The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 258 Shura dies! The Shura Demonic Sword screams! Blood rains from the God Realm!

The soaring blood light that penetrated the universe, carrying the divine king's supreme and almost limitless might, instantly broke through the shackles of the 'dojo' set by Qin Mo.

The terrifying power directly caused the 'Qiankun Cauldron' in Qin Mo's palm to be violently shaken, and a clear crack even opened directly on the cauldron.

Fortunately, although this power was extremely powerful, it was not directed at Qin Mo. The nine-color rule divine light flashed and the cracks were quickly closed.

But at this moment, Qin Mo's eyes did not stay on the 'Qiankun Cauldron' at all. Instead, he focused all his eyes on the Shura God in the blood-light core.

At the same time, the 'dojo' is no longer restricted or bound. In other words, facing the Shura God in this state, he has just refined the 'Douluo Plane', a plane world, and the power provided can no longer be restrained. .

Qin Mo can't stop it at all...

Looking at God Shura in the bloody light, his body was incomplete, full of cracks, his armor was shattered, and his body's divine power was almost exhausted. His body, which had reached the peak level of the God King, gradually began to fade and dissipate, turning into a tunnel that penetrated the sky like a tunnel. The bloody Shura divine light.

The rules and authority of the god-king-level Shura god in the body are also constantly transformed and illusory, gradually dissipating along the bloody divine light that spans the world.

Qin Mo's eyes showed a trace of sincere admiration. With Qin Mo's strength and understanding of the rules and authority of the world, he could naturally see what God Shura was doing.

If the Shura God in front of him is a generation of gods like the two great god kings of life and destruction in the divine world, then it is not surprising to make this choice, but he is not...

Even Qin Mo never thought that God Shura would go to such an extent. Indeed, as God Shura said, he lost, but there is no such thing in the God Realm...

You must know that even if Shura God, whose body is incomplete, his power is exhausted and his body is full of cracks, wants to escape, even Qin Mo and the Silver Dragon King may not dare to say that they can keep him [-]%.

Once you successfully escape and return to the God Realm, relying on the powerful rules and authority in the God Realm, you can completely recover in a short period of time, but the God Realm is completely in extreme chaos at the moment.

Even if God Shura successfully returned to the God Realm and regained all his combat power, it would actually not be of much help to the God Realm.

After all, most of the combat power in the God Realm has been held back by the God Realm.

But at this moment, the decision made by God Shura directly broke the situation...

If we say that the Seven Elemental Gods fell and their thrones were completely shattered, and were swallowed up and absorbed by Qin Mo's 'dojo' and turned into the foundation of the 'Qiankun Cauldron', causing the rules of the God Realm to collapse, it was like being torn apart and constantly losing their origins. Like a crack, the level of the plane began to drop continuously.

So, what Shura God is doing at this moment is to use his god-king-level cultivation and origin, as well as the rules and authority of Shura God’s position, and even everything he owns as sacrifices to Spirit world.

Permanently return the rules and authority of the Shura God's throne to the God Realm, and forcibly close the torn rules gap in the God Realm.

Even though the rules and authority of God Shura's position are not as basic as those of the Seven Elemental Gods, they cannot make up for the loss of the divine realm.

However, relying on God Shura's extremely powerful strength and origin, which is as high as the God-King level, and the supreme status of God-King in the God Realm, it is enough to bridge the cracks in the rules of the God Realm without leaving any hidden dangers.

Even because of the profound origin accumulated by God Shura over endless years, the hidden dangers caused by directly separating the 'Douluo Plane', an important source pillar of the God Realm, were solved together.

Although it cannot completely return the God Realm to its previous peak level, it will no longer let the level of the God Realm plane fall, and with the supplement of the rules and authority of Shura God's supreme position, it also makes the God Realm suppress the God Realm. The four great god kings of life, destruction, kindness, and evil, as well as the combat power of many gods, were completely liberated.

In the bloody light across the world, the figure of God Shura gradually became illusory, and those cold, indifferent blood-colored eyes continued to dim, and the divine light gradually disappeared.

But even so, the fierce aura exuded by God Shura has not diminished at all, and is even worse than the peak during the battle. Even though God Shura at this moment did not put his eyes on everyone present, but It's like I'm stuck in memories.

