconsciously distracted.

A trace of shock and anger quickly appeared in the blood-colored eyes. With the strength of the Asura God King, he could naturally sense the terror of the 'Silver Dragon King''s attack.

Even if he is hit from the front, he will be seriously injured instantly, not to mention that the God of Space, who is only a first-level god, will definitely die under this blow.

The Shura Demon Sword condensed with Shura's divine power in his hand unconsciously swung it towards the battlefield where the 'Silver Dragon King' and the Seven Elemental Gods were, trying to stop the 'Silver Dragon King'.

In an instant, a powerful bloody sword light emerged with endless killing intent.

But before the bloody sword light lingering with endless murderous intent broke through the sky, a mysterious nine-color divine cauldron quietly emerged.

"God Shura! How dare you get distracted while fighting with me..."

Qin Mo's indifferent voice echoed instantly.


A terrifying shock like the overwhelming pressure of the world came instantly, directly shattering the bloody sword light swung by God Shura.

Not only that, even God Shura was directly hit by this blow and was bombarded tens of thousands of miles again.

Compared with the first time when the artifact 'Shura Demon Sword' was shattered, this time the divine armor on God Shura directly left an extremely clear cauldron seal, and above the cauldron seal was lingering nine layers of recurring and infinitely derived... The rules fluctuate and crazily invade the rules and authority on the Shura Divine Armor.

And this intrusion into rules is a near-permanent disruption.

"Click!" "Click!" "Click!" "······"

Countless cracking sounds quickly sounded on the Shura Divine Armor.

Regarding the six first-level elemental gods of fire, earth, wind, water, light, and darkness, God Shura's reaction did not show any fluctuation in the eyes of the 'Silver Dragon King', and the seven-fold elemental rules condensed in his mouth were even more violent to the extreme.


The roar of the vast Dragon King shook the world, and the terrifying fluctuations instantly spread to endless distances. The light in the core was so bright that even the gods could not look directly at it.

This dragon's roar shook the world, and even the four great god kings of life, destruction, kindness, and evil in the extremely distant god world felt it, and their eyes showed surprise.

Facing the extremely destructive brilliant dragon roar of the 'Silver Dragon King', the God of Space could not even resist at all, and was completely wiped out by this blow in an instant.

The space rules and authority of the god's throne, including the divine armor and artifacts on his body, were instantly annihilated into the most basic particles under the extremely bright light of the elemental rules. Even the space god's throne was directly shattered.


"Do not······"

"Silver Dragon King!!! You deserve to die..."

God Shura and the six first-level elemental gods of fire, earth, wind, water, light, and darkness all had extremely crazy looks in their eyes.

In particular, the hatred of the six first-level elemental gods of fire, earth, wind, water, light, and darkness towards the 'Silver Dragon King' has reached its limit.

However, although the 'Silver Dragon King' killed the God of Space, the 'Silver Dragon King' did not suffer any losses.

The cruel blow of the 'Silver Dragon King' not only annihilated the God of Space, but also pierced the tail that was shackles and entangled with the God of Space, and a huge hole dripping with blood was penetrated. The Dragon King with the fluctuation of divinity True blood dripped crazily into the void.

Coupled with the crazy attacks from the six first-level elemental gods of fire, earth, wind, water, light, and darkness, even though the 'Silver Dragon King' has an extremely powerful physical body and extremely high resistance to the rules of the elements, he still suffered a huge blow. Damaged, looking particularly embarrassed.

However, this blow that injured the enemy a thousand times and damaged himself eight hundred times was extremely worth it to the 'Silver Dragon King'.

Because the next moment...

A 'Nine-Hearted Begonia' exuding a delicate fragrance and carrying endless life fluctuations directly crossed the space and merged into the scar-covered dragon king's real body of the 'Silver Dragon King'.

······(end of this chapter)

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