The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 259 From this moment on there will never be Shura! Plane transformation! Silver Dragon King&


When the entire God Realm and even most of the lower realms controlled by the God Realm were dyed scarlet, this event seemed to announce the exit of God King Shura, the law enforcer of the God Realm and one of the five supreme God Kings. The bloody rain gradually subsided.

The extremely oppressive blood-colored clouds that spread throughout the God Realm gradually dissipated as the blood rain subsided. However, although the clouds dispersed, the sky of the God Realm was dyed with a layer of blood for almost eternity.

No, not just the sky, it should be said that everything in the God Realm seems to have been adjusted to warm colors. The rules and authority of the God-King-level Shura God are not, after all, the basic element rules and authority controlled by the Seven Elemental Gods.

After closing the rift in the collapse of the God Realm, it also had a considerable impact on the most original rules and authorities of the God Realm. Even the rules and authorities of the gods who control the God Realm have also changed.

As the blood rain in the God Realm subsided and the dark clouds dissipated, the super-artifact 'Shura Demon Sword' that trembled in the void seemed to have lost its power and fell directly from the void in the God Realm.


Even though the super-artifact ‘Shura Demon Sword’ had no power fluctuation at all, when it fell into the void, the terrifying edge on the sword still cut an extremely deep and narrow crack into the void of the God Realm.

The terrifying sound of the sword, which made the gods tremble with fear, fell directly towards the land of the God Realm with a terrifying edge.

However, before the super-artifact 'Shura Demon Sword' landed, a divine thought filled with terrifying and destructive waves tore through the void with an extremely violent gesture, directly moving the 'Shura Demon Sword'.

The core center of the divine world······

At this moment, the true bodies of the four divine kings of life, destruction, kindness, and evil in the divine realm all descended. They felt the breath of Shura God completely dissipated in the center of the divine realm, and they were all silent.

Shocking and gloomy fluctuations lingered throughout the space. If this space were not located in the core area of ​​the God Realm, the terrifying fluctuations lingering on the four god kings alone would be enough to completely annihilate a large area of ​​the God Realm space and turn it into a forbidden zone for the gods.

With the power of endless destruction on his body and an extremely cold and stiff expression, the God of Destruction's divine thoughts were constantly sweeping through the core center of the God Realm, with extremely terrifying thoughts of destruction and killing in his eyes.

"Humanity... the mortal enemy of the gods..."

"Silver Dragon King...and Poseidon, Emotion..."

"It's very good..."

Although there were not many messages left behind by God Shura before his death, they were all extremely important and critical. The four great god kings of life, destruction, kindness, and evil all understood what Qin Mo wanted to do.

At the same time, he also hated the Silver Dragon King, as well as the God of Poseidon, the God of Emotions, and several other gods who had betrayed the God Realm.

The hatred is even stronger than that of Qin Mo, the initiator of the greatest threat.



The void collapsed in vain, and the 'Shura Demonic Sword' without a trace of power fluctuation, wrapped in the divine will of the God King of Destruction, instantly fell from the collapsed void.

In an instant...

The eyes of the four divine kings of life, destruction, kindness, and evil were instantly focused, with a trace of sorrow in their eyes.

Although the second generation of Shura Gods has fallen, the years of association with them are extremely long, so long that it is not even shorter than the first generation of Shura Gods, let alone everything that Shura Gods have done...

Before the fall of God Shura, the 'Shura Demon Sword', one of the five super divine weapons in the God Realm, was exuding extremely powerful power all the time even if it was not in the palm of God Shura.

Existences in the ordinary God Realm whose strength is lower than that of the second-level gods are not even qualified to look directly at the 'Shura Demon Sword'. They are stronger than the second-level gods, and even the first-level gods can be injured immediately if touched.

Even if they are both God-King-level beings, if they want to touch it, they need the permission of the master of the super-artifact. Otherwise, it is very likely to trigger the power of the super-artifact and destabilize the divine world.

The awe of the gods in the divine world for the 'Shura Demonic Sword' is even more exaggerated than the 'Destruction Scepter' which represents absolute destruction.

After all, the Shura God King who is in charge of the 'Shura Demon Sword' is the law enforcer of the God Realm and represents the absolute authority in the God Realm.

But at this moment, with the fall of God Shura...

The 'Shura Demonic Sword' is like the most ordinary and ordinary sword in the lower plane, without any fluctuations.

The rules and authority contained in it are in a state of absolute silence. If it were not for the extremely precious material, there would be no trace of magic at all.

If there is no response from the rules and authority of the Shura Godhead, there will be eternal silence...