But the gods who chose to surrender, as well as Tang San, Dai Mubai, Oscar, and Ma Hongjun, felt the power as if the sky was collapsing.

The only ones who were unaffected were Qin Mo and the Silver Dragon King. Facing Shura God in this state, even though the Silver Dragon King hated him extremely, he couldn't help but feel some respect in his heart.

How could a god-king-level being not know what God Shura was doing at the moment?

In comparison, the gods in the distance were a bit unsightly, and a hint of disdain and contempt quietly flashed through the Silver Dragon King's extremely cold dragon eyes.

If she wasn't in charge of the situation at this moment, with her temper, she would have torn those gods into pieces long ago.

But admiration is admiration. If the Silver Dragon King hadn't known that her strength at the moment was not enough to interrupt the bloody divine light across the sky, it would have been impossible for the Silver Dragon King to show mercy.

It is impossible to destroy the blood light lingering around God Shura unless the Dragon God at her peak is still alive or she devours the 'Golden Dragon King' who is suppressed in the God Realm.


The bloody divine light that penetrated the endless void gradually dimmed. The Shura God within the bloody divine light was now illusory to the point of being almost invisible. It was obvious that when the bloody divine light completely dissipated, it was the Shura in front of him. When God is eternally silent.

At this moment, the Shura God in the bloody light has lost all thinking ability, and only a little bit of his origin is left. He continues to sacrifice according to the remaining will of the Shura God until he is completely extinct.

Qin Mo watched extremely calmly as the bloody divine light in front of him and the Shura God in the divine light gradually disappeared. The divine light of the 'Qiankun Cauldron' in his palm did not know when to completely dissipate.

The God of Poseidon, God of Emotions, and other gods who were divided into various voids and chose to surrender, as well as Tang San, Dai Mubai, and Oscar also gathered in the void not far from Qin Mo, quietly Qin Mo waited patiently without disturbing him.

As for the Silver Dragon King, although he was extremely disdainful and contemptuous of the surrendered gods, he did not say much. However, there was a trace of deep malice in his cold dragon eyes when he looked at the surrendered gods. .


Finally, the moment an inaudible sound resounded in the void, the bloody divine light that penetrated the endless void completely dissipated.

Only then did Tang San, Dai Mubai, and Oscar dare to step forward and speak.

"Boss Mo..."

Oscar's figure flickered slightly, and he instantly crossed the void and appeared in front of Qin Mo as if teleporting. He obviously wanted to ask what to do with the gods who chose to surrender.

But before Oscar could finish his words, Qin Mo shook his head slightly and made a slight stroke with his right palm in the void in front of him.


A space rift that is completely different from a void rift, lingering with the divine light of the Nine Layers of Rules, appears. It is obvious that this space rift is the passage leading to the 'Douluo Plane'.

Then Qin Mo's eyes fell directly on the God of Poseidon, the God of Emotions... and several other gods who chose to surrender.

His eyes were extremely dull. Just as the Silver Dragon King looked down upon and disdained these surrendered gods, Qin Mo also looked down upon them in his heart.

If it were not for their complete divine rules and authority, it would indeed be of great benefit to the 'Qiankun Cauldron' and the 'Douluo Plane' within it, and could greatly enhance the capabilities of the 'Qiankun Cauldron' and the 'Douluo Plane' Energy level, if this is not the case...

An indifferent voice instantly echoed in the void of the plane: "Imprint all the rules and authority of the gods in your body on the 'Douluo Plane'..." Qin Mo's indifferent voice instantly made the bodies of the surrendered gods shake. Trembling, but he reacted instantly, his eyes flashed with joy, and he quickly responded yes.

Then without a trace of hesitation, it turned directly into a stream of light and submerged into the 'Douluo Plane' space channel that Qin Mo tore open.

When all the surrendered gods entered the 'Douluo Plane', Qin Mo looked at Oscar, Ma Hongjun, and Tang San and said with a smile: "Oscar, I will leave those gods to you, old man Dai, Hongjun..."

After hearing Qin Mo's instructions, Oscar, Lin Nuo, and Tang San all nodded in response: "Don't worry, Boss Mo, we will digest the gains from this battle as soon as possible..."

