The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 256 Elemental Collapse and Shura Loss

Spirit world!

The moment the dragon's roar echoed in his ears, the four god-king-level beings of Life, Destruction, Kindness, and Evil, whose eyes were full of solemn expressions, all had a very bad premonition in their hearts.

As the strongest people in charge of the God Realm and many lower realms, and the supreme orderers of the rules and authority of the God Realm, the four God Kings have undoubtedly extremely strong connections with the God Realm. Therefore, if there is a crisis in the God Realm, they will definitely Feel something.

Especially the God King of Life, who was in charge of the power of life, unconsciously felt a sense of terrifying crisis in his heart, as if he might die.

And at this moment...

Without the slightest delay, the four powerful divine king-level pressures exploded, and four extremely bright divine lights rose into the sky, reflecting the entire divine world as if it was plunged into an eternal aurora day.

The god-king-level authority of the four most powerful god kings of life, destruction, kindness, and evil in the god world instantly connected with the center of the core of the god world. They wanted to use this to explore and contact the Shura God in the lower world and inquire about the situation in the lower world.

But the next moment, before God Shura could respond, the extremely gorgeous sky in the God Realm, which was illuminated by the power of the four god kings, exploded in vain.

Countless rules and authorities in the core center of the God Realm and the origin area quickly appeared and returned to their essence. Countless rules and authorities like chains were trembling crazily.

The rules of divine status and the chains of authority representing the five most powerful god-king-level beings in the God Realm are also tightened to the extreme, and incomparably vast power lingers. In addition, dozens of gods represent the first-level gods in the God Realm. The chains of existence are also shining crazily, and when combined, they are no weaker than the five god-king-level rules and authority chains.

The bright, vast and extreme rules and authority seem to be trying to prevent something.

But it's a pity that the next moment...

Among the dozens of chains representing the existence of first-level gods, a shining, mysterious silver chain of divine status rules and authority suddenly began to crack.

"Click!" "Click!" "Click!" "Click!" "Click!" "Click!"

Creepy and terrifying cracks instantly spread all over the rules and chains of the gods, as if they were the last swan song, the last afterglow burst out.

The overwhelming power of space instantly caused the entire God Realm to tremble. You must know that the current God Realm has five powerful super artifacts to suppress it.

Immediately, a dim sound sounded like wind and sand dispersing, and the shining and mysterious silver divine rules and chains of authority were completely dimmed and extinguished, dissipating in the core and origin of the God Realm.

The next moment...

The four great divine kings of life, destruction, kindness, and evil in the divine realm, and more than a dozen first-level gods who remain in the divine realm, even possess the title of god and control the hearts of many second- and third-level gods who have the rules and authority of the divine realm. There was a moment of sadness.

"The God of Space...has fallen...even the rules and authority of the god's position are completely broken..."

"How is it possible... The God of Space's strength and difficulty are among the best among all the first-level gods, and he can tangle with the God King for a long time, how is it possible..."

"God Lord..."


Shock, anger, madness, panic, and many other emotions quickly rose in the hearts of the four great god kings of the God Realm, as well as many first-level gods, second-level gods, third-level gods, and even many divine servants, especially those wielded by the God of Space. Second level gods, third level gods.

However, before the gods could react, the entire God Realm began to tremble in disorder. Even the five most powerful super artifacts in the God Realm suppressed it, but they could not reduce this terrifying shock by half.

Although the space of the God Realm is not full of cracks as it was not long ago, the situation is more serious than before.

If the many cracks in the God Realm before had only slightly shaken the foundation and stability of the God Realm, then at this moment, it is equivalent to the foundation of the God Realm, which maintains the underlying rules of the God Realm, being directly wiped out.

It's like an important piece of structure in the building blocks has been erased. Although it is not the most core structure, it directly makes the building blocks incomplete and a part is completely missing.

For the God Realm, if this important structure is erased, the world's level and energy level will cause an almost irreversible downgrade, especially for a world like the God Realm that relies on many planes in the lower world for stability. In other words, even more so.

At the moment when the rules and authority of the God of Space were shattered, the four God Kings of Life, Destruction, Kindness, and Evil who were most closely connected with the God Realm all felt the cry of the God Realm, and at the same time they also felt the God Realm's cry. The rules, authority and power began to decline rapidly.

