The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 257 God Shura: I lost, but there is no such thing in the God Realm

As Bibi Dong almost abused all traces of the previous generation of Rakshasa gods in the world, the despair, hatred, and murderous intent did not weaken at all, but instead became more and more horrifying and terrifying screams instantly erupted.

The despair, evil, evil thoughts, rules, and authority in the Rakshasa God's throne reached its peak directly in this shocking scream of terror, which was even more terrifying than in the hands of the Rakshasa God of the previous generation.

The deep purple Rakshasa divine light instantly caused the remaining gods in the entire battlefield to tremble, as if they had encountered the most feared existence in their lives. The fear born in the deepest heart could no longer be suppressed at this moment. come out.

Not only the gods of the divine world, but also Tang San, Dai Mubai, and Oscar, who knew that Bibi Dong was on their side, also showed a little unnaturalness.

In the entire battlefield, apart from Qin Mo, Silver Dragon King, and Shura God, whose strength exceeded Bibi Dong, only Qian Renxue, who had the status of Angel God, was not affected at all.

It is obvious that the rules and authority controlled by the Qian Renxue Angel God are almost completely opposite to the rules and authority controlled by the Bibi Dong Rakshasa God.

But under the deep purple Rakshasa divine light at this moment, he was not affected at all, and even felt a faint warmth and... an inexplicable sense of fit.

Under this feeling, Qian Renxue was stunned for a moment in the battle with Poseidon.

For a god whose combat power reaches the first level, a split second is undoubtedly enough to determine life or death. Even if the Poseidon's combat power cannot kill Qian Renxue, it is still enough to severely injure Qian Renxue.

But Poseidon strangely did not launch an attack, as if he had lost consciousness under Bibi Dong's Rakshasa light, and missed the chance to kill, but there was an inexplicable look in his eyes.

From that moment of daze, Qian Renxue, who woke up, immediately noticed something abnormal. Although the deep purple Rakshasa light erupted by Bibi Dong was enough to make even the gods tremble, it was impossible for the Poseidon, who was a top first-level god, to be frightened. Losing consciousness over it.

The bright golden eyes looked at Poseidon, the God of the Sea, for an instant, and the next moment, a hint of understanding flashed through his eyes.

Not only the Poseidon, but also several major gods in other battlefields also made some changes, especially some of the gods whose creatures from the lower realms ascended to the divine realm.

As a god who has survived for who knows how many epochs, he is undoubtedly a cunning and extremely life-saving existence. How could he not see the situation at this moment?

The death of the Seven Elemental Gods and the previous generation Rakshasa God has already made the rest of the gods tremble. In addition, the rules and authority of the gods are constantly weakening.

And at this moment, God King Shura was completely at a disadvantage, with extremely tragic injuries all over his body, and his breath had dropped to less than half, which made the other gods lose their morale.

The most important thing is that after the death of the Seven Elemental Gods, several gods such as the God of Poseidon and the God of Emotions immediately noticed anomalies. The rules and authority of the gods after the death of the Seven Elemental Gods did not seem to have returned to the God Realm.

Instead, they were swallowed up by the magical ‘Qiankun Cauldron’ and turned into their own heritage. Otherwise, even if their divine rules and authority were weakened, they would never be weakened to such an exaggerated degree.

Especially after sensing that Qian Renxue, who clearly has the status of an angel in the divine world, and Bibi Dong, who has the status of a Rakshasa in the divine world, the rules and authority of the gods in the body are not like them. With the fall of the seven elemental gods, The god's throne was shattered and weakened. Instead, it quietly became stronger, and there were even vague speculations.

Living gods are always much stronger than fallen and broken gods...

Tang San, Dai Mubai, and Oscar, who were astute, also felt the changes in an instant, with a hint of strangeness in their eyes.

However, there is an alien among the gods. Under this situation, the killing and fighting intent in his body became even more crazy. Even the gods, divine rules, and authority in his body were under his madness, and exploded beyond the limit. Strong combat power.

"Crack!" "Crack!" "Crack!"

Slight shattering sounds continued to be heard in the sea of ​​consciousness of the God of Death, and the divine body in the body quietly began to crack. The terrifying power even directly caused the body of the God of Death to begin to crack irregularly.

Ma Hongjun, who was opposite the God of Death, was under great pressure in an instant. He originally relied on the increase in the 'Dojo', 'Nine Treasures Glazed Tower' and the healing power of 'Nine Hearts Begonia' to gain the upper hand, but now he was under the madness of the God of Death. The situation was brought back.