Immediately, like those gods, they turned directly into streams of light and submerged into the space passage leading to the 'Douluo Plane'.

Just a moment...

In the entire void of the plane, only Qin Mo and the Silver Dragon King were left.

Looking at the Silver Dragon King who was even weaker than before, Qin Mo's eyes flashed with a trace of thoughtfulness.

"Silver Dragon King, how about another deal..."



The bloody Shura divine light instantly penetrated the void of the endless plane and appeared on the boundary wall of the God Realm across endless distances.

Without the slightest hindrance, the bloody Shura divine light quickly integrated into the boundary wall of the God Realm, directly dyeing the originally invisible and formless plane boundary wall with a layer of blood.

And at the moment when the bloody Shura divine light merged into the boundary wall of the God Realm.

The four great god kings of life, destruction, kindness, and evil within the realm of the gods, as well as many first-level gods, second-level gods, third-level gods, and even the godly servants without godly status, all felt a light on their bodies. The vast sense of oppression caused by the collapse of the plane completely dissipated.

Even suppressing the void of the God Realm plane, except for the 'Shura Demon Sword', the four super divine weapons, the 'Tree of Life', 'The Scepter of Destruction', 'The Heart of Kindness' and 'The Scale of Judgment' He was also completely liberated and returned to the hands of the four great god kings of life, destruction, good, and evil.

At the same time, the origin of the divine plane that was constantly escaping also stagnated instantly, as if it was completely blocked by some powerful force.

It is obviously a happy event, but the faces of the four great god kings of life, destruction, kindness, and evil, as well as many first-level gods, second-level gods, third-level gods, and even the divine attendants without god status, do not show the slightest joy on their faces. There were extremely ugly, angry, doubtful, fearful and disbelieving expressions.

"God King Shura... has fallen!!!"

" is this possible..."

"That's the most powerful God King is that possible..."

"No, I don't believe it..."

"Fake...must be fake..."

Many first-level gods, second-level gods, and third-level gods in the God Realm all sense the fluctuations of Shura God's position being completely integrated into the God Realm plane from their own divine positions.

At this moment, even those who were as powerful as a first-level god had expressions of disbelief or doubt on their faces.

Even if they can clearly sense the rules and power fluctuations of Shura God contained in the rules of the God Realm from the god's throne, they are still extremely suspicious in their hearts.

The moment the four great god-kings of life, destruction, kindness, and evil sensed the changes in the rules of the divine realm, the surrounding void of the divine realm instantly collapsed. The unparalleled pressure of the unparalleled god-kings raged crazily, and countless terrifying and deep cracks in the plane space spread.

Especially after getting the message that Shura God conveyed to them before his death from the blood light.

The eyes of the four great god kings of life, destruction, kindness, and evil erupted with coldness, coldness, and fury that could destroy everything. Even the two great god kings of life and kindness, who never liked fighting, were filled with endless energy at this moment. murderous intent.

And at the same time...

The originally ordinary sky in the God Realm completely turned into blood, and the scarlet-colored clouds directly enveloped the entire God Realm plane, as if announcing the exit of God Shura, the law enforcer of the God Realm and one of the five supreme God Kings.

"Zheng!" "Zheng!" "Zheng!" "Zheng!" "Zheng!" "Zheng!"

All living beings in the God Realm, including the 'Golden Dragon King' who was under suppression, heard the trembling sound of the super-artifact 'Shura Demonic Sword' in their ears.

The next moment...


"Tick tock!!"

"Tick tock!!!"


Blood-like raindrops quietly began to drip from the bloody clouds that covered the entire God Realm, instantly dyeing the entire God Realm blood-colored.

The sound of blood-colored raindrops dripping under the trembling of the super-artifact 'Shura Demonic Sword' was like a child abandoned by his parents, crying in sorrow.

An uncontrollable sadness quietly emerged, and all the gods and creatures in the divine world, including the four great god kings of life, destruction, kindness, and evil, all had a faint redness in their eyes.

This is the sorrow of the divine realm, which cannot be suppressed at all...

This sadness even affected many lower planes controlled by the God Realm plane, and the blood rain spread quietly.

······(end of this chapter)

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