Although the magnitude of the fall was not large, only one percent, and it only represented one percent of the power of the god, it still made the four great god kings of life, destruction, kindness, and evil extremely angry.

The eyes of the two great god kings of destruction and evil were full of furious glare.

"What did Shura do to eat? He actually caused the space to fall, and even the god's throne was completely shattered..."

Although the two gods of life and kindness are full of anger, they are undoubtedly much calmer than the two gods of destruction and evil.

"No, something happened in the lower realm. It is absolutely impossible for a Silver Dragon King to make Shura and the others like this..."

"The connection between the center of the God Realm and the void of the lower plane has been completely blocked, and it is impossible to communicate with the Shura God."

As the words of the two God-Kings of Life and Kindness fell, the God-King of Destruction could no longer bear to show his true form, as if the idea of ​​destruction that silenced all things suddenly came.

"Life, kindness, evil, you sit in the divine world, I will go to the lower world..."

But before the God King of Destruction could finish his words, the rules and authority of several divine positions representing the Seven Elemental Gods in the core center of the God Realm and the origin area began to collapse one after another like dominoes.

In an instant, the already trembling God Realm began to intensify in vain. The eyes of the four great God Kings of Life, Destruction, Kindness, and Evil instantly revealed a look of incomparable horror, and a hint of shock quietly appeared in the deepest part of their eyes.

"not good!!"

"Damn it, the Seven Elemental Gods..."

"how is this possible······"

"What happened in the lower realm..."     The next moment, the extremely blazing fire, the ethereal wind, the thick and boundless earth, the water that contains all things, the dazzling light, the deep and empty darkness, the six elements The vision of rules instantly illuminated the entire God Realm plane, and then completely dimmed.

Immediately, the six major rules of fire, wind, water, earth, light, and darkness in the God Realm completely disappeared.

Many second-level gods and third-level gods under the control of the seven main gods of the elements only feel that the rules and authority of their own gods have begun to weaken crazily. In particular, some existences that can reach the level of second-level gods and third-level gods have fallen directly. Up the rank.

Even one of the third-level gods who had only ascended to the gods for a hundred years had his status shattered.

Even the gods who had little connection with the Seven Elemental Gods began to lose their breath rapidly.

At this moment, even with the five most powerful super artifacts suppressing the void, countless space cracks began to spread quietly on the wall of the God Realm, and they were different from the simple void cracks on the God Realm plane before.

With the five most powerful super artifacts suppressing the void of the God Realm, the strength of the God Realm Wall has reached an extremely terrifying level. The terrifying power of the Void Cracks generated by such a strong plane wall has no trace of it. It is no less than facing the attack of a super artifact.

If the void cracks in the wall of the God Realm spread to the interior of the God Realm, only the gods with the strength of the first level can resist it. Even if they can resist it, they will be seriously injured directly.

And the most important thing is that this is not just a crack in space, but the collapse of the entire divine realm.

Although the Seven Elemental Gods are only first-level gods and are not as good as the five god-kings in the god world, as the most basic and original elemental rules and controllers of authority, they are no less important to the god world than any god-king-level existence in the god world.

"Crack!" "Crack!" "Crack!" "Crack!"

The terrifying pressure of the collapse of the rules and authority of the divine realm instantly caused the five super artifacts that suppressed the void of the divine realm, the Tree of Life, the Scepter of Destruction, the Heart of Kindness, the Scale of Judgment, and the Shura Demonic Sword, to sound like crazy. Like whining.

Incomparably powerful regular divine patterns are constantly flashing on the five super artifacts, as if they cannot withstand the terrifying pressure of the God Realm and are on the verge of collapse.

Feeling the cry coming from the super artifact, the faces of the four great god kings of life, destruction, kindness, and evil instantly became extremely ugly. The true form of the god king level quickly materialized and manifested, just like the pillars of the god world, exerting influence on the god world. Vibration suppresses.

At the same time, divine thoughts quickly reverberated in the God Realm.

The next moment, the true bodies of many first-level gods, second-level gods, and third-level gods in the God Realm all appeared, and the bright divine light and fluctuations of rules and authority quickly occupied the entire God Realm.


The lower plane is void!