The killing god didn't care about his own backlash, and the overwhelming combat power he unleashed reached the level of a first-level god even under the suppression of Qin Mo's 'dojo'.

Although it can only reach the energy level of a first-level god, it has undoubtedly undergone an almost earth-shaking change from the second-level god. In the God Realm, the first-level god is known as the 'Main God'.

And even if Ma Hongjun has the boost and blessing of Qin Mo's 'Dojo', Ning Rongrong's 'Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda', plus his own 'Phoenix' martial spirit, his combat power can only reach the combat power of the top level two gods.

Facing the killing god who has reached the first level of god's killing ability, it is inevitable to be at a disadvantage.

However, although Ma Hongjun was at a disadvantage at this moment, there was no negative emotion in his eyes, and the fire of fighting in his eyes burning like flaming stars became even more surging.

Feeling the scars on his body that were constantly cracking under the madness and desperate efforts of the killing god, Ma Hongjun's eyes quietly revealed a trace of ruthlessness.

The next moment, he faced the God of Death with a sword that reached the level of a first-level god.


With a sword with extreme killing power, even Ye Linglingdu's 'Nine Heart Begonia' had no time to heal, and it directly split Ma Hongjun in half, and the extremely hot divine blood spilled into the void.

"Hong Jun!"


In an instant, the battlefield froze, and Tang San, Dai Mubai, Lin Nuo and others showed expressions of fright and fury on their faces, and they screamed out in surprise.

The gods who were fighting with Tang San, Dai Mubai, Lin Nuo and others quietly froze upon seeing this and did not continue to attack.

Not only Tang San, Dai Mubai, and Lin Nuo, but also Qin Mo, Silver Dragon King, and Shura God in the main battlefield also quietly stopped.

Among them, Qin Mo's eyes were extremely calm, while the Silver Dragon King was thoughtful. As for the Shura God, he quietly showed a hint of fatigue. Although it was still cold, the divine light in his eyes was undoubtedly much dimmed, especially when he saw the other people. Even more so after God’s move.

Compared to Tang San, Dai Mubai, and Lin Nuo, Oscar, who had the fastest thinking and reaction, was shocked and angry at first, but in an instant, a flash of inspiration flashed through his mind.

In particular, he felt that the life breath on Ma Hongjun's body that was divided into two did not weaken at all, but became more and more fiery.

Oscar suddenly realized, and then he quickly took a breath and looked at Ma Hongjun's split body scattered in the void, with a hint of wonder in his eyes: "His, it's the Phoenix Nirvana, it's so cruel..."

Sure enough, the next moment...


The extremely hot, bright, and vast Phoenix True Fire rose in vain. In an instant, the dark and gloomy void of the plane directly turned into daylight. The Phoenix's blood was like the sun, and the haze was gorgeous and almost poignant. A blood-stained Phoenix soared in the fire.

"Phoenix... Nirvana!"

Ma Hongjun's voice quietly echoed in the void of the plane.    The next moment······

The sound of phoenix moves the sky! Divine light blooms, auspicious colors radiate everywhere, endless bright divine feathers condense in the void of the plane, dazzling and shining in the sky!

After Nirvana, Ma Hongjun completely transformed into a phoenix god. His combat power, which had reached the top level of a second-level god, instantly broke through and directly entered the level of a first-level god.

The blazing, extremely bright golden phoenix true fire instantly ignited the void of the plane, turning the void of the plane into a world of phoenix flames.


A noble and incomparably beautiful phoenix cry echoed.

The world of brilliant golden flames exploded, instantly sealing the God of Death, like an oven. The pure and terrifying flames seemed to burn down the void of the plane.

The extremely hot and terrifying brilliant phoenix flames burned everything, instantly covering every inch of the God of Death's body, and spreading directly towards the cracks on the God of Death's body, the body, the mind, the power, and even the God of Death's throne. , all burned and destroyed by madness.

As the owner of the divine beast 'Fire Phoenix' martial spirit, Ma Hongjun can be regarded as the absolute number one among many geniuses such as Tang San, Dai Mubai, and Oscar in terms of extreme killing ability, breaking the boundaries of first-class gods. After the battle, the terror of the phoenix flames reached the extreme.

In just an instant, the extremely hot and terrifying brilliant phoenix flames will erupt at all costs, causing the killing power to reach the level of a first-level god, and most of the life fluctuations will be wiped out in an instant.


The world of flames dissipated, and Ma Hongjun, who had transformed into a phoenix god, returned to his true form. His eyes were extremely calm as he looked at the God of Death with only a trace of residual breath left in the distance and black marks all over his body.