The God King of Destruction slowly held the 'Shura Demonic Sword'. Even though there was no fluctuation at all, its terrifying edge alone directly drew a clearly visible sword mark in the void in the core area of ​​the God Realm. .

The terrifying edge of the sword alone is not inferior to the artifact of the first-level gods in the divine world, but not long ago, it was a super artifact that even the god kings were unwilling to face...

Feeling that there was no fluctuation in the palm of the God King of Destruction, as if the 'Shura Demon Sword' had lost all spirituality, authority, and rules, the eyes of the four great God Kings all revealed extremely dark and terrifying murderous intent.

They knew that from this moment onwards...there would never be Shura.


In an instant...

Four terrifying murderous thoughts instantly covered the entire God Realm. Under the vast pressure of the God King level and the terrifying murderous intent, the chaos caused by the fall of God Shura was instantly silenced.

All the gods and creatures in the divine world seemed to be frozen by these four levels of terrifying murderous intent. They did not dare to make the slightest move. The existences whose strength was lower than that of the first-level gods had their divine bodies trembling uncontrollably. The divine servants who did not have divine status knelt down directly. Prone to the ground.

Even if he is as powerful as a first-level god, he is still shocked at this moment.

The next moment, four powerful and domineering divine thoughts of the god kings burst out, and the orders of the four great god kings of life, destruction, kindness, and evil quickly rang out in the sea of ​​consciousness of the gods in the divine world.

Feeling the orders of the four great god kings in the sea of ​​consciousness that were full of endless anger and murderous intent, all the gods in the god world trembled. They did not dare to hesitate at all and bowed down, even if they were usually closely related to the god kings. There are no exceptions for good gods.

"I will obey the order of the God King!"

Immediately, countless powerful and bright divine lights burst out and began to gather in an instant.


The lower plane is void!

A miraculous stream of light instantly crossed the void of the endless plane and continued to approach the plane of the God Realm.

In the mysterious stream of light, the 'Qiankun Cauldron' lingering with the divine light of nine layers of rules was suspended above Qin Mo's head, annihilating all obstacles in the void of the plane.

It seemed vaguely that the incomparably mysterious world origin energy in the 'Qiankun Cauldron' was composed of thousands of strands, floating and falling around Qin Mo, like the three thousand avenues in myths and legends, condensing into an illusory world. A world of rules. “Buzz!”



The ancient and mysterious trembling sound continued to echo in the void of the plane. The terrifying trembling made the void of the plane along the way extremely chaotic, as if the entire world was in ruins.

Time, space and even the most basic rules are all in chaos.

Fortunately, there is no plane world along the way, otherwise this disorder of rules alone would be enough to plunge the plane world into doom.

With the presence of several first-level gods such as the God of Poseidon and the God of Emotions, they integrated their own rules and authority into the 'Douluo Plane'.

Not only did it directly replenish all the plane sources consumed in this battle, it even directly caused the 'Douluo Plane' to receive an immediate and huge improvement.

In addition, the gods who were completely shattered by the Silver Dragon King after the death of the Seven Elemental Gods have also greatly improved the 'Qiankun Ding'. Although they are not like living gods, they can directly contribute to the 'Douluo Plane'. It brings the origin, but also greatly enhances the rules and foundation of the 'Douluo Plane'.

In particular, the attribute rules of the Seven Elemental Gods are very close to the nine rules and authority controlled by Qin Mo, which greatly enhances Qin Mo's control.

And the most important thing is that after the 'Qiankun Cauldron' swallows up all the broken gods, if there is a genius born in the 'Douluo Plane' that matches it, then it can completely restore the rules and authority of the broken gods. gather.

However, the main reason why the 'Douluo Plane' has such an exaggerated improvement is not because of the group of surrendered gods and the broken throne of the Seven Elemental Gods, but... the Silver Dragon King!

The gods that have been integrated into the 'Douluo Plane' this time are not just the God of Poseidon and the God of Emotions...those first-level gods who chose to surrender, as well as the broken rules and authority of the seven fallen elemental gods.

What's more important is that the God-King-level Silver Dragon King has also chosen to connect his own divine rules and authority with the Douluo plane.

As a price, Qin Mo paid two conditions.

One: Use all your strength to help the Silver Dragon King devour the Golden Dragon King.

Two: If the beasts of the 'Douluo Plane' become gods, they are allowed to gather the gods of the 'Douluo Plane' and control the rules and authority of the world of the 'Douluo Plane'.

The former is for the Silver Dragon King to strengthen himself, while the latter is for the beasts to have a place in the future.