The originally aloof Supreme Law Enforcer of the God Realm and one of the Five God Kings, Shura God, was in an extremely embarrassed state at the moment. Although his eyes were still cold, the extremely powerful God King's true body was covered with countless cracks that were difficult to heal. His left arm I don't even know when it will disappear.

The fracture is still lingering with the tooth marks of the seven-fold elemental wave of destruction, as if it was torn apart directly by a terrifying beast. The terrifying wave of elemental destruction crazily suppresses and erodes the true form of the God King of God Shura, hindering its recovery.

Just like an incomplete porcelain full of cracks, there are countless fluctuations of strong killing intent on the cracks, and the shining blood spreads all over the entire body of God Shura, constantly floating in the void of the plane. .

The originally majestic, powerful, and gorgeous divine armor on his body had lost all its charm, and was obviously permanently destroyed.

However, for this reason, the Silver Dragon King's body was also covered with numerous Shura sword marks that were deeply visible to the bones, lingering with terrifying murderous intent. The heaviest Shura sword mark almost split the Silver Dragon King's head open, and the dragon's horn was even broken. A piece of it.

If Qin Mo's 'Qiankun Cauldron' hadn't deflected Shura God's attack, the Silver Dragon King might have been killed first before he could see Shura God fall.

Even the 'Nine-Hearted Begonia', which possesses the ultimate life-restoring power, is unable to recover the god-king-level terrifying murderous intent above the sword mark. However, even so, there is no fear in the eyes of the Silver Dragon King, instead, an almost crazy expression is revealed. excited.

In comparison, Qin Mo, who was holding the 'Qiankun Cauldron', seemed like an outsider, with no scars even visible on his body.

But in fact, most of the injuries on God Shura were attributed to Qin Mo, and Qin Mo was not without injuries, but they were all restored by the 'Qiankun Cauldron'. Even the most original power of the 'Douluo Plane' was Nearly one-tenth was consumed.

If it weren't for the previous attachment of Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong with the authority of the gods, this one-tenth loss might have caused the plane level of the 'Douluo Plane' to drop.

But precisely because of this, the aura on God Shura's body at this moment is less than half of what it was when he arrived, and the God King's real body, which is full of cracks, seems to be likely to shatter at any time.

Not only the God of Shura, but the auras of the God of Poseidon, God of Death, God of Emotions and other gods who were fighting with Tang San, Dai Mubai, Oscar, Qian Renxue and others were also extremely weakened.

Originally, the battle situation was more than that. Although with the power of Qin Mo's 'Dojo' and the absolute growth blessing of Ning Rongrong's 'Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda', Tang San, Dai Mubai, Oscar, Qian Renxue and others were in a position of strength in terms of hard power. above the suppressed gods such as the God of Poseidon, God of Death, and God of Emotions.

But as a god who has survived for who knows how many thousands of years, with his combat experience far exceeding that of Tang San, Dai Mubai, Oscar, Qian Renxue and others, as well as his divine weapons and magical skills, he finally maintained the battle situation, and even relied on The familiarity with the rules and authority of the divine position once suppressed Tang San, Oscar, and Dai Mubai.

But as the first-level gods of the seven elements fell into the hands of the Silver Dragon King, a trace of fear could not be suppressed in the hearts of many gods except God Shura.

As the enemy of the gods in the divine realm, the Silver Dragon King has been studying the understanding and weaknesses of the divine realm for countless years.

Although the Silver Dragon King's own divine status rules and authority are essentially maintained in the realm of gods, and have also been weakened by the complete shattering and annihilation of the seven elemental gods, in order to be able to kill Shura God, the Silver Dragon King can no longer care too much. too much.

And with the fall of the Seven Elemental Gods, the fragmentation of the divine throne weakened the rules and authority of the divine throne, and the strength faded, which caused the trace of fear in the hearts of the gods to grow crazily.

On the other hand, Tang San, Dai Mubai, and Oscar, who possessed Ye Lingling's extremely powerful recovery ability, did not have the slightest fear or fear.

Under the circumstances, Qin Mo's side quietly began to gain the upper hand, and this slight advantage began to grow rapidly like a snowball.

And that was the moment when the previous generation of Rakshasa God was torn into countless pieces by Bibi Dong, who was full of hatred, violence, and murderous intent, regardless of any cost, almost perishing together, and was torn into countless pieces.

The avalanche is coming...

······(end of this chapter)

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