The only remaining breath of the God of Death now lacks the madness and murderous intent in his eyes, but only calmness and pity. It can be seen from his plain eyes that the God of Death has obviously anticipated his own ending.

I originally thought that with my crazy and desperate efforts, I could at least cause some losses to the other party, but I didn’t expect...

The remaining will of the God of Killing swept across the bodies of the gods on the battlefield in an instant, quietly revealing a trace of sarcasm and contempt, and then turned into a dull expression and fell on God Shura, his eyes full of reverence.

The divine body covered with charred traces knelt in vain in the void, and a weak, hoarse voice echoed in the void.

"God of Death...Farewell...His Majesty the God King!!!"

After finishing speaking, the remaining breath of life of the God of Death was completely extinguished, and the divine body covered with black marks began to spontaneously ignite in vain. The golden phoenix true fire instantly completely annihilated the God of Death's divine body.


Just like the sound of wind and sand falling to the ground, a bottle in the void was filled with countless cracks, and the illusory throne with the rules of killing and fluctuations in authority quietly condensed. It was obvious that this was the throne of the God of Death.

Within the scope covered by Qin Mo's 'dojo', even if the gods fall, their divine status cannot break away from the constraints and return to the divine realm.

Looking at the God of Death's throne that was full of cracks in the void, Ma Hongjun's body flashed with fire and his divine power fluctuated slightly. Golden flames swept across and directly put away the God of Death's throne.

The faces of the gods who felt the meaning of the God of Death's last gaze were all extremely stiff, especially those gods who were closely related to the God of Death. A trace of shame flashed in their eyes, but soon the faces of the gods turned stiff and ashamed. Then disappear quickly.

After all, in front of life, their faces don't matter at all.

Even after the death of the God of Death, he no longer even tried to hide it, but directly showed his surrender.

But at this moment, God Shura was looking at the void where the God of Death had completely dissipated. A moment of regret quietly flashed through his extremely cold and indifferent eyes, which should have been impossible to express any regret.

But in an instant, the bloody Shura divine light flashed, directly wiping out the regret at that moment. He was the God King, the highest God King in the God Realm...

His cold, indifferent eyes instantly glanced at the gods who showed their surrender, especially staying on Poseidon for the longest time.

Under the cold, indifferent gaze of God Shura, all the gods lowered their heads unnaturally. Although Poseidon, who had been gazed at by God Shura for the longest time, had shame in his eyes, he seemed to want to say something to God Shura.

However, after seeing the cold and indifferent gaze of God Shura without any wavering of faith, Poseidon finally closed his eyes.

"God Shura! You lose!"

The 'Silver Dragon King', whose body was covered with scars, turned into a human form at some point, with an extremely cheerful look in his eyes, and a cold, indifferent voice echoed in the void of the plane.

Although God Shura was slightly absent-minded at this moment, neither Qin Mo nor the Silver Dragon King took advantage of this opportunity to take action.

But it's not that I don't want to take action, it's that I can't. Sometimes injured or even dying prey is more dangerous. Even those as strong as Qin Mo and the Silver Dragon King are never willing to face Shura God's fatal blow.

The voice of the 'Silver Dragon King' instantly turned God Shura's attention, but he ignored the Silver Dragon King and instead fixed his gaze on Qin Mo, especially on the 'World Cauldron' in Qin Mo's palm.


In the right palm full of bloody cracks, the Shura Demonic Sword, which had been broken and condensed countless times, shattered again. This time, Shura God did not continue to condense, as if it had completely given up all resistance.

But even in the face of such a situation, God Shura's face covered with many bloody cracks still had an unparalleled grace, and there was no fluctuation in the cold, indifferent blood eyes.

"But it's a pity that aliens like you can be born in the lower realm..."

God Shura looked at Qin Mo with a hint of sigh in his eyes.

The moment Shura's mythical voice fell, there was obviously no fluctuation, but Qin Mo's pupils shrank instantly, and a trace of badness appeared in his heart. The 'Qiankun Cauldron' in his palm exploded, and the power of the 'Dojo' was instantly activated to the extreme. Wanting to stop God Shura's actions.

Without paying any attention to Qin Mo's actions, God Shura's eyes quietly fell on the Silver Dragon King, and his extremely calm voice sounded.

"I lost, but... there is no such thing in the God Realm..."


A bloody light that seemed to penetrate the endless world rose into the sky.

······(end of this chapter)

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