It was obvious that the Silver Dragon King had fully understood what Qin Mo wanted to do, and the choice made by the Silver Dragon King was undoubtedly a huge gamble.

If they win, it won't take long for the Dragon Clan and the Soul Beast Clan to return to the peak of the Dragon God Era, or even surpass the Dragon God Era.

If you will just be a fall.

But with the strength they possess at the moment, even if they are defeated, it will be enough to cause unimaginable damage to the God Realm. By then, the Dragon Clan and the Beast Clan will also be able to get countless years of breathing space.

In addition, God Shura has been completely destroyed, and even God Shura's status has been completely dissipated. No matter how you calculate it, the dragons and beasts have made a profit.

So the moment Qin Mo proposed the deal, the Silver Dragon King agreed without any hesitation, and directly integrated his divine rules and authority into the Douluo plane in front of Qin Mo.

Of course, in addition to these reasons, the more important reason is because of strength. The Silver Dragon King sees in Qin Mo a hope that has not appeared in endless years...

It is precisely because of the integration of the Silver Dragon King's divine rules and authority that the Douluo plane within the 'Qiankun Cauldron' has completely begun to transform.

The only pity is that the throne of God Shura was not left behind. If the Douluo plane in the 'Qiankun Cauldron' was able to swallow up and fuse the rules and authority of God Shura's throne.

The two god kings, more than ten first-level gods, as well as the divine rules and authority condensed by Tang San, Dai Mubai, Oscar and others, coupled with Qin Mo's own power, can completely control all the gods in the 'Qiankun Cauldron' The Douluo plane level has been upgraded to a plane world that is not weaker than the God Realm.

Moreover, the stability of the plane world definitely far exceeds that of the God Realm.

But even so, at this moment, the Douluo plane in the 'Qiankun Cauldron' has reached an extremely incredible strength.

In just one breath, the aura on Qin Mo's body became much stronger, as if there were no limits.

Not only Qin Mo, but also the Silver Dragon King in the Douluo plane within the ‘Qiankun Cauldron’, as well as several gods such as the God of the Sea and the God of Emotions who chose to surrender.

The rules, authority and power that were originally lost due to the fragmentation of the rules of the seven elemental gods and the collapse of the divine plane have also been restored.

And because the world rules of the Douluo Plane are far more stable than those of the God Realm, the power of the Silver Dragon King, Poseidon, Emotion God, and other surrendered gods has been improved.

Tang San, Oscar, Dai Mubai, Ning Rongrong and others, who had just ascended to the divine throne not long ago, reached the sky in one step and once again took a big step towards the path of gods.

Even some beings in the 'Douluo Plane' who are still some distance away from the realm of gods have directly entered the realm of gods through this plane transformation.

Among them are the other Deep Sea Demon Whale King Demon Emperor in the deep sea, the Ice Emperor Ice Sky Snow Girl of the Far North Continent, the Evil Emperor Evil Eye Tyrant Lord of the Demon Forest, and the golden-eyed black dragon King Ditian in the Star Dou Forest.

Although the cultivation years of these four ferocious beasts are still far behind a million years, in fact, if it were not for the fear of the Soul Beast Heavenly Tribulation, the talents of these four ferocious beasts would have already reached the million-year cultivation level.

For ordinary soul beasts, the number of years of cultivation is basically equal to the actual number of years of survival if there are no unexpected encounters, but for beings such as Emperor Tian, ​​Snow Emperor, Demon Emperor, and Evil Emperor, increasing the number of years of cultivation is just the simplest thing. .

Without the shackles of the Soul Beast Heavenly Tribulation, one million years of cultivation would be easy for these four ferocious beasts.

However, although these four ferocious beasts possess unique talents, they are not the ones who have improved the most during this transformation of the 'Douluo Plane'.

But Qin Dong, long before the transformation of the 'Douluo Plane', Qin Dong's martial soul, soul power, body, and blood had already reached the peak level below the gods.

Under the ten-fold increase in all attributes of the nine-turn 'inner elixir', it is no worse than a god with a divine status.

Looking at the foundation before becoming a god, looking at the gods in the eye world and the many planes in the lower world, only Qin Mo can be slightly better.

If it weren't for the purpose of condensing the most powerful god that suits him, he would have been able to break through and become a god long ago.

But this time, the transformation of the Douluo plane, coupled with the broken divine status rules and authority fusion of the God of Space among the Seven Elemental Gods, allowed Qin Dong to completely break the shackles, and as soon as he became a god, his power reached First level god level.

······(End of this chapter)

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